Source: NASA, Artist: Pat Rawlings SISO Smackdown Federation 2013 Project Plan The Exploration of Aitken Basin This plan identifies, for technical committee staff, the tasks associated with the management and direction of the SISO Smackdown event. Products include a Federation Agreement, Mission Scenario, the Federation Server, Technical Committee website, a Concept Catalog, a Starter Kit, and a 3D Visualization System. 1 2 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Location of the Simulated Mission ............................................................................... 5 2.2 Development Process .................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Work Breakdown Structure .......................................................................................... 7 3.0 Tasks ............................................................................................................................. 8 4.0 Deliverables ................................................................................................................ 11 5.0 Resources .................................................................................................................... 11 6.0 Schedules .................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix A. Federation Agreement ................................................................................. 13 References ................................................................................................................. 13 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 14 General Agreements...................................................................................................... 15 Principles for Updating Attributes and Ownership .................................................. 16 Time........................................................................................................................... 16 Exchange of Information............................................................................................... 17 Managing the Federation ............................................................................................. 17 Handling Output ........................................................................................................... 18 Federation Specifics...................................................................................................... 18 HLA Services used in Smackdown Federation ............................................................. 18 Appendix B. Applications and Libraries .......................................................................... 19 Appendix C. Space Exploration Architecture ................................................................... 21 Appendix D. Concept Catalog .......................................................................................... 22 Appendix E. Integrated Mission Scenario Events ............................................................ 26 Appendix F Glossary ........................................................................................................ 29 Space Exploration Architecture References ..................................................................... 30 3 4 SISO Smackdown Federation2013 Technical Committee Project Plan 1.0 Introduction Since 2011, the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) has hosted an annual event known as the Smackdown. A primary objective of this international event is to “smack-down” barriers to employment by giving college students hands-on experience with the High Level Architecture Standard (HLA) on a distributed simulation project. Volunteers from NASA serve as technical mentors to the participating teams, provide the simulation context, and manage the information infrastructure enables HLA federates to exchange data. Participating vendors provide free Run Time Infrastructure (RTI) and supporting development tools to the student teams during the development period and the demonstration at the annual Spring SISO Simulation Interoperability Workshop (SIW). Starting in the Fall of the previous year, the Smackdown Technical Committee develops the simulation context by describing a Lunar exploration architecture, defining requirements for needed simulation infrastructure, and negotiating Federation Agreement on how to apply the HLA standard to the simulation. In January and the months leading up to the event, the Technical Committee mentors the teams through technical presentations and conducting teleconferences to discuss detailed interactions and data exchanges among the HLA federates. Additionally, the Technical Committee hosts teleconference so teams can test federates and practice for the demonstration. 2.0 Scope The primary objective of the SISO Smackdown Federation Simulation event is to provide college seniors and graduate students with hands-on development experience with the HLA Evolved simulation standard. A secondary objective is to provide university teams from around the world an opportunity to work on an international space exploration architecture simulation. Considering these objectives, the simulation development effort ought to focus more on the interactions among federates and development teams than on the detailed physics and computer graphics. The Technical Committee will focus on the implementation of a 3D computer graphics display and associated federate, so the teams can concentrate on the generation of the position data. 2.1 Location of the Simulated Mission Lunar exploration provides opportunities for university teams to simulate a wide variety of systems. Appendix D describes more than 20 systems associated with transportation, manufacturing, communication, habitation, energy production, power distribution, and threat detection. This variety of systems enables participation by students from several engineering and computer science disciplines. Previous SISO Smackdown Federations simulated lunar missions located at Hadley Rille on the side of the Moon that faces the Earth. A distributed simulation activity at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Johnson Space Center (JSC), and Kennedy Space Center (KSC), produced a 280 square mile surface model of Aitken Basin, which is located on the far-side of the Moon. Using Unity 3D game engine and the C# programming language, the simulation drives objects around the Lunar surface. Figure 1 depicts scenes from the Lunar surface visualization environment in development at KSC. 5 Figure 1 Aitken Basin Lunar Surface Model with a Human Operated Rover (images courtesy of Mike Conroy) The past two Smackdown Federations included Lunar orbiting spacecraft and communications satellites. Discussions at the Fall 2012 SISO SIW identified a desire to conduct missions at the second Earth Moon Libration point (E-M L2) as well as at the Lunar surface. An Environment Federate, developed at JSC, enables a wide variety of space mission simulations because it generates a variety of Earth, Moon, and Sun centric reference frame coordinates. During the simulation, the Environment Federate published updated positions of the reference frames and simulated entities movement relative to those reference frames. If two federates use different reference frames and they exchange entity position data, they need to convert the positions to the current reference frames. 2.2 Development Process A variety of free space mission visualization software systems, with Application Programming Interfaces (API) are available on the Internet, including NASA GSFC’s General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT). The GMAT has an interface to MatLab, and Forward Sim offers a MatLab toolkit that enables integration of MatLab simulations with an RTI. Other free programs, such as Celestia, Orbiter, and Google Earth, have an API that enables a C++ or Java federate to drive the display. With the wealth of distributed simulation development tools, RTIs, environment federate, Lunar surface visualization, and programmable space mission visualization applications, the student teams could build any type of space mission simulation. Appendix B of this document identifies several applications and libraries where teams can gain a lot of leverage for physicsbased simulations as well as interactive 3D computer graphics displays. Section 6.0 below presents a high level development schedule based on the Federation Development and Execution Process (FEDEP). Based on the primary and secondary objectives of the SISO Smackdown Federation, a detailed development process ought to prioritize effort in this order: 1. Interaction with federates developed by other teams 2. Physics and logic that generates the data exchanged among federates 3. Data displays and computer graphics Initially, a federation can comprise of stub federates that publish and subscribe to positions and statuses. Each federate can write lines to the console that identify what was 6 sent and received. A generic federate can include the time management, publish, and subscribe, objects, and interactions. After demonstrating the generic simulation network, teams can focus on adding the detailed physics and mission oriented logic. Appendix C presents a space exploration architecture, Appendix D provides narrative descriptions of the systems in the architecture as a concept catalog, and Appendix E presents a detailed integrated mission scenario that highlights system interaction events. A detailed timeline depicts the events and approximately when the events occur during the simulation. The Technical Committee must decide on the duration of the simulation and document it in the Federation agreement. Participating teams need to highlight the events of interest to an audience and revise the timeline and integrated mission scenario. Teams from universities that participated in previous SISO Smackdown Federation events have the option of giving up their old federates for adoption by new teams, so they can create new federates. Adopting a federate is a quick way for a new team to get started in development; also, it teaches teams to develop their code for reusability. 2.3 Work Breakdown Structure The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), depicted in Figure 2, identifies products and services to be developed and deployed by the Technical Committee. Appendix A contains the Federation Agreement from the 2012 SISO Smackdown; a task described in this plan will update the agreement for the 2013 event. Other tasks include the integration and deployment of the Smackdown Federation Server, the creation of a Concept Catalog, developing code and instructions for a Starter Kit to help new teams to establish their own development and test environment, and a Technical Mentorship task, which will produce tutorials, provide technical support to the teams, and assist in recruitment. Figure 2 Work Breakdown Structure for Products and Services 7 3.0 Tasks This section describes the tasks in the WBS presented in Figure 2. Task descriptions identify the products and activities. Primarily, the products constitute the infrastructure that facilitates the Smackdown Federation simulation, a Federation Agreement that provides details about the application of the HLA Evolved standard, documentation of the space exploration architecture to be simulated and supporting software and tutorials to help new teams become participants. Other sections of this document specify the deliverables, resources and schedule. 3.1 Deploy the 2013 SISO Smackdown Server A team at Johnson Space Center (JSC) provided the central server for the past two Smackdown federations, and they have agreed to deploy the server again for the 2013 event. Participating vendors, Pitch and MAK, generously provided the Central Runtime Component (CRC) of their Run Time Infrastructure (RTI). Other Smackdown server software includes: a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and an Environment Federate, which publishes a one-second heartbeat and reference frames. Activities associated with this task includes: Obtain licenses from the RTI vendors Establish a server with the VPN Update the Smackdown server documentation for 2013 Provide the server access information to the university faculty sponsors 3.2 Establish the Federation Agreement and Mission Scenario A Federation Agreement explains details about the common elements of the simulation federation. Questions addressed by this agreement include “What is the data update rate?”, “How do we manage time?”, “How do we coordinate reference frames?”, “What are the modular Federated Object Models (FOM) used in the Federation?”, “What is the duration of the simulation?”, “What version of the RTI are we using?”, and “How do I configure the RTI to work with the VPN?”. Additionally, the Federation Agreement must identify the participating federates. Later versions of the agreement can identify the data exchanged among the participating federates. Appendix A contains the Federation Agreement that was developed for the SISO Smackdown 2012 event. While some aspects of the agreement ought to be the same from year to year, the Technical Committee needs to update the Federation Agreement to address new modular FOMs, emphasize interactions among the federates, and increase the level of detail regarding the VPN, reference frames, and time management. A Mission Scenario serves as a source for requirements regarding data exchanges and interactions. Each team has a responsibility to identify events that will occur during the simulation. An integrated mission scenario ought to include a Gantt chart that highlights important events that will capture the interest of an audience. Appendix E provides a detailed integrated mission scenario based on the space exploration architecture in Appendix C. Appendix D provides a concept catalog that describes the systems in the space exploration architecture. After the narrative descriptions of the integrated mission scenario events, a Gantt style chart graphically depicts the events on a timeline. Times are expressed as percentages so the Technical Team can decide whether to make the simulation last for 90, 60, or 45 minutes. Event codes on the timeline correspond to event 8 descriptions in Appendix E. Teams need to think about ways to present the information such that an audience recognizes the occurrence of the event. The space exploration architecture in Appendix C identifies the existing federates in green. This strawman architecture is meant to be starting point for discussion; the Technical Committee can decide to remove, add, or revise conceptual systems in the architecture. A development process may include the creation of stub federates that serve as place-holders for future teams to populate with physics and logic. A mission scenario development process: Establish boundaries for technologies and policies surrounding mission events Identify geographic coordinates for the Lunar surface activities Provide information from NASA studies of potential Lunar and space missions Develop requirements for system interdependencies based on the missions Define trajectories for space transportation systems and satellites Establish a volume of space for L2 mission activities Document interactions among space mission assets created by participating teams Highlight interesting events, so each simulation can have time in the spot-light Create a visual time-line that depicts the high-points of participating simulations Develop the back-story that the federation demonstration emcee can narrate Determine visualization methods for object interactions and communication 3.3 Develop a Concept Catalog for the SISO Smackdown Technical Committee website Teams may have a clear idea of what they want to produce, or they may want to adopt an existing simulation, or they may want to review a variety of concepts and select something to simulate. Appendix C presents a space exploration architecture with 25 interacting systems. Appendix D contains an initial draft of concept catalog that describes the systems in the space exploration architecture. A concept catalog would provide details about previously developed simulations and indicate whether they are up for adoptions and provide links to papers about concepts that have not yet been implemented as a simulation. Activities associated with these tasks include: Create a web-page with descriptions of potential mission scenarios based on previous SISO Smackdown Federations and NASA Studies. If teams that participated in previous Smackdown Federations would like to give away one or more simulation federates, they can post the adoption information on the concept catalog page. Use Cases for the Concept Catalog: A new team would like to develop something but they don’t know what, so they visit the concept catalog. A team would like to participate but they won’t be able to develop something in time, so they can adopt an existing federate. An engineering school is not interested in creating a federate but they would like to contribute to the concept catalog. The SISO Smackdown website would be a logical place to host the concept catalog. 3.4 Create a Distributed Simulation Starter Kit Use Cases for the Starter Kit – Many teams are unfamiliar with the HLA standard and have no idea how to start studying the standard. Items in this starter kit enable a new team to come-up to speed quickly. This starter kit and the concept catalog provide a clear path to an idea that contributes to the over-all exploration mission scenario and the tools for implementing a federate. The SISO Smackdown Technical Committee website can 9 provide instructions on how to assemble the starter kit. The following activities are associated with this task: A beginner’s tutorial to the HLA – Bjorn Moller has this covered Distributed simulation overview presentations – Zack Crues, Dan Dexter, Dan O’Neil and participating team faculty sponsors can contribute content for presentations about distributed simulations, VPN, conference papers about previous Smackdown federations Overview presentations about how to design a spacecraft, rover, or communications system. Example code can help a team get started. Two vendors, Pitch Technologies and VT MAK provide a free demonstration version of their RTI – currently available from their respective websites A free open-source version of the Environment Federate – could be produced with the Java Astrodynamics Tool Kit – Zack Crues developed high-level requirements, hopefully, he has time available to lead the development effort. An ideal situation would be for a university to provide a graduate student who can work with Zack starting now and completing the product by early January. Another federate with entities that interact with the environment federate for a heart-beat and reference frames. Both Pitch and VT Mak’s free demonstration RTI allow two interacting federates. With the free RTI and free NASA provided federates, a university can immediately establish an HLA-Evolved development laboratory and start with code examples that apply the HLA Time management function and one or more space-based reference frames. RPR FOM provided by the SISO organization. Each participating university provides instructions on how to obtain the IEEE HLA Evolved standard from their library. 3.5 Support Recruit Teams to Participate in the SISO Smackdown Federation The SISO Smackdown Executive Committee has the role and responsibilities of recruiting new universities to participate in the SISO Smackdown Federation. Members of the Smackdown Technical Committee (STC) have points of contact at NASA centers and universities, so the STC members can provide their POCs with information about the event and how to contact the executive committee to announce intent to participate in the event. Members of the STC serve as technical mentors to the student teams, so they can contribute content to materials to overview presentations, tutorials about federate development, and answer questions for prospective participants Moderated discussion forums and Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) lists can help new teams find answers to their questions. Forums and FAQs can attract new teams by giving them an idea of what they will learn from participation. 10 4.0 Deliverables Smackdown Server with RTI, Communications Server, and Environment Federate Invitation E-mail to previous Smackdown participants and potential participants o Link to the Smackdown website o Explain benefits of participation o Identify the Smackdown Committee members Web page with instructions on how to assemble the starter-kit and links to software for a Smackdown Federation development and test server Web page with a FAQ based on questions from the last Smackdown Web page with an initial concept catalog with narrative descriptions of existing and needed federates. 5.0 Resources The SISO Smackdown Federation is a labor of love and an investment in the future workforce. Sponsoring organizations get the benefit of working with college seniors and graduates who are enthusiastic about distributed simulation. Students who participated in previous events can provide new teams with lessons learned, technical mentorship, and additional experience that they can list on their CV or resume. Vendors provide licenses for their software to students, who may become future customers or advocates within companies who are considering distributed simulation products. The following list identifies a partial listing of the participating organizations and individuals on the Technical Committee: Participants at JSC – Smackdown server and leadership role in the development of the free open source Environment Federate Participants at KSC – Smackdown Website and Lunar Surface Visualization Simulation and leadership role in development of an associated federate Participants at MSFC – Coordinate tasks, resources, and schedule; develop content for the concept catalog and instructions for assembling the starter kit, recruit speakers to tutorial teleconferences, develop class-room content for a distributed simulation class, and refine this project plan. Participating Vendors – Pitch, MAK, and ForwardSim provide products Paul Grogan – provides the SISO Technical Committee website Daniel Verret and Sean Muratet – developed the MatLab federate that receives and extrapolates position data for 3D visualization. 6.0 Schedules Many of the infrastructure products need to be developed before January to support teams that are developing federates as part of a Spring semester course. Technical Committee Products and Infrastructure Smackdown Server – preferred availability in the first week of January o RTI – provided by participating vendors -- November/December o Existing Environment Federate on JSC owned Server – December o New Free open source Environment Federate – Mid January 2013 o Communications server – provided by UAHuntsville in November Most of the Starter Kit by first week in January 2013 o Part 1 of the HLA Beginners Tutorial – Available Now 11 o Example code for the beginners tutorial – Late October o Part 2 of the HLA Beginners Tutorial – Late December o Updated free demonstration RTI from vendors – late December o Example HLA federates – EZ Federate, Rover, Satellite – December Concept Catalog o Descriptions of potential lunar surface systems and spacecraft – December o Availability of existing federates available for adoption – Early January o Links to previous exploration concept studies via NTRS – Mid December Supporting Infrastructure o Configuration Management Repository – Decide in November o Discussion Forum and FAQ – Late January 2013 Development Schedule The following high-level schedule derives from the FEDEP. Many of the decisions about the application of the HLA-Evolved standard via the Federation Agreement, the Integrated Mission Scenario, and software infrastructure need to be locked-in before the teams start developing federates in January. If the Technical Committee can find volunteers to produce generic stub federates, the teams can start integrated testing in early January so they immediately gain experience with the RTI, VPN, and conducting an international simulation over the Internet. After the initial experience with the generic network, the teams can focus on developing or integrating physics models, mission logic, and graphics displays with their federates. 12 Appendix A. Federation Agreement Abbreviations and Definitions This section documents the abbreviations, acronyms and terms used in the document. Term Meaning ephemeris time HLA-Evolved allows a federation's federation object model (FOM) to be composed “from pieces” rather than in a single XML file. Each such piece is FOM an XML file that is possibly layered on others (in the sense of depending on module the definitions in those others). And these individual pieces are called FOM modules. HLAThe most recent IEEE HLA standard, IEEE-1516.2010. This is the version of Evolved middleware and object model used in the Smackdown federation An orthogonal set of three axes that may be used as a basis onto which to reference project the components of a three-dimensional vector. The orientation of frame bodies in space is specified with respect to a particular reference frame. Runtime Infrastructure is software often referred to as “middleware” which supports communication, transfer of data and other interoperability RTI requirements for the Smackdown Federation. The federation will use RTI middleware from two vendors, MaK ( and Pitch ( References Reference Description The “core” HLA-Evolved FOM module contains definitions of common information/settings and data types. The “environment” HLA-Evolved FOM module represents the SISO_Smackdown_1011_environ.xml reference frames and time. The “entity” HLA-Evolved FOM module represents physical entities in the federation such as space vehicles, lunar rovers, etc. SISO_Smackdown_1011_entity.xml The PhysicalEntity class will be subclassed and extended as necessary. A modular FOM providing logistics-related functions such as SISO_Smackdown_1112_logistics.xml resource data types and resource transfer interactions. A modular FOM providing object classes for the two MIT SISO_Smackdown_1112_mit.xml vehicles: a mobile resource plant and a scouting hopper. A modular FOM providing text-based chat-related functions such SISO_Smackdown_1112_chat.xml as a participant object model and a chat message interaction class. SISO_Smackdown_1011_core.xml 13 Overview Conceptual Domain Model The SISO Smackdown will be a multi-participant simulation of a simple solar system with space vehicles moving through it. The base scenario will consist of a simple solar system model consisting of the Earth, Moon and Sun, with space vehicles moving around in the solar system. It will also include lunar surface representations such as habitat modules, lunar rovers, transfer vehicles, etc. Since the Smackdown will use HLAEvolved, the FOM and the simulated entities may be extended by participants. This document does not describe such extensions, but we expect the base scenario briefly described here to be extended as additional participants join the federation and possibly introduce new FOM modules. The Earth and Moon inertial reference frames move with the Earth-Moon barycenter frame. The Earth-Moon barycenter frame moves with the solar system barycenter frame. The solar system barycentric inertial frame is the “root” frame in which all solar system and vehicle activity occurs, and motion of any of the entities (reference frames and vehicles) is ultimately referred back to it. Vehicles will also move around in the system, their motion being calculated by the various federates as time-varying positions, velocities, etc. expressed relative to some particular reference frames. Federation and participating federates NASA will provide two federates: an Environment federate to populate the solar system with the relevant reference frames and their mutual locations and orientations relative to a root frame and an Earth-Moon transfer vehicle federate to propagate the trajectory of a single Earth-to-Moon transfer vehicle. One of the tasks in the project plan is to replace the proprietary Environment federate with a free open source version. Participating teams will produce federates that represent space exploration systems. Federation Object Model NASA will provide a federation object model (FOM) that is sufficient for the environment and vehicle simulations. This federation object model consists of three HLA-Evolved modular FOMs: a core FOM module that defines common data types used in the other FOMs, an environment FOM module that defines a ReferenceFrame object class, and an entity FOM module that defines an entity object class. These are used to represent physical entities in the federation (space vehicles, habitats, lunar rovers, etc.) For a full description of the various elements of the FOMs, you will need to read the .xml files themselves. The <semantics> elements of the various FOM entities are filled in with complete descriptions. Core This FOM module defines several data types used in the other modular FOMs. This includes such things as mass, position vectors, attitude quaternions and so forth. For 14 details of these data types, see the core FOM module file. This module does not define any simulation-specific object or interaction classes. Environment This FOM defines a single object class: ReferenceFrame. Reference frames essentially consist of an origin point and a set of orthogonal coordinate axes. Together the origin and the axes allow you to unambiguously specify the components of forces, torques, positions, velocities, angular velocities, angular accelerations, etc – everything you need to propagate vehicle dynamics through space. Read the Environment modular FOM for the specific reference frame objects and attributes. Entity This FOM defines a physical entity object class which will be subclassed as necessary to describe additional physical entities in the federation. Participants will not create an instance of the PhysicalEntity class. They may subscribe at that class level and upon discovery/updates, will need to examine the entityType attribute to understand what type of entity discovered or updated. Current entity types include: LunarRover, LunarHabitat, TransferVehicle, MobileResourcePlant, and ScoutingHopper. Teams can expand this modular FOM to implement other entities. This FOM serves as an agreement among teams on the name of the entities represented by federates; so, once a team names an entity they must not change it unless they update the FOM with the knowledge of the participating teams and Technical Committee. Overview of the Information Flow All scenario data described in the FOM is expected to be communicated via the RTI middleware using HLA 1516-2010 services. Any out-of-channel data not passed through the RTI using RTI services will need to be discussed with the Technical Committee. Distributed Data Management (DDM) Usage The DDM services are not used in this federation. General Agreements Standards, Hardware, Software and Networks HLA Version This federation execution will use HLA-Evolved (IEEE 1516.2010). Hardware Participants will be required to supply their own execution hardware and any network cables or switches beyond the single wired network connection to the NASA network switch. Software The federation execution will use the SonicWall NetExtender VPN software supplied by NASA. All teams will be required to download, install and test the VPN connection. 15 Networks Reference Federation Architecture network chart. Participating federates will be limited in network bandwidth to 100kbps. Participants will need to estimate or measure their bandwidth requirements. The Virtual Private Network (VPN) software assigns an IP address for participating federates for a session. Dan Dexter assigns teams a range of IP addresses and each machine used by a team will need the VPN software, which will allocate one of the assigned addresses for that session. The IP addresses get assigned on a first-come-firstserved basis, so the participant may have to change the IP address in a configuration file via a user interface or manually with a text editor. Principles for Sending Interactions Participants will need to assess their impact on the federation network traffic. See section 3.1.4 of the HLA standard. Principles for Updating Attributes and Ownership Attribute Updates Attributes will be updated as values change. Participants will need to assess their impact on the federation network traffic. See section 3.1.4. Ownership Attribute ownership will not be transferred during the execution of this federation. Late Joiners / rejoining federates Federates who join/rejoin in the middle of an execution often face the following problems: First, if they crash unexpectedly, they leave any objects they created (and own) hanging. Those object attributes may not be updated by another federate until ownership has been acquired. The second problem is that the rejoining federate starts out with no “knowledge” of the state of the federation. It must resubscribe to classes it wishes to receive information about, and it must wait on updated information to populate the instances. This is problematic when updates are sent only as values change. For some (e.g., fixed) object instances, there may be no updates. In this case, the rejoining federate may request updated values based on its subscription, but this may significantly impact network traffic. In addition, if the rejoining federate employs the 6.10 Request Attribute Value Update service, other federates will need to implement the 6.20 Provide Attribute Value Update RTI callback service. Time Time Management Time management is an option to participating federates, but it is not a requirement for participation. The NASA-supplied environment and vehicle federates will be time constrained and time regulating. Other participating federates are expected to be time constrained or not time managed (neither constrained nor regulating) although such federates will not be able to produce data with an HLA timestamp. The Environment federate generates a heartbeat that is used for time management. While repeatability is desirable from a demonstration perspective, it is not critical. Teams ought to identify 16 important events that occur in their simulation and provide approximate times so the demonstration master of ceremonies or narrator can highlight those events to the audience. Time Representation HLA federated logical time is represented by a big-endian 64 bit integer (HLAinteger64BE) that measures elapsed microseconds since the start of the federation execution. For example, a value of 1,000,000 would correspond to an instant 1 second into the execution of the federation execution. Note that this is different from the timetag attributes in the object classes in the base FOM modules. The floating point time attribute in those object classes corresponds to ephemeris time. Exchange of Information Appendix C presents a concept graph of a space exploration architecture. Appendix D provides narrative descriptions of the systems identified in the architecture. Appendix E of the project plan includes an Integrated Mission Scenario of events that involve interacting lunar exploration systems. As teams decide upon and implement specific concepts, they will influence the architecture and integrated mission scenario. These high-level diagrams, descriptions, and time-tables need to reflect the as-built versions. A detailed cross-walk or N-Squared table can provide details about the data and type of data exchange. Managing the Federation Setting Parameters The SISO Smackdown Federation does not have a centralized graphical user interface or configuration file used at start-up. Each participating team may have their own user interface and configuration files for setting parameters. Start The two NASA-supplied federates are designed to coordinate (synchronize) with each other during startup. Thus, the federation execution begins when those federates begin. Other federates may join the federation (late) at any point after the federation execution has begun. Many of the systems represented in the Lunar exploration scenario are independent. If two systems interact via docking, payload exchange, entry or exit, etc., it is up to those teams to ensure that the two systems end up at the same place at the same time. Scenario Handling Without a centralized user interface or configuration file, there is no mission scenario file that will be executed at the federation level. Individual teams may implement configuration or script files to drive their federates. Implementing a scenario or scripting capability in a federate is a good way to “program the program”; it eliminates “hardcoded behavior, so it is a good programming practice. Save and Restore This federation will not execute save or restore. 17 Shutting Down A good design practice is to implement a method of shutting down the federate through a command line or graphical user interface. There will be times during integrated testing sessions that everyone will be requested to exit the federation. Error Handling Errors must not affect the performance of a federation. Good design practice is to apply error trapping; especially, if there exists a possibility that the error can produce corrupted or invalid data that is transmitted to subscribing federates. Each federate ought to include error trapping around code that receives data. Handling Output Data Logging Previous SISO Smackdown events did not require data logging. In the SISO 2011 Smackdown event, Daniel Verret captured video from the Matlab VRML visualization and posted it on YouTube. In the SISO 2012 Smackdown event, Dennis Bulgatz, a member of the UAHuntsville team recorded some of the data, which enabled replay of part of the simulation. Vendors provide data logging tools to the teams, so each team can capture interesting data. An ideal situation would be to have a volunteer record the entire simulation of all the participating federates, so the Technical Committee can produce a variety of visualizations. The visualizations can assist in recruiting new teams. Recorded data can be fitted to curves to produce simplified simulation models, which teams can use for developing system interactions or for stand-alone simulations. Data Analysis Data analysis is the responsibility of the individual participants. In particular, no analysis is expected as part of the federation execution. Individual participants might choose to inspect their data in order to analyze the execution of their federates, but no specific analysis is required in order to participate. Federation Specifics Federation Name: The Name of the federation is “SISO Smackdown 2013” Federation Scenario Start Date and Time: The environment federate will use a scenario start date of April 10, 2013 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time (USA). HLA Services used in Smackdown Federation All HLA 1516-2010 services are listed. Some are marked as “NOT USED” indicating that they may not be used by any federate participating in the Smackdown federation. Others are marked as “Required” indicating that a participant will have to implement the service. Others not marked are optional, but if used, should be examined for impact to the federation participants. <Insert Services Table here > 18 Appendix B. Applications and Libraries Learning how to write HLA Evolved federates can be a daunting task. Learning about orbital trajectories, spacecraft design, and computer graphics in addition to HLA is even more difficult. With the primary objective of the SISO Smackdown Federation being hands on experience with HLA Evolved, there ought to be some relief regarding the physics and graphics. This appendix identifies several surface and orbital simulations with Application Programming Interfaces (API), code libraries, Integrated Development Environments (IDE), and 3D modeling tools that can help a team produce a professional looking simulation that is visually interesting to an audience. Federates that include interfaces to these applications can benefit future teams via reusable code. It benefits SISO because it increases the visibility of the HLA-Evolved standard to a broad simulation community and it helps the sponsoring vendors because they can advertise compatibility with a variety of API and IDE. Delta 3D – Developed by the MOVES Institute at the Naval Post Graduate School, Delta 3D provides an IDE for developing interactive simulations with out-of-cockpit or out-ofhelmet displays for surface systems. It includes libraries for developing HLA and DIS interfaces; however, the current HLA library does not support the IEEE 1516E version. Orbiter – This spaceflight simulator provides views of a cockpit and out of window displays. More importantly, it has the physics and spacecraft controls. Simulation capabilities include ascent and descent portions of a mission. A large user community has created a variety of custom spacecraft using this simulation. Creating a federate that can exchange data between Orbiter and an HLA Federation opens a wide variety of opportunities to create piloted spacecraft and landers. Celestia – A space mission simulator, Celestia provides visualizations of trajectory paths and the capability to plan missions through the known Universe. This simulator is better suited for in-space assets because it does simulate ascent or descent to a surface. With the API, a federate could use Celestia to determine current position, visualize the spacecraft and trajectory, and provide an out-of-window display of space. General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) – Developed by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, the GMAT simulates spacecraft and space missions. Multiple windows can present planetary bodies, orbital trajectories, and the spacecraft. Code libraries from Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) provide the capability to simulate the propulsion system. An important feature of GMAT is an interface to MatLab. A team can develop their federate in MatLab and use GMAT for its code libraries and visualization. Using Forward Sim’s HLA Toolbox, the MatLab federate can interface with Mak or Pitch RTI. 19 Java Astrodynamics Toolkit (JAT) – This Java library provides functions for simulating positions of the planets, orbital propagation, and physics for simulating the behavior of a spacecraft. An immediate application of the JAT is to create an open-source version of the Environments federate for a Smackdown Starter Kit. Java Monkey Engine (JME) – The JME is built on top of Netbeans, a popular Java IDE. This IDE includes code libraries or a Software Development Kit (SDK) for creating 3D video games. With a few function calls, a developer can create a video game with a joystick interface and import 3D models to create custom visualizations. For the SISO Smackdown 2012 federation, the UAHuntsville team used the JME to create a visualization of a constellation of communication satellites orbiting the Moon. Combined with the JAT, a team can create custom space system simulations with physics and graphics. Unity 3D – This professional, yet free, IDE enables the development of video games. Scripting languages for Unity 3D include Javascript, C#, and Boo. Creating a federate interface to a Unity 3D game may require socket programming. Using Unity 3D, the Smackdown Technical Committee members at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) are developing a Lunar surface visualization. Blender – A powerful free open source modeling, animation, and game development system, Blender has a tremendous user community with discussion forums, tutorials, and videos. Unity 3D accepts native Blender files. Blender’s import, export, and vertex level modeling functions makes it a good swiss-army-knife for translating and repairing 3D files. A recommended use of this application is for the creation of models that would be viewed in simulations created with the other simulators and IDE. Sketchup – With its brief learning curve, Sketchup is a great tool for creating 3D models to visualize a spacecraft or Lunar surface system. More importantly, Sketchup has a warehouse with existing models of spacecraft and Lunar surface systems. To get the models out of Sketchup and into one of the simulation IDEs a simple approach is to export a COLLADA file and import it into Blender. With Blender, the model can converted to a variety of formats that are compatible with the IDEs described in this appendix. COLLADA - COLLADA is a COLLAborative Design Activity for establishing an interchange file format for interactive 3D applications. COLLADA is managed by the nonprofit technology consortium, the Khronos Group. COLLADA defines an open standard XML schema for exchanging digital assets among various graphics software applications that might otherwise store their assets in incompatible file formats. COLLADA documents that describe digital assets are XML files, usually identified with a .dae (digital asset exchange) filename extension. 20 Appendix C. Space Exploration Architecture The space exploration architecture depicted in the following diagram includes transportation, habitation, manufacturing, communications, power, and threat detection systems. Lines between the systems identify a type of interaction or data object exchange. Green filled ovals identify system simulations developed for previous SISO Smackdown federations. 21 Appendix D. Concept Catalog (Note: within carrots (< ….>), the status of the described item is listed, either “Needed”, meaning the item has yet to be developed and added to the Smackdown “systems”, or “Existing”, meaning the item exists and has been used in one or more Smackdown events). “Optional” is also listed, meaning that it is one of multiple competing concepts; for example, energy production could be done by a nuclear system, solar farm, or a solar power satellite. If one optional system is implemented, the competing concepts are not needed. Astronaut – <Needed> A small crew of astronauts and cosmonauts ought to inhabit an L2 Observation outpost, a piloted orbiting space-craft, and habitat. Arrows marked, enter or exit, indicate potential interactions between the explorers and a piloted rover, the landing pad, the warehouse, and the asteroid detection facility. A simulation of a space explorer could involve several states, e.g., sleeping, eating, exercising, relaxing, donning, doffing, driving, entering, and egressing. Variables could present health status like heart rate, oxygen supply, and strength. With the simulation running approximately a wallclock hour during run-time, the astronauts could start in various locations and perform specific tasks. A pair of astronauts could leave the habitat, enter the rover, and drive to the ware-house or propellant manufacturing facility to retrieve oxygen tanks and return to the habitat. Visual displays could be a 2D map that identifies position with trend plots for the variables. A 3D first-person view with a joystick could allow students to move an astronaut through mission. A 3D third person view could display the current activities or positions of the astronauts. Automated Cargo Lander – <Existing> Developed by Penn State Team: This federate simulates a landing and take-off of an automated cargo lander. While sitting on the landing pad, an automated cargo rover docks with the lander to offload the payload. The cargo rover could transfer products the cargo lander for transfer back to the orbiting space-craft. Asteroid Detection Facility (ADF) – <Existing> Developed by the Italian team. This simulation includes a database of actual asteroids. A potential event that could be reported by this federate during the simulation is an asteroid that passes between the Earth and Moon. A visual display could present the locations of asteroids in the database in relationship to the Earth Moon system. Cargo Rover – <Existing> – Originally developed by NASA Intern Ben Cowen, from North Carolina State University, for the 2011 Smackdown and adopted by Penn State for the 2012 Smackdown – This automated rover moves to the cargo lander and receives a payload. In previous SISO Smackdown Federation events, the cargo rover traversed between a warehouse and the landing pad where it exchanged payloads with the cargo lander. The integrated mission scenario, defined in Appendix E, identifies a variety of traversal paths for the cargo lander. While the cargo rover is waiting for the arrival of the lander, the rover could traverse between and exchange payloads with the propellant depot, mass driver, asteroid detection facility, and habitat. Communication Satellites <Existing> - Developed by the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAHuntsville), the communications satellites relay messages when two surface systems are not within line-of-sight. Diggers <Needed> – Strip mining robots dig up Lunar regolith for robotic haulers to carry to a propellant production plant. After receiving a message regarding the site of a rich mineral deposit from the exploration hopper, one or more diggers traverse to the site. When the digger has produced a truck-full worth of regolith, it sends a message to request a hauler. If the digger(s) and hauler(s) are not within line of site, the communication satellites convey the message. Exploration Hopper <Existing> - Developed by MIT. An exploration hopper jumps from one location to another, analyses the mineral deposits and broadcasts a report. The mobile In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) system, diggers, and haulers travel to the site where the hopper reports on rich mineral deposits. Depending on the lunar surface, the hopper may find itself behind a hill or down in a crater so it does not have line-of-sight communication. The communication satellites passing overhead provide a means of conveying messages to the stakeholder systems. Habitat <Needed> - Where astronauts and cosmonauts live when they are not traversing to the other facilities. Status could include oxygen, air, and power status. An important function of a habitat is protection from solar radiation storms. A potential scenario could involve a Solar Particle Event Early Warning System (SPE-EWS). If the SPE-EWS detects a radiation event, the astronauts and cosmonauts must immediately travel to the habitat to ride out the storm. Haulers <Needed> – Just as construction sites and mining companies need dump trucks, utilization of lunar resources will require something to move the regolith from a strip mine to the propellant production plant. Automated haulers get a status report from diggers that are ready to have regolith hauled away. L2 Space Observation Outpost <Needed> – Earth-Moon Libration point number two (L2) exists on the far-side of the Moon at a specific distance from the lunar surface and has line-of-sight with the Aitken basin. An observation post located at L2 can serve as a staging area for sorties to the Lunar surface, provide a view of space on the far side of the Moon and augment capabilities provided by the Asteroid Detection Facility. A potential scenario that could be interesting is a warning from the Solar Particle Event – Early Warning System (SPE-EWS) requires the astronauts and cosmonauts to evacuate the observation outpost so they can ride out the storm in the habitat on the Lunar surface. L2 Space Elevator <Optional> - A space elevator has one end at a platform in space located in a synchronous orbit so that it is always over the same location on the surface. A tether extends from the platform to the surface and a climbing-robot or car traverses from space down to the surface and back. A space elevator could extend from an 23 observation outpost located at Libration point number two (L2). A piloted spacecraft can dock with the observation outpost and travelers can use the elevator. Likewise supplies for the observation outpost can be transported via the elevator. This federate is marked optional because the functionality could be provided by a piloted lander. Benefits of the space elevator include reduced requirements for propellant and simplified operations for surface to space operations. Mass Driver <Optional> - A mass driver is a long electromagnetic conveyer belt. Payloads sitting on the conveyer belt platform accelerate to escape velocity so they fly off the edge of the Moon. A space cargo vehicle or tug-boat then can capture the payloads and deliver them to an observation post located at Libration point two (L2) or Earth. Piloted Lander – <Needed> Human in the loop landing. This federate would involve a person piloting the lander. A good starting point for creating this concept is Orbiter. Visual displays could present the out-of-cockpit displays. If the L2 Space Elevator exists, this lander could serve as a back-up system for emergency evacuations. Piloted Rover – <Needed> Astronauts and cosmonauts need transportation to traverse between surface facilities. Like any moving system, it needs to publish the current position and subscribe to a reference frame. Interactions with facilities may include replacing batteries from the warehouse or recharging batteries from the solar farm. Primary interactions will be travelers entering or exiting the vehicle. Status displays might include position, energy level, oxygen level (or not depending on whether space suits have enough for the duration of the trip). Graphical displays could be out of the cockpit views of the surface. Piloted Spacecraft - <Needed> Space travelers need a means of transportation to the Moon. A piloted spacecraft can orbit the Moon and the travelers can go down to the surface in a lander or it could dock with the L2 Observation Outpost. Like other moving systems, this federate needs to publish its position and subscribe to a reference frame. State variables include oxygen and water supplies, remaining propellant, and docking or separation status. Propellant Production Plant <Needed> – A large-scale production plant can process a lot of regolith to produce propellant for landers and spacecraft and other useful products. Such a system needs haulers to bring regolith to the facility and cargo rovers to carry products from the facility. A potential scenario involves one or more haulers dumping regolith into the facility. A cargo rover carries empty tanks from the warehouse to the production plant, which fills the tanks with oxygen and hydrogen. A cargo rover carries the full tanks from the production plan to a mass driver, which launches the tanks into space for capture and usage by a space transfer vehicle. 24 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator <Optional> - An RTG uses the heat from decaying nuclear material to produce electricity. This federate is optional if a team produces another power generation system like a solar farm or solar power satellite. Like any power source, the output ought to state generation and storage levels and the loads from providing power to the other facilities. A primary benefit of this concept is it generates power at night. Solar Farm <Optional>– Solar arrays collect the Sun’s energy and generate electricity for near-by facilities. The status for this federate is optional if a team produces a federate for a radio-thermal isotope generator. If no other power generation system is available, a solar farm can generate power for the other lunar surface facilities, i.e., habitat, warehouse, asteroid detection facility, propellant plant, and mass driver. Rovers could go to a charging station to recharge with power from the solar farm. Interactions with the other federates would deplete the energy stored in batteries at the solar farm. Periodic status reports may include power generation and energy storage levels. An assumption associated with this federate is the mission occurs during the two-week day. Solar Particle Event Early Warning System (SPE-EWS) <Needed> - Solar radiation storms are the greatest threat to space explorers on the surface of the Moon. An early warning system might give people adequate time to seek shelter. A potential scenario could involve a warning and the crew scrambling to a piloted rover or habitat to ride out the storm. Solar Power Satellite and Rectenna <Optional> – A solar power satellite generates energy as it orbits the Moon. When the satellite passes over the rectenna, power is beamed down to the surface and distributed as electricity. This federate is optional because it competes with solar farm and radio-thermal isotope generator concepts. Mobile In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Plant <Existing> – Developed by MIT. This MatLab based federate simulates the traversal and activities of a mobile In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) plant. An ISRU system scoops up regolith and processes it to produce products like oxygen, hydrogen, titanium, and other useful gases or minerals. An exploration hopper jumps around to potential sites that have rich mineral deposits and it reports the status to the Mobile ISRU plant. If the two systems are not within line of site, the messages are conveyed by the communications satellite. Warehouse <Existing> - Developed by the team with representatives from Genoa, Pisa, and Rome. This federate provides a status of supplies in the warehouse. Supplies may include oxygen and hydrogen tanks, food and water, orbital-replacement-units for space assets, robotically-replaceable units for rovers, and empty tanks for a propellant production facility. 25 Appendix E. Integrated Mission Scenario Events The simulation begins with the steady-state operations of facilities located in Aitken Basin of the Moon and Libration Point number two (L2). All surface systems were previously deployed. This federation simulation includes the launch of cargo launch vehicle and the deployment of cargo space transfer vehicle. Meanwhile, another cargo space transfer vehicle already in orbit around the Moon deploys a lander to convey cargo to the surface. The concept catalog and this integrated mission scenario include an optional Space Elevator and Mass Driver. If a team does not implement a space elevator, then a piloted lander can bring people down to the surface. If no team implements a mass driver, the cargo lander can carry payloads back into orbit. [A] Asteroid Detection Facility A1 Display positions of asteroids of interest. A2 Detect asteroid passing between the Moon and Earth. [B] Astronauts B1 Astronauts leave Habitat use Piloted Rover for Traversal Path 1. B2 Astronauts leave Warehouse use Piloted Rover for Traversal Path 2. B3 Astronauts leave Landing Pad use Piloted Rover for Traversal Path 3. B4 Astronauts leave Habitat use Piloted Rover for Traversal Path 4 [C] Automated Cargo Lander C1 Cargo Lander separates from Cargo Transfer Vehicle. C2 Cargo Lander lands on the Landing Pad. C3 Cargo Lander and Cargo Rover exchange payloads. C4 Cargo Lander launches from Landing Pad. C5 Cargo Lander docks with Cargo Transfer Vehicle [D] Autonomous Cargo Rover D1 Cargo Rover departs from Warehouse and traverses to Landing Pad. D2 Cargo Lander and Cargo Rover exchange payloads. D3 Cargo Rover returns from Landing Pad to Warehouse. D4 Cargo Rover traverses to Propellant Plant and exchanges payloads D5 Cargo Rover traverses to Mass Driver to deliver payload. [E] Cargo Launch Vehicle E1 Cargo Launch Vehicle displays countdown and Launches from Earth. E2 Cargo Launch Vehicle and Cargo Transfer Vehicle separate in Earth orbit. E3 Cargo Launch Vehicle re-enters to Earth. [F] Cargo Space Transfer Vehicle F1 Cargo Transfer Vehicle separates from the Cargo Launch Vehicle. F2 Cargo Transfer Vehicle travels from Earth Orbit to Lunar Orbit. F3 Cargo Transfer Vehicle and Cargo Lander separate in Lunar Orbit. F4 Cargo Transfer Vehicle and Cargo dock in Lunar Orbit. [G] Communications Satellites and Communication server G1 Satellite 1 passes overhead and relays messages. G2 Satellite 2 passes overhead and relays messages. G3 Satellite 3 passes overhead and relays messages. G4 Satellite 4 passes overhead and relays messages. 26 [H] Diggers H1 Digger traverses from Warehouse to site identified by Exploration Hopper. H2 Digger displays data about the amount of regolith dug from site. H3 Digger transfers regolith to Hauler. [I] Exploration Hopper I1 Exploration Hopper jumps to a new location and transmits data. I2 Exploration Hopper jumps to a new location and transmits data. I3 Exploration Hopper jumps to a new location and transmits data. [J] Habitat J1 Habitat reports status on oxygen and water levels and occupants. J2 Habitat reports status on oxygen and water levels and occupants. [K] Haulers K1 Hauler traverses from Warehouse to the site of the Digger. K2 Hauler receives regolith payload from the Digger. K3 Hauler traverses from the site of the Digger to the Propellant Plant. K4 Hauler dumps regolith into the Propellant Production Plant. [L] Libration Point 2 Space Observation Outpost L1 Observation outpost transmits status about oxygen and water levels. L2 The Piloted Spacecraft docks with the Observation Outpost. L3 Observation outpost and Asteroid Detection Facility exchange data. [M] Libration Point 2 Space Elevator M1 Travelers enter the Space Elevator from the Observation Outpost. M2 Space Elevator transmits status about current location of the car. M3 Elevator stops at Landing Site and Travelers walk to waiting Rover. [N] Landing Site N1 Cargo Lander lands on the landing pad. N2 Cargo Rover docks with the Cargo Lander to exchange payloads. N3 Space Elevator lands at another landing pad. N4 A Piloted Rover meets the travelers at the Space Elevator landing pad. [O] Mass Driver O1 A Cargo Rover delivers payloads to the mass driver. O2 Mass Driver accelerates payload to launch into orbit. O3 Cargo Transfer Vehicle catches the payloads in orbit. [P] Mobile In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Plant P1 Mobile ISRU plant traverses to a site specified by Exploration Hopper. P2 Mobile ISRU transmits status of processing regolith. P3 Mobile ISRU traverses to the Warehouse. P4 Mobile ISRU transfers payload to the Warehouse. [Q] Piloted Lander Q1 Piloted Lander separates from Piloted Spacecraft. Q2 The Piloted Lander lands on the Landing Pad. Q3 The Piloted Lander launches from the Landing Pad. Q4 Piloted Lander docks with the Piloted Spacecraft. 27 [R] Piloted Spacecraft R1 Piloted Spacecraft separates from the Piloted Lander. R2 Piloted Spacecraft docks with the L2 Observation Outpost. R3 Piloted Spacecraft separates from the L2 Observation Outpost. R4 Piloted Spacecraft docks with the Piloted Lander. [S] Piloted Rover S1 Piloted Rover Traversal Path 1: Between Habitat and Warehouse. S2 Piloted Rover Traversal Path 2: Between Landing Pad and Habitat. S3 Piloted Rover Traversal Path 3: Between Habitat and Asteroid Detection. S4 Piloted Rover Traversal Path 4: Between Habitat and Propellant Plant. [T] Propellant Production Plant T1 Production Plant transmits status of propellant production. T2 Production Plant receives regolith from Hauler. T3 Production Plant exchanges payloads with Cargo Rover. [U] Solar Particle Event Early Warning System U1 Early Warning System transmits all-clear status. U2 Early Warning System transmits warning if a solar event occurs. [V] Solar Power Farm V1 Solar farm transmits status of power generation and energy storage. V2 Solar farm transmits power to Habitat and Warehouse. [W] Solar Power Satellite (SPS) W1 The SPS transmits status on power generation and energy storage. W2 The SPS transmits power to the Surface Rectenna. [X] Surface Rectenna X1 Surface Rectenna transmits status of power reception and energy storage. X2 Surface Rectenna transmits power to Asteroid Detection Facility. [Y] Warehouse Y1 Piloted Rover docks with Warehouse so Astronauts can get supplies. Y2 Warehouse transmits status of power and supplies. Y3 Cargo Rover docks with Warehouse to exchange payloads. 28 start 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% [A] Asteroid Detection Facility [B] Astronauts [C] Automated Cargo Lander [D] Autonomous Cargo Rover [E] Cargo Launch Vehicle [F] Cargo Space Transfer Vehicle [G] Communications Satellites [H] Diggers [I] Exploration Hopper [J] Habitat [K] Haulers [L] Space Observation Outpost [M] L2 Space Elevator [N] Landing Pad [O] Mass Driver [P] Mobile ISRU Plant [Q] Piloted Lander [R] Piloted Orbiting Spacecraft [S] Piloted Rover [T] Propellant Production Facility [U] Solar Particle Event EWS [V] Solar Power Farm [W] Solar Power Satellite [X] Surface Rectenna [Y] Warehouse 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% end A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 C1 B4 C2 D1 E1 D5 E2 F1 F3 G1 B5 C4 D4 D3 C5 E3 F2 G2 H2 H1 I1 C3 D2 F4 G3 G4 H3 I2 I3 J1 J2 K1 L1 K2 K3 K4 L2 L3 M1 M2 M3 N1 P1 Q1 R1 R2 P2 Q2 Q3 Q4 R3 R4 S1 N2 N3 N4 O1 P3 O2 S2 S3 T2 P4 T1 U1 O3 S4 T3 U2 V1 V2 W1 X1 Y1 W2 X2 Y2 Appendix F Glossary Aitken Basin - The South Pole–Aitken basin is a huge impact crater on the far side of Earth's Moon. Roughly 2,500 kilometres (1,600 mi) in diameter and 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) deep, it is one of the largest known impact craters in the Solar System. It is the largest, oldest and deepest basin recognized on the Moon.[1] This moon basin was named for two features on opposing sides; the crater Aitken on the northern end and the southern lunar pole at the other end. The outer rim of this basin can be seen from Earth as a huge chain of mountains located on the lunar southern limb, sometimes called "Leibnitz mountains", although this name has not been considered official by the International Astronomical Union. Barycentric – The barycenter is the point between two objects where they balance each other. When two or more celestial bodies orbit each other, the barycenter is the center of mass. When a moon orbits a planet or a planet orbits a star, both celestial bodies are actually orbiting around a point that is not at the center of the primary, i.e., larger body. Rectenna - A rectenna is a rectifying antenna, a special type of antenna that is used to convert microwave energy into direct current electricity. They are used in wireless power transmission systems that transmit power by radio waves. A simple rectenna element consists of a dipole antenna with an RF diode connected across the dipole elements. 29 Y3 Since the 1970s, one of the major motivations for rectenna research has been to develop a receiving antenna for proposed solar power satellites, which would harvest energy from sunlight in space with solar cells and beam it down to Earth as microwaves to huge rectenna arrays. The largest current use of rectennas is in RFID tags, proximity cards and contactless smart cards, which contain an integrated circuit (IC) which is powered by a small rectenna element. When the device is brought near an electronic reader unit, radio waves from the reader are received by the rectenna, powering up the IC, which transmits its data back to the reader. Regolith - a layer of loose, heterogeneous material covering solid rock. It includes dust, soil, broken rock, and other related materials and is present on Earth, the Moon, some asteroids, and other terrestrial planets and moons. Space Exploration Architecture References J. F. Connolly, R P. Mueller and R.J. Whitley NASA Human Spaceflight Architecture Team Lunar Destination Activities RESOLVE MISSION ARCHITECTURE FOR LUNAR RESOURCE PROSPECTING AND UTILIZATION. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012) A Summary of NASA Architecture Studies Utilizing Fission Surface Power Technology Surface Buildup Scenarios and Outpost Architectures for Lunar Exploration 30