INDIAN SOCIETY FOR PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS A BRIEF REPORT By Prof. P.Rajasekhara Reddy, President, ISPS The objectives: Our society has considered the following objectives to be achieved for the year 2011-12 1. Organizing 30th Annual conference at Jammu University 2. Proposal for hosting 31st Annual conference to be held at Cochin University 3. To release the Journal of ISPS volume 11,12 &13 4. To make the necessary arrangements for releasing ISPS journals with standard publishing company and ISSN 5. To organize the workshops and summer/winter courses/training programs with academic/ research organizations 6. To develop the infrastructural developments at the ISPS head quarters, Tirupati 7. To take up the academic programs, research and projects works on behalf of the society 8. To have MoU’s on expert and intelligence property exchange of our society with needy groups. 9. To mobilize the funds and improve the financial status of the society 10. To introduce area wise best research paper competitions on the thrust areas of Probability and statistics by mobilizing the corpus funds from the philanthropists and other interested people. 11. To have thorough interaction among members through mail correspondence, internet and other web based services so as to develop an effective networking of the society. The Program Implementations: 1. As a part of the first objective the society has successfully organized as the 30th Annual conference along with an international conference and a National workshop with the department of Statistics, University of Jammu, Jammu during 3rd -10th December 2010. The Society is very much happy with the proceedings under the chairmanship of Prof. J.P. Sing Joorel. Our hearty congratulations to Prof J.P. Singh Joorel and his team members for their un tired efforts in making the program grand success. 2. The conference venue for this year was decided at the Annual General Body Meeting held at University of Jammu. The society has informed the activities that are to be taken at the conference such as Organizing The Endowment lectures in the memory of Prof.PV Sukhatme, Prof. YC Narasimhulu, and the best paper competitions Prof. MN Gopalan, Young statistician award, student best project competition along with usual programs of the conference as per the organizing committee. 3. We have released the volumes 11,12 of ISPS journals successfully with the efforts of Prof. K.Srinivasa Rao, the chief Editor and his team. Whereas the preparations for vol. 13 are under progress. The Chief Editor shall explain more about these aspects. 4. The necessary arrangements for releasing ISPS journals with standard publishing company with ISSN number is under process. We are hoping that work will be completed by this finance year. 5. ISPS with joint involvement of the department of statistics, SV University has organized three national statistics days a row during 2009 to 2011. a. The 3rd National statistics day was organized with a national workshop on “The Indian Official Statistical Systems in the expansion of the horizon of Science and Technology”. Prof. S.P. Mukharjee has graced the occasion as the chief guest b. The 4th National Statistics Day cum the summer training on Advanced Stochastic Processes and their applications” was organized from 28th June 2010 to 4th July 2010. Sri N. Kiran kumar Reddy, Honble. Chief Minister and Andhra Pradesh has graced the occasion as the chief Guest. The website of ISPS was also inaugurated on the same occasion c. The national workshop on Geo statistics and soft computing on data management systems” was organized during 22nd – 24th November 2010. Prof CR Rao, has attended the program as the chief Guest. d. The 5th National Statistics day and National workshop on “Business Intelligence and Data Analytics” was organized during 28th June 2011 to 4th July 2011. Dr. T Ramasamy, Secretary, DST has graced the occasion as chief guest. e. We are planning to start a Research and Development center for the services of TTD at SV University as a joint activity of DST, SV University and TTD for which the expertise is expected from ISPS and ORSI –Tirupati Chapter. 6. There is an absolute of developing the necessary infrastructure for pursuing the research and consultancy activities on behalf of the ISPS. There are suggestions from the member to establish a permanent office with necessary building and other infrastructure at the ISPS head quarters, Tirupati. 7. The activities like Running Diploma courses, Statistical training, Consultancy and extension service may be undertaken so as the functions of ISPS may be expanded. 8. The society may go for MoU’s on expert and intelligence property exchange of our society with needy groups. The establishment of core working group at the head quarters will pave the way for achieving the proposed programs 9. We are thankful to the organizing chair of ISPS-IASS conference, Prof. K.Srinivasa Rao, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (2010) for his generous contribution of Rs.20,000/-; Prof. J.P.Singh Joorel, University of Jammu,(2010) for contributing Rs.10,000/- and Prof.P.Rajasekhara Reddy for contribution Rs.10,000/- during 5th National Statistics day(2011) and Rs.10,000/- during the National workshop on Geo statistics (2010) held at SV University Tirupati. 10. Members have proposed to introduce area wise best research paper competitions on the thrust areas of Probability and statistics by mobilizing the corpus on each account by raising the funds from the interested people. 11. We have released the directory of ISPS members at Visakhapatnam Conference to enable the information our society members. It was also placed in the website. Members are requested to have frequent visits of the site to have the latest communications. Members are also requested to furnish the latest and address for communication, email id, contact phone numbers. I am happy to announce that some of our members have expressed their happiness of making use of the ISPS directory for getting the expert panels for their official program. As we are in need of academic networking groups, we have to make use of vibrant dimensions of our website on more effective lines. Maintaining thorough interaction among the members through mail correspondence, internet and other web based services is requested. Executive Council Meeting Dated 29-06-2011: The EC met on 29th June, 2011 at Hotel Bliss, Tirupati. Prof. B.K Dass, Dean Faculty of Sciences, University of Delhi attended as special invitee for this meeting and discussed about: Possible ways and means for initiating Academic activities like awarding diploma/certificate course programs by ISPS were discussed in length. A committee is constituted to study and suggest the modalities. Prof. K. Srinivasa Rao is nominated as the convener. Members have expressed the desire of having a Permanent ISPS office so as the above proposed programs can be implemented. Proposed to decide the title for M.Sc Student project competition well in advance for which a committee was constituted with Prof. N. Balakrishna (Convener), Prof. G. Gopal (Member) and Prof. D.K. Ghosh (Member). The committee has suggested The project entitled “Statistical analysis of the impact of Agricultural production on Indian economy”. Eight universities have participated for which four teams including local team were selected, first time we have completed the process before October 2011. Proposed to start Prof. B.R Bhat memorial lecture. A subcommittee is constituted with Prof. T.P. M. Pakkala and Prof. H.J Vaman. They are requested to make the necessary for sponsors and donors to the proposed program. It is very heartening to note that More than 100 Members have registered for ISPS Life Membership during 2010-11. We have received representations from various Universities to host the Annual Conventions of ISPS for 2012, 2013. The decision is yet to be disposed after the approval of AGM. The committee for student project competition has sort listed the following Four Universities o University of Mysore, Mysore o Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati o Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin o Saurashtra University, Rajkot The committee for the competition of Young Statistician Award of ISPS have reviewed the papers and shortlisted the following three (3) names for presentation in the Young Statistician Award competition. o Dr. R. Vishnu Vardhan, Pondicherry University, Puducherry o Dr. Rani Sebastian, St. Thomas College, Pala, Kottayam o Dr. G. Hareesh Place: S.V. University, Tirupati Date: 16 – 12 – 2011