WELCOME TO ITI NAND NAGRI GENERAL INFORMATION INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, NAND NAGARI Principal Sh. B.S.NEGI Address Industrial Training Institute Nand Nagri, Near DTC Bus Depot, Main Wazirabad Road, Delhi-110093 Tel. No. 011-22581299, 011-22134850. Fax No 011-22134850 Email itinandnagri@yahoo.co.in MAP OF THE INSTITUTE LOCATION UP Border Wazirabad Road Nand Nagri Bus Stand DTC BUS DEPOT I.T.I NAND NAGRI GAGAN Cinema 1 WORKING HOURS BOTH FOR OFFICE AND PUBLIC OFFICE HOURS: 8.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. (Lunch break from 1.00 P.M. to 1.30 P.M.) PUBLIC HOURS: 11.30 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. (Lunch break from 1.00 P.M. to 1.30 P.M.) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ORGANIZATION Industrial Training Institute Nand Nagri is functioning under the Administrative and Financial control of Department of Training & Technical Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Institute is imparting craftsman training in various Engineering and Non-Engineering trades under the aegis of training advisory bodies, Nation Council of Vocation Training (NCVT), at National Level and State Council of Vocational Training (SCVT) at State Level. The duration of training varies from six months to three years. The training is provided to the youth coming from the post schooling, school dropout who will not in position to continue their study or not able to bear the cost of higher education. The objectives of the ITI are: To ensure steady flow of skilled workers with appropriate skills for Industrial/services sectors. To edify the quality & quantity of industrial production by systematic training of potential workers. To mitigate unemployment among the educated youth by providing employable training both for wages and self employment. To cultivate and nurture a technical and industrial attitude in the mind of younger generation. To equip with the human recourses with appropriate skills required in the domestic industries. BRIEF HISTORY AND BACKGROUND OF ITI NAND NAGRI Industrial Training Institute Nand Nagri was established in 1978 in the Harijan Sewak Sangh at Kingsway camp Delhi-110009. In January 1985, it was shifted to Nand Nagri at present location, adjacent to DTC Bus Depot on Main Wazirabad road and easily commutable and situated at prime location of North-East Delhi to meet out the demand of skilled manpower in the various industries situated in Delhi, NCR region and vicinity states. It has one main building of two stories and two workshop building well furnished with all advanced facilities. According to the changing scenario of Indian Industries, courses are re-structured/ re-modified time to time as per the market requirements and industries demands, under the guidelines of DGE&T and further implemented by the Deptt. of Trg. & Tech. Education. Training is being imparted in 30 different engineering and Non-Engineering trades under NCVT/SCVT schemes. At present ITI Nand Nagri has seating strength of about 800 trainee’s possibilities of extendable unto 1000. ADMISSION PROCESS IN ITI Admission process in ITI is started every year in the month of JULY. Admission forms are made available to the public w.e.f. 1st July and actual admission are started w.e.f 1st August on the basis of merit acquired by the applicants in their qualifying exams in which equal opportunity for each category has been given as per the reservation quota. 2 ORGANIZATION CHART PRINCIPAL/H.O.O GROUP INSTRUCTOR ASST. ACCT. OFFICER CRAFT INSTRUCTOR CASHIER, ADMN OFFICER/OFFICE SUPTT. BILL CLERK & PEON HEAD CLERK, UDC, LDC & PEON WORKSHOP ATTANDENT FACULTY DETAILS Name of the Staff Member Designation Basic Qualification SH.CHANDERGUPT Group Instructor DIP. IN KNITTING SH. BABULAL Group Instructor ITI IN DMC SH. L.C RATHORE Group Instructor ITI IN WIREMEN SH. DILBAG SINGH Group Instructor DIP. IN CIVIL ENGG. PLUMBER SH. N.K. BEDI Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. TURNER SH. N.P.SINGH Craft Instructor N.T.C. TURNER TURNER SH. ARUN KUMAR Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. MACHINIST SH. PAVINDER KUMAR Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. FITTER SH. P.K. FULORIA Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. FITTER 3 Specialized Qualification/ Trade SH. VINAY KUMAR Craft Instructor DEG. IN MECH. ENGG. FITTER SH. PARMOD KUMAR Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. WELDER SH. NARENDER KR. Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. TOOL&DIE SH. SHAILENDER GAUR Craft Instructor DEG. IN MECH. ENGG. SCOOTER.MECH. SH. BHOPAL SINGH Craft Instructor N.T.C IN CARPENTER CARPENTER SH. NARENDER KUMAR Craft Instructor N.T.C. IN WIREMAN WIREMAN SH. PRAMOD KUMAR Craft Instructor DEG. IN ELECT. ENGG. ELECTRICIAN SH. R.S. UPRETTI Craft Instructor N.T.CI. IN MACHINIST MACHINIST SH. KAPIL DEV Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. MOTOR MECH. SH. ISHWAR CHAND Craft Instructor DIP. IN ELECT. ENGG. INST.MECH. SH. D.S. KUSHWAH Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. MOTOR MECH. SMT. KAMLESH SINGH Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. D.M.C SH. SHRIKANT Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. ENGG.DRG. SH. PRAVEEN SHARMA Craft Instructor DEG. IN MECH. ENGG. ENGG.DRG. SH. DEEPAK JAIN Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. WORKSHOPCAL. SH. VINOD PANCHAL Craft Instructor DEG. IN MECH. ENGG. WORKSHOPCAL. SMT. RITU SRIVASTVA Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. COPA SH. JAGDEV SINGH Craft Instructor DEG. IN ELECT. ENGG. IT&ESM SH. HARI KRISHAN Craft Instructor M.A. (ENGLISH) LECTURAR SH. PREM LATA VERMA Craft Instructor N.T.C. IN STENO STENO ENG. SH. AJAY KUMAR Craft Instructor N.T.C. IN PAINTER PAINTER SH. ASHWANI KUMAR Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. 4 FITTER ENGG. SH. ARVIND GUPTA Craft Instructor DIP. IN CIVIL. ENGG. DMC SMT. SHAKUNTLA Craft Instructor N.T.C. IN DRESS DIG. C&S SH. RAJESH SINGH Craft Instructor DIP. IN ELECT. ENGG. IT&ESM SH. P.N. TIWARI Craft Instructor DIP. IN MECH. ENGG. WELDER SH. DHARAMVIR SINGH Craft Instructor DIPLOMA MECH. TURNER SH.DHARMENDER PURI Craft Instructor DEG. IN CHEMICAL ENGG. DETAILS OF CONTRACTUAL FACULTIES S. No. Name of the Staff Member Designation Specialized Qualification/ Trade 1 Mrs. POOJA AGGARWAL Contractual Craft Instructor CUTTING & SEWING 2 MS. SATYAWATI Contractual Craft Instructor S. STUDIES 3 MS. SWATI KHARI Contractual Craft Instructor H.S.I 4 MS. RAKHI VERMA Contractual Craft Instructor COPA 5 MS. SAVITA RANI Contractual Craft Instructor SECTT. PRACTICE 6 SH. DINESH CHAND BHATT Contractual Craft Instructor INST. MECH. 7 SH. P.N. GUPTA Contractual Craft Instructor STENO ENGLISH 8 MS. VANDANA SONI Contractual Craft Instructor DATA ENTRY OPERATOR 9 MS. SUNITA KUJUR Contractual Craft Instructor ELECTRONICS 10 SH. KASHMIR SINGH Contractual Craft Instructor ELECTRICIAN 11 SH. CHANRAJEET SINGH Contractual Craft Instructor REF. & A/C 12 SH. ASHWANI KUMAR TOOL & DIE Contractual Craft Instructor 5 13 SH. AMANPREET SINGH Contractual Craft Instructor STEEL FEB. PARTICULARS OF STATE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER (SPIO) Sr. No. Designation of the officer designated as SPIO Postal address Telephone No. 1. Principal ITI Nand Nagri, New Delhi110017. 01122581299 01122134850 e-mail address Demarcatio n of Area Activities, if more than one PIO is there itinandnagri@ yahoo.co.in PARTICULARS OF ASSISTANT STATE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS(ASPIO) Sr. No. 1. 2. Designation Postal Telephone e-mail of the address No. address officer designated as Assistant SPIO Office ITI 01122581299 itinandnagri Supt./AAO Nand 01122134850 @yahoo.co.in Nagri Group Instructors ITI Nand Nagri,. 01122581299 itinandnagri 01122134850 @yahoo.co.in Demarcation of Area Activities, if more than one PIO is there Related to Administrative/accoun t matters Related to Training matters FIRST APPELLATE AUTHORITY WITH IN THE DEPARTMENT OF TRAINING & TECHNICAL EDUCATION Sr. No. 1. Designation of the officer designated as first appellate authority Additional Secretary Postal address Telephone No. DTTE Pitampura110088. 27322472 e-mail address Dtte.ddtrg@gmai l.com 6 Demarcation of Area Activities, if more than one PIO is there Related to all Administrative & Academic matters COURSES OFFERED Sr. No. Discipline Sanctioned Intake Full Time/Part Time TRADES UNDER NCVT (NATIONAL COUNCIL OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING) 1 Tool &Die 16 Full Time(3 year) 2 Electronics 16 Full Time (2 year) 3 Welder 12 Full Time (1 year) 4 Draught Man Civil 16 Full Time (2 year) 5 Motor Mech. 16 Full Time (2 year) 6 Ref. & Air Conditioned. 16 Full Time (2 year) 7 Instrument Mechanic. 16 Full Time (2 year) 8 Electrician 16 Full Time (2 year) 9 Fitter 32 Full Time (2 year) 10 Turner 24 Full Time (2 year) 11 Machinist 12 Full Time (2 year) 12 COPA 40 Full Time (1 year) 13 Cutting & Sewing 32 Full Time (1 year) 14 Dress Design 16 Full Time (1 year) 15 Steno Eng. 32 Full Time (1 year) 16 Sectt. Practice 16 Full Time (1 year) 17 Carpenter 16 Full Time (1 year) TRADES UNDER SCVT (STATE COUNCIL OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING) 1 COPA 20 Full Time (1 year) 2 Health & Saint. Inspector 20 Full Time (1 year) 3 IT & ESM 16 Full Time (2 year) 4 ELECTRONICS 16 Full Time (2 year) 5 Steel Fabricator 16 Full Time (1 year) 6 Scooter Mechanic 16 Full Time (1 year) 7 Data Entry operator 26 Full Time(6 Months) 8 Electricals 16 Full Time (2 year) 9 Fashion technology 16 Full Time (1 year) 7 10 D/M/Civil 16 Full Time (2 year) 11 Ref. & A/C 16 Full Time (2 year) 12 Motor Mech. 16 Full Time (2 year) 13 Coaching cum Guidance 16 Full Time (1 year) BENIFITES FOR TRAINEES S. No. Name and address of the beneficiary Nature of concession/permit/a uthorization provided Purpose for which granted Scheme and Criterion for selection 1. All trainees of the institute Concessional Bus and Railway Passes To facilitate the trainees belong to low income families to enable them to attend the institute regularly without any financial burden. 2. SC/ST/OBC/PH/W IDOW/Ex-SM/Bal Sahyog. All Girls Trainee Waive off of Tuition Fees Training Trainees Residing more than Two Kilomet ers away from the ITI.. Except General Waive off of Tuition Fees Training 3. As per Delhi Govt. scheme No. of times similar concessi on given in past with purpose For last many years. -Do- In every year PLACEMENT DETAILS (FOR THE PAST YEARS) Year % of students placed Name of Major Industries 2008 60%-75% Placement in major industries of nearby states Industries 2009 60%-75% Placement in major industries of nearby states Industries 2010 60%-75% Placement in major industries of nearby states Industries 2011 Result of trainees awaited 8 MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENTS AVAILABLE IN LABS & W/SHOP S.N. 1 Name of the Lab./Trade Major Equipments Details Quantity Motor Mechanic Wheel Alignment machine 01 No. Wheel Balancing Machine 01 No. Smoke Tester 01 No. Gas Analyzer 01 No. 2 Tool & Die CNC Milling Machine 01 No. 3 Welder Spot Welding 01 No. Tig Welding 01 No. Mig Welding 01 No. M.G.Set 03 No. Slipring Motor 01 No. D.C. Motor 03 No. Computers 27 Nos. Printers (Both Black & white and Colour) 03 Nos. 4 5 Electrician COPA Computer Lab 1 No. UPS 1 No. Scanner 1No. Interactive Board 6 Data Entry Operator Computer Lab Computers 1 server and 12 Client Printer (Both Black & white and Colour) 2 Nos. UPS 5 KV Scanner 7 IT&ESM 1 Nos. 1 Nos. Computers 11 Nos. Photocopy Machine 01 No. TV 01 No. 9 Interactive Board 8 9 10 Steno(Eng) and Sec. Practice Electronic Mech. Cutting & Sewing 01 No. Computer Typewiters 33 Nos. Duplicators 01 No. Electronic Typewiter 01 No. Tape Recorder 01 No. TV 02 Nos. Radio 02 Nos Tape Recorder 02 Nos. C.R.O. 02 Nos. Multimeters 02 Nos. Alignment Equipments 02 Nos. Sewing Machine 19 Nos. Fashion maker 01 No. Zig-Zag. 01 No. Log Stitch Machine 11 Draught Man Civil Drafting Machine 09 Nos. Plotter, HP 01 No. 12 H.S.I. Auto clave, Blood Pressure Each item in Measuring Machine, T.V., Refrigerator, Vacuum Cleaner, 01 No. Computer, Printer cum Fax, Overhead Projector, Aqua Guard with RO system 13 Instrument Mechanic Grinder 01 No. Lathe Machine 01 No. Buffing Machine 01 No. 10 NON-PLAN BUDGET Major Head 2230 Activities to be performed Salaries, allowances, contingents bills Sanctioned budget Budget estimate Revised Estimate Rs 2.61 Cr. Rs 2.61 Cr. Rs 2.62 Cr. Expenditure for the last year Rs 2.61 Cr. PLAN BUDGET Major Head Activities to be performed 2230 Modernization of tools & equipment, Contractual appointment, /Advertisement Date of commencem ent 01.04.2011 Expected Amount Amount date of sanctioned disbursed/spent completion 31.03.2012 Rs. 74.30 Rs 18.5 Lakhs Lakhs FACILITIES AVAILABLE EDUSAT The Government of Delhi in collaboration with ISRO has set up an EDUSAT facility to enable distinguished faculty members to deliver lectures in multiple locations. This facility is contributing to mitigation of the shortages in technical education faculty. Delhi’s EDUSAT facility is now touching 50 different institutions. EDUSAT facility of Delhi also provides a platform to capture content from the large number of conferences, seminars and workshops that take place in Delhi and to use it as a national repository of these events. The recordings and documents of these events would be made available to the public through a web interface by Delhi’s EDUSAT facility. FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR OBTAINING INFORMATION S.No. 1. 2. Facility available Information Counter Website 3. Library 4. Notice Board Nature of Information available Related to Institute activities Working hours 8.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. Tender Document /Advertisement Details/Employees details Training Manual. Information Bulletins, Tender, Advertisement, Date sheet, Placement, other relevant details Always available 11 8.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. 8.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. SCHEMES TO UPGRADE THE SKILL PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) SCHEME On the basis Skill Gap Analysis, A considerable gap in Demand-Supply of skilled/semiskilled manpower are found in the Construction Sector, Hospitality Sector, IT and IT Service Sector, Garment Sector, Tours & Travel Sector and automobile sector. Department of Training & Technical Education has signed the MoA with TATA Motors LTD. under PPP scheme in the month of October 2010, to upgrade whole ITI in Automobile Sector to meet the level of its Excellence in the field of skill development and to obtain the target of 100% employability. ITI has also been entered in the MoU with LG, ELECTRONICS to upgrade the R & AC and Electronics trade in ITI Nand Nagri. MES (MODULAR EMPLOYABLE SKILL) MEE Scheme in which total curriculum of an industrial Sector is divided in to small modules. A person trained in any of such module acquires the skill which are sufficient to make that person employable in that sector in the area of skill acquired. A number of such industrial sector like Automotive Sector, production and Manufacturing Sector, Hospitality Sector etc have been adopted in this scheme.MES courses are run after institutional hours. TECOS (TECHNICAL EDUCATION COMMUNITY OUTREACH SCHEME) The Technical Education Community Outreach Scheme (TECOS) comprises of a public private citizen partnership based provisions of Training and Technical education services to the poor and needy segments of outreach society in Delhi. As Department of Training and technical education is focused on policy development, financing, planning and delivery of training and Technical education services. The purpose of TECOS is therefore enabling the poorer sections of Delhi’s society to acquire good quality live hood by obtaining employable skills at their door step. OTHER SCHEMES TASSKS (TAKNIKI SHIKSHA SANSTHAN KALYAN SAMITI) Takniki Shiksha Sansthan Kalyan Samiti is constituted in INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE; NAND NAGRI.As the maintenance of civil, electrical and other type of works in the ITI is attended by PWD. The maintenance through PWD is a lengthy process even for a small work because of that the institute suffers a lot therefore work of immediate nature can effectively be completed at institution level with oversight of such maintenance works through various stake holders of this Takniki Shiksha Sansthan Kalyan Samiti which has a chairman from Industries and members from RWO, Institute, Ex staff members, students etc. “EARN WHILE YOU LEARN” SCHEME The “Earn While You Learn ‘scheme has been implemented with effect from 1 st September, 2009, for minor repair & maintenance of Government buildings by the trainees of Govt. ITIs of Delhi under the supervision and guidance of the staff of ITIs. In this scheme 12 trainees of ITIs will get the practical experience during their training and also get some remuneration. Main objective of the scheme is as under: (i) (ii) (iii) To provide cost effective and timely maintenance of select Government buildings with focus on quality. To provide opportunity to the students of the ITIs to get on the job training, to earn while learning and to enhance the placement prospectus of the students. Students and Instructors will not only improve professionalism but will also learn soft skills like team building, leadership and work ethics. 13