Ms. Woo California History 2014 Period 6`s Level 3 Questions Group

Ms. Woo
California History 2014
Period 6’s Level 3 Questions
Group A - What is the portrayal of women in today’s society? What effects do these
portrayals have?
 How does society affect how people figure out their sexuality?
 How is female sexuality misrepresented, and what are the effects?
 How has the way society portrayed women throughout history affected their treatment now?
 How does the portrayal of young women in popular culture affect the potential for healthy
 What’s the portrayal of women by the media today?
This is a video by the lovely channel Feminist Frequency, a YouTube channel that talks about
feminist ideas in relation to ads and media. The channel has received attention from many news
sources and people for her observant and airticulate social criticism. This episode is about how
female sexuality is portrayed in Sci-Fi movies and the effects of these (and the Femme Fatale)
These are two articles from, a website dedicated to sharing information with people all
over the world. Both articles are about slut shaming - both what it is and what the effects of slut
shaming are, especially on young girls.
This article is about how women are portrayed sexually in the media and has a group of women ages
14-24 respond and comment on both the images they see and their responses and reactions. It has a
lot of insight on what actual women see and feel they are told about female sexuality. It also has a lot
of info about actual situations and examples of female portrayal in media and culture.
This is the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network. I got statistics about rape victims and support.
This is the website for the world health organization. There is a fact sheet about violence against
This is an article that links the Santa Barbara university murders to violence targeted at women. It is
very relevant and current
This news article discuses how the portrayal of women on the media has to do with the fact that their
bodies are put on display often on advertisements which results in the male audience buying the
product advertised.
Ms. Woo
California History 2014
This student letter discusses how the portrayal of women in social medias affect young girls too since
on Disney movies the princesses have beauty that they don't have so from a young age they start
having self esteem problems.
This article talks about the sexism of women being portrayed by the media through
advertisements. Occasionally, companies would choose women that have a nice body to sell their
products, showing their sex appeal. Through that image, men considered them as sexual objects,
giving them the idea that women can be owned.
This article talks about how women are being able to reach their fullest potential in life from education
and the work place but the expectations from society on how a women should look like is affecting
them in a negative way. It leads to low self-esteem because they feel that they’re not good
enough through the idea that they won’t obtain acceptance from society.
This article goes deeply on how the media affects young women to change their appearance. Rather
than exercising to keep their body fit and in shape, they started to go extreme measures to fit into the
beauty category for the price of their health.
The Bible is an incredibly important book to many people and our country/society as a whole, and
tells the story of Jesus Christ. The stroy of Jesus Christ has only two women in it: Mary the Virgin and
Mary the Whore. I think this is an important example of how religion portrays female versus male
sexuality, and how female sexuality is portrayed in religion is very relevant to how our society sees it.
This an online summary the Bible verses involving the Virgin Mary. The second link is one to a
description of her as she pertains to religion and Christianity.
This is a description of Mary Magdalene by a site dedicated to giving information about the Bible to
the masses.
Ms. Woo
California History 2014
Group B - What is the legacy of the Black Panther Party?
 Is the Black Panthers’ philosophy still around today?
 What was the Black Panther’s legacy to African American culture?
 What would happen if the Black Panthers never came?
 Why was there so much police brutality with the Black Panther Party?
This source is helpful because it shows what was the Black Panther's legacy to African American
culture . The Black Panther and Black American culture worked together of African American culture
and community. The Black Panther Party: Its Legacy And Impact Today - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney
This online article by Larry Pinkney discusses the legacy and impact of the Black Panthers on our
lives today.
The Legacy of the Black Panthers
This source is helpful because it shows what was the Black Panther's legacy to African American
culture and has a lot of information.
This is a transcript from Democracy Now of an interview of Danny Glover and Kathleen Cleaver who
were both involved in the black struggle for freedom. They are being interviewed about the book and
film “Black Power Mixtape” that chronicles the Black Freedom Struggle. There are two links, one for
Part 1 and one for Part 2.
“On the Black Riders, Revolutionary Intercommunalism and the Way Forward” by Michael Novick
This article is about the Black Riders, a new revolutionary group that claims to carry on the legacy of
the Black Panthers, their goals, and struggles.
Ms. Woo
California History 2014
Group C - What is the significance of the Environmental Movement?
 Has the environment improved since the 1960s?
 How have people’s impact on the environment changed over time?
 In what ways do people feel connected to their environment today, and how has this changed
since the 1970s?
In this governmental website founded by EPA, the positive side is explained. There are many
achievements over the course of the past 40 years that are said in this website, from awareness to
humans actually being more conservative of the sources around them.
In this newspaper article, the successes of Earth Day since 1970 are said. Humans have being more
aware of the environment and have developed many regulations and ways to save resources. Over
the years, we have been extremely careful with how we use the resources and reduce the amount of
pollution in our air.
In this organization website, both the positive and negative sides of my level 3 question are
explained. In this site, a connection between human population and nature is well explained. Although
humans are finding ways to use less resources and not cause as much pollution, the resources are
used more abundantly now due to the huge increase of people over the past 40 years.
This source talks about how people make decisions based on their own interests rather than to
"protect" their environment. It discusses "material benefit" versus the long term benefits and rewards
of saving resources and keeping an ecosystem in balance.
This sources describes people's relationship to nature from a scientific psychological perspective. It
talks directly about how people perceive their environment, what they notice, and how it leads to an
overall judgement.
This source is from National Geographic and it goes to show that the human race out of all the other
species have effected Earths environment and have made a huge impact on how many other species
Ms. Woo
California History 2014
This source states how humans actions are taking a toll on not only the environment but the climate
as well. This source is from
This statement is saying that the amount of CO2 is affecting how other organisms are living.
Ms. Woo
California History 2014
Group D – What human and constitutional rights do people have?
 How are people today using their right to free speech and assembly as an advantage or
custom to their lives?
 How have the goals of N.O.W. changed as time has gone by due to society’s improvement?
 Why is same sex marriage legal in certain states but not in others?
 Why is same sex marriage only legal in some states in America today?
CNN Library. "Same-Sex Marriage Fast Facts." May 23, 2014. CNN. Online Article. June 4,
This online article shows a timeline about the past same-sex marriage events that talks about the
banning and legalizing of same sex marriage in the United States.
Sarah Melody. "We have 30 Basic Human Rights: Do You Know them?"
November 16, 2009. Disqus. Online Article. June 6, 2014.
This article clearly states our universal human rights in a list so that everybody can be aware of the
different rights that all people have and most people might not know about.
Gay Marriage. ProCon. Web. June 2, 2014
Summary: This sources discusses the different perspectives on same-sex marriage in different states. The source states the laws that prohibit and support same-sex marriage in certain states. The
website also discusses the history of same-sex marriage laws in the states.
Same-sex marriage in the Unites States. CNN. Web. June 2,
Summary: This source shows a photograph that states which states ban or allow same-sex marriage.
If same-sex marriage is banned it shows if it has a constitutional or statutory ban on it This is the official National Organization for Women. It basically states up to six of the goals that they
are fighting for today. The goals are reproductive right and justice,ending violence against
women,economic justice,LGBT rights,racial justice, and constitutional equality amendment. I
think the LGBT movement and reproductive need to be continously and consistantly fought for
because they are the most controversial topics that occur throughout the nation. This website mainly talks about how even though a lot of action has happen in efforts of the feminist
movement there is still a lot of acceptance and flexiblilty that needs to occur. The passing of the
Equal Rights Amendment has been a great accomplishment that activist today still rely on to help
raise awareness and support efforts that need to be worked on. There has been a decline in the
women's movement, but the efforts to make things better should continue because the fight is
ongoing. There are still many activist who struggle with the government about keeping birth control
pills and abortion legal in the United States.
Ms. Woo
California History 2014
Group E - What is the quality of life for students today?
 Are students in college in particular more or less able to voice their personal and political ideas
than in the 1960s?
 How does the Ethnic Studies movement serve as an inspiration for students to demand their
educational rights today?
 How did the message of the FSU affect the political culture and universities of the Bay Area
 How does Ethnic Studies impact high school and college students?
This summary of a court case tells us that Corporations have means in which they can spend money
as a form of free speech and that the Government can not infringe upon that. This affects college
students by changing or hindering what they would see normally and how they could express their
beliefs or their right to free speech.
Students in modest face policies inside of colleges that make celebrating political events
tough, even relatively harmless acts. But once brought to the Supreme Court, were easily abolished.
First amendment rights in schools are, according to the Supreme Court, exactly the same, but only in
between classes, at lunch, during breaks, etc.
This source is from the University of Kansas website. It is titled "Student's Rights and
Responsibilities. The part that supports the question best is "The Freedom to Doubt and Question
Must be Guaranteed."
This is an article I found on the Forbes Website about a Free Speech Zone on the Cincinnati
University Campus. A student ended up suing the school over the free speech zone. The video has
more information if you are interested.
Teaching Ethnic Studies at an early age can be beneficial because they will be aware of the racism
faced by generations before.
Latino students were inspired by the way Ethnic Studies was taught. The banning of it led to strikes to
go against banning.
Ms. Woo
California History 2014
Santa Monica HIgh School incorporates ethnic studies in people’s education due to it’s importance.
They also provided AP classes for it to make it more advanced.
A statewide group in Connecticut created by Connecticut public university students wanted to help
undocumented, or illegal immigrant students to receive financial aid. Because they are
undocumented, they have to pay out-of-state tuition, which is twice or more as much as the in-state
tuition fee. The group calls this a DREAM, where helping undocumented students to afford is like a
dream to them. Their identification and status shouldn’t be able to stop them from learning and
succeeding in society.
American Student Assistance(ASA) is starting a movement called SALT. SALT is a movement to help
address student’s financial and debt problems. The goal of SALT is to change the way students pay
their loans so they don’t have to pay as much. SALT also give student advices on how to handle their
loans and money management. SALT wants more students to not worry too much about their
financial issues, so that more students to will more comfortable going to college. Again, money
shouldn’t be the wall that prevents you from getting your education.
Ms. Woo
California History 2014
Group F – What is or should be the role of government?
 How was police brutality different from the actions of police now? How can we change this
future outcome?
 Why did our presidents agree to let them move Indians out of their ancestral lands?
 How are Indians treated in reservations today?
 If there was a war today where the draft was put in place how would our society treat it? How
would it be different or the same from the protests in the Anti-Vietnam War Movement?
This essay by the Honorable Ezra Tafton talks about how government should be based upon
sound principles.
This source explains that some believe that the only role the government has is to protect and
maintain the individual rights of its citizens. While others, on the lefter side of the government believe
" redistributive wealth, social safety nets and public services or benefit packages are necessary for
social harmony and the greater good."
This source show the political beliefs of the conservatives and liberal in what the
government should have control of economically.
This source discusses what the role of the government in US health care.
This is a source by Jody W. Lipford and Jerry Slice who are both professors of economics. They
believe that the role of government has expanded over the last century. In the 18th century, the
government’s main function was national defense, administration of justice, and provision of certain
public goods but now, they have control over much more things.
This is by the Us News. It is part of an opinion blog that says the role of government should not be
nothing. Government should create and maintain conditions in which people can have healthy
competition to allow for the American economy to grow and prosper.. The American economy has not
faired well with little government involved. Although taxes have lowered, incomes have followed the
trend and went downhill.
This is a source by the National relief charities. The conditions of Native American reservations can
be compared to that of Third World countries although American itself is a leading world power.
28.2% of American Indians live below the federal poverty line while less than 50% of the Indian home
have a sewage system.
Ms. Woo
California History 2014
Group G – What political actions are people taking today? What effects do these actions
 What kinds of political actions are groups of people taking today to fight oppression of women
and how does that continue the work and actions done in the 1960s and 70s?
 How did the actions taken during the anti-war movement affect our world’s beliefs and actions
 Does the United Farm Workers still do boycotts and marches?
 Have the programs that have been started by all groups helped society today?
Purdue Feminist Action Coalition for Today
The Feminist Action Coalition for Today(FACT) is dedicated to promoting Feminism on
the Purdue University campus. They advocate for equal rights and gender euqality. They aim to
raise awareness about gender inequality.
National Organization for Women (Now) website
NOW is the largest feminist action organization in the U.S. They aim to win economic equality for
women and address their health issues. As well as addressing women's inequality, they fight against
racism and for LGBTQ rights. You are able to contact a local "official" of NOW and take action to gain
equality for women.
This website it to an online encyclopedia. It tells about how the black panthers have influenced other
movements through its common goals and actions.
This website shows the positive and negative effects that the Black Panther programs have on us
today. It also shows what programs are still in effect.
This link provides a description of the causes and effects of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
This link provides a description of the causes and effects of the Prop 8/ Gay Rights movement.
This link gives a description of a movement currently happening that is fighting climate change. From
this link you can click around to see what they are about.