I. Match the geographical terms to their definitions J 1) archipelago 8


I. Match the geographical terms to their definitions

1) archipelago

2) basin

3) canyon

4) latitude

5) delta

6) desert

7) fjord

8) glacier

9) International Date Line

10) island

11) inlet

12) lake

13) mountain range

14) longitude

15) peninsula

16) plateau

17) continent

18) strait

19) valley

20) volcano

21) hemisphere


a) the low land between hills. b) a coastal valley which was sculpted by glacial action. c) There are four of them: the Northern and Southern (divided by the equator) and the Eastern and

Western (divided by the Prime Meridian and 180°). d) angular degrees based on the equator; the equator is 0° latitude and the North Pole is 90° North while the South Pole is 90° south. e) a small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river. f) an area of fairly level high ground. g) wetlands that form as rivers empty their water and sediment into another body of water. h) a chain or set of islands grouped together. i) any area of land smaller than a continent and entirely surrounded by water. j) a large mass of ice that moves over the land, carving and eroding surfaces as it moves k) a hollow or depression in the earth's surface, wholly or partly surrounded by higher land. l) a geographic area containing numerous geologically related mountains. m) an imaginary line near 180° longitude that exists to separate the two simultaneous days that exist on the planet that the same time. n) a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land. o) a naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies of water. p) an area with little precipitation or where evaporation exceeds precipitation, and thus includes sparse vegetation. q) angular degrees based on the Prime Merdidian (0°) at Greenwich, London; degrees are east or west of Greenwich and meet in the Pacific Ocean at 180°. r) a deep valley with high, steep slopes. There is a grand one in the western U.S. s) a rupture on the crust of a planetary mass object, such as the Earth, which allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface.

t) one of the seven very large land masses of the world. u) a piece of land that is bordered by water on three sides but connected to mainland.

II. Famous Rivers of Europe

Unscramble the names of famous European rivers from your textbook. Be careful, not all of the names are the same in English! With the exception of one, all of the first letters are correct.

Good luck!

1) DBAENU - ________________________ 2) VAGLO - ______________________________

3) UARL - __________________________ 4) DREENIP - _____________________________

5) DREENIST - _______________________ 6) LAAB - ________________________________

7) OERD - __________________________ 8) VALUTSI - _____________________________

9) TASHEM - _______________________ 10) RENIH - ______________________________

11) LEIOR - ________________________ 12) RÔNEH - ______________________________

13) EROB - _________________________ 14) TUSAG - ______________________________

15) OP - ___________________________ 16) TERIB - _______________________________

17) VRADRA - _______________________ 18) MINA - _______________________________

III. Land and Water Features

Using the definitions you learned earlier, label all of the land and water features in the picture!


1) archipelago (h)

2) basin (k)

3) canyon (r)

4) latitude (d)

5) delta (g)

6) desert (p)

7) fjord (b)

8) glacier (j)

9) International Date Line


10) island (i)

11) inlet (e)

12) lake (n)

13) mountain range (l)

14) longitude (q)

15) peninsula (u)

16) plateau (f)

17) continent (t)

18) strait (o)

19) valley (a)

20) volcano (s)

21) hemisphere(c)

ANSWERS (EVROPA: geografija za 2. In 3. Letnik gimnazij - TB pgs 15 – 16)

Donava – Danube



Dneper – Dnieper

Dnester – Dniester


Odra – Oder

Visla – Vistula

Temza – Thames

Ren – Rhine

Loara – Loire

Rona – Rhône


Tajo – Tagus

Pad - Po

Tibera – Tiber


Majna – Main
