Waterways Ireland Heritage & Biodiversity Plan Consultation Waterways Ireland is developing a Heritage & Biodiversity Plan for the waterways under our care and wishes to invite submissions from all interested parties, groups and individuals before beginning drawing the plan together. We particularly seek your input into the issues/projects that should be addressed through a Waterways Ireland Heritage & Biodiversity Plan. We have prepared a survey to guide your submission which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Thank you *1. Which of the following waterways are you most interested in? Shannon Navigation Shannon Erne Waterway Erne System Grand Canal Royal Canal Lower Bann Navigation Barrow Navigation Ulster Canal Other (please specify) 2. What is your vision for the heritage of the waterways as a whole? *3. Are you involved in a Heritage or Biodiversity Group that has an interest in the waterways? 4. If Yes can you give the name of the organisation. *5. Are you involved in any heritage or biodiversity projects along the waterways? 6. If Yes can you provide some details about it? *7. Do you own or have responsibility for a heritage building, site or archive along the waterways? 8. If Yes please tick which type below Historic Building or Protected Structures Archaeological Monument Nature Site e.g. lake, wetland, hedgerow, walkway Collection of heritage objects or archives Heritage Boat or vessel Other (please specify) 9. If Yes can give us some further details. *10. The proposed themes of the Plan are listed below. Please rank them according to importance (1 for the least important and 6 for the most important) Natural Heritage & Biodiversity Architectural Heritage (Structures constructed post 1700 AD) Archaeology (Monuments and Artefacts pre 1700 AD) Cultural Heritage (e.g. Artefacts, Historical Documents, Oral History, Folklore, etc.) Landscape Geology *11. Which type of project or projects would you most like to see included in the Heritage Plan? Awareness Raising Community Engagement Promoting conservation best practice Research and Survey Work Biodiversity Restoration Projects Heritage Restoration Project Heritage development & Biodiversity as drivers for sustainable tourism Using new technologies to communicate the heritage value of the waterways Other (please specify) 12. What do you believe to be the most important issue(s) regarding heritage along the waterways? *13. What are the main means by which you experience the heritage and biodiversity of the waterways? Boating Angling Walking Cycling Wildlife Enthusiast Canoeing / Kayaking Other (please specify) *14. Are you (or the organisation that you represent) willing to assist in the implementation of the Heritage & Biodiversity Plan? 15. If yes, what type of action or project do you think you could contribute to? 16. Are there any other issues you would like to raise? *17. Which County are you from? 18. What is your name (optional)? 19. What are your contact details (optional)? Please return the completed submission by email to Sabine.browne@waterwaysireland.org or by post to Heritage & Biodiversity Study, Waterways Ireland, Drewborough, Scarriff, Co Clare to be received before the 12th January 2015. Thank you