Aim: Topic: Slavery in the United States Document #1

Topic: Slavery in the United States
Document #1 - Introduction to Chattel Slavery
Africans as slaves were first introduced into the Americas during its colonization by the
European powers (especially Spain and Portugal) to use as farmers, miners and workers as a form of
cheap forced labor. Slavery existed for all of history however, in the 1500’s to 1865, this slavery was
different. This slavery was known as chattel slavery. Chattel Slavery considers slaves as property. It is
also based on race (Africans) and was generational; once you were a slave, all of your future generations
were born as slaves. Slavery continued into the American Colonies (and then the United States),
especially the Southern colonies, where a large workforce was needed to farm the large cotton and
tobacco plantations. When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, a machine used to harvest cotton faster
and easier, cotton became one of the most important businesses of the United States (even earning the
nickname “King Cotton”). This greatly increased the demand for both cotton and as a result the
demand for more slaves. The buying and selling of slaves eventually became a very profitable business,
and many people became millionaires from it.
1) When was slavery introduced to the Americas?
What is chattel slavery?
Why did slavery continue into the United States?
What role did cotton have in promoting (encouraging) slavery?
Why was slavery important to the Southern economy?
Document #2 – the Justification of Slavery
Until the mid-1800’s, slavery was practiced all over the world, however, eventually only the United
States still practiced slavery. Most Northern states, with no need for slavery, wanted to abolish (end)
slavery and free the slaves. This increased tension was known as Sectional Tension (tension between
two sections of the United States). Faced with a new and growing abolitionist (antislavery/freedom)
movement, slaveholders and politicians of the Southern States were forced to come up with a defense
for why slavery should not be abolished (gotten rid of).
1) Why is their tension between the Northern and Southern States?
2) Why does the South have to justify slavery?
3) How do you think they will justify slavery?
Class Activity – complete individually or in pairs
Task A: For each quote, write down if the reason justifying slavery was political, social, economic or
Task B: Write one paragraph (4-7 sentences) why slavery was important to the Southern way of life.
Tack C: Pick 3 reasons why the South said slavery was right. Pretend you are a Northerner – tell
them why each of those reasons is wrong.
““The Northern states have no right to tell us how to run our society. Our society and economy is based
around slavery…to abolish [get rid of it] would destroy us.” - John C. Calhoun
“Why do the Northerners criticize slavery? Look at the Northern factories – how poorly their workers
are treated…long hours, low wages, and no benefits and then left to fend for himself in the harsh world.
In the South, the African does not get paid, but he is provided for and protected. We provide for all of
the economic and religious needs of our slaves…they are part of our family. The Northerners criticize us,
but their workers are worse off than our slaves!” – James Hammond
“It is amusing how the North criticizes slavery with one hand and counts their money from our cotton
with the other.” - James Hammond
“The Constitution protects our rights of property…slaves are our property and the Northern states
cannot take away our rights.”
“The South needs a social system, with the slave on the bottom and the upper classes on top. Without
the slave, our way of life would fall apart, as all of the classes would sink to the bottom – like the factory
workers in the North – we would all become slaves to big business.” - John C. Calhoun
“Africans are an excellent source of labor as they are available, cheap and profitable.” - John C. Calhoun
“While the non-whites do the unskilled labor…the higher classes to do the work that allows civilization
forward”- James Hammond
“The greatness of ancient Egypt, Israel, Greece, and Rome had been based on slavery. An American
empire requires slave labor.” - Thomas Hart Benton
“To justify slavery, look no further than the Bible which accepts slavery as an institution, in Colossians
4:1, it states, “Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also
have a master in heaven.” – Thomas Hart Benton
“The African race is not yet evolved enough to be a citizen in society.” – Robert E. Lee