CHAPMAN PRIMARY SCHOOL Thursday 4 June 2015 Perry Drive, Chapman ACT 2611 Ph: 6205 7300 Fax: 6205 7307 Website: “Achieving Excellence Together” Principal P&C Contact Board Chair Email Anne Simpson 6205 7300 Bronwyn Huntley 0412 409 466 Sheree Bond After School Care 3.00pm After School Care website After School Care email Chapman P&C Website Term 2 Week 6 DATES TO REMEMBER Executive Assembly, 12.10pm Queens Birthday Public Holiday ICAS Writing Kindy Health Screening ICAS Spelling School Board meeting, 5.30pm School Photos Preschool photos, Frogs & Spots P & C Meeting, 7.30pm Preschool photos, Turtles & Stripes Kindy Questacon Excursion Friday Monday Monday Mon-Wed Tuesday Wednesday Monday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5 June 8 June 15 June 15-17 June 16 June 17 June 22 June 22 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 0408 880 655/6288 0655 Reminders Book Club Issue 4 due Friday 12 June Uniform Shop Hours 2015 Mondays & Fridays 9.00-9.30am Attachments P & C Movie Ticket fundraiser flyer Dear Parents and Carers We are thrilled to inform you that Ibu Christee Hampson has been successful in her submission for Chapman PS to have an Indonesian national come to work as an Indonesian Teacher Learning Assistant. The ILTA will work with Ibu Hampson and the students in the Indonesian Room on Wednesdays, during Terms 2 and 3. Our ILTA, Pak Adri hails from Bogor in Java and is being sponsored by the Indonesian Embassy and EDT. He will stories about his country, help children with their language, teach students more about his culture and most importantly give pupils and the wider school community the chance to build a friendship with an Indonesian national. When he is not at school assisting with the teaching of Bahasa Indonesia, you will find Pak Adri at ANU studying towards his PhD in Environmental Economics. If you see him around the school, please say “selamat pagi” (good morning) or “selamat siang” (good day to him) and make him feel welcome in our Chapman PS way. We have had another exciting fortnight for Chapman Primary School. On Tuesday night I had the pleasure of attending the Rostrum Quarter finals held at Telopea Park School and on hearing Josie Robertson of 5/6 DH, was an extremely proud Principal. Josie was highly animated, spoke with clarity and engaged her audience. Well done Josie. Our Da Vinci Decathlon teams also did us proud. This year 31 ACT schools participated in this highly competitive and challenging event. For the fourth year in a row we have been a top performing school. Congratulations to our year 6 team who with Curtin Primary received equal 2nd place; both being narrowly piped at the post by Aranda Primary. Another great achievement for our ACT Public Schools. The year 5 teams also did extremely well; being placed in the top 10 for all of the categories. The students had a wonderful day of collaboration and problem solving. Thank you again to Ms Holdway and Mr Shiels for their organization and support. Being an active and respectful citizen of Chapman Primary is an aspiration that is valued by our community. Our School Representative Council (SRC) is responsive to providing opportunities for all the children to contribute positively to school life and also to reach out beyond the community. We were all sad to hear of the devastation caused to Nepal during the recent earthquakes particularly about children losing their home, schools and even family members. Two of our recent SRC/P&C activities, the Disco and Cup Cake day have raised over $1500 that will be donated to the Australian Red Cross Disaster Appeal. At tomorrow’s assembly, one of our community members, Anita Dwyer will be receiving the donation on behalf of the Red Cross. Having recently returned from Nepal she will also speak with the children about her work in the Humanitarian field and her work in coordinating the relief effort. Anita will also share some photos of the region and how our money might be used to help others. The freezing, frosty mornings have signalled the start of winter and often the desire for some to stay snuggled up in bed for an extra few minutes. As the morning temperatures drop and the weather is less pleasant, we encourage children to arrive at school between 8:35 and 8:45am. This allows the children to come into class and begin their school day at 8:50am and not be outside in the cold for too long. Please remember that the class learning programs begin at 8:50am each day. All children like to have a settled start to their day and begin their learning tasks having heard and understood the directions and knowing they are in the right group. We thank parents and carers for supporting the teachers by ensuring your child arrives at school on time and ready for learning. We are hoping for the brilliant sunny days to continue next week as the Athletics Carnival will be held on our school oval on Thursday 11th June. This will be a whole school event and all students will be involved. The carnival will commence promptly at 9.30am, though we invite parent helpers and spectators to meet on the oval around 9.15am. The format will be very similar to last year. Students from Years 2 to 6 will be participate for the full day and students from Kindergarten and year 1will participate for approximately half the day. Kindergarten and year 1 children will be first off the mark at 9.30am and will then participate in rotation activities before returning to class. In anticipation of a frosty start to the day please ensure that your children have an extra layer of clothing over their running gear, a knee rug, beanies and gloves would be a welcome addition. Our wonderful P&C and Canteen subcommittee are organizing the “sausage sizzle” and welcome any assistance on the day. Walkathon Week 10 This year our Walkathon will take a new route. We are planning a whole school walk, up to and around Cooleman Ridge in week 10. Our Walkathon committee have plans for the day well under way and will provide more information in the ensuing weeks. 40th Anniversary Celebrations Our plans so far and dates for your diary Event 40th Anniversary Cookbook 40th Anniversary raffle (for play equipment) Walkathon (fundraising for new play equipment) Trivia Night “40” theme School Musical – The Wizard of OZ – year 5/6 Official birthday celebration Assembly 9-11 Alkira Art Show and memorabilia Anniversary Fete Preschool Anniversary Quilt Date Term 2/3 2nd July 12th September 15-17 Sept 20 October 22/23 October 1st November ongoing See you at tomorrow’s assembly which will be facilitated by the Executive team, hosted by our SRC leaders and featuring some of our talented writers and musicians. Anne and staff 2016 Preschool Enrolment ** Important Information ** The Department of Education and Training has reduced the 2016 ACT Preschool class size to 22 students per class. Once the class capacity is reached no further enrolments will be accepted, this includes Chapman residents and siblings of children concurrently enrolled at Chapman Primary. What this means for you If you currently have a child/ren enrolled at Chapman and are planning to enrol a sibling at Preschool next year, you will need to submit your online enrolment before the closing date of 5 June. If you enrol in Preschool after the closing date and preschool class capacity has been reached you may have to enrol at another ACT Preschool. Please note that this applies to Preschool classes only. A-E Reporting A-E reports will be sent home in Week 10. If you DO NOT wish your child to receive an A – E report please let the front office know no later than Wednesday 17 June. If you require two copies of your child’s report, please notify the Front Office on 6205 7300 no later than Friday 19 June. Principal’s Awards KTV An Vu Oliver Fisher KPR Tilley McGuire Lucy Ollerenshaw KKM Oliver Thomas George Gu KMM Louis Middleton-Yong Olivia Treloar 1LP Rowan Payne Hugo Ferguson 1HT Sam Kuschel Sophie Harris 1TA Matilda Briggs William Tongue 1PA Tia Heritage Gabriel Chin 2SH Tom Budden Ava Hall 2LH Jemima Farmer William Cooper 2RL Ivy Collison Max Swoboda a great attitude at Wheels Day great work learning letters and their sounds making big words with little words always working to produce quality book work great participation during ‘Wheels Day’ activities wonderful contributions to class discussions doing a great job with his letter and sounds doing a great job of reading her home reader wonderful progress in reading making interesting text to self connections in reading groups his willingness to help other students in the classroom and playground consistently working to the best of her ability in all curriculum areas sharing her scooter during Wheels Day activities his great riding skills during Wheels Day taking more care when presenting her written work his wonderful improvements in reading – well done Gabriel! confidently demonstrating his excellent understanding in maths becoming a more confident and independent writer representing the time accurately on an analogue clock quick and accurate recall of number facts in maths groups confidence during her oral presentation creative thinking during class maths 2MC Ebonyrose Leyden Sunday Minerds 3LD Zadie Minerds Lachlan Yeatman 3OF Jaydian Peters Oscar Miller 3MS Tahli Hodges Flynn Katsoolis 5/6DH William Farrimond Emma Hazell 5/6KT Nick Bovey Holly Katsoolis 5/6RM Tayla Julien Tara Cannon 5/6HM Andrew Wilson Heidi Morris-Barrow 5/6BW Maddie McGinness Stewart Anderson Library Award Alicia Hodges Sophie Lovatt a fantastic performance in readers theatre and drama a fantastic improvement in her reading recording thoughtful science observations an improvement in the overall quality of his writing working well during shared reading participating enthusiastically during shared reading being a kind and thoughtful friend excellent oral presentation skills displaying improved work habits and application to task improved self editing and successfully using a dictionary completing homework to a high standard using rich vocabulary in descriptive writing thoughtful and in-depth written responses a positive attitude towards learning working diligently during maths sessions improvement and perseverance with cursive writing a great effort in our Desert Survivors unit of work terrific efforts in spelling sessions reading 12 books to complete the Chief Ministers Reading Challenge in 4 weeks! displaying wonderful commitment to finish the Chief Ministers Reading Challenge. Preschool There was great excitement at preschool this week as the children discovered dinosaur bones in the sandpit. We became palaeontologists and carefully removed the bones and tried to recreate the dinosaur using the bone parts. This has created a lot of discussion about what happened to the dinosaurs and how they became extinct. Now that it is the beginning of winter we have talked about the changes in our preschool garden. Some trees are nearly bare while others still have many leaves. There have been some frosts already which have provided nice cold starts to the morning. Please make sure that your child has a warm labelled coat to wear when we go outside. If you would like to make an interview time please contact preschool on 62057677 or speak to us when dropping off or collecting your child. The Preschool Team Kindergarten - The Garden Kindergarten continues to bustle along and we can't believe we have just passed the midway point in Term 2. In Literacy, we have been looking at word families, with a recent focus on an, et, ig and the letter blend sh. You may like to hunt for these in books that you are sharing at home. See if you can make up lists of rhyming words for any that you find. Over the past fortnight we have been continuing our many investigations in our Inquiry and are enjoying sorting and classifying objects according to what they are ‘made of’. Perhaps at home you could tally the number of household items you can find made of metal, plastic, textiles, wood and glass. Which is the most/least common? To support this science unit we have been busy organising an excursion to Questacon for later this term. Keep an eye out for a permission note coming home in the next couple of days. Another special project we are working on is a new program called 'Bush Kids' and it will be starting next term. This program will be explained further in a parent information session and parent pack in Week 8 of this term. Reminder: School hats have been now sent home to be washed and can be kept there until we resume wearing them next term. We will inform families when hats will be required. Kind Regards, Michelle May, Tessa van der Hoek, Priscilla Reyenga and Kristy Messenger Year 1 - Where the Forest Meets the Sea Year 1 – Where the forest meets the sea We have started our new Integrated Inquiry this week – ‘Home Among the Gum Trees’ which focuses on the learning area of Geography. We will be investigating and describing the features of our local area. To get a great view of some of these features we went for a walk up Cooleman Ridge on Tuesday morning. Below are some photos of the students drawing the natural, managed and constructed features they can see. In Maths groups, we have all been practising our skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. Asking your child to find the total of any coins you have in your purse or wallet (hopefully there are a few) would be a way to help them at home. In Literacy, we have been focusing on the ‘making connections’ strategy to improve our reading comprehension. Students have been making text to self connections. After reading a book we have been using the following sentence starters to help us with our thinking: This book reminds me of… This book makes me think of… Perhaps you could use them with the home reader or a book you are sharing at home this week. Kind regards, Prue Anderson, Tegan Kennedy, Laura Poultney and Helen Tranter Year 2 – Animalia What an exciting time Year 2 have been having with our exploration of forces. This week, we are using our knowledge of friction to explore how we can make toy cars move. Ask your child to explain what they already know about what friction is and how we can see examples of it in our daily lives. We are excited to be making community connections next Friday 12th June, and have a visit from Mrs Lovatt who is a science teacher from Stromlo High School. Mrs Lovatt is going to build upon our knowledge of friction and share some exciting new learning and activities with us. We are really looking forward to testing our paper planes from our homework task tomorrow. It will be exciting to see how we apply our knowledge of gravity and air pressure to design a paper plane that flies the furthest and has the longest flight time on Friday. A friendly reminder that hats are now off during the winter months of June and July. It is fine for the students to wear a plain red beanie for warmth if they choose to. It is important to continue to send along a drink bottle to school every day to ensure that our brains are well hydrated. Maths equipment request - To support our classroom programs please send in any clean boxes, clean plastic containers and clean old plastic juice bottles to the classes. If anyone has any interesting shaped boxes that we can explore for 3D shape we would welcome them also. An old Toblerone box is such an fascinating shape to explore! Save the date – Whole School Walkathon Thursday 2nd July 11am. We would love at least five parents per class to walk with us. Please contact your class carer to let them know if you can help. Melina Clark, Sharon Hickey, Lee Hodges, Bek Lane and Kate Pottenger (LSA) Year 3 – The Tree House Year 3 have had a wonderful start to the new Inquiry unit ‘Great Southern Land’. Students have already begun sharing their prior knowledge and sharing experiences from their travels around Australia. This Inquiry explores the States and Territories of Australia, landmarks, surrounding seas and oceans as well as our neighbouring countries. Thank you for the continued support to ensure students meet their homework requirements. We have been impressed by the quality of homework produced this week and are looking forward to binding all of the information posters to create class books. A reminder that the athletics carnival is on next Thursday. As it is likely it will be cool weather in the morning please ensure students wear suitable clothing. Students are encouraged to wear house colours. It is important their jumpers and jackets are labelled also. You are welcome to come and watch and we look forward to seeing many of you there. Kind regards, Lauren Daniel, Mark Shiels, Fiona O’Hare and Trish Foster Year 4 – The Land Of Oz The past fortnight has been a very busy time in Year 4. We welcomed back Ms Duncan from her trip to Hawaii, went on camp to Warrambui, went on a double excursion to Geoscience Australia and the National Botanic Gardens and a visit from Captain Lister to start our new History unit of work “Bound for Botany Bay”. The excursions were a wonderful opportunity to culminate our Geology unit and we thank those parents that accompanied us on the day. We will continue to consolidate our multiplication skills and processes. The multiplication project will commence towards the end of Week 7. We are also continuing to work on our sentence structure and the language associated with creating exciting, descriptive and meaningful sentences. Do you know what a compound sentence is? We welcome to the unit Miss Lisa Bodger who is an intern from the University of Canberra. Regards, Fiona Duncan, Sheridan Brill and Paul Campbell Year 5/6 - Superheroes Da Vinci Decathlon Last week, some of our 5/6 students took part in the Da Vinci Decathlon which is an academic gala day. They competed in teams of eight to complete a wide range of academic challenges. We were very impressed with the team work and problem solving demonstrated. Here is Serena Drury’s reflection on the day: The Da Vinci Decathlon was a fun but challenging event for all of my team, and it required teamwork from all of us. We had to cooperate and be willing to help out even if we were busy doing our own section of the academics. The cartography was particularly challenging, and took four members of my team, including myself to complete is successfully. Completing the English was very costly for time, with us managing to finish the papers just as the allowed time was drawing to a close. We were working hard nearly the whole day but we managed to achieve second place even though we thought the odds were against us with thirty one other year 6 teams competing for a place. The year 6 Da Vinci Decathlon was certainly harder than we all expected but was certainly a great achievement for all of us. Year 5 combined band Year 5 band students attended their first combined band practice. They got to experience playing with students from four different schools with the addition of brass band instruments. We are impressed with the progress that many students are making and we continue to encourage them to make practice a part of their daily routine. Peer support We were very proud of the excellent job our Year 6 students did during their first peer support lesson! Teachers from across the school commented on how well our leaders delivered their lesson to students from Kindergarten to Year 5. Peer support runs every fortnight on non-assembly weeks. We ask that you try and minimise absences on these days where possible. The Year 5/6 team. Chapman Athletics Carnival Our school Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday 11 June at Chapman Oval. We are looking forward to seeing our Kindergarten students compete in their first Athletics Carnival. All parents are welcome to attend to cheer on the students or assist during the day. Please see below for the carnival program. It is a great day out for all students and parents! Chapman Primary Athletics Carnival Thursday 11 June Session 1 will start at 9.30am. Kindergarten and Year 1 students will participate in sporting rotations on the oval once they have completed their 70m race. PLEASE NOTE: Year 2 students who are 7 years old will be competing with the 8 year old students. Session 1- 9.30am Session 2 Kindergarten 70m races (Main Track) 8 Years Boys 70m (Inside Track) Year 1 70m races (Main Track) 8 Years Girls 70m (Inside Track) 10 Years Boys 800m (Main Track) 9 Years Boys 100m- (Main Track) 10 Years Girls 800m (Main Track) 9 Years Girls 100m-(Main Track) 11 Years Boys 800m (Main Track) 10 Years Boys Long Jump 11 Years Girls 800m (Main Track) 10 Years Girls Long Jump 12 Years Boys 800m (Main Track) 11 Years Boys Shot Put 12 Years Girls 800m (Main Track) 11 Years Girls Discus 12 Years Boys Break 12 Years Girls Break Session 3 8 Years Boys 100m (Main Track) 8 Years Girls 100m (Main Track) 9 Years Boys 70m (Inside Track) 9 Years Girls 70m (Inside Track) 10 Years Boys Break 10 Years Girls Break 11 Years Boys Long Jump 11 Years Girls Long Jump 12 Years Boys Discus 12 Years Girls Shot Put Session 4 8 Years Boys Break 8 Years Girls Break 9 Years Boys Long Jump-Novelty 9 Years Girls Long Jump-Novelty 10 Years Boys 100m (Inside Track) 10 Years Girls 100m (Inside Track) 11 Years Boys 200m (Main Track) 11 Years Girls 200m (Main Track) 12 Years Boys Shot Put 12 Years Girls Discus Session 5 8 Years Boys Long Jump –Novelty 8 Years Girls Long Jump—Novelty 9 Years Boys Javelin-Novelty 9 Years Girls Javelin-Novelty 10 Years Boys Discus 10 Years Girls Shot Put 11 Years Boys 100m (Inside Track) 11 Years Girls 100m (Inside Track) 12 Years Boys 100m (Main Track) 12 Years Girls 100m (Main Track) Session 6 8 Years Boys Javelin –Novelty 8 Years Girls Javelin-Novelty 9 Years Boys Break 9 Years Girls-Break 10 Years Boys 200m (Main Track) 10 Years Girls 200m (Main Track) 11 Years Boys Discus 11 Years Girls Shot Put 12 Years Boys Long Jump 12 Years Girls Long Jump Session 7 8 Years Boys Break 8 Years Girls Break 9 Years Boys Long Jump 9 Years Girls Long Jump 10 Years Boys Shot Put 10 Years Girls Discus 11 Years Boys Break 11 Years Girls Break 12 Years Boys 200m (Main Track) 12 Years Girls 200m (Main Track) Session 8 8 Years 70m Boys Final (Main Track) 8 Years 70m Girls Final (Main Track) 9 Years 70m Boys Final (Main Track) 9 Years 70m Girls Final (Main Track) 10 Years 100m Boys Final (Main Track) 10 Years 100m Girls Final (Main Track) 11 Years 100m Boys Final (Main Track) 11 Years 100m Girls Final (Main Track) 12 Years 100m Boys Final (Main Track) 12 Years 100m Girls Final (Main Track) 8 Years 100m Boys Final (Main Track) 8 Years 100m Girls Final (Main Track) 9 Years 100m Boys Final (Main Track) 9 Years 100m Girls Final (Main Track) Enviro Squad News On Monday of week 6 (1/6/15) we had a Waste Free Day. Congratulations to all those families who worked to minimise the waste that went into the bin. Our biggest waste product was plastic wrap. Here are the results. KPR – 12g 1TA – 10g 2MC – 2g KKM – 12g 1PA – 7g 2SH – 29g KTV – 17g 1HT – 11g 2BL – 8g KMM – 2g 1LP – 18g 2LH – 12g 3FO – 6g 3MS – 9g 3LD – 8g 4SB 4PC (excursion) 4FD 5/6RM – 16g 5/6HM – 4g 5/6 HH – 4g 5/6KT – 3g 5/6BW – 90g Well done to KMM and 2MC who will receive their trophies at this week’s assembly. If you would like to see the results they are now recorded on the pin board outside the teacher’s staffroom. Keep up the great work everyone. Priscilla Reyenga Enviro Squad Coordinator Showcase iPad App Each fortnight, we will be recommending iPad Apps which you may like to download for your children at home on your iPad or tablet. These Apps have been selected due to their excellent education value and are being used on the school iPads in class time. Vocabulary Spelling City This is a free app for teaching spelling and vocabulary. Students can study and learn their current Spelling Matrix word lists (Lists 1 to 17) using a variety of learning activities. In order to access the Chapman Spelling Matrix lists, please use the following details to login to the Chapman School account. Select- Teacher/parent Teacher/ parent Username: chapmanprimary Password: chapman There are also many other free lists available on this app which do not require students to login. Many thanks, Jackalyn Herrick and Paul Campbell ICT Coordinators Leaving Chapman Primary School? We are currently organising classes for 2016 and require families to indicate if they will not be continuing at Chapman. A response is not required if your child is currently in Year 6 and will be going to High School in 2016. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leaving Chapman Primary School If your child/ren (not Year 6) will NOT be returning to Chapman Primary in 2016 could you please complete the form below and return it to the Front Office ASAP. Child’s Name: __________________________________ Class: _________ Child’s Name: __________________________________ Class: _________ Child’s Name: __________________________________ The child/ren will be attending: Class: _________ another Government school in the ACT an Interstate school a Non Government school in the ACT an Overseas school ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P & C Update Contact information If you need to get in contact with the President, Treasurer, Secretary or Fundraising people on the P & C we have set up a standard email addresses. They are as follows: President – Secretary – Treasurer – Fundraising – P & C Meetings for the rest of the year At the last meeting we have locked our meeting dates for the rest of the year as follows (start time is 7:30pm and we will be in the staff room): 24 June 12 August 9 September 28 October 25 November Everyone is welcome. If you can’t make it and would like something raised please forward your question/comment to Bronwyn via email ( Chess Club! The chess club runs on Tuesday lunch from 11:10 am 11:55 am. If you are interested in joining the chess class, please contact the Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170 or email Chess puzzle Information on chess events can be found on: Remember, if you already know how to play, you are always welcome to come along with a friend and play for free! Solution puzzle 5 1. Kc3 Ka4 2. Qb4 # Puzzle nr. 6: White to play and checkmate in 2 moves Term 2 – Beyond You This term the CEIS project will present ‘Beyond You’ at our school. Students will participate in interactive activities to discuss and explore human values and relationships with others and God. Only students with permission will attend. This term’s date: Monday 29 June Christian Education In Schools (CEIS) occurs because parents request it for their children, under ACT legislation. Sessions are coordinated by the CEIS project, using approved resources and volunteers. If you would like to add your child to the existing attendance list print off the section below and return it to the school or go to PLEASE RETURN THIS SECTION TO THE SCHOOL TO ADD YOUR CHILD TO THE EXISTING LIST YES, I request that my child/ren listed below participate in the CEIS sessions offered at school. Child: ___________________________________ Class:________ Parent name: ________________________ Child: ___________________________________ Class:________ Parent signature: _____________________ Child: ___________________________________ Class:________ Date: ________________ Community News The Australian Association for the Teaching of English and Australian Literacy Educators’ Association invite students, with their parents, to meet the authors Graeme Base and Gary Crew at the National Convention Centre, Canberra on Saturday, 4 July 2015 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm These renowned Australian authors will be available to share experiences, respond to questions, and sign books. A range of their books will be for sale during the session.