<pp> i Victorian projects taking sustainable action The Victorian Government Sustainability Fund Activities Report 2011–12 <pp> ii The report is a public document and is available online www.sustainability.vic.gov.au. Hard copies are also available by contacting the Sustainability Fund on 1300 363 744 or sustainabilityfund@sustainability.vic.gov.au Victorian projects taking sustainable action The Victorian Government Sustainability Fund Activities Report 2011-12 Sustainability Fund 2011-2012 Published July 2013 by Sustainability Victoria. ABN 62 019 854 067 Level 28, Urban Workshop 50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia Also available on www.sustainability.vic.gov.au This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Authorised by Sustainability Victoria, level 28, Urban Workshop 50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia. The Victorian Government Sustainability Fund Activities Report 2011–12 © Sustainability Victoria 2011. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are factually correct, Sustainability Victoria gives no warranty regarding its accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose and to the extent permitted by law, does not accept any liability for loss or damages incurred as a result of reliance placed upon the content of this publication. This publication is provided on the basis that all persons accessing it undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. The Victorian Government Sustainability Fund Activities Report 2011–12 should be attributed to Sustainability Victoria. The Victorian Government Sustainability Fund Activities Report 2011–12 (excluding case studies) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. In essence, you are free to copy, distribute and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work and abide by the other licence terms. To view a copy of this licence, visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/ The report is a public document and is available online www.sustainability.vic.gov.au. Hard copies are also available by contacting the Sustainability Fund on 1300 363 744 or sustainabilityfund@sustainability.vic.gov.au <pp> iii Contents 1. Introduction 2. Victoria’s Landfill Levy at work 3. Sustainability Fund governance 4. Investment report 2011-2012 Case Studies Sustainability Fund allocations 2011-2012 <pp> 1 1. Introduction Purpose This Activities Report provides an overview of the support provided from the Victorian Government Sustainability Fund, outlining the major allocations from the Fund as well as improved governance arrangements implemented in 2011-12. The report is published annually and is part of our commitment to operating transparently and demonstrating how the Victorian Landfll Levy is being invested in projects state-wide. <pp> 2 <transcriber’s note> Illustration </transcriber’s note> <pp> 3 2. Victoria’s Landfill Levy at work The Victorian Government Sustainability Fund is a perpetual fund that is sourced from the Victorian Landfill Levy. The purpose of the Sustainability Fund is to support programs and initiatives that facilitate resource efficiency and waste reduction, as well as assist communities to improve the environment and respond to climate change. Conserve, Invest and Save This year saw a significant investment made by the Victorian Government in sustainable waste management with the announcement of a major package of initiatives through Conserve, Invest and Save (CIS), with support from the Sustainability Fund. More than $38 million has been allocated for a range of programs that provide practical local solutions to help businesses and households manage waste and resources more efficiently. This significant investment underpins the Government’s commitment to building a strong and thriving economy and improving liveability for all Victorians. CIS programs such as Driving Investment for New Recycling (DINR), which has leveraged more than $11million in co-investment from industry, are a prime example of the Government’s policy in action. A new Priority Statement and guidelines In February 2012 a new Priority Statement and guidelines for the Sustainability Fund were announced after a period of public consultation in accordance with the Victorian Environment Protection Act 1970. The revised statement renews the focus on supporting Victorians to reduce waste and dispose of less waste at landfill – supporting industry, government and communities. Supporting new grants programs A number of new grants programs supported through strategic allocations from the Fund were announced in 2011-12. These add to the wide range of grant programs already supported by the Fund. Programs supported in previous years and delivered by Victoria’s Environment Portfolio (Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI), Sustainability Victoria (SV), Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and Waste Management Groups) provide direct support to local government, industry and community. Support for council waste grants, litter protection officers and local environment projects are all helping to deliver improved waste management and healthier local environments. <pp> 4 3. Sustainability Fund governance About the Sustainability Fund A portion of the Victorian Landfill Levy is directed to the Sustainability Fund (after distribution to agencies responsible for Victoria’s waste management system) to support programs and initiatives that facilitate resource efficiency and waste reduction, as well as assisting communities to improve the environment and respond to climate change. The Victorian Premier and the Minister for Environment and Climate Change are joint administrators of the Fund. The governance arrangements for the Sustainability Fund are guided by three key elements: the Sustainability Fund Priority Statement, the Sustainability Fund Guidelines and the Sustainability Fund Advisory Panel. The requirement for these is prescribed in the Environment Protection Act 1970, which sets the framework for operation of the Sustainability Fund. Sustainability Victoria is the responsible authority for the Sustainability Fund and manages the distribution of funds and maintains the Sustainability Fund Secretariat. Sustainability Victoria is supported in this role by Environment Portfolio partners: the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI), previously the Department of Sustainability and Environment. A New Priority Statement and Guidelines The Sustainability Fund Priority Statement outlines the priorities for Fund allocations. All allocations made from the Fund must be in line with the priorities set out in the statement. In February 2012, the Minister for Environment and Climate Change announced a new Priority Statement for the Sustainability Fund. This sets out a clear agenda for sustainable waste management in Victoria. The new statement was shaped by feedback received during a consultation process that successfully engaged a broad cross-section of stakeholders from local government, industry, peak bodies and community groups. This process was carried out in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1970. The majority of submissions agreed that changes needed to be made to the previous statement and that while the new statement should focus on waste reduction and avoidance, it also should incorporate a broader view of sustainability beyond waste. This feedback is evident in the approved Priority Statement (page 15). Sustainability Fund Advisory Panel The Sustainability Fund Advisory Panel is appointed by the Minister for Environment and Climate Change. Its role is to: Provide recommendations for funding to the Premier and Minister, Monitor the progress of projects supported by the Fund, and Provide general advice on the operation of the Fund and other matters. The Sustainability Fund Secretariat provides secretariat services to the Sustainability Fund Advisory Panel. Sustainability Fund Advisory Panel membership Expiry of current term Mick Murphy OAM (Chair) 11 February 2015 Dr Sarah Ewing 11 February 2015 Jan Boynton 11 February 2015 Anne Dalton 8 July 2015 Joanne Anderson 8 July 2015 <pp> 5 Managing the Fund’s investment in a more resource efficient future The Sustainability Fund Secretariat monitors and reports on the performance of programs supported by the Fund. Grantees and Victorian Government departments and agencies regularly report on the progress of programs. The Secretariat also manages the distribution of funds and payments based on performance milestones. This year saw the completion of a number of projects that were supported in previous years. The Sustainability Fund Secretariat has continued to work with grantees supported in previous years to ensure that lessons learnt and outcomes are shared as projects conclude. How funds are allocated The Sustainability Fund Advisory Panel makes recommendations for funding and ensures that programs align with the Sustainability Fund Priority Statement. The Victorian Premier and Minister for Environment and Climate Change approve allocations in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Protection Act 1970. Two types of allocations can be made from the Fund. They are: 1) strategic program allocations to Victorian Government departments and agencies to deliver programs (including grants programs); and 2) direct funding for projects. <pp> 6 Table 1: Sustainability Fund allocations <transcriber’s note> This illustration contains the headings and paragraphs below each within a large circle with labelled arrows between them as noted </transcriber’s note> Sustainability Fund (arrow labeled "Strategic allocations for priority programs" leads to ... ) Program implementation - Victorian Government agencies and authorities (another arrow labeled "At times the Sustainability Fund may provide funding directly" leads to ... ) Funding Support - Funding for grants, rebates and direct support - to Local Government, community organisations, industry (an arrow also leads from Program Implementation to Funding Support and is labeled "Program delivery" <pp> 7 4. Investment report 2011-2012 In 2011-2012 strategic allocations were made to support the government’s Conserve Invest and Save strategy and other Environment Portfolio waste and resource efficiency programs. A number of grants were also announced for allocations made in previous years. A complete list is published in this report – Appendix 1. Strategic allocations The Minister for Environment and Climate Change announced a number of strategic allocations that will further support Victorians to reduce waste and increase recycling. Conserve, Invest and Save is a major investment in sustainable waste management. It will enhance Victoria’s recycling efforts and improve recycling infrastructure. Through the new package $21.3 million in support is being provided from the Fund for organics market development, a new organics strategy and to support Regional Waste Management Groups and improvements to regional landfills. Further initiatives announced in June 2012 will extend the Driving Investment for New Recycling grants program and support renewed resource recovery infrastructure. Further details of the package are outlined in Case Study 1. An additional $19,925,000 will support resource efficiency initiatives and programs to be delivered by the Environment Portfolio agencies in 2012-13 and beyond. While the allocations are made to Victorian Government departments and agencies to deliver the Conserve, Invest and Save programs, the majority of this funding will go directly to recipients in industry, local government and community through various grant programs. A portion of each allocation is used to administer the programs and undertake activities that directly benefit those recipients. The following graph provides a breakdown of the end recipients of the Conserve, Invest and Save programs. Conserve, Invest and Save End recipients <transcriber’s note> A pie chart is shown with the following data </transcriber’s note> State Government (program delivery) $7,761,748 Local Government $10,802,640 Industry $19,310,612 Community (NGOs, community groups etc.) $350,000 Waste Management Groups $3,000,000 <pp> 8 Table 1 - Strategic allocations made in 2011-12 Conserve, Invest and Save package Programs Beneficiary Regional Organics Strategy Organisation Funding Amount $2,500,000 Industry, local government Organics Market Development Industry Sustainability Victoria Sustainability Victoria Resource Recovery Infrastructure Industry Sustainability Victoria $6,500,000 RWMGs Support Package Regional Waste Management Groups Industry Sustainability Victoria $3,000,000 Sustainability Victoria $5,000,000 Metropolitan Organics Strategy Local government Metropolitan Waste Management Group Rural Landfill Improvement Local Environment Package government, Protection industry Authority Further Conserve, Invest and Industry, local Environment Save initiatives commencing in government, Portfolio 2012/13 and delivered by the community Environment Portfolio $3,300,000 Driving Investment for New Recycling (R1 and 2) $500,000 $500,000 $19,925,000 For more information about Conserve, Invest and Save, see Case Studies (page 12). <pp> 9 Supporting a range of grant programs for local government, community and industry Sustainability Fund support has been vital in the establishment of a number of grant programs supporting business, local government and community groups. New grants programs were also announced in 2011-12 and are due to roll out in 2012-13. These programs are funded through strategic allocations from the Sustainability Fund and managed by Victorian Government departments and agencies. This is a key mechanism for investing Landfill Levy resources into programs that actively support improved waste management and recycling. Grant programs established with Fund support are enabling councils to increase kerbside recycling rates, boost rates of home composting, provide litter prevention officers in local councils and reduce waste in home construction. In 2011-12 funding was provided to 157 projects through the following grants programs: Beyond Waste Fund Communities for Nature Litter Prevention Officers, and Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Fund. A list of grant programs developed with Sustainability Fund support over the past two years is outlined in Table 2. A complete list of all grants allocated in 2011-12 through these programs is included in this report – Appendix 2. This list is also published in Sustainability Victoria’s 2011-2012 Annual Report. <pp> 10 Table 2: Grants allocated in 2011-12 with support from the Sustainability Fund Grants Program Focus Delivery agency Beneficiaries Grants allocated in 2011-12 Local Round one councils – 11 grants Round two – 18 grants Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Fund Grants Program Beyond Waste Fund Funding for metropolitan local governments Metropolitan Regional Waste Management Group Funding for local government and business to tackle waste avoidance and re-use of waste products Sustainability Industry Victoria (Previously managed by Environment Protection Authority) 10 grants in 2011-12 Grants Program Focus Communities for On ground Nature environmental works with local communities Litter Prevention Litter Prevention Officers Officers in Local Program Government Delivery agency Beneficiaries Grants allocated in 2011-12 Community 110 grants in 2011-12 Department of Environment and Primary Industries (Previously Department of Sustainability and Environment) Environment Local Protection councils Authority Roadside Litter Funding for public Sustainability Grants Program land managers to Victoria Round 1 implement roadside litter prevention campaigns Community 9 grants for 9 LPOs employed across 14 councils 8 grants in 2011-12 <pp> 11 Case Studies This year has seen the completion of a number of programs established with Sustainability Fund support. In addition, new funding and support programs are supporting improved recycling and waste management in Victoria. These programs are delivered by organisations across the Environment Portfolio Sustainability Victoria, the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, the Environment Protection Authority and the Metropolitan Waste Management Group. <pp> 12 Conserve, Invest and Save The Sustainability Fund this year supported a major investment in Victoria’s sustainability with the announcement of the Conserve, Invest and Save initiatives. These will further support the Victorian Government’s commitment to sustainable waste management in the State. These initiatives are delivered by a range of Victorian Government departments and agencies, including Sustainability Victoria, the Department of Environment and Primary Industries and the Environment Protection Authority. The Sustainability Fund Secretariat works closely with these agencies to ensure smooth funding arrangements, reporting and project delivery. New strategic initiatives supported by the Sustainability Fund as part of the Victorian Government’s Conserve, Invest and Save strategy, include: Metropolitan Organics Strategy and Organics Market Development (delivered by Sustainability Victoria and Metropolitan Waste Management Group): $3.8 million from the Sustainability Fund to support and develop organics recycling across Melbourne and to transform food and garden waste into valuable products. Rural Organics Strategy (delivered by Sustainability Victoria): $2.5 million from the Sustainability Fund to increase the recovery of garden and food organics from the landfill waste stream in regional Victoria by supporting: – development of sustainable markets – installation of new or additional infrastructure, or – implementation of efficient collection systems. Rural Landfill Improvement (delivered by EPA): $500,000 for environmental and financial risk assessment of rural landfills, to be conducted by the Environment Protection Authority. (This is part of a $3.5 million package, to help rural landfill operators transition to best practice standards. Additional funding is provided through Sustainability Victoria). Driving Investment for New Recycling Round 1 and 2 (delivered by Sustainability Victoria): $5 million grants program to support the installation of new infrastructure or to upgrade existing infrastructure to improve the collection, sorting and/or treatment of commercial and industrial waste and municipal solid waste. Resource Recovery Infrastructure (delivered by Sustainability Victoria): $6.5 million grants program for resource recovery infrastructure at landfills, specifically targeting large-scale projects. Regional Waste Management Groups support package (delivered by Sustainability Victoria): $3 million to be distributed to Regional Waste Management Groups (RWMGs) to improve: – resource recovery in regional Victoria, and – the capability of Victoria’s RWMGs to implement waste projects. A key feature of these projects is the sustainable investment of Landfill Levy funds back into projects and programs that will improve Victoria’s waste infrastructure and optimise waste avoidance, reuse and recovery. <pp> 13 Driving Investment for New Recycling Fund Driving Investment for New Recycling (DINR) is a $5 million grant fund, leveraging more than $11 million in co-investment from private industry, to increase the recovery of materials that are a valuable resource or pose a threat to our environment. DINR will create up to 70 new jobs and recover almost 2 million tonnes of valuable resources over the next 10 years. In 2010, Sustainability Victoria funded nine organisations through DINR. Polymer Processors and the Victorian Government co-invested almost $1.9 million to install equipment that can wash, shred and pelletise used agricultural silage wrap. Approximately 9,000 tonnes of plastic packaging is used for fodder protection of Victorian farms every year with around 85 per cent currently burnt or buried. Polymer Processors estimates recovery from between 1000 to 2000 tonnes of silage wrap in the first year, increasing to 5000 tonnes after three years. Another recipient, Resource GV, received $20,000 to increase the recovery of mercury contained in lights, in partnership with six regional councils. Resource GV mounted "Tube Terminators" on trailers that travel across the Goulburn Valley providing a free recycling service for fluorescent lights. "Fluoro-collect" has a target of recycling 200,000 lights within the first three years of operation. DINR is managed by Sustainability Victoria with funding from the Sustainability Fund. Local Government Litter Prevention Officer Program This funding program is providing $1.6 million in direct support to local government to employ Litter Prevention Officers to carry out practical measures to reduce litter and illegal dumping. Through the grants program, nine Litter Prevention Officers (LPOs) have been employed for two years to work on litter prevention programs in 14 councils across metropolitan and regional Victoria. In Q4 2011-12 one council was unable to continue in the program. The remaining funds have been directed towards increased training opportunities. Fines, direct enforcement, patrolling known hot spots and educating businesses and the wider community on best practice waste disposal are some of the activities that LPOs are undertaking in local government areas. The program commenced in November 2011, and in the six months to June 2012, the program made a real difference in local areas. Evidence has shown that due to the increase in intervention activities, capacity building and media, there has been a decrease in illegal dumping and an increase in litter fines and infringement notices. For example, the City of Darebin resolved more than 820 litter reports, with more than 260 litter fines and 215 infringement notices issued in the same period. City of Greater Dandenong saw a 17 per cent decrease in littering reports in the final quarter compared to the previous. The LPOs have created a strong network providing assistance and support to each other to resolve litter and illegal dumping related issues. The program is currently being evaluated. The program is managed by the Environment Protection Authority with funding from the Sustainability Fund. <pp> 14 Metropolitan Local Government Waste and Resource Recovery Fund Established to foster best practice in waste management and recycling, the Metropolitan Local Government Waste and Resource Recovery Fund has supported 24 projects. This is part of a $5.5 million investment from the Sustainability Fund in 2010 to support the implementation of the Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Strategic Plan. Projects are addressing mattress recycling, diverting food waste in Melbourne’s CBD, encouraging greater home composting and supporting greater recycling from multi-unit developments. The program is delivered by the Metropolitan Waste Management Group with funding from the Sustainability Fund. Communities for Nature In April 2012 Minister Ryan Smith announced $4.5 million for 123 local environment projects to support practical local action through the first round of Communities for Nature grants. The $20 million program provides large and small grants to community organisations, schools and volunteer groups to conduct work that will protect and enhance the local environment. Friends groups, local schools, Landcare groups and other community organisations received support for projects that will carry out re-vegetation works, establish wildlife corridors and enhance local biodiversity. Communities for Nature is managed by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries with funding from the Sustainability Fund. <pp> 15 The Priority Statement of the Victorian Government Sustainability Fund February 2012 Objectives The Victorian Government recognises the importance of partnering with business, local government and the broader Victorian community to improve our environment and use our resources efficiently. The Sustainability Fund is a perpetual fund that receives money collected from Victorian landfill levies. The purpose of the Sustainability Fund is to support programs and initiatives that facilitate resource efficiency and waste reduction, as well as assisting communities to improve the environment and respond to climate change. For the period of this Priority Statement, the Sustainability Fund will prioritise initiatives that address the following: 1. As a first priority, the Sustainability Fund will provide funding to: a) support Victorians to reduce waste and dispose less waste to landfill; b) support innovators in the waste management and recycling industry and local government who are willing to invest early in better technologies, facilities and services; and/or c) remove logistical and systemic obstacles to recovering commercial value from otherwise abandoned material. 2. As a second priority, funding will be provided for initiatives to assist all sectors of the community to improve our environment, respond to climate change, use our resources efficiently and to support sustainability to advance the social and economic development of Victoria. The Hon TED BAILLIEU MP Premier The Hon RYAN SMITH MP Minister for Environment and Climate Change "Sustainability Fund" or the "Fund" means the fund established within the Environment Protection Fund with money referred to in section 70(3)(aba) of the EP Act (referred to in section 70F(1) of the EP Act as the "Climate Communities Fund Account"). <pp> 16 Sustainability Fund allocations 2011-2012 Projects overseen by Sustainability Victoria Funding program: Beyond Waste Fund Grants Program – Round 1 (previously managed by EPA) Organisation Project Funding Amount Western Health A financial, environmental and microbiological assessment of reusable versus single use plastic anesthetic circuits Food Industry Beyond Waste Project $18,320 City of Whittlesea $166,200 Organisation Project Funding Amount Geelong Manufacturing Council & HLB Mann Judd Insights to Excellence (i2e) Geelong Regional Collaborative Beyond Waste Network Beyond Waste Insights $402,700 Burbank Australia Target Zero Waste Home Construction $298,000 City of Greater Dandenong SEBN Transport Packaging Waste Minimisation project Metricon Homes Waste stream analysis of home design and construction, and the elimination of material waste. RMIT University A Supply Chain Management Framework for Waste Minimisation for the Residential Sector Victorian Employer’s Small and Medium sized Enterprises Chamber of Commerce and Waste Audits – Research Industry (VECCI) Restaurant and Catering Green Table Waste Reduction Pilot Association (Australia) Program $45,000 $50,000 $200,000 $112,480 $55,000 $94,601 Funding program: Roadside Litter Grants Program – Round 1 Organisation Project Funding Amount Calder Regional Waste Management Group CHILI Squad – Calder Highway Illegal Dumping and Litter Investigation Squad Act on tourism litter in northern Victoria $50,000 Keep Cardinia Clean $26,345 NevRwaste (North East Victorian Regional Waste Management Group NevRwaste (North East Victorian Regional Waste Management Group) Parks Victoria Secure your load or secure a fine $26,322 Take Away Litter campaign (Cancelled) $18,500 Roadside Recycling Trailer $10,282 City of Greater Dandenong Keep Railway Parade litter free $10,200 Yarra Ranges Council Enforcement – Roadside Litter Surveillance Cameras $6,975 Resource GV (Goulburn Valley Regional Waste Management Group) Cardinia Shire Council <pp> 17 $30,000 Projects overseen by the Department of Sustainability and Environment Funding program: Communities for Nature Grants Program – Round One Organisation Project Funding Amount $25,000 Surf Beach Sunderland Bay Coastcare Neerim District Progress Association Greening Australia (Vic) Surf Beach to Sunderland Bay Coastal Boardwalk Neerim South Wetlands Habitat Creation Project Marlay Point Woodland Restoration Friends of Tyers Park Willow Control, Tyers River $70,000 Phillip Island Conservation Society Protection of Moonahs through Erosion Control, Appley Ave, Red Rocks, Phillip Island Habitat for Life – Friends of Strzelecki Koalas Jack and Albert River Restoration Project Enhancing Threatened EVC’s in a Disturbed Landscape Preserving Kalimna Gully Rainforest $13,000 $96,485 $128,513 South Gippsland Landcare Network Yarram Yarram Landcare Network East Gippsland Landcare Network East Gippsland Rainforest Conservation Management Network Friends of Cape Liptrap Reconstruction of sections of the Peninsula Including Bald Hill and Walking Trail at Bald Hill Reserve Kings Flat Reserves Rhyll Coast Action The Mirror Bush Project $600,000 Friends Of Tarra Bulga National Park Rehabilitation of Sycamore Maple Infestation Site at Tarra Bulga $9,960 Wonthaggi Urban Landcare Group Community College Gippsland Enhancing Historic Tank Hill $10,000 McMillan Creek Restoration $10,000 Rutherglen Landcare Group Indigo Feral Olive Control Program $96,000 Regent Honeyeater Project Habitat Restoration for Threatened Species – People Power in Action $30,000 High Country Rail Trail Steering Committee Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network Extending the High Country Rail Trail Wildlife Corridor A Blueprint For Woodland Birds In The Broken Boosey $100,930 Yea Wetlands Committee of Management Yea Wetland Weed Whackers $25,050 $600,000 $125,250 $33,055 $9,900 $9,710 $599,640 Organisation Farm Trees and Land Association and Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group Violet Town Action Group Project Funding Amount Riparian Restoration – Upper Ovens $149,650 River Implementing Stage 2 of the Honeysuckle Recreational Environment Project $185,090 <pp> 18 Projects overseen by the Department of Sustainability and Environment Funding program: Communities for Nature Grants Program – Round One Organisation Project Funding Amount Strathbogie Ranges Conservation Management Network Parklands Albury Wodonga Strathbogie Ranges: $137,355 Farm Wetlands for Threatened Woodlands Restoring Nationally Significant Murray $149,000 River Wetlands and Floodplains Greta Valley Landcare Group Habitat Linking in the Greta Valley $59,615 Kiewa Catchment Landcare Group Euroa Environment Group Boosting Baranduda Biodiversity $149,665 Seven Creeks Restoration Project $385,000 Body Corporate Strata Plan No 300166 Broken River Environment Group Wallan Environment Group $4,350 Body Corporate Strata Plan No 300166 Mid-Loddon Sub-Catchment Management Group Environmental Weed Removal From Sunday Creek Goomalibee Pilot Macrofauna Baseline Survey Wallan Crown Land Reserve Weed Removal and Flora Enhancement Project Lyndale Park Management Committee – Small Grant Mid Loddon-CMN’s Shelbourne Nature Conservation Reserve Restoration Harston Community Land Care Group Cohuna Neighbourhood House Connecting Country (Mt Alexander Region) Stockyard Plain Wetland Community Project Revegetation of Gilrole Park Cohuna 3568 Enabling Woodland Birds to Thrive in the Mount Alexander Region $119,504 $10,000 $7,750 $9,900 $140,770 $89,840 $150,000 Organisation Project Whroo Goldfelds Conservation Management Network Sustainable Living in the Mallee St Mary’s School Lancefeld Yellow Gums and Goldfields-Nectar for $596,840 Whroo’s Woodland Birds Post Office Hill Action Group Baynton Sidonia Landcare Group Nyah West Golf Club Sunraysia Institute of TAFE Funding Amount Nyah West Road Reserve $80,200 Enhancement and Protection St Mary’s Primary School Revegetation $9,260 Project Chewton Community Working Together $9,900 to Improve Chewton’s Post Office Hill Species protection and diversification plus understory focus in Baynton, Sidonia Nyah West Golf Club Environmental Improvement and Biodiversity Conservation Building Capacity Knowledge for Revegetation $6,000 $10,000 $10,000 <pp> 19 Projects overseen by the Department of Sustainability and Environment Funding program: Communities for Nature Grants Program – Round One Organisation Project Castlemaine Landcare Moonlight Creek Stage 2 Rehabilitation Group Friends of Campbells Creek Campbells Creek – Streamside Rehabilitation at Winters Flat Newham and District Hanging Rock Revegetation Project Landcare Group Nyah West Landcare Group Nyah West Landcare Group Rabbit Ripping Project Friends of Steele Creek Restoration of Steele Creek: Stream Bank Shrubland: Stage 2 Merricks Beach Foreshore Weed removal from escarpment to allow Committee of Management threatened indigenous plants to flourish and revegetation where appropriate La Trobe University La Trobe University Biodiversity Trail National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Funding Amount $4,702 $5,285 $5,310 $10,000 $27,198 $17,000 $120,000 Endeavour Fern Gully Rehabilitation and $150,000 Revegetation Project Organisation Project Funding Amount Flinders Christian Community College Flinders Christian Community College Biodiversity Enhancement Project $32,225 Round the Bend Conservation Co-Operative Ltd. Mornington Peninsula and Western Port Biosphere Reserve Foundation Friends of Merri Creek Incorporated Framework for Strategic Action: Weeds $10,240 The Biolink Challenge – Community Actions for Western Port $143,100 Galada Tamboore Grassland and Escarpment Restoration: Bringing the Management Together Dromana Foreshore Fern Recovery $150,000 Monbulk Creek/Birdsland Rehabilitation Project, Stage 1 Locals Creating Wildlife Passages $19,685 Dromana Foreshore Committee of Management Friends of Birdsland Bentleigh West Primary School Strathallan Golf Club Friends of the Eltham Copper Butterfly $21,000 $28,320 Strathallan Golf Club Stormwater Capture $43,000 and Filtering Project Pulling Back From the Brink: An Action $459,210 Plan for the Eltham Copper Butterfy Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum Community Supported Habitat $67,356 Enhancement to Help Save Leadbeater’s Possum Wurundjeri Tribe Land Cultural Environment Connections at the $25,000 Compensation Cultural Herit Bend of Islands Age Council Australian Trust for Woodlands Community Grassland for $524,972 Conservation Volunteers Endangered Eastern Barred Bandicoot Recovery <pp> 20 Projects overseen by the Department of Sustainability and Environment Funding program: Communities for Nature Grants Program – Round One Organisation Project Funding Amount Crib Point Stony Point Foreshore Committee of Management Protecting the Biodiversity of Crib Point Foreshore Reserve $44,900 Organisation Project Funding Amount Merri Creek Management Committee Reversing the Decline of Microserris Scapigera in the Merri Catchment $149,247 Moreland Energy Foundation Moreland Biodiversity Corridors, Creeks and Streets Emu Plains Racecourse and Emu Plains Reserve Weed Recreation Reserve Management Project Friends Of Emerald Lake Emerald Lake Park Vegetation Park Management Project Australasian Native Orchid Diuris Fragrantissima Recovery and Society Plains Grassland Rehabilitation, Laverton Grasslands Habitat Restoration Fund Restoration of Waterholes Creek for Endangered Flora and Fauna $149,500 Southern Ranges Environment Alliance Friends of Merri Creek Puffing Billy Trackside Management Plan – Green Tracks Continuing and Extending Golden Sun Moth Density and Habitat Quality Surveys Dunmoochin Landcare Group Nillumbik’s Conservation Corridors $147,000 Australasian Native Orchid Society Caladenia Robinsonii, Damp Sands Herb-Rich Woodland/ Healthy Woodland Recovery Ongoing Restoration of Williams Road Beach – Friends and Mentored Community Hogan Park Environment Enhancement Project Protection of Diuris Punctata Orchid, Mornington Tourist Railway 2012 $37,908 Wurundjeri Walk Biodiversity Project $2,181 Friends of Williams Road Beach Hogan Park (Emerald) Committee of Management Mornington Railway Preservation Society Wurundjeri Walk Advisory Committee Melbourne Girls College Friends of Edgars Creek $100,000 $600,000 $38,264 $56,000 $138,374 $599,134 $8,103 $10,000 $6,400 Defragmenting Habitat Along the Yarra $10,000 River Edgars Creek Remnant Indigenous $5,146 Vegetation Protection and Enhancement Montmorency South Primary Montmorency South School Community $9,750 School Bushland Regeneration Project Bellbird Dell Advisory Committee Copperfeld College <pp> 21 Bellbird Dell Weeding Program $10,000 Grassland Habitat Garden $10,000 Projects overseen by the Department of Sustainability and Environment Funding program: Communities for Nature Grants Program – Round One Organisation Project Bittern Bushland Preservation Association Community Engagement and Habitat Protection for Threatened Orchids of Crib Point Friends of Westgate Park Restoring Native Vegetation at Westgate Park to Improve Biodiversity Using Community Volunteers Christmas Hills Landcare Woody Weed Control to Improve the Group Habitat Quality of Remnant Vegetation in Christmas Hills Westbourne Grammar The Promenade Habitat Restoration School Program Friends of the Williamstown Path to the Birds Wetlands Friends of Sherbrooke Rehabilitation of Yanakie Forest Dromana Foreshore Dromana Foreshore Rehabilitation Committee of Management Program Scoresby Primary School Scoresby Primary School – Championing Biodiversity Within School Grounds Williamstown High School Williamstown High School Wetland Revival Friends of the Maribyrnong Maribyrnong Valley Parklands Serrated Valley Tussock / Chilean Needle Control Stage One Leigh Catchment Group Back from the Brink – Communities Growing to Saving Their Landscapes Bellarine Landcare Group Building the Resilience of the Bellarine Ramsar Sites Camperdown-Timboon Rail Protection of Pneumatopteris Pennigera Trail Management (Lime Fern) on the Camperdown Timboon Committee Rail Trail Project Platypus Saving the Platypus in the Upper Association Wimmera Catchment Ballarat Environment Management of the BEN Biodiversity Network Reserves Laharum Landcare Group Laharum Landcare Group (Member Of Victorian Farm Tree and Landcare Association Inc.) Funding Amount $10,000 $8,000 $9,218 $6,213 $10,000 $10,000 $3,585 $9,370 $30,000 $4,800 $126,103 $133,875 $23,850 $78,000 $149,147 $314,000 Organisation Project Lake Cartcarrong Committee The Lismore Land Protection Group Enhancing Lake Cartcarrong Biodiversity Funding Amount $24,136 Protecting and Enhancing the Biodiversity $308,130 Values of the Lismore Region Rokewood Cemetery Trust Fencing and Protection of Native $19,937 Vegetation within Rokewood Cemetery Extension Dowling Forest Cemetery Communities for Nature $18,643 Trust Mount Elephant Community Community Enhancement of Mount $149,574 Management Elephant Scoria Cone Biodiversity Values <pp> 22 Projects overseen by the Department of Sustainability and Environment Funding program: Communities for Nature Grants Program – Round One Organisation Project Point Danger Committee of Management Point Danger Coastal Heathland Protection and Regeneration Project Southern Otway Landcare Network Avoca & District Landcare Sunnyside Wildlife Corridor Funding Amount $10,000 $9,990 Preparing, Propagating and Planting $6,430 Eucalyptus Pyrenean in the Pyrenees Nelson Reserves Committee of Flora/Fauna Management – Protection $10,000 Management and Restoration of Riverside Reserve Wattle Flat-Pootilla Landcare Group Biodiversity Enhancement on the Upper Yarrowee River (Phase 2) $9,860 Friends of Ralph Illidge Naringal Powerful Owl Nest Box Sanctuary Project Landsborough Landcare Group L.B.L.C.W.M.P $7,150 Bannockburn Cemetery Trust $3,259 Ocean Grove Coastcare Inc Alvie Tree Planters Environmental Weed Control at Bannockburn Cemetery Enhancing and Protecting Coastal Moonah Woodland For Improved Biodiversity Outcomes Red Rock Reserve Revegetation $9,950 $10,000 $4,940 Organisation Project Friends of Edwards Point Reserve Inc Edwards Point Nature Conservation Reserve Revegetation and Weed Removal Natural Assets: Women In The Environment Environmental Weed Control of the Yarriambiack Creek Warracknabeal South West Coast Network Inc Warracknabeal Special Developmental School Anglesea Aireys Inlet Society for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna Batesford Fyansford Stonehaven Landcare Inc Natimuk Pre-School Centre Funding Amount $9,100 $9,240 $5,310 Edna Bowman Flora Reserve Understorey Restoration $5,100 Restoration of Dog Rock Sanctuary $10,000 $3,329 Friends of Grass Tree Park Red-Tailed Black Cockies for Kids – Embracing Early Learning Principles for Conservation Habitat Restoration at Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve Bio-Diversity Revegetation Trial – Griffith Island Grass Tree Park Restoration Works East Otway Landcare Group Enhancing the Bambra Wetlands $4,000 Birregurra Community Group Birregurra Parkland Creek Restoration $8,370 Friends of Tower Hill Friends of Griffths Island $10,000 $4,911 $5,625 <pp> 23 Projects overseen by the Metropolitan Waste Management Group Funding program: Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Fund Grants Program – Round 1 Organisation Project Funding Amount Melbourne City Council Melbourne City Council City of Boroondara Improving recycling in high rise residential buildings $175,635 Cardinia Shire Council "Halve Your Waste" (education campaign promoting $150,000 waste reduction options including home composting) City of Darebin Flexible Plastic Kerbside Recycling Trial Public housing recycling service trial $49,400 Schools as gateways to community behaviour change on waste $187,500 $60,000 Organisation Project Funding Amount City of Monash Recycling Education Program $53,120 City of Monash Waste and recycling education program for culturally $33,343 and linguistically diverse communities, including Chinese, Indian and Greek communities Bayside City Council "Zero Food Waste to Landfill" (trialing the use of new $50,110 "Green Cone" composting units in the community) City of Kingston "Who’s Eating Your Scraps?" campaign' (food waste reduction and home composting campaign) Residential resource recovery program $20,688 Moonee Valley waste audit program $5,000 Moonee Valley City Council Moonee Valley City Council $24,250 Funding program: Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Fund grants program – Round 2 Organisation Project City of Darebin Funding Amount Collection and recycling of used mattresses $58,000 City of Knox Collection and recycling of used mattresses $215,000 City of Casey Collection and recycling of used mattresses $97,000 Melbourne City Council City of Yarra Degraves Street Food Waste and Recycling $223,000 Project Bin Lid Standardisation Pilot $20,000 City of Yarra Neighbourhood Based Community Compost $242,000 City of Banyule Districts + Lifestyles + Avoiding Waste $25,000 City of Hume Transfer station drop sort pad upgrade $169,417 <pp> 24 Organisation Project Funding Amount City of Darebin Maximising diversion from hard waste and streetscape collections $18,500 City of Yarra Resource Recovery in multi-unit dwellings $25,000 Organisation Project Funding Amount City of Maroondah $18,000 City of Frankston Solutions to waste management in multi-unit dwellings Construction of a Waste Recovery Platform Halve Your Waste Challenge City of Casey Casey Composting Communities $74,077 City of Greater Dandenong and Frankston City of Maribrynong, City of Boroondara and City of Yarra Multi-unit dwelling Contamination and Recycling Commercial and Industrial Landfill Waste Avoidance Project $18,000 City of Whitehorse Composting and Food Waste Avoidance Be a Brimbank Gem $82,000 City of Darebin City of Brimbank $80,000 $215,000 $62,400 $40,000 Strategic allocations Organisation Project Sustainability Victoria Regional organics strategy Funding Amount $2,500,000 Sustainability Victoria Organics market development $500,000 Sustainability Victoria Resource recovery infrastructure $6,500,000 Sustainability Victoria RWMGs support package $3,000,000 Sustainability Victoria Driving Investment in New Recycling $5,000,000 Metropolitan Waste Metropolitan organics strategy Management Group Environment Rural landfill improvement package Protection Authority Environment Portfolio Further details will be provided on the remaining Conserve, Invest and Save initiatives to commence in 2012–13. $3,300,000 $500,000 $19,925,000