Student Name: Bo Peep Native Language: English District: Meridian School District Local Student ID: PSBPEEP Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino School: A PS Site State ID XXXXXX Birthdate: 9/1/08 Grade: PreK Sex: F Age: 4 IEP Goals with Objectives/Benchmarks Date: 9/15/12 How and When Student Progress is Reported: Progress Summary – Grading Period Area of Need: IEP Preschool Skill Area: Learning-Persistence and Attentiveness 1. Present Level of Performance: Bo has struggled to allow peers within her space while playing with materials and toys at preschool. According to teacher observation in the preschool classroom, at this time, Bo is able to allow peers to play within her space for approximately 3 minutes before she moves to a different activity. Bo is only able to participate in turn taking with full adult facilitation. Bo needs to be able to allow peers within her space for more than 3 minutes as well as take turns with a peer by waiting briefly for a turn/toy and then willingly relinquishing her turn/toy while using a motivating activity/item (doll house, babies, toy people of any kind). Typical 4 year old children are able to independently participate in child-directed activities and socializing with peers appropriately while taking turns and sharing favorite activities/toys. Bo’s parents would like her to be able to share, take turns and interact with her peers. 2. General Education Content Standard: Idaho Early Learning eGuidelines DOMAIN 1: Learning and Cognitive Development Sub Domain: Learning Approaches Goal 48: Children demonstrate an expanding ability to develop and carry out plans. Waits briefly for desired object or turn. 3. Annual Goal: Within the preschool setting, when presented with motivating materials, Bo will independently engage in play (stacking blocks, stringing beads, play with dolls/babies, etc.) while participating in turn taking with adult/peer by waiting briefly for turn/desired object and relinquishing object/participation on 5 out of 6 trials by 9/15/13. 4. Evaluation Procedure: Unit of measure: Work samples, data collection, staff observation. Data collected twice weekly (depending on student attendance 5. Assistive Technology (if needed): Please see Assistive Technology Worksheet Objectives/Benchmarks Within the preschool setting, when presented with motivating materials, Bo will independently engage in play (stacking blocks, stringing beads, play with dolls/babies, etc.) while participating in turn taking with adult/peer by waiting briefly for turn/desired object and relinquishing object/participation on 2 out of 6 trials Target 1/15/13 Within the preschool setting, when presented with motivating materials, Bo will independently engage in play (stacking blocks, stringing beads, play with dolls/babies, etc.) while participating in turn taking with adult/peer by waiting briefly for turn/desired object and relinquishing object/participation on 3 out of 6 trials Target 5/15/13