1 Cultural Autobiography and Narrative Overall Purpose: It is assumed that during this course, students will engage in thoughtful selfexamination of how they have been socialized into their own culture as well as an analysis about their own knowledge and beliefs about multicultural issues and topics. The purpose of this assignment is for the student to use writing as a vehicle to synthesize his or her own thinking and growth. Part I: Cultural Autobiography: Who am I? Description: An essay (minimum of 6 pages) that examines your own personal perspectives related to race, ethnicity, gender, (dis)ability, language, class, religion, and sexual orientation. Purpose: While we investigate issues related to diversity, we must come to understand ourselves and how our own perspectives have been socially constructed over time. People are not born into the world with opinions or judgments of “others”, rather these opinions or judgments are “constructed” by both obvious and hidden messages in our environment. These messages occur in our cultural context or through our individual set of life experiences with our families, communities, schools, cultural messages, and media representations. Note: Only the professor will read these assignments. Part I/Section 1: Who Am I? Family Background: Describe your family of origin. Discuss the ethnic/cultural history of your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents. What is the primary language, religion, race of your culture? Describe and critical examine your own background related to race, ethnicity, gender, (dis)ability, language, class, religion, and sexual orientation. Discuss your family/individual values, beliefs, goals regarding success/failure in life. Individual Identity: Who are you as a racially, gendered, classed, religious (etc.) person? With what groups do you now identify? (Ex: Social Class, Religion?) Do you identify with a characteristic of “difference”? In what way? At what Stage of Ethnic Identity would I place myself? (See Howard WCT, Ch. 5.) Identity Process: How have you come to know yourself in these ways? (Ex: how do you see yourself as a man or woman? How have you come to view religion and why?) What messages have you heard about these identities? (Ex: what do you believe you should be as a gendered man or woman?) Part I/Section 2: Narrative of the World - My View of “Others” Life Experiences with “Difference”: What generalized experiences have you had with people who are different from yourself? (Race, ethnicity, language, class, religion, gender, sexual orientation). Describe your upbringing regarding your neighborhood, community, school, church, clubs, courses, etc. What did these experiences teach you about people who are different from you? What messages have you heard or assumed about people who are different from you? Racial-Cultural Memory: Describe in detail a racial memory. Recount an incident that you had with another individual that stands out in your mind (race, ethnicity, language, class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, [dis]ability). This can be either a positive or negative experience. Why is this experience memorable? What effect has this experience had on my view of “others”? My Beliefs about Cultural Differences: How do I explain cultural, behavioral, and socioeconomic differences between groups of people? How has my cultural background shaped my understanding of why there are these cultural differences between groups of people? . 2 Rubric: Cultural Autobiography and Narrative: Student Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Part I: Cultural Autobiography: Who Am I? Component Attributes Minimum 6 Pages Total Section 1: Family Background: Describe your family of origin. Discuss the ethnic/cultural history of your parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents. What is the primary language, religion, race of your culture? Describe and critical examine your own background related to race, ethnicity, gender, (dis)ability, language, class, religion, and sexual orientation. Discuss your family/individual values, beliefs, goals regarding success/failure in life. Individual Identity: Who are you as a racially, gendered, classed, religious (etc.) person? With what groups do you now identify? (Ex: Social Class, Religion?) Do you identify with a characteristic of “difference”? In what way? Stage of Ethnic Identity. Identity Process: How have you come to know yourself in these ways? (Ex: how do you see yourself as a man or woman? How have you come to view religion and why?) What messages have you heard about these identities? (Ex: what do you believe you should be as a gendered man or woman?) Section 2: Narrative of the World - My View of “Others”; Life Experiences with “Difference”: What generalized experiences have you had with people who are different from yourself? (Race, ethnicity, language, class, religion, gender, sexual orientation). Describe your upbringing regarding your neighborhood, community, school, church, clubs, courses, etc. What did these experiences teach you about people who are different from you? What messages have you heard or assumed about people who are different from you? 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 Thorough and insightful discussion of family background and individual identity Strong expression and thorough understanding of social and cultural identity as related to multicultural themes Good Discussion of family background and individual identity Good expressions and understanding of social and cultural identity as related to multicultural themes. Minimal Discussion of family background individual identity. Some avoidance of issues Limited Expressions and understandings. Lacks understanding of family’s and individual’s social and cultural history and background. Uninformed avoidance. Insightful expression and thorough understanding of generalized and specific experiences with “difference”. Strong expressions about beliefs about cultural difference. Good expression and understanding of generalized and specific experiences with “difference”. Strong expressions about beliefs about cultural difference. Limited expression and thorough understanding of generalized and specific experiences with “difference”. Strong expressions about beliefs about cultural difference. Score and Comment 3 Racial-Cultural Memory: Describe in detail a racial memory. Recount an incident that you had with another individual that stands out in your mind (race, ethnicity, language, class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, [dis]ability). This can be either a positive or negative experience. My Beliefs about Cultural Differences: How do I explain cultural, behavioral, and socioeconomic differences between groups of people? How has my cultural background shaped my understanding of why there are these cultural differences between groups of people? Writing Elements Spelling, grammar, and citations have been edited. 1 Lacks expression and thorough understanding of generalized and specific experiences with “difference”. Strong expressions about beliefs about cultural difference. 2 Writing is error-free, or close to error free and is easy to read; organized; professional language Writing contains errors that make the writing problematic to read. 1 Total Points 4