Mediation – Residential Chapter SUBMITTER NUMBER SUBMITTER NAME 1230 Nick Reid 340 The Akaroa Civic Trust The Crown 495 1098 and 1122 814 816 REPRESENTATIVE TOPIC / SESSION ATTENDING CONTACT EMAIL Not attending Yes Jan Cook Not attending Yes Jenna Silcock Session 1 - Residential Intensification Session 1 - Residential Intensification Christian Jordan AMP Capital (Palms) Pty Ltd TEL Property Nominees Ltd Greenwood Roche Chisnall Jeremy Phillips Session 1 - Residential Intensification 254 Riccarton/Wigram Community Board (#254 Session 1 - Residential Intensification 745 573 Session 1 - Residential Intensification 1182 Ryman healthcare Retirement Village Association Colin Stokes Mike Mora (Chairperson) and/or Helen Broughton (Deputy Chairperson) Megan Justice Mitchell Partnerships Ltd 724 Session 1 - Residential Intensification Session 1 - Residential Intensification Julia Thomas 390 M W Hawarden Session 1 - Residential Intensification 115 Rachel Malloch Bronwyn Williams Session 1 - Residential Intensification Session 1 - Residential Intensification 748 + 12 INFORMAL MEDIATION Y/N Helen Broughton COMMENTS The matters in its submission would be amenable to mediation, but our issues are not covered in the mediation notice. The Civic Trust will request informal mediation with the CCC. Edgeware 151 Brett and Elizabeth Rayne Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton 273 Campbell Family Trust Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton 171 Jan Webber Helen Broughton - CCC Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton 773 Gayle Cook Helen Broughton - CCC Riccarton 150 Michael Chick Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton 643 Ruth Dean, Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton 540 Rosalie Souter Lyndon Telfer Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton 362 820 1414 R L Broughton 171 W. Leigh Webber and Janette Webber Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton 462 Riccarton Bush-Kilmarnock Residents' Association Geoff Friend Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton 166 Alison and Koenraad Kuiper Helen Broughton Riccarton 549 Claire Mulcock Session 1 - Residential Intensification Session 1 - Residential Intensification Deans Avenue Precinct Society Riccarton 759 Prunella Harris Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton - I am passionate about retaining the Riccarton area, and in particular the area between Dean's Bush and Mona Vale, as it is. I believe this area to be already over Preservation of the Riccarton area (specifically Planning Map 31 Mediation – Residential Chapter SUBMITTER NUMBER SUBMITTER NAME REPRESENTATIVE TOPIC / SESSION ATTENDING CONTACT EMAIL INFORMAL MEDIATION Y/N COMMENTS populated, most especially on Matai Street West where there is a two way cycle lane and narrow road. This is important for school children's safety with the cycle way linking two high schools and for tourism. We also need to take into account that the Riccarton Market in Dean's Bush, the high schools and Mona Vale attract many cars to this area already from all over the city and consequently already have parking issues. 614 Phil Harris – Camelot Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification 423 Robyn Thomson Helen Broughton Session 1 - Residential Intensification Riccarton - I think it is important to retain the Riccarton area, and in particular the area between Dean's Bush and Mona Vale, as it is. I believe this area to be already over populated, most especially on Matai Street West where there is a two way cycle lane and narrow road. This is important for school children's safety with the cycle way linking two high schools and for tourism. We also need to take into account that the Riccarton Market in Dean's Bush, the high schools and Mona Vale attract many cars to this area already from all over the city and consequently already have parking issues. There is absolutely no reason to intensify housing in this area and create long term issues to satisfy a short term problem when the city already has plans for intensification Riccarton - It is evident that there is a lot of pressure being exerted on council to accept an expedient solution (but not a good solution!) to the need for more housing. It is really important to us that we retain our low density zoning. Medium density housing would result in a downgraded residential neighbourhood, with associated parking problems and a poorer quality living environment. In addition the waste water infrastructure will not cope with increased housing density! Mediation – Residential Chapter SUBMITTER NUMBER SUBMITTER NAME REPRESENTATIVE TOPIC / SESSION ATTENDING CONTACT EMAIL INFORMAL MEDIATION Y/N COMMENTS We can see from the medium density development on the south side of Riccarton Rd how undesirable that location has become for owner occupiers, and we can only reiterate our strong support for retaining the current zoning. Session 1 - Residential Intensification Session 1 - Residential Intensification Bronwyn Williams Session 1 - Residential Intensification St Albans Heather McMurdo St Albans Possibly Peter Harding Session 1 - Residential Intensification Session 1 - Residential Intensification By phone Upper Riccarton By phone Upper Riccarton 592 Helen Broughton 137 Alan & Robyn Ogle 748 + 12 387 and 1221 854 853 Judith Leith Possibly Peter Harding Session 1 - Residential Intensification 1011 Fulton Hogan Kevin Bligh Session 2 - New Neighbourhood 1134 Deanne Mora Holdings Limited Mark and Simon Mortlock Session 2 - New Neighbourhood 907 Freyberg Developments Ltd Julie Comfort – Davie LovellSmith Session 2 - New Neighbourhood 931 Milns Road Farm Ltd and Blakesfield Ltd Julie Comfort – Davie LovellSmith Session 2 - New Neighbourhood 969 Davie Lovell-Smith Ltd Julie Comfort – Davie LovellSmith Session 2 - New Neighbourhood 495 The Crown Jenna Silcock Session 2 - New Neighbourhood 614 Phil Harris – Camelot Helen Broughton Session 2 - New Neighbourhood Session 2 - New Neighbourhood 1098 and 1122 381 377 Audrey Smith Helen Broughton Christian Jordan Oakvale Farm Ltd Maurice R Carter Ltd Greenwood Roche Chisnall Jeremy Phillips Session 2 - New Neighbourhood Riccarton - Please be aware I will also be attending as Deputy Chairperson Of the Riccarton/Wigram Board on all the topics. Mike Mora will be replying. Riccarton - Unfortunately we have found it difficult to keep abreast of all the further proposed changes (even after reading the 150+ pages provided!), and are unable to attend mediation meetings next week. We are keen to have you continue to appear on our behalf on the issue relating to our area retaining its low density zoning, ie Riccarton area. We certainly do not support the earlier "RSDT" zone mapping of our area in Matai Street West for the reasons we earlier outlined to yourself and the CCC. Mediation – Residential Chapter SUBMITTER NUMBER SUBMITTER NAME 759 254 Prunella Harris Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock Residents' Association (Geoff Friend, Julia Thomas, Susan Jones or Helen Spear) Riccarton/Wigram Community Board (#254 1182 Colin Stokes 788 K Bush Road 1034 McFarlane Family Ross McFarlane 495 The Crown 614 Phil Harris – Camelot 462 REPRESENTATIVE TOPIC / SESSION ATTENDING CONTACT EMAIL Session 2 - New Neighbourhood Session 2 - New Neighbourhood Session 2 - New Neighbourhood Session 2 - New Neighbourhood Session 2 - New Neighbourhood Session 2 - New Neighbourhood Jenna Silcock Session 3 - Sustainability, efficiency and lifemark standards Helen Broughton Session 3 - Sustainability, efficiency and lifemark standards Session 3 - Sustainability, efficiency and lifemark standards Session 3 - Sustainability, efficiency and lifemark standards Session 3 - Sustainability, efficiency and lifemark standards Helen Broughton Mike Mora (Chairperson) and/or Helen Broughton (Deputy Chairperson) Kim Seaton and Hamish Wheelans. – Novo Group 1098 and 1122 Christian Jordan 759 Prunella Harris 462 Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock Residents' Association (Geoff Friend, Julia Thomas, Susan Jones or Helen Spear) 254 Riccarton/Wigram Community Board (#254 Mike Mora (Chairperson) and/or Helen Broughton (Deputy Chairperson) Session 3 - Sustainability, efficiency and lifemark standards 648 CDHB Jane Murray Session 3 - Sustainability, efficiency and lifemark standards 1182 Colin Stokes Session 3 - Sustainability, efficiency and lifemark standards Helen Broughton INFORMAL MEDIATION Y/N COMMENTS Yes We presume to session 6-7 We are unable to attend the mediation as scheduled. Our submission simply asked for clarification on density standards and the fact that in the Fulton Hogan Subdivision Halswell West Plan change 60 planning maps 44 & 49 the development was zoned living G . Can we please ask that someone explain how a rezoning can now occur to a increased density part way thru a development ? Mediation – Residential Chapter SUBMITTER NUMBER SUBMITTER NAME 1181 Andrew Evans 495 The Crown 322 REPRESENTATIVE TOPIC / SESSION ATTENDING CONTACT EMAIL Session 3 - Sustainability, efficiency and lifemark standards Jenna Silcock Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing Tyalla Fiona Aston - Aston Consultants Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing 684 Residential Construction Fiona Aston - Aston Consultants 614 Phil Harris – Camelot Helen Broughton Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing 1098 and 1122 Christian Jordan 759 Prunella Harris 462 Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock Residents' Association (Geoff Friend, Julia Thomas, Susan Jones or Helen Spear) 254 Riccarton/Wigram Community Board (#254 Mike Mora (Chairperson) and/or Helen Broughton (Deputy Chairperson) Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing 745 573 Ryman healthcare Retirement Village Association Megan Justice Mitchell Partnerships Ltd Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing 1182 Colin Stokes Session 4 - Retirement villages / elderly person housing Helen Broughton 294 Denise Bryce Denise Bryce, Bruce Church, Shi Ping Wang Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 1207 1069 Papanui Properties Limited R & H Investments, R & H Properties Ltd and Sandridge Hotel Ltd Ray Edwards Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 7 Richard Armitage Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 495 723 and 1295 The Crown Jenna Silcock Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas Oil Companies Burton Consultants Karen Blair Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas INFORMAL MEDIATION Y/N COMMENTS BUT if no else is attending I am keen to cancel, as from the document (revised proposal- residential 14) sent out has the result I want, namely that the life stage and efficiency standards are deleted, please tell me if it is cancelled. Mediation – Residential Chapter SUBMITTER NUMBER SUBMITTER NAME REPRESENTATIVE TOPIC / SESSION ATTENDING CONTACT EMAIL Bronwyn Williams Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 1098 and 1122 Christian Jordan Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 387 and 1221 Heather McMurdo Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 748 + 12 362 Lyndon Telfer 820 1414 R L Broughton Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 462 Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock Residents' Association (Geoff Friend, Julia Thomas, Susan Jones or Helen Spear) Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 254 Riccarton/Wigram Community Board (#254 Mike Mora (Chairperson) and/or Helen Broughton (Deputy Chairperson) Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 738 Ilam and Upper Riccarton Residents Association Richard English Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 793 Church Property Trustees Rochelle Hardy Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 1182 Colin Stokes Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 462 Riccarton Bush-Kilmarnock Residents' Association Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 592 Helen Broughton Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 793 Church Property Trustees (Anglican Diocese) Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 13 Ken Sitarz Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas Helen Broughton Geoff Friend Rochelle Hardy - Aurecongroup 656 763 1298 Catholic Diocese Methodists Alpine Presbytery Bob Nixon Session 5 - Non-residential activities in residential areas 495 The Crown Jenna Silcock Session 6 - Infrastructure INFORMAL MEDIATION Y/N COMMENTS Mediation – Residential Chapter SUBMITTER NUMBER 1098 and 1122 SUBMITTER NAME REPRESENTATIVE Christian Jordan TOPIC / SESSION ATTENDING CONTACT EMAIL Session 6 - Infrastructure 495 Housing New Zealand Greenwood Roche Chisnall Maurice Dale and Patrick Dougherty Session 6 - Infrastructure 362 Lyndon Telfer Helen Broughton Session 6 - Infrastructure 820 1414 R L Broughton Session 6 - Infrastructure 462 Session 6 - Infrastructure 254 Riccarton Bush Kilmarnock Residents' Association (Geoff Friend, Julia Thomas, Susan Jones or Helen Spear) Riccarton/Wigram Community Board (#254 Session 6 - Infrastructure 1182 Colin Stokes Session 6 - Infrastructure 462 Riccarton Bush-Kilmarnock Residents' Association Geoff Friend Session 6 - Infrastructure 832 Transpower New Zealand Limited Ainsley McLeod Technical Director – Planning & Design Beca Session 6 - Infrastructure 592 Helen Broughton Session 6 - Infrastructure 793 Church Property Trustees (Anglican Diocese) Rochelle Hardy - Aurecongroup Session 6 - Infrastructure 495 The Crown Jenna Silcock Session 7 - Other Session 7 - Other Session 7 - Other 1098 and 1122 Mike Mora (Chairperson) and/or Helen Broughton (Deputy Chairperson) Christian Jordan 495 Housing New Zealand 820 1414 R L Broughton 254 Riccarton/Wigram Community Board (#254 Mike Mora (Chairperson) and/or Helen Broughton (Deputy Chairperson) Session 7 - Other 738 Ilam and Upper Riccarton Residents Association Colin Stokes Richard English Session 7 - Other Session 7 - Other 462 Riccarton Bush-Kilmarnock Residents' Association Geoff Friend Session 7 - Other 592 Helen Broughton Session 7 - Other 1182 Greenwood Roche Chisnall Maurice Dale and Patrick Dougherty Session 7 - Other INFORMAL MEDIATION Y/N COMMENTS Mediation – Residential Chapter SUBMITTER NUMBER SUBMITTER NAME REPRESENTATIVE TOPIC / SESSION ATTENDING CONTACT EMAIL INFORMAL MEDIATION Y/N COMMENTS 715 Marney Ainsworth 793 Church Property Trustees (Anglican Diocese) Rochelle Hardy - Aurecongroup Session 7 - Other 157 Context Urban Design Janet Reeves Session 7 - Other 60 Jim King Session 7 - Other Concerned about private open space Session 7 - Other Enhanced Development Mechanism and Community Housing Redevelopment Mechanism Session 7 - Other Residential Zone and as build forms 715 160 + 1142 Bryndwr Community Group Grant Miles and ADNZ Session 7 - Other Marney Ainsworth