Mr. Schanbacher’s Agricultural Classroom Rules 1. Arrive to class on time with the required materials for class (writing utensil, notebook, proper clothing, etc.). 2. Be respectful to Mr. Schanbacher and to your classmates. 3. DO NOT CHEAT! Any assignment where cheating or plagiarism is found will be given a zero and you will be referred to the office. This rule applies to assignments for other classes. If I see you copying someone else’s work your other teacher will be contacted. 4. The computers in the Ag Room are for productive use only. We have very limited computer access and a heavy computer workload. No game playing unless direct permission is granted by Mr. Schanbacher. 5. No cell phones, iPods, or other electronic devices may be used unless permission is granted by Mr. Schanbacher!!! 6. No book bags should be brought to the Ag Room. 7. No hats are to be worn inside the school building. Any hats worn inside the building will be confiscated. 8. Please respect your school. All classroom and shop equipment and supplies will be used responsibly. Irresponsible and unsafe use of equipment will result in the loss of the privilege to work with the equipment. If the equipment is needed to complete classwork then your grade will suffer. 9. Report any broken or missing tools and equipment to Mr. Schanbacher immediately. 10. You are responsible for all tools assigned to you. The cost to replace any missing or damaged tools will be charged to you. 11. You must sign out and get a pass before leaving the Ag Room for any reason. 12. All other school rules apply. Consequences for breaking the rules will depend on the severity of the action and will be at the discretion of Mr. Schanbacher Grading Policy: All courses are on a straight points basis. All assignments will be assigned points and the points will be added together to determine your grade. Late Work: It is your responsibility to turn work in on time. Due dates will be announced multiple times in class. Certain large projects may be turned in late for a loss of points. For example, on a 100 point assignment you will lose 10 points per day until day 5 and then you will receive a zero. Absences: It is your responsibility to make up work that was given/due during an absence. You must ask Mr. Schanbacher what you missed and make sure that you find the time to make the work up. All tests, quizzes, worksheets, etc. must be made up within three (3) days of returning to school. You should ask a classmate for any missed notes. Course Fees: The Welding Course Fee of $15.00 must be paid by the fifth day of the class. You will not be allowed to weld until your fee is paid. Your FFA dues of $25.00 must be paid by the end of the first quarter. You will not be able to participate in any FFA related event if your dues are not paid or you carry any outstanding balance to the FFA. Student/Parent Agreement: I agree to abide by the rules and policies. This must be returned to Mr. Schanbacher by the fifth day of class. Student’s Printed Name:________________ Student’s Signature:________________ Date:______ Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________ Date:_________