Last Name First Name Last Name Ms. Landon English II October 15

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First Name Last Name
Ms. Landon
English II
October 15, 2013
Effects of Post-Apocalyptic Elements on Theme
Often a truth pertinent to many situations can only be revealed under a specific
circumstance. Many of these circumstances, and therefore truths, are present in post-apocalyptic
fiction. Post-apocalyptic fiction sets its characters into a world that is far different from our
reality. While this setting is different, the characters, their interactions, motives, and thoughts are
relatively consistent with today's humans. By analyzing these reactions, it is possible to
understand how present day people react under certain circumstances. In “By the Waters of
Babylon” and “Ender’s Game,” the authors use settings, characters, and conflict to communicate
that the line between good and evil is blurred in perilous situations, reflecting human beings’ true
nature to lash out until they feel comfortable in a situation.
First of all, the characters, their motives and their reactions to danger in post-apocalyptic
literature illustrate a tendency to protect one’s self at all times and costs. In “Ender’s Game,”
Ender is famous for saying, “I won't let you beat me unfairly, I’ll beat you unfairly first” (Card
293). When his life, or at least his health, is brought into question, all former morals or rules are
off. This disregard of fairness is displayed when Ender is threatened by Bonzo, an older student
of the battle school. Although the older boy is really only picking a fight to save face, Ender
destroys him in hand to hand combat. Bonzo ends up dead. Until Ender felt comfortable, such
that he didn't feel the need to defend himself, there was no distinction between good and evil as
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far as his actions were concerned. “By the Waters of Babylon” also displays this theme through
its characters and their interactions. As John relates, “When gods war with gods, they use
weapons we do not know” (Benet). He is astounded that human beings could be so cruel and use
such powerful weapons on their fellow human beings. This willingness to destroy life is brought
about by the endangering of their own. It reflects how easily integrity goes out the window in an
uncertain situation.
Also relevant to the theme represented by post-apocalyptic fiction is the settings used by
the authors. Ender Wiggin’s thoughts as he boards a space shuttle display this. “He was afraid,
and fear made him serious… He walked the short bridge to the door in the shuttle. He noticed
that the wall to his right was carpeted like a floor. That was where the disorientation began,”
Card says, describing the beginning of Ender’s long journey (Card 28). In entering the
spacecraft, Ender was entering a new world. Everything would be different. Even gravity would
soon change. This made him afraid, and taciturn. When teased by a bully, he breaks a fellow
passenger’s arm on accident. The unfamiliar setting causes a foreboding mood that puts Ender in
a precarious situation. He decided that he didn’t know enough about his surroundings to consider
them safe. The settings in “By the Waters of Babylon” also reinforce this theme. “It was very
silent and sunny where I landed,” John retells (Benet). This setting creates an anxious mood. He
isn’t sure what could happen. Everything seemed to be peaceful, but this was a place he had
previously associated with danger. Anytime a human is nervous about something, they are more
likely to make a decision they wouldn’t normally. The hostile setting influences John’s decisionmaking so that his judgment is different. “Now, though, I had long gone past what was
forbidden, and I entered the likeliest towers,” John tells (Benet). Although he knows his father
would punish him for the actions he is about to commit, he deems the uncertain setting reason
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enough to continue. This changed thought process is the result of the perilous situation, and
applies to how John approaches other choices. As his cognitive deliberations evolve, they
naturally tend towards the primal instincts of self-preservation, which disregard all ethics. The
setting of “By the Waters of Babylon” results in a change of John’s rationale toward the
unpredictable. These two examples of post-apocalyptic literature clearly show how much
pressure to act can be placed on a human when they believe their life could be in danger, and
how this pressure leads to violence.
Finally, the conflicts portrayed in post-apocalyptic literature put the characters into these
situations where they feel uncomfortable. As Ender relates, “Sometimes lies are more
dependable than the truth” (Card 2). Lies and conflict have become part of his life. In the rigors
of battle school, where he is preparing to save the human race, the constant conflict put him on
edge, so that even a loving gesture could set him off, such as when his sister is brought to him to
comfort him and encourage him to continue fighting. His immediate guess was that those in
charge had put her up to it. The continual conflict he has lived with hasn’t allowed him to trust
anyone, so that all decisions must rely only on himself, and could only benefit himself. This
reflects his nature to lash out in unpredictable positions in order to preserve himself. Also, in “By
the Waters of Babylon,” John discusses the nature of truth as it relates to the happenings around
him. “Truth is a hard deer to hunt,” he says. “You may die of the truth.” (Benet) His search is for
the truth. It is the whole reason for his quest. Any conflicts in the short story results from part or
all of truth being hidden. When truth is hidden, it only adds to the sense of unease felt by the
characters. This supports their willingness to behave in ways they wouldn't if they felt totally
secure, such as when John sees a dog in the city. He immediately assumes it will try to hurt him,
pondering only whether he should kill it or flee. This conflict with the dog is clouded by a lack of
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solid fact to base judgment on. The restlessness he feels from part of the truth being hidden from
him affects his actions. Post-apocalyptic fiction often displays this unease through the conflicts
it commonly contains.
Post-apocalyptic stories share many common elements. These elements display
themselves through the character’s reactions to conflict in different settings. The fact that
humans react differently in danger is a fact that pertains to all situations, but can only be
discovered by experience. These experiences are common in post-apocalyptic literature, resulting
in a clear picture of human nature. This picture can benefit us by allowing us to better understand
people around us.
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Works Cited
"By the Waters of Babylon." By the Waters of Babylon. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2013.
Card, Orson Scott. Ender's Game. New York: Tor, 1991. Print.