Meghan Goudy Chem 444 Dr. R. S. Murphy Current Critical Review Introduction Rhodopsin is an important protein that plays a major role in the mechanism of vision. Without it, there would be no visual information present. Rhodopsin, a receptor that binds with a G-protein, is located in specialized cells called rod cells. Rod cells are located in our eyes (1). The human vision system is capable of distinguishing between one photon per second and over one million photons per second and it is able to absorb light between approximately 400 nanometers to 780 nanometers (2). Rod cells are designed to collect photons in low light scenarios so that the organism can receive visual information. Its chromophore retinal, also known as vitamin A, is situated in the centre of rhodopsin and bound by a protonated Schiff’s base. It has two isomers – the 11-cis retinal and the all-trans retinal. The 11-cis retinal transforms into the alltrans retinal once rhodopsin has absorbed a photon of light via its chromophore retinal (1). The chromophore retinal absorbs light very quickly and this has been measured at 200 femtoseconds (3). The retinal is made up of a polyene chain which has several conjugated double bonds (4). Rhodopsin is made up of seven alpha-helices and the retinal is packed close together with the Figure 1: The isomerisation of 11-cis retinal to all-trans retinal upon the absorption of a photon (3). alpha-helices. The retinal’s binding site is therefore constrained by two of the helices and is located on the inactive or dark side of rhodopsin (5). 11-cis retinal’s conversion to the all-trans isomer is very efficient upon absorbing a photon. Its quantum yield has been measured at approximately 0.65 (6). Many different computational techniques have been employed to study the chromophore retinal including quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics molecular dynamics (QM/MM MD). More recently, new methods have become more popular with theorists. These new techniques are called Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods. Experimental techniques such as time-resolved spectroscopy have also been used to try and understand the reaction mechanism of the chromophore retinal. There is lots of evidence on why evolution chose retinal as the chromophore to absorb light. In humans, the conjugated end of retinal which is bonded to rhodopsin creates a red shift towards the visible range of light. Visible light is usually in the same range as the sun’s peak wavelength, which is approximately 500 nm. The majority of other photoreceptors absorb in the ultraviolet region of the light spectrum. There is a significant change from 11-cis retinal to the all-trans retinal. Depending upon the absorption of a photon, rhodopsin is able to determine whether it is in the dark or whether it is in the light (7). The Mechanism of Vision The mechanism of vision starts with the 11-cis retinal molecule absorbing a photon of light. Since the chromophore is located in a tight space, as soon as it absorbs a photon and transforms into the all-trans retinal it can no longer fit within its space. This causes rhodopsin to become activated almost immediately after a photon is absorbed (7). The retinal rotates around the carbon-11 and carbon-12 double bond (4). The carbon-13 and the carbon-14 bond also is rotated (1) and this conformational change causes a change in the protein’s entire structure, which begins G-protein binding to transducin. Transducin is a type of G-protein (4). This results in a series of reactions that culminate in the visual nerve becoming excited. The retinal undergoes hydrolysis which leaves behind the rhodopsin molecule with its binding space and the retinal molecule, not bound to one another. The retinal isomerizes Figure 2: The reaction mechanism for the activation of rhodopsin (1). again to its 11-cis form and another rhodopsin protein binds to it, which ends the cycle of rhodopsin (3). When the visual nerve is stimulated, it sends an electrical signal to the brain and thus a visual picture is seen. Shown on the previous page is the reaction pathway for rhodopsin in the visual cycle. When the photon of light is first absorbed, rhodopsin transforms into a short-lived intermediate known as photorhodopsin. This intermediate quickly is relaxed into the next intermediate called bathorhodopsin (4, 1). The retinal remains in its all-trans isomer in both photorhodopsin and bathorhodopsin. This is due to the short reaction time and therefore the amino acids that are bound to these intermediates do not have time to change their positions in the close binding space. Bathorhodopsin stores a certain amount of energy from the light and this energy is discharged as bathorhodopsin decays into other known intermediate structures including lumirhodopsin and metarhodopsin I (1). When metarhodopsin I is converted into metarhodopsin II, its enthalpy increases and as a result there is a big increase in entropy. There is a huge structural change that takes place during this conversion (1). Metarhodopsin II’s lifetime determines how many transducin molecules can be activated to form the noncyclic structure. Its lifetime is longer in a rod cell and therefore it has a bigger response to light and activity with the transducin is done before hydrolization occurs at the Schiff base (8). Theoretical Aspects Quantum Mechanics, Molecular Mechanics and Classical Molecular Dynamics There are many computational studies that have been done in order to study the different properties of rhodopsin. This includes vibrational excitation of the chromophore, the mechanism which rhodopsin utilizes in order to complete its transformation from 11-cis retinal to all-trans retinal, 11-cis retinal’s geometry in the inactive state (also known as its dark state) and the entire photoreaction. Many of these studies employ quantum mechanical methods, lots of times combined with molecular mechanics and occasionally classical molecular dynamics have been used. One such study used the CASSCF/AMBER QM/MM theory to optimize rhodopsin’s ground state configuration and the chromophore as well as the end CH2 group were included in the calculation (3). It then went on to determine the photodynamics of the entire reaction. The study found that a non-adiabatic QM/MM approach was the best method to simulate the fast and efficient photoreaction. It also calculated the various state energies that led to the formation of the all-trans retinal (3). Another study chose to use QM/MM-MD methods to study how rhodopsin’s chromophore behaves. The data showed that once the chromophore absorbs a photon of light, it becomes excited into the S1 state after 10 femtoseconds. The S1 state declines in energy at this point while the energy of the singlet ground state gains a big amount of energy. This is due to the relaxation of the long chain on the retinal molecule and it begins to shift into the all-trans form from the cis configuration (4). During this relaxation period, Figure 3: The path that the chromophore takes when a photon of light is absorbed (4). the energies of the S1 and S0 states decrease and increase respectively, though the decrease of the S1 state is not as sharp as the increase of the S0 state. Once the two energies meet, the rest of the reaction proceeds in the singlet ground state until 200 femtoseconds have passed (4). At this point, the all-trans isomer of retinal is fully formed. This article provides many known facts about the activation of rhodopsin while at the same time it explains the findings and also compares these findings to experimental results. Ground state energies and excitation energies have been extensively studied in the theoretical realm. One particular study used different ground-state geometries of 11-cis retinal and then calculated the excitation energies for those ground states. The graph on the right demonstrates that the excitation energy for 11-cis retinal changes when using different ground state configurations. It is therefore important to choose the ground-state carefully in order to get good results for the excitation energy of the chromophore. The researchers determined that Figure 4: A graph depicting the excitation energies of 11-cis retinal and the different methods used to calculate the ground-state configuration of 11-cis retinal (9). the CASPT2/S-IPEA and NEVPT2 methods had the best results. The angles in the ring of retinal and the bond lengths also affect the excitation energies (9). Computations were also done for the alltrans isomer to compare the energies of the excited state. Stated at the end of the results section is the conclusion that the excitation energies of both the 11-cis and the all-trans retinal are very close in value and that this shows that the excitation energy is not affected by the different isomers (9). Of late, many computational chemists have been using QMC techniques such as Variation Monte Carlo (VMC) to figure out the optimal ground state configuration for the retinal molecule in two different scenarios – one in the natural environment of Figure 5: A graph that depicts the different bond lengths between each conjugated carbon atom in retinal. The black line represents retinal in a gas environment and the blue line represents retinal in its natural rhodopsin environment (6). rhodopsin and one in the gas phase. This study also compares the bond lengths in the chromophore to experimental nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data. It concludes that the VMC computations agree with the experimental data and that this technique is a good method for figuring out the chromophore’s configuration in both scenarios (6). The graph above shows the various bond lengths between each double bonded carbon in the chromophore in two different situations – in a gas phase environment and in the protein environment. Both were calculated with VMC. In the gas phase, there is very little difference between the carbon-13 and carbon14 bond and the carbon-14 and carbon-15 double bond. The researchers suggest that this is caused by a delocalized positive charge across the chain but centered on the nitrogen atom. In its natural rhodopsin environment, there is no delocalized positive charge but rather a localized positive charge on the nitrogen which is stable due to the negatively charged glutamic acid that is bonded to the retinal. Critical Review There have been many studies on the role of the chromophore retinal in the visual mechanism, both theoretical and experimental. Most of the studies presented in this review are computational in nature but there are a few that discuss different experiments for how the chromophore is involved in vision. One article titled Photochemical Reaction Dynamics of the Primary Event of Vision is an example of a computational study. The researchers mainly focused on the first reaction in the visual cycle in order to simulate the fast reaction rate of 200 femtoseconds (4) but they also state that calculations were made for the entire reaction cycle as well. The group used ab initio QM/MM-MD computations for their experiment. It was determined that the quick reaction time is due to a perturbation from the protein environment and because of motions in the excited state of retinal. There were a few reasons mentioned as to why the reaction proceeds as fast as it does. Two of the more dominant reasons were due to the relatively uniform dynamics of the reaction and that the excited state of retinal and its complex were unaffected by changes in rhodopsin`s temperature. The relatively uniform reaction dynamics is because the protein environment does not interfere much with the excited state dynamics of retinal. Hydrogen-out-of-plane (HOOP) vibrations are also mentioned repeatedly throughout the article and the computations showed big vibrational excitation of these HOOP modes along with big low-frequency shifts that follow once the S1 state transitions into the S0 state (4). All of this is laid out in detail but there are only a few comparisons to experimental techniques that have been used to figure out the reaction mechanism. It also does not have hardly any discussion on future experiments or questions that still need to be resolved in order to fully understand the visual mechanism. The article does mention that lots of time-resolved spectroscopy experiments have been used for this purpose. New ultrafast spectroscopy is now being employed because it is able to show the molecular vibrations that are in sync with other retinal molecules that have been excited. HOOP frequency shifts have been seen in timed-dependant Ramon spectroscopy and this article suggests that the reason for seeing these shifts in experiment could be due to the transition from S1 to S0 (4). Another study entitled Relationship between the Excited State Relaxation Paths of Rhodopsin and Isorhodopsin carried out theoretical QM/MM calculations for an analogue of rhodopsin called isorhodopsin (10). While this study states that isorhodopsin and rhodopsin have comparable photoisomerization mechanisms, this article is not really relevant to this critical review because the calculations were done on isorhodopsin data. However, these calculations are compared to calculations at the same level of theory for rhodopsin photodynamics. It also mentions some questions that are left unanswered by the study and these questions are also shared by experimentalists. The scientific article called Modelling vibrational coherence in the primary rhodopsin photoproduct uses MD computations for the excited state of retinal. The theoretical results for the oscillations of photorhodopsin were a bit higher than those observed experimentally (3). This article highlights its computational results and compares them with data from experimental studies. One graph shown in the article is illustrating the energy differences between various states that lead to the formation of the Figure 6: A graph depicting the differences in energies between the S2 - S1 and S1 - S0 states in retinal that lead to the all-trans isomer (3). final all-trans retinal photoproduct. This graph demonstrates the change in energy as time moves forward. Ultrafast femtosecond ultraviolet experiments provide more evidence for the values in the graph (3). This article is very informative for the first part of the reaction mechanism but it does not go much further than that. As stated earlier, QMC theoretical techniques have recently become popular in studies with retinal. Two of the articles studied for this review deal with QMC techniques for calculating the excitation configuration of the retinal into its first singlet excited state. Both research groups are in agreement that the QMC methods are superior to older methods that couldn`t quite compute the geometries for excited state retinal (9, 6). However, the work of Valsson, Angeli and Filippi mainly focuses on the excitation energies for the chromophore without dealing with the actual photoisomerization mechanism. Although the first step of this mechanism is very important to the cycle, more should be said about the rest of the steps in the process. Many experiments have been performed to figure out how the visual cycle works. Only a few of the articles are experimental rather than theoretical but they are important nonetheless. The article titled Location of the Retinal Chromophore in the Activated state of Rhodopsin deals with NMR methods used to discover the movement of the different carbon atoms during the transition from the 11-cis retinal to the intermediate known as metarhodopsin II. It also tells about the location of the retinal molecule in the metarhodopsin II intermediate (5). The NMR data below shows the result of tagging rhodopsin and metarhodopsin II with 13C methionine. In the rhodopsin data, there are no peaks between the methionine and the C5 or C18 atoms of the retinal but once it was changed into metarhodopsin II, there are peaks between the methionine and those same carbon atoms of the retinal molecule (5). Lots of the NMR study is written in a complicated way that few readers would be able to understand. It does go into too much detail about the NMR data and the NMR techniques. Figure 7: The NMR results for rhodopsin and metarhodopsin II. Rhodopsin`s result is in black while metarhodopsin II`s is in red (5). Palczewski`s article provides a sufficient amount of background information of the visual cycle and its mechanism. It is heavily based on the biology of the eye rather than the photochemistry that takes place in the conversion from 11-cis to all-trans retinal. There is no mention of any experimental techniques as this article`s main objective is to get information out to its readers, much like a textbook. Everything that is known about the visual mechanism is in this article. According to many of the articles studied, there are many disagreements between computational chemists as to which method is the best to calculate the excitation energies of the retinal. Some of them prefer to use QM/MM methods while newer studies prefer the QMC methods or the NEVPT2 perturbation approach. There is also a debate about what the relationship is between dissociation and optical absorption (9). A lot of the theoretical data about the visual mechanism is supported by experiments such as ultraviolet femtosecond spectroscopy and time-resolved spectroscopy techniques. Visual Diseases There are many visual diseases that humans can get and one of the harsher diseases is Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa (ADRP). Many causes of ADRP do not occur in the rhodopsin complex but sometimes mutations do occur in rhodopsin. Rhodopsin mutations occur in approximately 30 percent of ADRP patients (1). These mutations seem to weaken the rhodopsin structure and cause it to malfunction, causing issues for seeing in the dark and therefore affecting the visual cycle. Later, more opsins in the cone cells may become affected and then loss of light vision will occur (1). Conclusion Much is known about the role of the chromophore retinal in the protein rhodopsin. The visual cycle is repeated an uncountable number of times throughout the day. Rhodopsin is located in the rod cells in the human eye and is responsible for low light scenarios. The excitation energies of retinal and the ground state geometries have been calculated theoretically and supported by experimental data. Studies have been done to determine how the retinal rotates within its binding space to form its all-trans isomer when it is hit by a photon of light. After a photon is absorbed, the transition from the original rhodopsin protein to the first intermediate photorhodopsin takes approximately 200 femtoseconds, which is one of the fastest reactions in nature. Theoretical computations have shown this timescale and this is also supported by experiments. However, there are still many aspects of the visual cycle and the role of the chromophore that are not yet understood. So far, not a single theoretical study can successfully reproduce the intermediate photorhodopsin (10) but this intermediate has been observed experimentally. Another aspect that is not understood currently is the function of water in the activation of rhodopsin. There is experimental evidence of an enthalpy increase and an entropy increase that happens when metarhodopsin I changes into metarhodopsin II. Chemists believe that this could be a result of water being released from the system (1). It is also not completely understood how the G-protein attaches itself to the rhodopsin molecule and subsequently activates it. More research in both the theoretical and experimental realms needs to be done to be able to fully explain how the entire visual cycle works. References 1. Smith, S.O. Structure and Activation of the Visual Pigment Rhodopsin. Annu. Rev. Biophys 2010, 39, 309-328. 2. Palczewski, K. Chemistry and Biology of Vision. Biol. Chem 2012, 287(3), 1612-1619. 3. 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