SPCH_1113_241_32625_201530 (new window)


SPCH 1113 Speech Communication

Instructor: Mrs. N. Alderson

Class Times: 9:00 – 11:50 AM and

Tuesday & Thursday

Office hours: By appointment.

NEA 2431

Email: nikialderson@tulsacc.edu

Phone: (Texting works great!)



This general education course introduces the major areas of human communication emphasizing the application of the community techniques needed to organize and deliver oral messages in a public setting. Emphasis will be given to theory and practice of message strategies and preparation, audience analysis, presentational skills including multimedia support, speech criticism, and nonverbal communication. You will demonstrate competencies (listed below) identified by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education



You will be able to demonstrate:

 Research and organizational skills by preparing formal linear outlines and computer-generated slides for informative and persuasive speeches, and for a problem-solving group speech;

 Verbal and nonverbal presentation skills by extemporaneously delivering an informative, persuasive, and problem-solving group speeches, as well as an impromptu speech;

 Critical thinking and listening skills by evaluating self and peer speeches;

 Knowledge of oral communication theory by completing class quizzes, post test, as well as textbook and/or other in and out of class assignments/activities.


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Prepare formal linear outlines and computer-generated slides for informative and persuasive speeches, and problem-solving group speeches;

 Deliver extemporaneously an introduction, demonstration, informative, persuasive, and problem-solving group speech;

 Deliver impromptu speech;

 Self and peer speech evaluations; and

 Understand basic terms, models, and concepts of speech communication by completing quizzes, post-test, and other in and out of class activities and /or assignments.

FERPA and Privacy Issues

I use Blackboard and email to post assignments, discussion questions, assignment due dates, announcements and any information I want students to know immediately. I do NOT post grades or anything else that would be considered FERPA related. I caution students to

be careful of what you post on these or any public sites. Students are NOT allowed to repost class or student videos to any site. Not only is this to respect the privacy of fellow students, but also copyright issues may be incurred.


Textbook Required: The Art of Public Speaking by Stephen E. Lucas

Additional Required Materials:


Access to a computer and a storage device (Flash Drive, DVD, etc.)


McGraw-Hill Connect Pass


Check Blackboard and TCC email daily.


Use APA or MLA for your speech citations. See citationmachine.net, owl.english.purdue.edu or the library on campus.


Find a study buddy, someone you can ask for clarification about coursework.


 LEARNSMART = 200 points

 Speeches = 800 points o Introduction/Interview Speech = 100 points o Impromptu Speaking = 100 points o Informative Speech = 200 points o Persuasive Speech = 200 points o Small Group Speech = 200 points

 Tests/Quizzes = 200 points

 Participation/Attendance = 200 points


Speaking assignments will vary depending on the actual speech type assigned. Detail information will be given for each assignment and will be found on Blackboard as well.

Speeches with the exception of introduction and impromptu will be generally five to seven minutes in length and may require a visual aid. A brief description of each speech is listed below:

Introductory Speech (100 points)

Students introduce themselves or work in pairs to introduce each other.

Evaluation of this speech will be written.

Impromptu Speeches (100 points)

Students will speak on a current topic randomly throughout the semester.

Topics will be suited for each student to be able to draw on his/her knowledge to construct impromptu speech.

Informative Speech (200 points)

Students will choose a worthwhile and interesting topic and construct a five to seven minute speech. It should follow the guidelines outlined in the textbook and class discussions. A bibliography of sources consulted is required. A formal outline will also be required. A power point presentation featuring visual aids will be required for this speech.

Persuasive Speech (200 points)

Students will have seven to ten minutes to deliver their persuasive speeches.

Topics should be of the controversial nature, allowing more than one side to be taken. Topics should be of a timely issue made relevant to the specific audience.

Students should take a stand on the issue and provide adequate evidence and reasoning in support of stance.

Small Group Speech (200 points)

Students will form small groups to create a speech presentation. Instructor will give the groups the topics. Students must work together to create a formal speech presentation. Creativity is highly recommended for this speech.

Presentation should follow the guidelines outlined in class discussions.


Speech Assignments. a.

Student speeches are eligible for A, B, C only IF completed on the scheduled day. b.

Student speeches are eligible for no higher than a D IF not completed on the scheduled day. c.

Students who miss their scheduled speaking day may not present their speech if the scheduled speaking round ends or there are no openings of any of the remaining days of the round.


Students must make prior contact with their instructor to possibly reschedule

their speech. If prior contact is not made, then it is at the discretion of the instructor whether students may reschedule their speech. a.

Students who become ill before their speech with laryngitis, coughing, dizziness, nausea, etc., are not excused from missing their scheduled speech unless they contact the instructor face-to-face. b.

These conditions are often symptoms of speech anxiety for which there are techniques available for coping long enough to deliver a speech. Instructors have the responsibility of determining whether the condition warrants rescheduling the speech.


Students will receive points (200) for participation and attendance. Students must sign in at the beginning of each class meeting. Points will be deducted for each absence past three (3).


Students will be responsible for completing LEARNSMART activities on the

McGraw-Hill Connect site before each class session (200).

Revised Course Schedule (subject to change):

T 6/2 – Syllabus and Schedule. Connect Information. Ice-breaker activity.

- Introduction Speech prep, Sample Speech video

Th 6/4 - Chapter 1, Chapter 4 Introduction Speech prep

T 6/9 - Introduction Speeches, Informative Speech Prep, Chapter 5 & 15

Th 6/11 - Informative Speech Prep, Chapter 5 & 15 (if unfinished), Chapter 6

T 6/16 - Informative Speech Prep, Chapter 7 & 8, Chapter 9 & 11, Outlines assigned.

Th 6/18 _ Informative Speech Prep, Sign-Ups for Speeches. Chapter 13 & 14,

OUTLINES Due, Visual Aid Information

T 6/23 - Informative Speech Prep, Chapter 14, OUTLINES Returned.

Th 6/25 - Informative Speeches.

T 6/30 - Informative Speeches. Persuasive Speech Prep Chapter 16-17, Sample

Persuasive Speech. Sign-up for speeches.

Th 7/2 - Persuasive Speech Prep, Persuasive Exercise. Outline Preparation with in groups.

T 7/7 - Persuasive Speeches

Th 7/9 - Persuasive Speeches. Group Speech Prep, Chapter 19.

T 7/14 - Group Prep, Outline Prep.

Th 7/16 - Group Prep

T 7/21 - Group Speeches

Th 7/23 - Group Speeches
