Current Sherily Pereira. " Acute pain symptom assessment and

Associate Professor College of Nursing
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: 413-545-1343; Fax: 413-577-2550
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Chronic illness management in jail; mindfulness and health promotion in mental
health settings; advocacy in screening and treating persons with hepatitis C
National Institute for Nursing Research, NIH
Summer Genetics Institute June 3-28, Bethesda, MD
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Summer Research Institute, May
2001 and May 2002
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Ph.D. 1999 – Nursing
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
M.S. 1990 - Nursing
Mundelein College/Loyola University
Chicago, IL
B.S. 1980 - Biology
The Charles E. Gregory School of Nursing
Perth Amboy, NJ
Diploma, 1971 - Nursing
September 29 - October 12, 2014 - Visiting Lecturer College of Nursing University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
Fall 2010-Fall 2012 –Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Graduate Program Director, PhD Program Director,
DNP Program Director, College of Nursing, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Spring 2007 – Present - Associate Professor, College of Nursing, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Fall 2005 – Fall 2010 - Director, RN to BS Track, College of Nursing, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Fall 2001 - Spring 2007 - Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Fall 1997 - Fall 1999- Research Coordinator: Protocol R96-419: Intron A + Ribavirin for Treatment of patients with
Interferon-Refractory or Interferon Relapsed Chronic Hepatitis C. UMASS Medical Center and Schering -Plough Co-Principal Investigators.
Fall 1998-Spring 1999- Research Assistant – Dr. H.S. Kim- Hope in the Hospitalized Chronically Ill, Roger
Williams Hospital and Umass Medical Center; Dr. M. Dufault – Pain Assessment in Surgical Day Patients, Roger
Williams Hospital.
Winter 1997-May 2001 - Program Coordinator RN/BS and Second Bachelor's Pathways, School of Nursing,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Summer 1994- Spring 1996 - Instructor in Nursing, Cardiac Subspecialty, Graduate School of Nursing, University
of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA
Fall 1990 - Spring 1994; Fall 1996- Fall 2001 - Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Integrative Health Training
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8-Week Program, Genesis Westfield, MA, 2015. Trainer John H.
Meiklejohn, LICSW, BCD
Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitation Training, Ottawa, Canada May 2009, Trainer Rev. Dr. Lauren
Artress, PhD, Certification 2012; Additional Training, Chartres, France 2015, Trainer Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress, PhD
February 2012. Exceptional Merit Award
November 2011. Society of Gastroenterology Nursing Evidence Based Practice Scholars Program- 2012-14
November 2010. Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing
October 2008. University of Massachusetts School of Nursing Distinguished Alumni Award
October 2007. Nominated University of Massachusetts Distinguished Teaching Award
May 2004. University of Massachusetts School of Nursing College Outstanding Teacher Award
June 2002. Sigma Theta Tau International Information Technology for Knowledge Advancement Award, Chapter
Leader Academy, Indianapolis, IN.
October 2001. Outstanding Continuing Education Faculty Award - University Continuing Education Association,
New England Annual Conference, Falmouth, MA.
September 2000-2001. TEACHnology Fellowship. University of Massachusetts Center for Teaching, Amherst, MA
PUBLICATIONS (Peer-reviewed articles (* corresponding author)
Zucker, D.M. & Redulla, R. Optimal medical management for minimal hepatic encephalopathy: a systemic
review. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Beatriz, C., Zucker, D.M. & Callahan, K. Prison parenting programs: A case study. Manuscript in
Zucker, D.M., Choi. J., Cooke, M. & Croft, J. (in press). Effect of labyrinth walking in an academic
library. Journal of Library Administration, 56(8).
Zucker, D.M. & Shanmugam, A. (in press). Hepatitis C point of care testing in vulnerable populations: A human
factors study. Gastroenterology Nursing Journal, 40(1).
Zucker, D.M., Dion, K. & McKeever, R.P. (2014). Concept clarification of grief in parents of children
with an addiction. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 00(0), 000–000. doi: 10.1111/jan.12591.
Zucker, D.M. & Bailey, D. Jr. (2014). Hepatitis C testing in the birth cohort 1945-1965. Have you been
tested? Nursing Outlook, 62(5), 371-373.
Zucker, D.M. & Redulla, R. (2014). Optimal medical management of minimal hepatic encephalopathy: A
systematic review protocol. The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 12(6) 49 - 59,
ISSN 2202-4433.
Zucker, D.M., Villemaire, L, Rigali, C & Callahan, K. (2013). Evolution of a labyrinth walking program in
corrections. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 9 (2), 101-104.
Choi, J. & Zucker, D.* (2013). Self-Assessment of nursing informatics
competencies for Doctor of Nursing Practice students. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29 (6), 381-387.
Zucker, D.M. (2012). Policy brief: Hepatitis C screening and testing. Nursing Outlook, 60, (July/Aug) p.
Zucker, D.M., Sharma, A. (2012). Labyrinth walking in corrections. Journal of Addictions Nursing,
23:47–54, DOI: 10.3109/10884602.2011.645253
Zucker, D.M., Choi, J.C. & Gallagher, E. (2011). Mobile Outreach Strategies for Screening Hepatitis and
HIV in High Risk Populations. Public Health Nursing. DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1446.2011.00970.x
Zucker, D.M. (2009). An intervention to prevent symptoms associated with hepatitis C:
a pilot study. Applied Nursing Research, doi:10.1016/j.apnr.2008.04.003.
Zucker, D.M. (2009). Peer education for hepatitis C prevention. Gastroenterology Nursing, 32(1), 42-48.
Zucker, D.M. & Rigali, C. (2008). University and sheriff’s office create a model collaboration.
Corrections Today, April, pp. 18-20.
Koerbel, L & Zucker, D.M.* (2007). The suitability of mindfulness-based stress reduction for chronic
hepatitis C. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 25(4), 265-274.
Kim, D., Kim, H., Schwartz-Barcott, D. & Zucker, D.M. * (2006). The nature of hope in hospitalized
chronically ill patients. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 43: 547-556.
Zucker, D.M. (2006). A case of health disparity: Treatment issues in women with hepatitis C.
Gastroenterology Nursing, 29 (2), 137-141.
Gapinski, M & Zucker, D. M.* (2005). Review of the literature: Factors influencing the development of a
hepatitis C exercise protocol. Gastroenterology Nursing, 28(3), S10-S18.
Zucker, D.M. & Borg, D. (2005). Plato’s Cave and Aristotle’s Games: Dialogues Across the Disciplines.
Journal of Nursing Philosophy, 6(2), 144-147.
Jacelon, C.J., Zucker, D.M.,* Stacciarini, J.M. & Henneman, E.A. (2003). Peer
mentoring for tenure-track faculty. Journal of Professional Nursing, 19(6), 335-338.
Zucker, D.M. (2003). Relapse in Hepatitis C: A Case Study. Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners,
7(3), 53-59.
Zucker, D.M. & Asselin, M. (2003). Migrating to the web: The transformation of a traditional distance
learning program. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 34(2), 86-89.
Zucker, D.M. (2002). Chronic heart disease: An approach for intervention. Rehabilitation Nursing,
27(5), 187-191; 198.
Hunter, A., Lusardi, P., Zucker, D.M., * Jacelon, C., & Chandler, G. (2002). Making meaning: The
creative component in qualitative research. Qualitative Health Research, 12(3), 388-398.
Zucker, D.M. & Miller, B. (2001). Assessment of side effects in patients with chronic hepatitis C receiving
combination therapy. Gastroenterology Nursing, 24(4), 192-196.
Zucker, D.M. (2001). Using case study methodology in nursing research. The Qualitative Report, 6(2),
Zucker, D.M. (2000). Depicting death: Lessons on writing and professional development in nursing.
Journal of Nursing Education, 39(3), 142-144.
Redulla, R. & Zucker, D.M. (2015). Optimal medical management of minimal hepatic encephalopathy: a
systematic review. Gastroenterology Nursing, March/April, 38(2), p. 159.
Zucker, D.M. (2015). Nursing science, evidence and policy: advancing research in violence. Nursing
Research, March/April, 64(2), p. E136 (online). ENRS 27th Annual Scientific Sessions, Washington, DC, April 1417.
Zucker, D.M. (2015). Considerations in recruiting prisoners in research studies. Nursing Research,
March/April, 64(2), p. E10 (online). ENRS 27th Annual Scientific Sessions, Washington, DC, April 14-17.
Beatriz, C. & Zucker, D.M. (2015). Evaluating parenting programs for incarcerated men: an intervention
to reduce familial violence, Nursing Research, March/April, 64(2), p. E119 (online). ENRS 27th Annual Scientific
Sessions, Washington, DC, April 14-17.
Zucker, D.M. (2006). Hepatitis C prevention in a county correctional facility. Gastroenterology Nursing,
29(2), p. 173. SGNA’s 33rd Annual Course May 19-24, San Antonio, TX.
Zucker, D.M. (2006). Hepatitis C prevention in corrections. Hepatology, 44(S1), pp. 588-691A. American
Association for the Study of Liver Disease 56th Annual Meeting, November 11-15, San Francisco, CA. DOI:
Book Chapter
Zucker, D.M. Genetics and Genomics. In Gayle Roux and Judith Halsted, Eds. Issues and Trends in
Nursing 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett. (In preparation).
Zucker, D.M. Using a Labyrinth for Physical Activity. In edited text Exercise & Physical Activity for
People Living With Cancer: Nurse’s Guide. Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society. (Submitted for
Zucker, D.M. (2009). Teaching case study research. In M. Garner, C. Wagner, & B. Kawulich, Teaching
Research Methods in the Social Sciences. Oxon, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
Mahoney, S. (June 2015). Calm Your Mind in 20 Minutes - Flat. Interview with D.M. Zucker. AARP/blog
LifeReimagined. Viewed at
Chant, I. (May, 2014). Library Labyrinths Help Students Find Their Way to Calm. Library Journal's
Academic Newswire enewsletter. Viewed at
Zucker, D.M. & Chandler, G.E. (2014). Improve Nurse Retention, Increase Diversity, and Strengthen
Quality of Care Through Nurse Mentorship. Healthcare Business Insight Cost & Quality Academy. Viewed at
Villemaire, L., Rigali, C., Zucker, D.M. & Callahan, K. (2015, May). The spirituality of a prison path.
Connections, the Newsletter of Spiritual Directors International, 24(1), pp. 6-7. Retrieved from
Zucker, D.M., Chandler, G.E and Kalmakis, K. (2014). Chatauqua Nursing is an interactive website for
PhD, DNP and now honors students, to promote student involvement, in research networking.
White Paper
Zucker, D.M & Salthouse, C. (February, 2013). System for Field Screening for Hepatitis C White Paper.
Presented to Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority in the Public Health Emergency Group in
HHS. U.S. Special Operations Command.
Zucker, D.M. & Henneman, E. (2014). WEB DuBois SPARQ Labyrinth. Viewed at
Zucker, D.M. & Reagan, L. (2014). Creating Pathways for Correctional Health: Research Translation.
Center for Correctional Health Network. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Viewed at
Rigali, C., Villemaire. L., Zucker, D.M. & Callahan, K. (2013). Pathway to Change: The Jail Labyrinth
Project. Viewed at YouTube
Zucker, D.M. (2004). Moderator on CD-ROM 1, Managing Liver Related Challenges. American
Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, 2004 Expert Consensus. AASLD c/o Pinnacle Communications
Group, Inc. Clark, NJ
Oral Papers
Zucker, D.M. (2015). Invited Speaker. Walking the Labyrinth with Mindfulness. The Connecticut
Association of Health Sciences Librarians, December 11, 2015. Middletown, CT.
Shanmugam, A. & Zucker, D.M. (2015). Point of Care Screening in Jail: A Human Factors Study. The
14th Biennial Custody and Caring Conference, October 7, Saskatoon, SK, CA.
Beatriz, C. & Zucker, D.M. (2015). Formulating a Best Practice Statement for a Prison Parenting
Program: A Program Evaluation Project. The 14th Biennial Custody and Caring Conference, October 8,
Saskatoon, SK, CA.
Zucker, D.M. (2015). Invited Speaker. Walking the Labyrinth with Mindfulness. August 11, The
Connecticut Valley Hospital, Middletown, CT.
Zucker, D.M. (2015). Correctional Health Care: Local, Regional and International Collaborations. July
26, Sigma Theta Tau's 26th International Nursing Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Zucker, D.M. (2015). Invited Speaker. Labyrinth as a Healing Instrument in Prison. June 23, Amherst
Club, Amherst, MA
Zucker, D.M. & Redulla, R. (2015). Paper presentation. Optimal medical management of hepatic
encephalopathy: A systematic review. May 18, The SGNA 42nd Annual Course, Baltimore , MD.
Chasens, E., Ulrich, C., Zucker, D.M., Alexander, S., & Kalmakis, K. (2015). Symposium paper.
Considerations in recruiting prisoners in research studies, Patient Participant Research in Biobehavioral Research,
the Biobehavioral Research Interest Group. April 17, The 27th Scientific Session of the Eastern Nursing Research
Society, Washington, DC.
Zucker, D.M., Shelton, D., Bruce, M., Stone, D., Copel, L, & Harner, H. (2015), Symposium paper.
Integrative Summary, Nursing Science, Evidence and Policy: Advancing Nursing Research in Violence, the
Criminal Justice, Violence and Trauma Research Interest Group. April 17, The 27th Scientific Session of the
Eastern Nursing Research Society, Washington, DC.
Beatriz, C & Zucker, D.M. Paper presentation. Formulating a Best Practice Statement on Prison
Parenting: A Program Evaluation. April 8, 2015, Sigma Theta Tau International, Beta Zeta At Large Chapter,
Easthampton, MA .
Zucker, D.M. (2015). Invited Speaker. Hepatitis C in Corrections. The Massachusetts Viral Hepatitis
Coalition. March 2, 2015, AIDS Action, Boston, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (2015). Invited Speaker. The Medicine Wheel and Addressing Gang Violence in Canada.
The Labyrinth Connection of Western Massachusetts. February 26, 2015, Mont Marie, Holyoke, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (2014). Invited Speaker: The Jail Labyrinth Project. HIV Care in the Correctional Setting.
New England AIDS Education and Training Center. October 30, 2014 Sturbridge, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (2014). Use of Labyrinths in Stress Reduction. Invited speaker, Massachusetts Health
Sciences Library Network Western Massachusetts Health Information Consortium. Friday, September 26, 2014
Baystate Health Conference Center, Holyoke, MA.
Zucker, D.M., Reagen, L. (2014). Research Symposium: Creating Pathways for Correctional Health
Research Translation. Invited Speaker. Center for Correctional Health Networks, University of Connecticut
School of Nursing, Storrs Hall, May 29, 2014.
Zucker, D.M. & Rigali, C. (2013). Pathways to Change: Jail Labyrinth Project. Paper presentation. 13th
Biennial International Conference on The Nurses Role in the Criminal Justice System. October 2-4, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, Delta Bessborough Hotel.
Zucker, D.M. & Rigali, C. (2013). Creation of a Labyrinth Walking Project at a County Jail. Podium
Paper. 9th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 15-18, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.
Zucker, D.M. (2013). Criminal Justice, Violence, and Trauma Research Interest Group and a special
viewing of the video “Pathways to Change: Jail Labyrinth Project.” Eastern Nursing Research Society. April 18
Renaissance Boston Hotel, Boston, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (2013). Invited Speaker. Connecting the Dots: 2012 Summer Genetics Institute NIH. Beta
Zeta at Large, Spring presentation. Umass College of Nursing, Skinner Hall. March 2, 2013.
Dion, K., McKeever, R. & Zucker, D.M.* (2012). A Case Study of Grief in Mothers of Substance
Abusing Children. Paper Presentation, 24th Annual Eastern Nursing Research Society Scientific Meeting, Yale,
March 29, New Haven CT.
Shelton, D., Ferszt, G., Zucker, D.M.* & Panosky, D. (2011). Nursing Science at the Interface of
Criminal Justice, Healthcare and Vulnerable Populations. Peer Symposium presented at the University of
Massachusetts Correctional Medicine Conference, March 2011, Boston, MA.
Sharma, A. & Zucker, D.M.* (2010). Labyrinth Walking in Corrections. Paper presentation, Beta Zeta At
Large Annual Scholarship Day, April 2010, Easthampton, MA.
Green, K. & Zucker, D.M. (2009). Seamless Curriculum for AD to BS: A Model for the Nurse of the
Future. Paper presentation. AACN Baccalaureate Education Conference, November 20, 2009, Chicago, IL.
Barton Burke-M., Zucker, D. M., Chandler, G. & Jacelon, C. (2009). Symposium Paper Presentation.
Theoretical and Philosophical Aspects of Relational Research. Relational Research: An Area for Qualitative
Inquiry. The Fifth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 23 University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, IL.
Zucker, D.M. (2008). Paper Presentation. Self in Relation to Health Symposium. Peer education for
hepatitis C prevention. The Eastern Nursing Research Society 20th Annual Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA,
March 27-29.
Ginsburg, L. & Zucker, D.M.* (2008). Paper presentation. The Role of Relational Communication -Trust,
Similarity, and Knowledge in the Educator - Inmate Relationship. The Eastern Nursing Research Society
Philadelphia, PA March 27, 2008
Zucker, D.M., Rigali, C., & Helin, J. (2007). Paper Presentation. Developing Research Capacity in the
Community: Hepatitis C Prevention. The Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Convention, November 6,
Baltimore, MD.
Zucker, D.M., Rigali, C. & Helin, J. (2007). Paper Presentation. A Model Collaboration: Umass Amherst
School of Nursing and the Hampshire Sheriff’s Office. Academic Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health
Care, Umass Medical School, March 29-30, Quincy, MA.
Zucker, D.M., Esrick, L., Grohman, B., Henson, A., Helin, J.* (2006). Paper Presentation. Hepatitis C
Prevention in a County Correctional Facility. The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates 33rd Annual
Course, May 19-23, San Antonio, TX.
Zucker, D.M. (2005). Paper Presentation. An Exercise Intervention to Prevent Hepatitis-Related Fatigue.
Eastern Nursing Research Society, 17th Annual Scientific Sessions, April 7-9, New York, New York.
Zucker, D.M. & Borg, D. Plato's Cave: Dialogue Across Disciplines. Paper presented at the Annual
International Arts and Humanities Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 12, 2003.
Zucker, D.M. (2003). Paper Presentation. Hepatitis C: A Program of Research. Sigma Theta Tau
International 37th Biennial Convention Scientific Sessions, November 3, Toronto, CA.
Zucker, D.M. (2003). Paper Presentation. Treatment Issues in Women with Hepatitis C. The Eastern
Nursing Research Society Annual Scientific Sessions, March 28, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Zucker, D.M. (2003). Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Technology. Paper presented at the
Inauguration of John V. Lombardi, Academic Symposia, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Zucker, D.M. (2002). Paper Presentation. "Sides on Combo”: Relapse in Hepatitis C. Sigma Theta Tau,
Beta Zeta Chapter, Annual Research Day Conference. April 10, The Delaney House, Holyoke, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (2002). Paper Presentation. Migrating an Online Program to the Web. Technologies to
Enhance Nursing Collaboration in Education. October 12, College of Health Professions, Center for Public Health
Research and Health Promotion. University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (2001). Paper Presentation. Assessment of Side Effects in patients with Hepatitis C
Receiving Combination Therapy. Eastern Nursing Research Society 13th Annual Scientific Session, April 2,
Atlantic City, NJ.
Zucker, D.M. & Zucker, G.M. (2001). Paper Presentation. Side Effects in Patients with Hepatitis C
Receiving Combination Therapy. Beta Zeta Chapter, Research Day, March 28, Northampton, MA.
Zucker, D. M. (2000). Paper Presentation. Two Contrasting Case Studies of Chronic Coronary Heart
Disease. Annual Research Day, Beta Zeta Chapter, AIC Honor Society of Nursing and Lambda Xi Chapters, Sigma
Theta Tau, International, April 5, Inn at Northampton, Northampton, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (1999). The Conceptual Process. Thinking Theoretically. Paper presentation as part of a
symposium Research as Creative Process: From Data Saturation to Illumination. Eastern Nursing Research
Society, April 9-11, Marriott World Trade Center, New York, NY.
Zucker, D.M. (1999). Paper Presentation. The Case Study as Research. The Fourth International
Multidisciplinary Qualitative Health Research Conference. February 19-21. School of Nursing University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, CA.
Zucker, D.M. (2014). Labyrinth Walking to Promote Positive Mental Health. Poster presentation,
American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 28th Annual Conference. October 22-25, J.W. Marriott Indianapolis, IN
Zucker, D.M. (2014). Hepatitis C in the US and China: 2007 and 2014. Poster Presentation. 2nd Global
US Sino Forum, March 9-11, Washington Duke Conference Center, Duke University, Durham, NC
Zucker, D.M., Chandler, G. E. & Curnin, M. (2013). Mentoring Impact on Student and Faculty Retention
in School and at Work. Poster presentation. Annual Nursing Research Day May 8th, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston, MA.
Redulla, R. & Zucker, D.M. (2013). Medical Management of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy (MHE):
A Systematic Review. Poster Presentation, Society of Gastroenterology Nursing Annual Meeting. May 17, 2013,
Austin, TX.
Zucker, D.M., Chandler, G. E. & Curnin, M. (2012). Mutual Mentoring: Impact on Student and Faculty
Retention. Poster presentation. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 5th Annual New Careers in Nursing Summit,
October 11-13, at the Marriot Hotel at the Metro Center in Washington, DC.
McGeough, P. & Zucker, D.M. * (2012). Impact of Green Environments on Stress and Quality of Life in
County Offenders. Poster Presentation, 5th Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health.
University of Massachusetts Medical School and Emory University, March 23, Atlanta, GA.
Zucker, D.M. & Sharma, A.* (2010). Labyrinth Walking in Corrections. Poster presented at the Annual
Meeting of the International Society of Nurses in Addictions, October 12, Hyatt Greenwich, CT
Zucker, D. M. (2009). Mobile outreach for hepatitis C and HIV in Western Massachusetts. Poster of
Distinction. Digestive Disease Week Conference, June 1, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL
Gallagher, E., Zucker, D.M.* & Choi, J. (2009). Infectious disease: Correlation with Risk Factors.
Poster Presentation. The 15th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference. May 1, Lincoln Campus Center,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Zucker, D.M., Helin, J. & Roberts-Cote, M. (2008). Relationship-Centered Peer Education in a Jail.
Poster Presentation The National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, October 2-4, Omni Shoreham
Hotel, Washington, DC
Zucker, D.M. (2008). Hepatitis and Liver Disease in the U.S and China. Poster Presentation. The Eastern
Nursing Research Society 20th Annual Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA, March 27-29.
Zucker, D.M., Helin, J., Henson, A., & Coty, M. (2007). Behavior, knowledge and relationships: HCV
prevention in a county correctional facility. Poster Presentation. The American Association for the Study of Liver
Disease 57th Annual Meeting, October 27-31, Boston, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (2006). Hepatitis C Prevention in a County Correctional Facility. Poster of Distinction. The
American Association for the Study of Liver Disease 56th Annual Meeting, November 11-15, San Francisco, CA.
Zucker, D.M., Patterson, M., Baggerly, J.& Jacelon, C.J. (2005). Case Study Method in Nursing Science.
Case Study Research. Poster Symposium. Eastern Nursing Research Society, 17th Annual Scientific Sessions,
April 7-9, New York, New York.
Zucker, D.M., Jacelon, C.J., Stacciarini, J.M. & Henneman, E.A. (2004). Peer-Mentoring for TenureTrack Faculty. Poster Presentation. The 12th Annual Conference for Nurse Educators in Practice Settings and
Schools. May 24-26, Wentworth by the Sea-Newcastle, NH
Zucker, D. M. (2004). An Exercise Intervention to Prevent Hepatitis-Related Fatigue. Poster Presentation.
American Association for the Study of Liver Disease 55th Annual Meeting, November 2, Boston, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (2002). Adherence to Treatment in Women with Hepatitis C. Poster Presentation. Eastern
Nursing Research Society Fourteenth Annual Scientific Session, March 22, The Pennsylvania State University,
State College, PA.
Zucker, D.M. & Zucker, G.M. (2001). Side Effects in Patients with Hepatitis C Receiving Combination
Therapy: A Secondary Analysis and Implications for Nursing Practice. Poster Presentation. Schering Hepatitis
Investigators Network, February 8, Orlando FL.
Zucker, D.M. & Miller, B.* (2000). Symptom Assessment in Patients with Hepatitis C Receiving
Combination Therapy. Poster Presentation. Eastern Nursing Research Society, April 1, Viking Hotel, Newport, RI.
Zucker, D. M. (1999). The Experience of Living with Chronic Coronary Heart Disease after 1985. Poster
Presentation. The 11th International Nursing Research Congress Sigma Theta Tau International, June 26, London,
Zucker, D.M., Esposito, M. & Mott, S. (1998). Research Information Exchange by Students. University of
Rhode Island College of Nursing. Poster Symposium. April 23-25, Eastern Nursing Research Society, Rochester,
Zucker, D.M. (2015). Labyrinth walking demonstration. May 14 and May 15, University of Massachusetts
College of Nursing Integrative Health Symposium, Springfield, MA.
Zucker, D.M. & Rigali, C. (2014). Half – Day Program: Labyrinth Walking Program for Transitions
Residents. July 30, Northeastern University, Boston Psychiatric Nursing Students at Long Island Shelter, Quincy,
Gravlin, G., Seymour-Route, P., Tarbell, M., Zucker, D.M. & Srocynski, M. (2010). Outcomes of the
Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Competency Committee. Statewide Summit. November 9, 2010, Devens, MA.
Zucker, D.M. (2002). Why Bother? Can Technology Truly Enhance Learning? University of
Massachusetts Instructional Technology Council and the Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology.
December 17, University of Massachusetts Faculty Forum.
* Presented with students
N630 Graduate Research –hybrid. Developed this from a face to face course, 2004.
N790G Research Translation – online. Developed this from a face to face course, 2010.
N642 Teaching in Nursing- certificate course – online. Developed this from a face to face course, 2013.
N700 History of Nursing and Philosophy of Science - face to face and blended. Taught since 2001.
N810 Advanced Research Methods - face to face and online. Converted this to an online course in 2012.
Nxx Case Methods – elective. Developed and taught three times as an independent study, taught face to face and
Nxx Mixed Methods – elective. Co-developed and taught this once online.
N690A Living with Chronic Health Problems – elective. Taught twice face to face.
PH 690A Research Methods. Developed this online course, taught once.
N897R Topics in Health Research - Developed new course for PhD program including mixed methods, secondary
analysis and the use of big data emphasizing genetics and genomics.
U197 Freshmen First Year Seminar: Your Brain on Drugs. Developed and taught twice in live seminar fashion.
N317 Writing In Nursing – face to face. Have taught this occasionally since 1991.
N420 Introduction to Nursing Research – online. Converted face to face to an online course. Have taught this since
N438 Professional Role – online. Have taught this since 2003, face to face and online.
N498S Vulnerable and Special Populations Community Clinical. Practicum course focused on service learning in
the community, taught since mid 1990s.
2015 Kimberly Dion, "Injection drug users’ perceptions of received nursing care: A case study." Current position
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
2011 JuiWen Wu, “Healing experiences of Chinese Americans with cancer illness in the United States” Current
position, Instructor
2008 Karen Kalmakis, “The cycle of substance misuse and victimization”
2004 Patricia Bruckenthal, “Practitioner characteristics associated with psychosocial care for patients with
2003 Corrine Jurgens, “Somatic awareness, uncertainty, and delay in care-seeking in acute heart failure”
Current Sherily Pereira. " Acute pain symptom assessment and management
in nonverbal Puerto Rican patients at early postoperative period"
2012 Ellen Furman, “Theory of Compromised Eating Behavior”
2006 Kristal Imperio, “Transcendence in successful aging: A grounded theory of older women's strategies to age
Case Study Research
Miki Patterson: Case Study Analysis
Patricia Bruckenthal: Case Study: Fibromyalgia
Sheila Pennell: Case Study: Healthy Aging
2012-2015 Kim Dion, PhD student. Sigma Theta Tau Grantee, “A Case Study of Injection Drug Users’ Perceptions
of Received Nursing Care”; Umass Graduate School Dissertation Awardee; Data collector, “Grief in the Mother of
a Substance Abusing Child: A Case Study.” Podium co-presenter ENRS, 2012, and (publication in Journal of
Advanced Nursing, 2014.) Post doctoral training in Secondary Data Analysis and the National Addiction & HIV
Data Archive Program, Ann Arbor, MI.
2012-2014 Olivia Ampiah-Bonney, BS to PhD student. Jonas Scholarship Mentee.
Posters at AACN Summit October 2013 – “Seamless Progression BS to PhD”; ENRS (peer reviewed) 2014 –
“Concept Analysis of Vulnerability in Persons with HIV.”
2013-2014 Jordon Bosse, PhD student. Hlychyj Fellow Mentee: Project “A Human Factors Study of Meaningful
Data as used in the EMR related to LGBT Patient Information”; UMA PhD student Poster Presenter at ENRS April
2014; Awarded a Fenway Summer Fellowship, 2014; Sigma Theta Tau, Beta Zeta Chapter Research Grantee,
“Parental Rejection of LGBT Youth: Role of Family Cohesion, Religious Emphasis and Fundamentalism.”
2006 Kathryn Proulx, PhD student. Research Assistant-focus group facilitator for University of Pennsylvania
Summer Nursing Research Institute Prime Grant No.3 - P30-NR05042-02S1 - "Adherence to Treatment in Women
with Hepatitis C."
2006 Holly Madison, PhD student. Research Assistant – qualitative data analyst for University of Pennsylvania
Summer Nursing Research Institute Prime Grant No.3 - P30-NR05042-02S1 - "Adherence to Treatment in Women
with Hepatitis C."
2014 Chyrise Taylor, “The Role of Point of Care Glycolsylated Hemoglobin A1c Testing in the Primary Care
2013 Nelia Bruce, “Improving Compliance with Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Practice Guidelines to
Reduce the Acquisition of HAIs.”
2013 Denise Barry, “Increasing Knowledge About HPV and the HPV Vaccine Amongst Adolescents and Adults
Through a School-Based Setting: A Capstone Project.”
2013 Margaret Nelson, “Network of Learning for Pediatric Palliative Care: A Pilot Project.”
2013 Ann McKay, “Improving Communication and Cultural Understanding for with International Health
2012 Yvonne Looman, “Implementing a Smoking Cessation Program at a Vocational School: Assessing Impact of
Willingness to Quit and Quitting Cigarettes.”
2011 Judith Coates, “The Value of Adolescent Immunization: Meningococcal Immunization Prevention Strategies.”
2011 Sharon Hibay, “A Colorectal Cancer Screening Quality Improvement Project.”
2011 Sheba Thomas, “Instituting a Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Prevention Bundle at Mercy
Medical Center to Decrease Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Rates.”
2010 Marie Regis, “Innovation for Improving Collection of Surveillance Data on Household Contacts of Hepatitis
B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Positive Pregnant Women.”
2010 Helen Crean Taugher, “Program Evaluation for Tdap Immunization Standing Orders in a Birthing Hospital.”
2010 Tatiana Wheeler, “Building Healthy Families Step by Step: A Tailored Worksite-based Pilot Program to
Improve Family Dietary Behavior and Prevent Childhood Obesity.”
Chair- Nursing
2005 Anne Marie Wozniak, "Health Promotion in the Hampshire County Jail. Program Evaluation." Evaluated the
health fair screening fall and spring sessions.
2005 Paul Posnik, "Hepatitis C Education in the Outpatient Veterans Administration Substance Abuse Group.
Conducted focus groups and reported on their process.
2004 Mabel Charron, "Hepatitis Exercise Study- Effect Size Analysis." Created coding sheets and analyzed effects
size for independent variables distance walked and fatigue.
2004 Deborah Stone, “What Everyone Should Know About Hepatitis C.”- updated brochure posted on Assisted in developing the Hepatitis C Website
2004 Mariam Salahou, "Treatment Issues in Women with Hepatitis C." Review of literature and data collection.
2003 Mary Ann Gapinski, “Factors Influencing the Development of a Hepatitis C Exercise Protocol: Review of
Literature.” (publication, Gastroenterology Nursing, 2005).
Member, Public Health
2006 Lynn Koerbel, “ Mindfulness in Patients with Hepatitis C: A Review of the Literature.” (publication, Journal
of Holistic Nursing, 2007).
Member, Landscape Architecture and Design
2012 Patrick McGeough, “Landscapes of Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Value: Hampshire County Jail Project.”
(featured in DVD, “The Jail Labyrinth Project.”
2014 Christine Beatriz, Thesis “Formulating a Best Practice Statement for Prison Parenting Programs.” (publication
submitted, 2014)
2013 Danielle Bruno, Project “Incidence of HIV within the Population of the Needle Exchange Program of Tapestry
Health in Holyoke Massachusetts: Most Effective Model Determination.”
2012 Roxie McKeever, Thesis “Grief in the Mother of a Substance Abusing Child: A Case Study.” (publication,
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2014.)
2011 Amy Sharma, Thesis “Labyrinth Walking and Quality of Life in High Risk Substance Abusers: A Mixed
Methods Study.” (publication, Journal of Addictions Nursing, 2012).
2010 Emily Gallagher, Thesis “Mobile Outreach for Hepatitis C in Western Massachusetts” (publication, Public
Health Nursing, 2011).
2009 Elizabeth Morsi, Thesis “Data Analysis, Mobile Outreach Service for Hepatitis C Prevention in Western
2008 Lauren Ginsburg, Thesis “The Role of Relational Communication -Trust, Similarity, and Knowledge in the
Educator - Inmate Relationship.”
2006 Brianna Grohman, Thesis “How Jail Affects Health: Exploring Inmates' Perspectives through Focus Group
2006 Melissa Matthews, Thesis "Barriers and Facilitators for BSN Prepared Nurses in the Pursuit of Graduate
Education in Nursing." (presented May 9 at the Regional Employment Board Meeting of the Partners Investing in
Nursing (CAN-DO).
2001 Emily Barton, Project "Nutrition for a Healthy Heart."
2004 MS Independent Study: Mariam Salahou: Data collector for University of Pennsylvania Summer Nursing
Research Institute Prime Grant No.3 - P30-NR05042-02S1 - "Adherence to Treatment in Women with Hepatitis C."
2006 MS Independent Study: Paul Posnik: Data collector for University of Pennsylvania Summer Nursing Research
Institute Prime Grant No.3 - P30-NR05042-02S1 - "Adherence to Treatment in Women with Hepatitis C."
2001 Barry Miller, “ Assessment of Side Effects in Patients with HCV Receiving Combination Therapy.”
(publication, Gastroenterology Nursing, 2001).
2005 Leah Esrick, “ Creation of Harm Reduction Manual.” (supported by a grant from Roche Pharmaceuticals)
January, 2016. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. SBIRT Training: The Power of
Nursing to Change Health, Donna M. Zucker, PR, Sally Linowski, Co-PI. Application in Process.
July, 2015. W.T. Grant Foundation Scholars Program. Interrupted Families: How Mothers and their Children (Re)
Build Life after Incarceration, Melody J. Slashinski, PhD, MPH, Principal Investigator. Donna M. Zucker,
Mentor. Application in process.
April, 2015. University of Massachusetts Provost's Office. Fall 2015 FFYS "Your Brain on Drugs." $2000.
April, 2015, University of Massachusetts FY 15 Research Support Fund. Custody and Caring Conference and
Consultation on Labyrinth Building in Saskatoon. $1000.
November 2014, Institute of International Education, Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)
Fulbright Award, Western Hemisphere. Acceptance US review panel. Award denied.
March 2014. University of Massachusetts Office of Faculty Development and Center for Teaching, Flex Grant for
Teaching and Faculty Development. $500, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 1% contribution. Role: Mentoring of
Correctional Health Research Interest Group members from College of Nursing at the Eastern Nursing Research
Society, April 2014, Philadelphia, PA.
March 2014. University of Massachusetts First Year Experience, Seminar Development – Your Brain on Drugs.
$2000, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 20% effort. Role: One hour weekly seminar on Family Addiction, Spring
April, 2013. Observation of Human Factors During a Routine Blood Screening. Protocol Number: 2013-1589 .
Christopher Salthouse (PI), Donna M. Zucker, (Co- PI), Akshaya Shanmugan, RA. University of Massachusetts
School of Nursing Intramural seed funding. 20% effort. Role: Administers laboratory testing, $500; OraSure,
September, 2012. RWJF. New Careers in Nursing Supplemental Technical Grant, Donna M. Zucker, PI. 2% effort.
Role: Program Grant Manager for Student Expenses. $5,200.
May, 2012. RWJF. New Careers in Nursing Scholarships, Donna M. Zucker, PI. # 7006. 2% effort. Role:
Program Grant Manager for Student Expenses. $50,000
March, 2012. Jonas Foundation Scholarship, Donna M. Zucker, PI. Award # OGCA 112-0767. 5% effort. Role:
BS to PhD student mentor $10,000.
December, 2011. Wrist monitoring of BP in offenders walking the labyrinth.
Intramural School of Nursing Scholarship Fund. Donna M. Zucker, PI. 10% effort. Role: Oversee reliability and
validity testing for use in non traditional clinical settings. $2,000.
September 2011. University of Massachusetts First Year Experience, Seminar Development – Your Brain on Drugs.
$2000, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 20% effort. Role: One hour weekly seminar on Family Addiction.
June 2011. Advanced Nursing Education Traineeship. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health
Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Award number A10HP22131-01-00, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker, PI,
1% effort. Role: GPD reporting and administration functions of student traineeships. $42,000.
May 2011. Mellon Mutual Mentoring Team Grant. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1 year, Genevieve
Chandler, Erin Lamoureux, and Donna M. Zucker, Co-PIs 5% effort. Role: Co-facilitate the mentoring program
in the College of Nursing. $9,951.
May 2011. Green Labyrinth Planning and Construction. Hampshire Sheriff’s Office, Umass School of Nursing and
Umass School of Landscape Architecture Design and Regional Planning. 1 year, Kathryn Callahan, PI, Donna
Zucker, Lorraine Villemaire, Catherine Rigali and Patrick McGeough consultants, 5% contribution. Role: Mentor
for the Graduate Landscape Architecture student work. $15,000.
November 2010. Genentech Corporation. The Hepatitis C and HIV Prevention and Risk Reduction Program.
$23,000, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker, PI, 5% contribution. Role: Oversee the grant and conduct all evaluations of
March 2010. University of Massachusetts Research Support Fund: Labyrinth Walking to Enhance Wellness in
Incarcerated Substance Abusers. $800, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker, PI; Catherine Rigali, co-PI, Lorraine Villemaire,
co-PI. 5% contribution. Role: To recruit, enroll and evaluate additional subjects for labyrinth walking course.
February 2010. University of Massachusetts Office of Faculty Development and Center for Teaching, Flex Grant for
Teaching and Faculty Development. $500, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 1% contribution. Role: Present a research
poster at a national addictions conference.
September 2009. University of Massachusetts First Year Experience, Seminar Development – Your Brain on Drugs.
$2000, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 20% effort. Role: One hour weekly seminar on Family Addiction, Fall, 2009.
August 2008. International Nurses Society on Addictions - Labyrinth Walking to Enhance Wellness. $1000, 1 year,
Donna M. Zucker PI, 10% contribution. Role: To recruit, enroll and evaluate study of a labyrinth walking program.
May 2008. University of Massachusetts Public Service Endowment Grant -The Hepatitis C and HIV Prevention and
Risk Reduction in Community Corrections Program. $13,513.90, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 10% contribution.
Role: Overall grant responsibility including recruitment, enrollment and evaluation of the study.
February 2008. Massachusetts Board of Higher Education Commonwealth of Massachusetts/Instruction Contract.
Nurse of the Future Competencies for Education and Practice: Phase 1. $10,000, 1 year, Mary Tarbell, Donna M.
Zucker Co-PIs, 10% contribution. Role: Facilitate the Umass evaluation team, present findings and compile data
for final report.
February 2008. Massachusetts Board of Higher Education Commonwealth of Massachusetts/Instruction Contract.
Nurse of the Future Competencies for Education and Practice: Phases 2 and 3. $110,000, 1 year, Grantee
Springfield Technical Community College, Donna M. Zucker, data collector, 10% contribution. Role: Attend
train the trainer workshops and participate in creating a program plan for seamless pathway curriculum AD to BS.
September 2007. University of Massachusetts - Mellon Mutual Mentoring Grant M3, Center for Faculty
Development. $14,455, 2 years, Barton-Burke, M., Chandler, G., Jacelon, C. and Donna M. Zucker co-PIs, 10%
effort. Role: Co-facilitate the monthly meetings and workshops for mentees. Complete end of grant report.
November 2006. Valaent Pharma, International - Update on Hepatitis C Management Lectures to Hepatitis C One
on One Support Groups. $500, 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 5% effort. Role: Organize lecture for area providers
and support groups leaders, and members.
September 30, 2006. Schering Plough - Hepatitis C Lectures to Tapestry Healthcare of MA. $8,000, 1 year, Donna
M. Zucker PI, 5% effort. Role: Organize and plan 8 area physician led HCV /HIV update lectures to area providers
in Western MA.
September 2006. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in partnership with Northwest Health Foundation, and Irene E.
and George A. Davis Foundation, Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future. Regional Employment Board of Hampden
County – CAN DO Partnership. $400,000, 2 years, University of Massachusetts- Founding Member, Donna M.
Zucker data collector, 10% effort. Role: Attended monthly meetings for planning the seamless progression
curriculum for AD to BS nursing students.
June 2006. Roche Pharmaceuticals - Mobile Outreach Service for Hepatitis C Prevention in Western Massachusetts.
1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 20% effort. Role: Oversee the execution and evaluation of this study at four locations
in Western MA. $9154.
June 2006. Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Mobile Outreach Service for Hepatitis C Prevention in
Western Massachusetts. 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 20% effort. Role: Order, administer and track vaccinations
for Hepatitis A and B in those at high risk in Western MA. In kind vaccine and serum testing value $44,000.
April 2006. University of Massachusetts/Baystate Health Systems Collaborative Biomedical Research Program Biofeedback for Fecal Incontinence in Rectal Cancer Patients. 1 year, Richard Arenas, Donna M. Zucker co-PIs,
10% effort. Role: Create protocol and teaching plan for study. Order and test biofeedback equipment. $5.000.
December 2005. Intermune, Inc. - Update on Hepatitis C Management in the Correctional Setting. 1 year, Donna
M. Zucker PI, 5% effort. Role: Educational series for communicable disease prevention- Hampshire County Jail.
November 2005. Integrated Therapeutics Corp., Schering Plough - Educational Funds, Peer –Education at the
Hampshire County Jail. 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 10% effort. Role: Oversee the execution and evaluation of this
study in Hampshire County Community Corrections. $2500.
October 2005. Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc. - Research Grant Award, Peer Education for
Hepatitis C Prevention. 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 10% contribution. Role: Oversee the execution and evaluation
of this study in Hampshire County Jail. $2500.
October 2005. Collaborative Biomedical Research Program. University of Massachusetts/Baystate Health Systems.
Biofeedback for Fecal Incontinence in Rectal Cancer Patients. Donna Zucker and Richard Arenas, MD, Co-PIs.
September 2005. Roche Pharmaceuticals - Unrestricted Educational Grant for Harm Reduction Manual. 1 year,
Donna M. Zucker PI, 15% contribution. Role: Create a website for a hepatitis C support group and create a harm
reduction manual. $3800.
December 2002. University of Massachusetts Faculty Travel and Conference Grant. Paper presented at the
University of Hawaii, International Conference of Arts and Humanities, January 2003. Plato's Cave: Dialogue
Across the Disciplines. $1000.
December 2002. Roche Pharmaceuticals - Unrestricted Educational Award for Hepatitis C Support Groups. 1 year,
Donna M. Zucker PI, 5% contribution. Role: Conduct hepatitis C support groups. $1000.
June 2002. Roche Pharmaceuticals - Unrestricted Educational Award for Hepatitis C Support Groups. 1 year,
Donna M. Zucker PI, 5% effort. Role: Create and conduct hepatitis C support groups $1500.
October 2001. University of Pennsylvania Summer Nursing Research Institute Prime Grant No.3 - P30-NR0504202S1 - Adherence to Treatment in Women with Hepatitis C. 1 year, Donna Zucker PI, 20% effort. Role: Overall
responsibility for conduct and evaluation of focus group studies in three counties in MA. $4,551.95.
August 2001. University of Massachusetts Professional Development Grant - Online Instruction Fellows Program.
2 years, Donna M. Zucker co-PI, 10% effort. Role: Monthly group meetings with grantees to develop best practices
for online learning and creation of a faculty manual. $18,000.
June 2001. University of Massachusetts Joseph P. Healey Endowment Grant - An Exercise Intervention to Prevent
Hepatitis - Related Fatigue. 1 year, Donna M. Zucker PI, 20% effort. Role: Oversee the execution and evaluation of
this study in Western MA. $8098.
September 1999. University of Massachusetts School of Nursing, Isenberg School of Management, and School of
Public Health Sciences - A Three-School Proposal for Offering Multiple Professional Degrees with Online Access.
3 years, Donna M. Zucker co-PI, 10% effort. Role: Online teaching early adopter group charged with converting
face to face programs to hybrid and online programs. $207,000.
February 1998. University of Massachusetts Faculty Research Travel Grant. Paper presented at the International
Qualitative Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada. Cast Study Methodology. $600.
May 1995. Sigma Theta Tau Delta Upsilon at Large Chapter. Dissertation Research Award. $600.
May 1994. Sigma Theta Tau Beta Zeta Chapter, Scholarship Award. $400.
April 1992. Massachusetts/Rhode Island League of Nursing Scholarship Award. $250.
May 1989. Sigma Theta Tau Beta Zeta Chapter Research Award. $300.
November, 2014. Forensic Education and Integrative Health Interventions. US-Canadian Exchange. Institute of
International Education, Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) Fulbright Award, Western
Hemisphere. Acceptance US review panel. Award denied.
2014. Umass Clinical and Translation Science Consortium on the Health of Justice-Involved Populations. Stephanie
Hartwell, Carl Fulwiler, Robin Clark, Warren Ferguson, Tammi Arford, Andrew Harris, Robin Robinson, Donna
Zucker, Co-PI's. The Umass Life Sciences Moment Fund (conference funds). $1000 Unfunded.
February 6, 2014. The Power of Nursing: Increasing Access to and Measuring Benefits of Providing Behavioral
Health Services. Gen Chandler, PI, Gloria DiFulvio, Sally Linowski, Dawn Heffernon, Kim Dion, Donna Zucker,
Suzanne Rataj and Emma Dundon Co-PIs. MA Attorney General's Office. $491,432 Unfunded.
January 8, 2014. Alcohol Prevention among College Students: Facilitating Implementation of Evidence-based
Programs and Policies. Lisa Wolf, PI, Emergency Nurses Association; Donna M. Zucker, Gen Chandler and Emma
Dundon Co-PIs. William T. Grant Foundation Major Grants. Unfunded.
January, 2014. The Effect of Labyrinth Walking on Health and Wellness, Donna M. Zucker, PI; Sarah Hutton, UMA
W.E.B. DuBois Library; Matthew Cook, University of Oklahoma School of Library and Information Science; Janet
Brennan Croft, University of Oklahoma Libraries. 1 year. 10% effort. Role: Oversee the conduct and evaluation of
this study. $5,000 Unfunded.
2013. Fulbright Specialist Applicant. Area of specialty HIV ad HCV Education and Research. Unfunded.
2013. SBIRT Training: The Power of Nursing. SAMHSA-OGCA 113-1759. Donna M. Zucker, PI; Gloria
DiFulvio, Sally Linowski, Dawn Heffernon, Kim Dion, Genevieve Chandler, Suzanne Rataj and Emma Dundon,
Co-PIs. $282,387 Unfunded
2013. Offender reentry program. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services. Peter Friedmann, (PI), Amanda Wilson, sub contract; Donna M. Zucker, evaluator/consultant. Submitted
by Rhode Island Hospital/Brown University. $430,000/year for 3 years. Unfunded.
2013 Hepatitis C and HIV Prevention and Risk Reduction in Underserved Communities. Vertex OGCA 113-0649.
Donna M. Zucker, PI. $28,933 Unfunded.
2011 Labyrinth Walking to Rehabilitate County Offenders. Umass Medical Center Clinical and Translational
Research- Community Engagement Section. Donna M. Zucker, PI. $12,000 Unfunded.
2011. Using Labyrinth Walking to Rehabilitate County Offenders. Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation. Donna M.
Zucker, PI. $11,560 Unfunded.
2010. Labyrinth Walking as an Intervention in County Corrections. Umass Life Sciences Moment Fund (CCTS).
100,000. Warren Ferguson and Donna M. Zucker, Co-PIs. $100,000 Unfunded.
June, 2009. Labyrinth Walking and Quality of Life in High Risk Substance Abusers. Donna M. Zucker, PI, Cynthia
Jacelon, Co-PI. R21 NIDA and NICAM, NIH. Behavioral and Integrative Treatment Development. $275,000 two
years. Unfunded.
December, 2009-12. A Case Study Analysis of Grief in Families Experiencing Substance Abuse. Donna M. Zucker,
PI. Two years. 5% contribution. Role: Oversee and evaluate the study. Completed.
May, 2008 Closing the Gap on Health Disparities: Expanding access to Health Care. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Massachusetts Foundation. Donna M. Zucker, PI $70,000 planning year; Total budget (1-3 years) $320,000.
December, 2007. HIV Prevention and Risk reduction in Community Corrections Programs. M.A.C. AIDS Fund.
Donna M. Zucker, PI $9704 LOI, Unfunded.
February, 2006. National Institutes of Health. AREA Grant (R-15). An Intervention to Reduce Symptoms in
Hepatitis C. Donna M. Zucker, PI, $228,252 (three years). Reapplied and not funded.
April 2005. Schering Plough Corporation. Feasibility Study: Exercise as an Intervention in HCV Patients
Receiving Pegylated Interferon & Ribavirin in Combination. Donna M. Zucker, PI $29,176. Unfunded.
July 2004. National Institutes of Health. AREA Grant (R-15). An Intervention to Reduce Symptoms in Hepatitis C.
Donna M. Zucker, PI $226,899 (three years). Not funded.
July 2003. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cooperative Agreement to Develop, Implement and
Evaluate Viral Hepatitis Education and Training. Donna M. Zucker, PI 196,132 (years one, $899,695 (five years).
Approved, not funded.
PhD Program Reviewer.
University of Puerto Rico San Juan, PR. PhD in Nursing Program Review. Board of Higher Education,
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, June 2011.
Grant Reviewer
American Heart Association, 2011
Journal Reviewer
American Journal of Public Health (occasional)
Gastroenterology Nursing (often)
Health Education Research (rarely)
Journal of Addictions Nursing (occasional)
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (rarely)
Journal of Forensic Nursing (occasional)
Public Health Nursing (rarely)
Social Science and Medicine (rarely)
Western Journal of Nursing Research (rarely)
Society of Gastroenterology Nursing
Annual Research Article Competition Reviewer- 2006- present
Custody and Caring Biennial Conference, 2015. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, CA
Abstract Reviewer, 2015
Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Member, 2008
Abstract Reviewer, 2010, 2012
Massachusetts General Hospital Annual Research Day Abstract Reviewer, Spring 2011
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
Research Committee Reviewer: Symposia and Single Topic Conferences for Digestive Diseases Week
(May 2009) and American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Annual Meeting (October
American Academy of Nursing, Member 2010 –present
Member of the Fellow Selection Committee – 2012-2015
Member of Expert Panel on Emerging Infectious Diseases 2012Lead Co Chair 2014-2016
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
Clinical Research Committee, 2009-2011
NP/PA Task Force 2005-2007
AASLD, Education Committee Member 2003-2005
Associate Member 2003-present
American Nurses Association/Massachusetts Association for Registered Nurses, # 01346166, Member 2008-present
American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Member 2013-present
Addictions Council Advisory Panel, 2014
Correctional Health, Vulnerable Groups, and Substance Abuse - Chair, Research Interest Group- University of
Massachusetts School of Nursing, Established June 2013.
Eastern Nursing Research Society, Member 1991 to present
Nominating Committee, 2014-2016
Co-Chair – Criminal Justice, Violence and Trauma Research Interest Group 2013Membership Committee, 2006-2009
Abstract Reviewer 2011; 2012
Labyrinth Connection of Western Massachusetts. Member and Certified Labyrinth Facilitator,
Steering Committee for Spring Program, 2014
Member 2009-present
Massachusetts Department of Public Health- Viral Hepatitis Advisory Committee Member since 2005.
Massachusetts Medical Society Alliance. Violence Prevention Task Force, 2015.
Massachusetts Viral Hepatitis Coalition
Member, 2002 -2008
Steering Committee Member; 2011; 2005-2008; 2011-present
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Regional Committee Member 2004
Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society for Nursing
Beta Zeta At Large Chapter, member
Treasurer, 2009-Present
Eligibility Committee 2002-2010
Member Involvement 2004-2005
Chair, Finance Committee, 2004-2009
Counselor, 2002-2004
New England Region 15 Mentor, Fall 2001-Fall 2003
New England Region V Coordinator, 1997-1999; re-elected 1999-2001
International Finance Committee, member 1996-1997
Society for Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates
Member 2004-present.
Research Committee 2006-2012; 2013
Co-Chair Research Committee 2010-2011; 2014-2015; 2015-2016
Chair, Research Committee 2011-12
University of Connecticut Center for Correctional Health Networks- member 2013.
Donald R. Squier Memorial Fund for Correctional Research- Chair of Task Force, 2014
University of Massachusetts 5 Campus System – Cross-campus Collaboration on Criminal Justice and Health, 2014present
University of Massachusetts Medical Center and the Massachusetts Court System: Specialty Courts Center of
Excellence. Steering Group Member, 2014
Western MA Nursing Collaborative (formerly Collaborating for the Advancement of Nursing:
Developing Opportunities). Partners Investing in Nursing, Regional Employment Board,
Springfield, MA. Member since 2007
Dossier Review for Tenure and Promotion - Associate Professor
Kathleen-Brewer Smyth - University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Corrine Jurgens- State University of New York - Stoney Brook, NY
Patricia Bruckenthal State University of New York - Stoney Brook, NY
Denise Panosky - Clinical Associate Professor - University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Glenda Daniels - Texas Christian University - Fort Worth, TX
Annette Maruca - Clinical Associate Professor - University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
American Liver Foundation
2006 Walk for Liver Wellness - Regional Chair
2007 Walk Co-Chair Western Massachusetts
Achieving Diversity Initiative. Course content mapping and development. Dr. Jean Swinney, PI 2013-2014
Embracing the Challenge Initiative. Cultural diversity workshop participation. Dr. Jean Swinney, PI 2005-2006
Long Island Shelter for the Homeless, Boston, MA. Labyrinth Walking workshop for staff and residents, July 2014.
Massachusetts Medical Society Alliance, member 2010; Violence Preventions Task Force member 2015.
People to People Ambassador Program in China June 6-21, 2007
Spiritual Spa Day – One-day workshop, offering CEUs. Member of Planning Committee 2014, 2015
Town Meeting Member Amherst, MA. 2006-2011
Volunteer Hampden County Sheriff’s Office-Chicopee Women’s Facility 2008-2009
Volunteer Hampshire Sheriff’s Office 2004-present
Dean Cavanaugh Decanal Review Committee, 2014-2015
Joint Task Force on Strategic Oversight 2012-2014
21st Century Leader Selection Committee 2013
Mellon Mutual Initiative Selection Committee 2012
AdHoc Committee on Strategic Oversight 2010-2011
Doctoral Program Review 2011-2012
Undergraduate Dean's Council 2010-2012
Faculty Senator 2002-2004; 2005-2008; 2008-2011
Committee on Committees 2005-2010
Rules Committee 2008-2010
Computer and Electronic Communications 2004-2006
UmassOnline Task Force 2003-2004
Continuing and Professional Education- Search Committee 2004
Instructional Technology Task Force 2003-2004
Information Technology Standards and Policies Committee 2003
Writing Across the Curriculum - Writing Assessment Group 1999-2001
Associate Dean 2010-2012
Graduate Program Director 2010-2012
Umass Rising Alumni Campaign Committee 2013-2014
Graduate Curriculum Committee 2010
Director RN to BS Program 2005-2011
Chair Search Committee 2012; member 2004-2006; Summer 2004
Co-Chair Scholarship Committee 2012-2014
Faculty and Student Matters 2007
PhD Program Director 2010-2012; Committee Member 2006
Personnel Committee 2013-14; Chair 2010
Co-Chair Nominating Committee 2003-2005
Curriculum Committee, Member 2003 -2004
Academic Standards 2004
Program Coordinator RN/BS and Second Bachelors Pathways, 1997-2001
Chair, Undergraduate Academic Matters Committee 2002-2003; Member 2001-2002