Pontio call for scientists and artists What can happen in that space

Pontio call for scientists and artists
What can happen in that space between molecules and marimbas, test tubes and trills? This
is a new pilot project for new partnerships with new ideas.
Pontio Arts and Innovation Centre is a Bangor University development located at the heart
of the city. It is home to a mid-scale theatre, studio theatre, cinema, innovation
laboratories, collaborative spaces and lecture rooms, Students' Union, bar and restaurants.
One of Pontio's aims is to bring the arts and sciences together in new and innovative ways.
This year Pontio is launching a pilot project called SYNTHESIS to commission two different
pairs of scientists and artists to develop an idea together as a bridge between both worlds.
Joint applications are invited from scientists and artists (working in the performing arts) for
a prize of £2000 per application.
Synthesis aim:
A bridge between science and the performing arts.
Deliver and develop new work.
Develop a new partnership.
We will give particular consideration to applications that interweave with one (or more)
of the following themes:
Responses that draw inspiration from the Pontio Building for example, the Caban (a
contemporary piece of public art in the landscape)
The environment (need to describe the context, e.g. location, sustainability, society
and community etc.)
Engaging with and inspiring families and children under 12 years old.
Arts and science and the elderly/people living with dementia
Combining the virtual (e.g. digital) and real worlds.
Contemporary circus which takes advantage of Pontio's facilities and features
Consideration for the Welsh language and our bilingual community (one of the two
successful applications will be submitted in Welsh)
How to apply?
You will be required to complete and return the attached application form together with
supporting material by 29th January to Shari Llewelyn, Synthesis, Pontio, Bangor University,
Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2BR or by email to s.llewelyn@bangor.ac.uk
You will need to tell us about yourself, your field and expertise (we will ask you to
provide a brief CV including information relevant to this application and visual
material where applicable)
Describe your idea, showing how the worlds of science and performing arts
overlap/interweave/fuse, what is new and different about your idea, and what you
are seeking to achieve.
Both of you will be required to sign the application showing mutual commitment to
the project.
You will be asked to name one referee each.
Important dates:
Closing date 29th January 2016.
The names of the two winning pairs will be announced on 20th March, 2016 as part
of the Bangor Science Festival.
The project will commence in April 2016 and you will be expected to have
completed the project and participate in a sharing event in the Pontio Studio Theatre
on 3rd July 2016.
Terms and conditions:
The £2000 could pay for labour, materials, rehearsal space, recording the process,
participating in a sharing event.
The £2000 will be paid in two instalments (£500 each); one half at the beginning of
the project and the remainder (£500 each) on the day of the sharing event on 3 July.
(The instalments can be divided according to your wishes as noted in the attached
application form)
More than one artist / scientist can apply together but in such cases it will be
necessary to keep within the same budget. (No more than £2000 will be available for
each project - including VAT)
One member of each proposed partnership must be located in the university having
secured prior support from the relevant head of school.
Key Pontio staff members will be allowed access to record the work's development
from time to time, for promoting and marketing purposes and in order to learn from
the pilot scheme.
It is expected that one of the two projects will be held in Welsh or bilingually.
The pair will be expected to attend and deliver the ideas at the Pontio Studio Theatre
on 3 July 2016.
Funding sources will need to be acknowledged on all communication and statements
about the work.
The artists and scientists will agree that any further work arising from the initial work
will include an acknowledgment of Pontio as a partner and if appropriate, that the
work arising from the original work will be first shown at Pontio.
The applicants should be adequately insured for their proposal (e.g. public /
employee liability)
The applicants should be prepared to work collaboratively with Pontio throughout
the development process by regular communication.
Additional support:
Pontio will assist the successful pairs in finding a rehearsal space for 3 days if
required (depending on availability and suitability)
Pontio will be responsible for organising the sharing event and for promoting the
The successful applicants will be required to prepare a risk assessment - support will
be available.
The applications will be judged by a qualified panel of scientists and artists. Their decision
will be final.
You will be required to complete and return this application form by 29th January 2016 to
Shari Llewelyn, Synthesis, Pontio, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL572BR or by email
to s.llewelyn@bangor.ac.uk
Application Form
Name and contact details of
Name and contact details of
Artist (performance)
Main contact for this application
E-mail address
Website or social media (if
Project title
Summary of the proposal
(maximum of 20 words)
Artistic and scientific fields that
will be connected?
Is the project suitable for a
Welsh, English or bilingual
Welsh / English / Bilingual
1. Describe your application in no more than 500 words
Describe your idea, showing how the worlds of science and performing arts overlap,
interweave or fuse, what is new and different about your idea, and what you hope to
Describe your target audience and the preferred location for the event. Applicants
are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the wide range of public, external and
performance spaces in Pontio before submitting the application.
Describe what would be the advantages to the academic partner and the external
You are invited to describe how the concept could be developed/evolve beyond the
project's timescale.
2. If you have any previous experience describe your collaboration as an artist and a
scientist (maximum of 150 words)
3. Budget
3.1 Attach a budget for your payment of £2,000 (including VAT if relevant) showing
creating costs and payments and how you would divide this payment between you.
3.2 Are you VAT registered?
 Yes
4. Project plans
4.1 What can the audience expect to see in
your dissemination session on 3 July?
e.g. Length of session? Warnings regarding
age restrictions, loud sounds, etc.
4.2. What technical support and specialist
equipment will you require? (e.g. sound
system, power, lighting?). If you have any
technical requirements, please attach.
4.3 Will you require rehearsal space, and if
so what sort of space? (up to 3 days can be
offered by Pontio)
4.4 How many people will be involved with
the project?
5. Marketing material
Images or visual material relating to your project are extremely valuable as part of
the selection process and for marketing purposes. They can be sketches or
photographs. If you have any, please send them separately. Mark the attachments
with the name and title of the project.
6. Reference and referees:
6.1 You will not need to provide a reference with this proposal. However, if you
wish, you could include a letter of support from a promoter or another professional
contact. This could be particularly useful if you are a new researcher or artist.
6.2 You are required to name one referee each:
Name and contact details of
referee for the scientist:
Name and contact details of
referee for the artist:
Closing date 29th January 2016.
The names of the two successful pairs will be announced on 20th March, 2016 as
part of the Bangor Science Festival.
Successful projects can start in April 2016 with the project completed and
presentation given on 3rd July 2016.
For further information or to arrange a visit to the building contact Pontio
01248 382179| info@pontio.co.uk or s.llewelyn@bangor.ac.uk
Pontio website: www.pontio.co.uk