Civilization means a place where you have your needs like food

Civilization means a place where you
have your needs like food, water, and
housing met. Oxnard is a civilized city. We
have buildings that meet the needs of the
citizens such as, banks, stores, laundry
mats, gas stations, pharmacies, city hall,
and police and fire stations. People use cars
in our civilization to transport from one
location to another. We have large trucks
to transport our crops. Sometimes you will
see large tractors in the fields or on the
Geography is the study of the locations
of cities, water resources, mountains,
valleys, oceans, and other things. Oxnard is
surrounded by mountains. The ocean
borders the city. There are numerous fields
of crops in the city.
The geographical location of a city can
lead to potential disasters. Oxnard is at sea
level and is bordered by the ocean. The
water at the beach can change levels. The
water level can come up and destroy
existing structures. There have been times,
when the water level and waves have been
high enough to come over the pier.
Tsunami’s are dangerous and are
destructive waves caused by earthquakes
that are occurring under water. Oxnard is a
civilization that could possibly be destroyed
by a Tsunami wave.
Archeologists study artifacts of ancient
civilizations and times. If we had a tsunami
and everyone in Oxnard was taken out,
future archeologist might discover
remaining parts of our civilization such as
tractors, skeletons of citizens, schools, and
fishing poles. These artifacts might tell
future civilizations about how the people of
Oxnard were farmers, mostly originating
from Latin American countries, who
participated in education, and engaged in
activities that are typical of an ocean-side
In our history course we have been
studying the ancient civilization of Pompeii.
Pompeii was a city that existed in the
European region currently known as Italy.
The ancient civilization consisted of animals,
people, Roman structures with pillars and
columns, stoves for baking, gladiators,
jewelry, and stone was used for structures
and streets. The civilization was located in
an area that bordered the ocean similar to
Oxnard. The civilization was also 5 miles
from a giant mountain called Mt. Vesuvius.
Mount Vesuvius is a stratovolcano which
means that it explodes ash. The volcano is
a large cone that is known for its major
eruption in 79 AD. The volcano erupted
over the civilization of Pompeii. There was
ash, rocks, and molten lava spewed over
the people and their town. The ash has
been used by archeologists and future
civilizations to preserve the civilization.
Archeologists have found artifacts
buried by ash in that area of Italy. These
people have found remnants of human
bodies that were buried by the ash. These
people were placed in areas that make
scientists believe that these people were
buried alive. They even found an oven and
baking bread inside it. The artifacts that
have been found tell us about the lives of
the citizens of Pompeii.