Autumn Term 1st Half Autumn Term 2nd Half Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half SUPER SLEUTHS ALIVE AND KICKING TYPES OF TRAVEL /TRAVEL Literacy: Persuasive writing – letter of application for the job of a super sleuth. Use of persuasive phrases and techniques Descriptive writing – writing a newspaper article/ lost and found poster Note-taking - Life of the Stone Age People Researching key details and information Non-chronological reports – The Stone Age and Rocks Use of subheadings to organise information, writing in paragraphs Poetry – winter/Christmas shape poems with descriptive language Audio Interviews - Using audio recording equipment (interview) Literacy: Narrative – Fairy Tales (Storytelling and innovating) Performance poetry Identifying distinctive features such as repetition, rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and the use of oral language based on speech Exploring how to use the voice and body to present poetry expressively Roald Dahl’s revolting rhymes Persuasive writing - Posters (teeth) Use of persuasive techniques, including how images and words can be combined to persuade. Letter to persuade parents to let you eat what you like! Literacy: Instructions (How to grow plants, make a shaduf) Comparing different forms of instructions and texts. Reviewing the common feature, identifying organisational devices to make them easier to follow. Note-taking – Information about Ancient Egypt Researching key details and information Non-chronological reports – Ancient Egypt Life Use of subheadings to organise information, writing in paragraphs Poetry Read, discuss and analyse a range of poems that play with language, such as puns, riddles, nonsense verse, cautionary poems, word games or word puzzles. Maths: Number and place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Measurement (Time and length) Geometry (properties of shapes) Fractions Science: Rocks - Comparing, grouping and investigating their physical properties Fossil and soil formation Forces and magnets - Comparing how things move on different surfaces Exploring how magnetic forces work, Light - how it travels, how we see, formation of shadows, investigating patterns between the distance of the light source and the size of the shadow Maths: Number and place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Measurement (Capacity and mass) Geometry (position and direction) Fractions Science: Digestion – Nutrition and how much should we have of different food groups What happens to the food in our body? The functions of the organs involved, including the types of teeth. Investigating the effects of sugar on our teeth. Computing: E-Safety – researching safely on the internet Digital literacy – Persuasive posters - copying and pasting images; combining text and graphics Using hyperlinks to trail an idea Maths: Number and place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Measurement (Time) Geometry (position and direction) Fractions Science: Seeds – formation, location in a plant, seed dispersal, the role of the flower in the life cycle of a plant. Plants Parts of plants and their functions Exploring the requirements of plants for life and growth, how water is transported Geography: Investigating a contrasting locality - - Mougins – France Land use Amenities and Facilities Autumn Term 1st Half Autumn Term 2nd Half Geography: Food Around the World – where does it come from? Using an atlas Food in France Reading maps with OS symbols, using 4-figure grid references Using a compass and the 8 compass points Fieldwork – finding suitable locations to live History: The Stone Age – where does it fit in history? How do we know about what life was like in the past? What were the eras of the Stone Age and how did life change between these eras? How did life compare in the Bronze and Iron Age? Being an archaeologist. Computing: Email and communicating safely (E-safety) How we communicate How to use electronic communications safely and responsibly Knowing how to deal with inappropriate contact or materials as well as the risks hardware can face. Learning to open and send emails, add attachments Art: Sketching (link to Sci) Architects – as creators (link with DT) Rock art painting – creating different tones RE: Creation Comparisons of Creation Stories Buddhism Buddha’s life story Local Anglican Parish church – Why Christians go to church and what happens there. Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half Recognising that some information found on the internet is biased or inaccurate and validating any information found on the internet. Art: Kandinsky – use of colour, his inspiration - Creating art to music DT Structure - Exploring how structures are strong and stable (making portable device) RE: Hinduism Hindu Gods and Goddesses Puja and Diwali – How Hindus worship Music: Glockenspiel Stage 2 Playing and performance Benjamin Britten – There was a Monkey. Appraising, comparing, Exploring Britten’s life PE: Country dancing Learning to develop control and spatial awareness while learning a set of dance movements Working co-operatively while dancing with a range of partners/groups of children. Identifying elements of good dance/actions/performance. Netball Learning to pass, catch and shoot with growing accuracy Learning to keep possession and use an awareness of space within the context of a game. Hockey Learning to dribble the ball with increasing/developing control while showing awareness of space Learning to keep possession of the ball and then look for Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half Fieldwork. Maps/ globes (hemisphere, equator, poles, climate zone). History: Ancient Egypt – When were the Egyptians around? What was life like for them? Being an archaeologist. Using artefacts and images to infer what life was like. Computing: Programming – probots Learning about algorithms and programs, using special words and symbols to write programs for a device/game Following, developing, testing and improving sets of instructions Finding and correcting errors in simple algorithms and programs through the application of logic (rather than trial and error) Art: Egyptian art – wall paintings, use of colour and symbol to represent ideas Hieroglyphics Printing with nature DT: Researching what a healthy balanced diet is How healthy is the food we eat? Designing and creating healthy sandwiches RE: Sikhism – Guru Nanak, The 5 Ks Living as a Christian – The Bible and prayer Music: Let Your Sprit Fly Singing in vocal parts and playing Reflect, Rewind and Replay Autumn Term 1st Half Autumn Term 2nd Half Music: Three Little Birds - Bob Marley – Reggae, playing rhythmically Ho, Ho, Ho Improvisation Christmas carols Singing PE: Gymnastics Working independently to plan and improve sequences using a range of apparatus while sliding, balancing, jumping and travelling. Tag rugby Running with the ball, sending and receiving the ball with an awareness of space and increasing accuracy Learning to dodge and tackle so they maintain possession Football Passing the ball with increasing accuracy and pace over short distances. Improving control when receiving a ball. Begin to show awareness of how to shield the ball using the body to maintain. possession and prevent the defender taking the ball. Shooting the football in the direction of the goal with developing accuracy and speed (and power). Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half space/a team player to pass to/an opportunity for scoring/shooting The history of music and performance PSHE: Staying healthy - Dental hygiene Handling food safely Communicating with others People in a community, respecting others. PE: Expressive Dance Interpreting music to express our ideas and feelings. Athletics Throwing underarm and over arm with increasing accuracy and distance Improving techniques of jumping and running while developing their individual stamina Recognising the benefits of focused practise on improving results/standard Kings Passing and receiving the ball with increasing/developing control showing awareness of space/team players Identifying different techniques involved with defending and attacking then implementing these within a game situation Kwik Cricket, Bowling the ball with increasing/developing control showing awareness of batsmen position Sending/receiving throws to stumps/wicketkeeper/friend with increasing accuracy Batting- keeping the ball down and avoiding being caught out MFL: Ou Habites-Tu? Where do you live? Location (town or country), types of homes Countries and rooms in a house. Year 3 Production will occur this term. PSHE: Anti-Bullying Day Keeping ourselves safe Working cooperatively Remembrance PSHE: Handling Food safely. Valuing ourselves and others Communicating about how we feel MFL: Moi – Me Greetings, simple conversations about myself and my family. MFL: Portraits Body parts and colours