2015 2016 student handbook - Village East Community Elementary

Village East
6:30 a.m. - V.E. Before Child Care Opens
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. School Opens/Main Office Hours
8:15 a.m.-8:40 a.m. Cafeteria Open for Breakfast
8:15 a.m.- Students Arrive & Playground Supervision Begins
8:40 a.m.- Warning Bell
8:45 a.m.- Tardy Bell/Late Slip Required
3:30 p.m.- School Dismisses
3:40-3:55 p.m. – Buses Depart School
4:00 p.m.- School Closes
6:00 p.m.- V.E. After Child Care Closes
BOOKKEEPER (Childcare)
Dear Parents of New Village East Elementary Students,
Welcome to Village East Community Elementary School! Village East Elementary is a Year-Round, 4-Track School,
which means that students attend school all year, with three-week vacations every nine weeks instead of three
months off in the summer.
As soon as you have completed registering your student at the Cherry Creek District Office, it is important that you
register your child online. You can do this a few hours after registering your child. The website is:
my.cherrycreekschools.org. You will need your students Cherry Creek School District ID number located at the top
right corner of your School Assignment Form. Once registration is complete, please bring your child’s School
Assignment Form to our main office. If you are unable to complete registration forms online, please come to the
school kiosk to complete registration. Due to our high student enrollment, track assignments cannot be guaranteed.
Please be patient while we work together to find the best track for your child.
Village East Elementary is located at 1433 S. Oakland Street, Aurora. Oakland Street is off of Florida Ave. between
Havana and Peoria Streets. The office is open between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Our telephone number is 720-747-2000.
We look forward to having your child join us to be a part of our amazing school.
John Cramer
2 Page
2015/2016 Daily Schedule
Lunch/Recess Schedule:
Kindergarten 10:40am-11:45am
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Specials Schedule:
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Village East
Mission & Vision
Respecting Our Past,
Valuing Our Present,
Believing In Our Future
Village East is a global community that inspires excellence
through individuality, responsibility, and a passion for
lifelong learning.
2015/2016 Student Check-in/Online Registration (Parent Forms)
Village East Elementary Schools Parent Community:
Cherry Creek Schools requires families to update their household and student information each year including emergency contacts, medical, child
demographics, and policy acceptance forms, along with school specific forms. In 2012, Cherry Creek School District made these forms available for parents to
fill out online. This is part of the annual check-in processes for the start of the next school year. Parents who submitted information last year can save time by
accessing the system to review, update, and save information previously stored. Parents can always return to the web-based forms to update information that
may change during the year (i.e. cell phone numbers, medical updates, etc.).
In July, you will receive an email informing you that the Parent Online Forms system is ready for 2015/2016 annual check-in. Some important notes about
accessing the system:
1) You can register and/or login to the system at http://my.cherrycreekschools.org .
2) Parents who already registered to use the system from prior years can use the same username and password. Your username will be provided in the July
email. Parents can change/reset their password at http://my.cherrycreekschools.org .
3) New parents to CCSD will need to create a username and password to use the system by registering at the Internet address above. To register, parents
should have the following information available: Parent First and Last Name, Birthdate and Student ID for at least one of their children, and a Personal
Email Address. Spelling for all personal information must be accurate. Student ID Numbers are available in PowerSchool, on school report cards, as well as
original Admissions documents.
4) Students and families not yet admitted to Cherry Creek Schools will not have access to the system.
Students are not to be on school grounds before 8:15 a.m. unless they are enrolled in the Before Child Care Program, or participating in a
teacher sponsored activity. Playground supervision begins at 8:15 a.m. It is unsafe to leave children unattended, and we ask that you do not have your
child arrive at school prior to this time, as there is no supervision. Your cooperation will help us maintain a safest environment for your child. During
inclement weather, children report directly to the gym for supervision from 8:15 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. Students are asked to line up with the teacher
assistants at their designated areas at 8:40 a.m. If your student is not in his/her classroom by 8:45, they will need a late slip from the main office.
Students are not to be on school grounds or inside building after 4:00 p.m. unless they are enrolled in the After Child Care Program or attending a
school sponsored club. School dismisses at 3:30 p.m. Students are expected to board their bus or walk home in a timely manner. The designated area
for parent pick up is on Moline Street. Parents picking up students are asked to cooperate with safety personnel by observing traffic laws and being
diligent and alert to pedestrians. Each day a few children come to the main office because the person they expected has not picked them up by 3:30
p.m. Although we understand that situations arise that can cause this to occur, there is no staffing available for supervision past 3:45 p.m. Student’s
not picked up by 3:45p.m. will be taken to our Aftercare Program and a $35.00 drop in fee will be required upon pickup.
Village East offers breakfast and lunch each day to students, staff, and visitors. For the 2015/2016 School Year, Village East qualified for The Breakfast
After the Bell Nutrition Program, which offer a breakfast at no cost to all students. Every student attending is eligible to receive a free breakfast
every morning.
The lunch price for the 2015/2016 school year will be $2.90 for lunch. Students may pay with cash or write a check to apply funds to their personal
account. We do not accept out of state or temporary checks. Every student is assigned an access code that he/she can use to deduct cafeteria
purchases from their personal account. When a student’s account reflects enough money for only one more lunch, students will be verbally notified by
the kitchen staff and their hand stamped “last lunch” with a reminder to inform parents. Village East also offers a variety of a la carte items to purchase,
ranging from $.75 to $3.95 which could include an extra main entrée. Milk can be purchased for $0.85. Parents, however, can request the kitchen staff
limit the purchase of these items for their child. To make requests of this nature to the kitchen staff or to notify them of food allergies, they can be
reached at 720-747-2066 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Students are expected to have some outside recess time each day unless the weather is severe. Please remind your child(ren) to come appropriately
dressed to participate in outside recess. Weather conditions are evaluated before each recess.
Lost and found items are collected in bins outside the cafeteria entrance and in several hallways throughout the building. Parents are welcome to come
during building hours and look for any lost item(s). Village East is not responsible for any lost items, therefore, please write your child(ren)’s name on
items such as coats, hats, gloves, backpacks etc. Lost items labeled with a name have a better chance of being identified by students and staff. During
the school year items are displayed for students and parents to check for lost items. Periodically during the school year unclaimed items are donated to
It is our intent for parents to be kept abreast of events, activities, and important information. We offer many opportunities for parents to be heard and
informed through personal teacher conferences (fall & spring), involvement in parent groups (PTCO or School Accountability, PASS, etc.), open
conversation with Administration, fax and telephone, and through Village East’s website (www.vil.ccsd.k12.co.us) or email us at
One of the advantages to being a 4-Track school is the flexibility its schedule offers parents to arrange dental and medical appointments for off track
days. Regular daily attendance is highly valued and expected at Village East, and we encourage parents to schedule appointments for off track days.
However, if necessary, students leaving early or arriving late must be signed in/out at the main office. All students leaving early will be called from the
classroom only upon the arrival of parent, guardian, or their designee. All parents, guardians and/or designated individuals checking out
student(s) early from school, must be listed in your student Parent Form Account. The Parent Form Account can be access anytime and is
located in the Website: http://my.cherrycreekschools.org. You will be asked to provide a photo ID as only a parent, guardian, or a designated
person is permitted to pick up a student from school.
Please keep your Parent Forms information up to date at all times. This information is very important in case of an emergency with your child. In
addition, the district requires the Admissions Office be provided with current proof of residency. If returned mail is received or any notification of a
change of address you will be expected to provide your proof of residency to the District Admission Office.
If this information is not provided in the timeline issued, your student will be dropped from our enrollment. At this time a parent or guardian will be
required to re-register at our District Admission Office (9150 E. Union Avenue) or at the new school of residency. For more information, contact the
Admission office at 720-554-4550.
Our teachers are committed to being partners with parents in the education of children. They are available to speak with parents either before or after
school. Telephone calls are welcome and helpful for answering questions and resolving issues that directly affect your child however the classroom is a
learning environment, when interruptions occurs, students are often distracted and taken off tasks. During classroom hours (8:45 am-3:30 pm), calls will
be directed to the teacher’s voice mail. Ensure the security of your children by letting them know before leaving home of any special arrangements for
before/after school such as: who will pick them up, going to day care, etc. Messages phoned into the main office by 2:30 p.m. will be delivered to
teachers’ classrooms at 2:45p.m., daily. Please note that any information phoned in or left for delivery after that time will not be delivered to the
teacher before dismissal. Therefore, it is imperative that travel arrangements be made with students before they are dropped off and for student safety
should remain as consistent as possible daily.
When visiting Village East, please enter through the front door only. All other exterior doors will remain locked during
the school day. Staff, students, and visitors are strictly prohibited from giving access to anyone seeking entry through
any door other than the Main Entrance for the safety of everyone.
During school hours, all visitors must sign in at the main office and obtain a visitor badge before proceeding to a classroom or another part of the
building. Visitor badge must be worn and clearly displayed while in the building. If you do not visibly display your badge you may be asked to
return to the main office or exit the building. To ensure the safety of all students, visitors must show ID to visit classrooms or visit with student. Parents
or guardians are welcome to visit their child’s classroom; however, advanced notice of a visit is encouraged. Teachers are not available to conference
with parents at that time. Parents may schedule to meet with their child’s teacher before or after school. Children under the age of 18, off track or not
enrolled at Village East, must be accompanied by an adult to visit a classroom.
Raptor is a visitor registration system that scans a driver’s license and/or state ID and checks the information against the National Sex Offender data
base. If no match is found, the system will print a visitor’s sticker with a picture identifying them as an approved visitor. Raptor only scans the visitor’s
name, date of birth and photo for comparison purposes. No other personal identifying information is saved. If the system raises a question about a
visitor’s background, the school administrator(s) will take the necessary steps to ensure the appropriateness of each individual’s visit. Upon your initial
visit the process will take approximately 30 seconds, however on return visits you will only be required to enter the first three letters of your last name
and the system will recognize you.
For the safety of our children, staff, and parents, all drivers are expected to observe the posted driving limits in the neighborhood, heed to all cross
walks, and obey all traffic signs posted around Village East. U-Turns are not allowed on Oakland or Moline Streets or in front of any school. We have
two lots providing plenty of parking for visitors and staff. Moline Street is for students dropped off before school or picked up after school. The front
loop is reserved for the school buses. You are expected to follow the traffic laws, and the instructions of our safety staff. Village East Safety staff have
been instructed to report license numbers of offenders to the Aurora Police Department. The Aurora Fire Department has designed the loop of the
school as a fire lane. Unattended parked vehicles will be towed by the Aurora Police Department.
Connect-Ed directly provides parents with up to the minute information about changes to school day schedules when weather or other disruptions
occurs. To receive these emergency messages, parents must keep their parent forms up-to-date.
Parents will receive essential information whether they’re at home, at work or on their cell phone. It is very important to listen to the entire message.
If serious storm conditions or other emergency situations develop during the day, the district will monitor the situation and advise affected schools and
the transportation department to dismiss school early. When this decision is made, the Connect Ed System will send out the information and also the
information will be posted on the district web site (www.cherrycreekschools.org), recorded on the area hotline (720-554-4701), and to local radio and
television stations. All school activities are canceled. In case of dangerous weather warnings a school may hold students past their dismissal time for
safety reasons.
Should inclement weather or emergency situations result in the closing of district schools, or in an adjustment to school start or dismissal times, parents
will receive a Connect Ed call from our District office, the information will be posted on the district web site (www.cherrycreekschools.org), recorded on
the area hotline (720-554-4701) and conveyed to local radio and TV stations for broadcasting, by approximately 5:00 a.m. All school activities including
daycare are cancelled.
When early morning conditions are not deemed serious enough to close school, but are likely to cause delays, school bus stop pickup times and school
start times may be delayed. This information will be available on the district web site (www.cherrycreekschools.org), area hotline (720-554-4701), and
local TV and radio stations as soon as practicable. Parents will receive a Connect Ed call from our District office and TV and radio stations will only
announce that the District is on a “Delayed Start.” All before school activities are canceled. The Before & After daycare program will operate as normal.
(Only students enrolled in the Before & After Care program may attend.)
Delayed Start schedule for Village East is an hour delay (9:45 a.m.). Bussed students would be picked up from their assigned bus stop 1 hour (60
minutes) later than the scheduled bus stop time (between 8:45- 9:15 a.m.).
Personal cell phones, toys and electronic items are not allowed in school or on the playground or in the Before/After School program. Such items will be
confiscated and held for pick up by a parent/guardian. Village East is not responsible for any lost item(s).
We are aware that several students carry cell phones for parent communication to and from school, however they are not allowed beyond the Main
Office. Student must put all cell phones and other electronic devices away during school hours. Village East is not responsible for any lost, misplaced
or stolen devices.
Fines are assessed for lost books or returned checks. A letter is sent to the parent explaining the nature and amount of the fine. A copy of the fine letter
will remain in the student’s permanent record until payment is received.
Safe Student Transportation - Expected Student Conduct
NOTE: These rules apply to both bus routes and activity/field trips.
Obey the bus driver at all times.
No food or drink allowed.
Be in your seat whenever the door is closed.
No fighting. Keep hands, feet, books, and objects to yourself.
Talk in normal tones; loud, rude, vulgar, or obscene language is prohibited.
Do not throw anything off the bus or have any part of you outside the bus.
Students are not allowed to possess tobacco on school property.
Do not bring anything alive or dangerous (i.e. glass containers, sharp objects,
animals) on the bus.
9. No skateboards, roller blades, or scooters are allowed.
10. No cell phone usage, including text messaging, taking pictures or movies.
11. No weapons, including laser pens.
Infractions of the above rules will result in disciplinary action, which may include suspension of bus privileges.
*On occasion, a bus may be delayed. If the bus assigned to your stop does not show up on time or if you have any questions/concerns regarding
transportation, please call the transportation office at 720-886-7400. All students are expected to follow the Cherry Creek bus rules while riding the
bus. Please see the Discipline Policy and Procedures below for possible consequences for bus behavior violations.
Cherry Creek Elementary Schools
Minimum School Bus Consequences
(Infractions and consequences also apply to behavior at bus stops.)
In recent years, the Transportation Student Management Department has developed and implemented a plan for handling school bu s
misconduct reports at all levels. The steps for elementary schools are as follows:
First Misconduct report:
Parent contact, school administrator contact
Second Misconduct report:
Parent contact, school administrator contact, assigned seat.
Third Misconduct report:
Parent contact, school administrator contact, 1 school day bus suspension, assigned seat.
Fourth Misconduct report:
Parent contact, school administrator contact, 3 school day bus suspension, assigned seat.
Fifth Misconduct report:
Parent contact, school administrator contact, 5 school day bus suspension, assigned seat.
Sixth Misconduct report:
Parent contact, school administrator contact, minimum 10 (ten) school day bus suspension up to termination of transportation
services for the remainder of the school year, assigned seat.
Severe infractions (i.e. weapons, drugs, fighting, unsafe behavior, etc.) will escalate the steps of consequences and possibly the
termination of bus privileges. Bus suspensions are for all Cherry Creek Transportation vehicles.
We appreciate your support of our mission of safe, on time transportation.
Thank you,
Student Management Team
The Cherry Creek School Board mandates a zero tolerance policy on weapons at any school site/event. Students are not to bring guns, knives, slingshots,
or other potentially dangerous items, either toy or real, to school. Any object used in a threatening, intimidating or violent manner is considered a
weapon. Students may be suspended or expelled for violations of this policy. Please discuss this important issue with your student(s). Each student is
required to have a copy of the weapons policy signed by parent and student on file at school.
Village East students will have the security of knowing that when a rule is broken, discipline will depend on the severity of the infraction and
appropriate consequences will occur. Depending on the nature, seriousness, and/or frequency of the problem, a student may miss recess, stay after
school, replace broken or stolen property, spend time in or out of school on suspension, or face expulsion. The Behavior Matrix outlines consequences
for major infractions.
Students involved in a Serious Misconduct (Fighting, Inappropriate Horseplay, Defiant/Disrespectful Behavior, Vandalism, Inappropriate Language,
Threats/Intimidation, Weapons/Facsimiles, and Truancy) are seen by the principal or assistant principal. If a student is referred to the office for a Serious
Misconduct parents will be contacted by the teacher and, possibly, school administration.
The School Board has adopted a policy regarding weapons at school, please thoroughly read the parent forms section at the beginning of each school
year so that you are aware of the extreme consequences for students bringing weapons/or facsimiles to school. We know there are many children who
have toy weapons for play; these have no place at school. Because threats and/or harassment are precursors to students feeling they need to protect
themselves, we will deal firmly with any form of intimidation.
It is our goal that through the combined effort of students, their parents or guardians,
and the staff, children will develop personal qualities beneficial throughout life.
Village East has four rules. Children are expected to follow these rules at all times on
school grounds.
1. Come to school with the goal of learning and producing high quality
2. Show courtesy and respect to others at all times.
3. Show respect for school property and the property of others.
4. Maintain a high rate of attendance and arrive on time.
A safe and disciplined learning environment is essential to a quality educational program. District-wide standards on student attire are intended to help
students concentrate on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety. The Board recognizes that students have a right
to express themselves through dress and personal appearance; however, students shall not wear apparel that is deemed disruptive or potentially
disruptive to the classroom environment or to the maintenance of a safe and orderly school.
Any student deemed in violation of the dress code shall be required to change into appropriate clothing or make arrangements to have
appropriate clothing brought to school immediately. In this case, there shall be no further penalty.
If the student cannot promptly obtain appropriate clothing, on the first offense, the student shall be given a written warning and an
administrator shall notify the student’s parents/guardians. On the second offense, the student shall remain in the administrative office for the day and
do schoolwork – which will constitute an in-school suspension – and a conference with parents/guardians shall be held.
On the third offense, the student may be subject to out-of-school suspension or other disciplinary action in accordance with relevant
disciplinary procedures outlined in the school discipline code.
The following items are not acceptable in school buildings, on school grounds, or at school activities:
▪1. Inappropriately sheer, tight, short, or low-cut clothing that bare or expose traditionally private parts of the body including,
but not limited to, the stomach, shoulders, buttocks, upper thigh, back and breasts.
▪2. Any clothing, paraphernalia, grooming, jewelry, hair coloring, accessories, or body adornments that are or contain any advertisement,
symbols, words, slogans, patches, or pictures that:
• Are obscene, profane, vulgar, lewd, or legally libelous
• Threaten the safety or welfare of any person
• Promotes any activity prohibited by the student code of conduct
• Promotes use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons
• Are of a sexual nature
• By virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute denote membership in gangs which advocate drug use
violence, or disruptive behavior
• Otherwise disrupt the teaching-learning process.
▪Shoes must be worn at all times in school facilities.
If your student is withdrawn from Village East for any reason, to re-enroll, a parent or guardian must go to the District Admission to re-register. At that
time you will be issued a school assignment form to return to Village East. Your student will be placed in the classroom with the teacher that has the
least number of students by our school registrar. We will not hold a track or teacher assignment for any student.
Colorado state law requires elementary students to be in school for nine hundred sixty eight hours every year. Your attention to your child’s track
schedule when planning vacations and other trips is appreciated. Cherry Creek Schools has made a conscious effort to ensure all students have time off
during the year for vacations and other family affairs. There is a direct correlation between attendance and student achievement. Absent students miss
experiences that cannot be recreated through make-up work or private discussions with the teacher. It is not our intent to be insensitive to the myriad
of good reasons why students miss school or arrive to school late, but for those students with excessive absences, Village East will adhere to the
following procedures:
1. The school will notify parents after five absences/tardies.
2. The school will attempt a conference with parents after ten absences/tardies. At this time, the school will develop an individual attendance
plan. It is the goal of Village East to avoid more serious steps, which include the District Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) and the
Aurora Court system.
3. If an agreement is not reached, or there is a violation of the agreement, attendance records will be forwarded to SARB.
Tornado Watch
In the event of a tornado watch, the weather will be monitored, students will be brought inside from all outside activities, and dismissal will be as normal
unless there is lightening in the area.
Tornado Warning
In the event of a tornado warning, staff and students will go to their designated “safe spot” in the building. Parents arriving will report to the stage area.
Students will be released only to parents with proper identification.
Lightning in the Area.
When lightning is reported, students will be brought inside from outdoor activities, dismissal may be delayed, and students will be released to parents or
people on the emergency card with proper ID.
Over-the-Counter Medication
Parental permission is required for non-prescription medication purchased over-the-counter (verbal permission cannot be accepted). The parental
permission form is located in the Parent Portal (http://my.cherrycreekschools.org) .Medication must be in the original manufacturer’s container with
directions attached. A physician’s authorization will be required for dosages that are not within the manufacturer’s directions. The exception is aspirin,
because of its association with Reyes Syndrome. Aspirin may not be administered without a physician’s authorization. New medication parent forms
must be submitted annually.
Prescription Medication
Prescription medications require a physician’s authorization and parent permission, as well as the pharmacy labeled medication instructions. No more
than a one-month supply of the medication may be kept at school. A new form must be completed with any changes in dosage or type of medication
made by the physician. New medication forms must be submitted annually.
Homeopathic Medication
Homeopathic and herbal medications are treated as a prescription medication. These medications require both a physician’s signature, as well as the
parents’ signatures. In addition, the Cherry Creek School District Medical Advisory Board must approve the medication before it can be administered at
school. This process takes approximately two to three weeks.
Transportation of Medication to School
The safest procedure is for the parents to bring the medication directly to the nurse. The medication should not be sent with the student. In the event
an adult is unable to bring the prescription to school, an arrangement can be made with the school nurse where the parent calls and notifies the nurse
the day the medication is to arrive. The parent must give the name of the medication sent and the quantity that was sent. The pharmacy or original
manufacturer’s container must arrive in a sealed envelope. If the procedure is not followed, the medication will be kept in the nurse or principal’s office
until the parent can identify the medication and verify the quantity that was sent. Medication must be picked up from the clinic by parent or adult. It
may not be sent home with the students.
Controlled Medications
Please be aware that these medications present a greater than usual risk of becoming habit forming or being used illegally. These controlled
medications are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency. Examples of common controlled medications include Ritalin, Dexedrine,
tranquilizers, or muscle relaxant drugs, Phenobarbital for seizures and pain medication containing codeine. No more than one month’s supply of these
drugs may be kept at school.
Village East Elementary School
2015/2016 School Supply List
Kindergarten (KG) Supply List
1 Box Colored Pencils
2 Boxes of Ticonderoga Pencils (24 Count)
2 Boxes Facial Tissue
1 Pack Paper Towels
1 Pack Antibacterial Wipes
2 Bottles Hand Sanitizer
1 Bottle of Glue (14 oz.)
16 Glue Sticks
2 Packs Markers (8 Count, Classic Colors)
4 Boxes Crayons (24 Count)
4 Folders (1 of Each Color: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow)
8 Black Dry Erase Markers
1 Pack Dry Erase Markers (Red, Blue, Green, Black)
1 Box Zip Top Bags, Gallon Size
1 Watercolors Paint (8 colors), like Crayola
Headphones (No Earbuds)
**Throughout the year, you may be asked to bring in additional
****The Nurse requests a change of clothing be kept in your
child’s backpack for emergencies****
Second (2nd) Grade Supply List
**Second Grade Classes Share All Supplies**
2 Packs #2 Pencils
1 Pair Scissors*
2 Composition Notebooks (Black Only)
4 Dry Erase Markers
2 Boxes Facial Tissue
1 Package Wide Line Markers
9 Plastic Pocket Folders, Plain (3 Yellow, 3 Red, 3 Blue)
1 Large Container Antibacterial Wipes (Boys)
1 Hand Sanitizer, 16 oz. (Girls)
15 Glue Sticks
1 Pencil Box*
1 Box Crayons
2 Boxes Zip Top Bags (1 Gallon & 1 Quart)
~Supplies with a * can be used from previous year
First (1st) Grade Supply List
**First Grade Classes Share All Supplies**
1 Box Colored Pencils
2 Packs of #2 Pencils
1 Pair Children’s Scissors, Pointed Tip
1 bottle Glue & 12 Glue Sticks
2 Boxes of Crayons (24 Count)
2 Composition Books
1 Set- 5x8 Index Cards & 1 Set- 3x5 Index Cards
2 Containers Hand Sanitizer
1 Container Sanitizing Wipes
2 Boxes Facial Tissue
4 Plastic Folders, No Prongs (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow)
5 Packs Markers, Classic Colors (3 Wide Tip, 2 Thin Tip)
2 Boxes Zip Top Bags (Gallon) & 1 Box Zip Top Bags
Fourth (4th) Grade Supply List
Third (3rd) Grade Supply List
2 Packs of #2 Pencils (24 Count)
1 Pencil Box (No Large Ones Please)
1 Box Crayons, Markers OR Colored Pencils
1 Pair of Scissors
2 Boxes of Facial Tissue
5 Composition Notebooks
6 Folders, 2 pocket each. (6 Different Solid Colors)
4 Dry Erase Markers
2 Pink Erasers
4 Glue Sticks
1 Large Hand Sanitizer & 1 Container Antibacterial
1 Box Zip Top Bags, Sandwich
3x3 Sticky Notes
3x5 Index Cards
1 Box Zip Top Bags, Gallon
1.5x2 Sticky Notes
5x8 Index Cards
Crayons, Markers, or Colored Pencils
6 Glue sticks
1 Pencil box
1 Ruler
1 Scissors
1 Pack Dry Erase Markers
1 Pack Wide Ruled Paper
1 Inch White Binder w/ Plastic Cover
2 Spiral Notebooks (1 Red, 1 Green)
4 Composition Books (Black and White)
4 Folders with NO Fasteners (Green, Red, Blue, Yellow)
2 Pink Erasers
2 Packs Pencils, 24 Count (No Decorative Wrappers)
2 packs Highlighters (Multi-colored)
2 Fine Point, Permanent Markers
1 Sock for White Board Erasing
2 Facial Tissue (Boys)
2 Antibacterial Wipes (Girls)
1 Gallon Zip-lock Bags (Boys)
1 Quart Zip-lock Bags (Girls)
Fifth (5th) Grade Supply List
4 Packs of #2 Pencils
1 Pack of Blue or Black Pens
2 Pink Erasers
1 Pencil Sharpener
1 Pack Colored Pencils
1 Pack of Markers
1 Pencil Box or Case
1 Clear Ruler
2 Highlighters
3-5 Glue Sticks
5 Folders (Different Colors)
4 Spiral Notebooks (1 subject)
4 Composition Notebooks (Black and White, Lined, Not
2 Packs Notebook Paper, Wide Ruled
2 Boxes Facial Tissue
2 Containers Antibacterial Wipes