1. Aircrew accompanying classified cargo will be identified on the flight orders along with their security clearances. (T) 2. To receive classified/security cargo, the recipient must have which of the following? (C) 3. Originating stations discovering discrepant cargo from a non-commercial carrier must: (A) 4. AMC Form 1015, HAZMAT Inspection and Acceptance Checklist, requires you to inspect both the inner and outer packaging of HAZMAT cargo, when applicable. (T) 5. What information must be listed on the registered mail content listing? (D) 6. What is the first step in receiving hazardous material? (A) 7. Where must classified cargo be stored? (C) 8. Medical personnel must re-ice diagnostic specimens. (T) 9. What is the first step in the HAZMAT inspection process? (B) 10. Remains of deceased personnel are considered special cargo. (T) 11. Who normally first notifies Special Handling about incoming special cargo? (C) 12. What information is required on the “Receiving” side of AMC Form 35, Terminating AMC MICAP VVIP Control Log? (A) 13. Which label denotes material that must be refrigerated or wet iced? (A) 14. What should you inspect when receiving registered mail? (D) 15. Terminating stations should transfer registered mail to: (A) 16. Personnel who handle registered mail must: (B) 17. The first step in processing biological material is to: (D) 18. What must you do if the DD Form 1502 is missing from a biological, blood or perishable shipment? (D) 19. All damaged cargo requires DD Form 1387-2 Special Handling Data/Certification Form, even if the cargo would not otherwise require special handling. (F) 20. What is the maximum temperature Special Handling refrigerators may reach? (C) 21. What should be annotated across the packing tape when containerizing registered mail? (A) 22. What form would you always complete as a step in receiving biological, blood and perishable items? (C) 23. All entries in AMC Form 106, Biological/Re-icing/Refrigeration Log, must be: (C) 24. Classified cargo must be handled by personnel with Secret or Confidential security clearances. (T) 25. The hazardous material storage area requires which of the following: (A) 26. Which of the following best describes the purpose of AMC Form 281, AMC MICAP/VVIP/FSS Special Handling? (B) 27. The plastic wet-ice bags used in packing whole blood can be re-used to freeze water for re-icing. (F) 28. Where must AMC MICAP/VVIP/FSS cargo be stored? (C) 29. What form is used as the transfer document within the AMC airlift system? (C) 30. What is the usable period of whole blood? (B) 31. What should you do immediately after inspecting the perishable label on biological, blood or perishable shipments? (A) 32. What label must be present on every biological, blood or perishable shipment? (D) 33. Which best describes HAZMAT preparers? (C) 34. Which materials require re-icing by medical personnel? (D) 35. What information is recorded on DD Form 1907, Signature Tally Record? (A) 36. A single person working alone may containerize registered mail. (F) 37. What items are required when containerizing registered mail? (D) 38. Which blocks must be filled in on AMC 106, Biological/Re-icing/Refrigeration Log? (D) 39. Originating stations discovering discrepant registered mail shipments should accept and frustrate the discrepant shipment. (F) 40. Unclassified cargo that requires Signature Service is known as: (A) 41. Who annotates AMC Form 281, AMC MICAP/VVIP/FSS Special Handling? (D) 42. When is Special Handling normally notified about incoming special cargo? (A) 43. Two people are required to receipt and incheck registered mail. (T) 44. All classified/security cargo must be under armed guard while in custody of the air terminal. (F) 45. When palletizing registered mail, care should be taken to face all containers toward the outside, allowing seal numbers to be seen through the plastic covers. (T) 46. What should be done once cargo passes the HAZMAT inspection? (C) 47. When cargo is manifested to the consignee, the APOD: (A) 48. Terminating or en route stations discovering discrepant cargo must: (B) 49. What is the minimum temperature Special Handling refrigerators may reach? (A) 50. Which best describes HAZMAT inspectors? (A) 51. AMC Form 106, Biologicals/Re-icing/Refrigeration Log, is used to: (B) 52. Which label denotes material that can be shipped for a limited time without refrigeration? (C) 53. Where must registered mail be stored? (C) 54. Which label denotes material that must stay frozen? (B) 55. What is the defining requirement of registered mail? (C) 56. Signatures are required when receiving hazardous material, whether it arrives by ground or air transport. (F) 57. Perishable goods require a DD Form 1387-2 Special Handling Data/Certification Form. (T) 58. Terminating and en route stations discovering discrepant registered mail shipments should treat the discrepant shipment like an over or short shipment. (T) 59. Which type of HAZMAT personnel must take only a basic HAZMAT WBT course? (A) 60. Special Handling personnel should regularly conduct inventories of security cages/rooms, refrigerators and hazardous/explosive cargo areas. (T) 61. What form is used to inspect hazardous materials? (D) 62. How often must refrigerators be checked to ensure the temperature stays in the appropriate range? (C) 63. What information is required on the “Shipping” side of AMC Form 36, Originating AMC MICAP VVIP Control Log? (C) 64. What defines an In-Bond Shipment? (B) 65. Which of the following cargo requires a DD Form 1387-2 Special Handling Data/Certification Form? (A) 66. What is the main duty of Special Handling personnel? (B) 67. Which of the following is an example of security cargo? (C) 68. What is the first step in receiving classified and security cargo? (B) 69. Whole blood must be packed with: (D) 70. When a discrepant registered mail shipment is discovered, you should contact: (C) 71. Anyone working in the Special Handling area may handle hazardous materials as long as they are wearing the proper safety equipment. (F) 72. Air terminal personnel who receipt for classified shipments must possess a security clearance equal or higher than: (D) 73. Completed HAZMAT frustrating forms should be sent to: (A) 74. Discrepant classified and security shipments can contain: (D)