A+ Schools` Program Handbook - Diamond R

In an effort to make college or vocational/technical education available to every Missouri high school
graduate, the Missouri General Assembly established the A+ Schools Program as part of the Outstanding
Schools Act of 1993.
Graduates of designated A+ schools who successfully complete the requirements of the program are eligible
to receive tuition to any public community college or vocational/technical institution in Missouri. Benefits are
good for up to 48 months following graduation or until the student completes 105% of the hours required for
the student’s program of study.
The purpose of this manual is to provide students, parents, faculty, and staff with a clear understanding of the
guidelines and policies of the A+ Schools Program as established by the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993.
Regulations and reimbursement money are subject to the General Assembly of Missouri can be amended without notice.
Reimbursement is not the funding responsibility of the Diamond R-IV School District.
Please keep this manual. Updated material will be issued when needed. Each time you receive material, you
may add it to the manual.
Any questions regarding the A+ Scholarship Program should be directed to the Diamond High School A+
A+ Coordinator Contact Information
Cynthia Sprague
Diamond High School
PO Box 68
Diamond, MO 64840
417-325-5186 x 322
Additional A+ Scholarship Program Information
The following are websites that you may find additional information on the A+ Schools Program.
Diamond R-IV School District Mission Statement
The mission of the Diamond R-IV School District is “Success through rigor, relevance and high expectations!”
Diamond R-IV School District Vision
The Diamond R-IV School District envisions schools in which teachers, administrators, parents, students, and
the community share the responsibility for advancing the school mission. Educators will provide opportunities
for each individual student to achieve at the maximum level of his/her potential. The school facilities will
provide a safe environment and be conducive for achieving the goals of the district. Graduates will have
achieved success through rigor, relevance and high expectations during their years at Diamond, preparing
them to be successful, productive members of society.
Goals of the A+ Scholarship Program
The A+ Schools Program is a school improvement initiative established by the Outstanding Schools Act of
1993. The following are the goals of the A+ Schools Program:
 All students graduate from high school.
 All students complete a selection of high school studies that is challenging and for which there are
identified learning expectations.
 All students proceed from high school graduation to a college, post secondary vocational/technical
school, or high wage job with work place skill development opportunities.
A+ Scholarship Benefits
Students who successfully complete the requirements of the program receive the A+ Scholarship to cover the
cost of tuition and general fees (as funds are available) at any Missouri public community college or
vocational/technical school.
Participants are under no obligation to use the A+ Scholarship. The tuition benefit is earned by each individual
and is not transferable to any other student.
“General fees” are defined as those fees that are paid by all students (activity and technology fees). Special
program fees not covered by A+ include, but are not limited to: lab fees, online course fees, graduation,
infrastructure and parking fees, drop fees, books, and supplies.
Financial need is not a factor in determining student eligibility for the A+ Scholarship.
The length of eligibility period for the A+ Scholarship will be:
 48 months immediately following high school graduation.
 Receipt of an Associate’s degree.
 Completion of 105% of the required hours for the student’s program of study.
Students qualifying for a military deferment may have their eligibility extended beyond 48 months. The
extension corresponds to the length of active military duty; application for deferment is available through
Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE).
*The A+ Scholarship should not be confused with the Institutional scholarships that may be offered by fouryear colleges and universities to students who graduate from high school with A+ eligibility. The A+
Scholarship program does not fund post-secondary education at four-year colleges or universities.
As stated, the financial incentives offered by four-year institutions are not part of the A+ Scholarship Program,
although, they are based on the student earning the A+ Certificate. The A+ participant may contact the
individual college or university for more information regarding scholarships for earning the A+ Certificate.
Other benefits to being in the A+ Schools Program:
 The A+ Seal will be placed on their high school transcript
 Students will be recognized at graduation
Regulations and reimbursement money are subject to the General Assembly of Missouri can be amended without notice
Reimbursement is not the funding responsibility of the Diamond R-IV School District.
Student Eligibility
Diamond High School must certify a student as having met all the following requirements. To be certified, a
student must:
 Sign an A+ Program Student Agreement.
 Attend an A+ High School for three consecutive years* immediately prior to graduation.
 Graduate from Diamond High School with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above on a 4.0
grading scale (non-weighted).
 Graduate from Diamond High School with a cumulative attendance record of 95% or better.
 Perform 50 hours of unpaid tutoring.
 Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoidance of unlawful use of alcohol and drugs.
 Make a documented, good faith effort to first secure all available federal post secondary student
financial assistance (FAFSA).
 Male students need to sign up for Selective Services if 18 years old, as required by law.
 Beginning with the 2015 Graduating Class, Achieve a score of Proficient or Advanced on the Algebra I
End of Course (EOC) exam. **
*Exception to the 3-Year Rule—Students must attend an A+ designated school for three consecutive years
immediately prior to graduation unless they are dependents of active military families or retired military who
relocate to Missouri within one year of retirement.
**EOC retakes will be allowed, if necessary, by the state for those seeking A+ qualification.---OR---Students
may complete the first semester at a post-secondary institution with a minimum of 12 hours and the
equivalent of a 2.5 GPA prior to accessing A+ funds. The student will have only one semester/opportunity to
meet this alternate requirement if they have not scored high enough on the Algebra I EOC. Costs incurred in
the first semester will not be retroactively reimbursed.
Maintaining A+ Eligibility at a Community College or Vocational Technical School:
To continue eligibility of the A+ Scholarship, the post graduate student must:
 Be enrolled on a full-time (12 or more credit hours) basis at a Missouri public community college or
vocational/technical school.
 Maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
 If students lose their A+ eligibility, they can get it back within the 48 month period immediately
following graduation by re-establishing their GPA and/or completion ratio. A+ will not pay for
coursework while students are working to re-establish their eligibility.
Eligibility Expiration
Eligibility will expire upon completion of 105% of credit hours earned toward an Associate’s degree. For
example, if a degree program requires 62 credit hours for completion, A+ could pay for one 3 credit hour
remedial course (if needed) and still remain within the 105% cap.
Students who complete a certificate program and bridge over to a related 2-year degree program will have the
105% limit reset, but transfer hours will be included in the new limit.
 The 105% limit excludes: college credit hours earned before high school graduation (e.g. dual credit,
dual enrollment, technical education articulation, advanced placement, international baccalaureate).
 The 105% limit includes: 1) all hours (including developmental/remedial hours) taken at the student’s
current post-secondary institution, 2) all known hours (including developmental/remedial hours) taken
at any other A+ eligible institution, and 3) hours taken at any no-eligible A+ institution, including outof-state institution, that the current institution accepts in transfer.
Limitations—A+ Scholarships cannot be used:
 For students enrolled or intending to enroll in a course of study leading to a degree in theology or
 If students have a criminal record preventing the receipt of Federal Title IV student financial aid.
A+Schools Agreement
The first step in participating in the A+ Scholarship Program is for the student and parent to read and sign the
A+ Scholarship Agreement. The student must turn this Agreement along with Attendance, Citizenship, and
Tutoring/Mentoring Agreements in to the A+ Coordinator.
Enrollment Requirements
In order to obtain financial incentives, the requirements are for a student to attend Diamond High School for
three consecutive years prior to graduation.
 The student must enroll in Diamond High School no later than September 30 of the student’s
sophomore year or transfer from an A+ designated high school where enrollment was prior to
September 30 of the student’s sophomore year*.
 If a student withdraws or transfers from Diamond High School after the beginning of his/her
sophomore year, the student will not be considered for the A+ Schools Program unless they re-enroll in
an A+ designated school.
 If a student transfers back to Diamond from an A+ designated school, they may continue to participate
in the A+ Schools Program.
*Exception to the 3-Year Rule—Students must attend an A+ designated school for three consecutive years
immediately prior to graduation unless they are dependents of active military families or retired military who
relocate to Missouri within one year of retirement.
Grade Point Requirement
To meet the eligibility requirement for grade point average, the student must:
 Graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale (on a non-weighted
 Rounding up a grade point average is not allowed.
 The cumulative grade point average is based on all four years of high school.
 The student’s official transcript will serve as evidence of grade point average for admission into a
public community college or public vocational/technical school.
Attendance Requirement
The attendance rate must average at least 95% during the four years of high school to qualify for A+
Scholarship reimbursement. Each participant’s cumulative attendance is recorded each semester and will be
on file in the A+ Coordinator’s Office. Attendance is averaged and cumulative over 4 years. 95% attendance in
a regular school year would mean missing not more than approximately 32 days over four years or an average
of 8 days per year. This approximation is based on the assumption that a student will attend a full seven (7)
period day all eight (8) semesters.
Students transferring between public or private Missouri high schools will have all four years computed in their
final attendance average. Students transferring from an out-of-state high school attended during 9th grade
will have only three (3) years computed in their final attendance average.
A+ participants are not disqualified for dropping below the 95% attendance in any one given year, but must
have a cumulative attendance rate of 95% at the time of graduation. Students or parents with questions or
concerns about a student’s attendance may call the A+ Coordinator’s Office.
When the A+ Status Notification indicates that a student has become ineligible because of attendance (or
other factor) a Letter of Ineligibility will be sent to parents through certified mail. Parents/guardians may then
follow the appropriate appeal procedure if desired.
Any student transferring to Diamond High School who is ineligible because of attendance from his/her
previous school is also considered ineligible at Diamond High School.
Attendance Appeal Process
Students are allowed one attendance appeal prior to graduation. The appeal should be requested no later
than April 1 of the graduation year. Only absences involving extremely extenuating circumstances will be
considered and must include verification from the appropriate agency including specific dates and times from
which the student should be considered excused. Waivers may not be issued for absences that include:
truancy, skipping classes, vacation, transportation problems, school suspensions, work, driver’s test, and nonemergency situations.
A parent/guardian or student must submit to the A+ Office a request for a waiver on the A+
Attendance Appeal form available from the A+ Office. To be considered, this appeal form with
documentation must be filed by April 1 of the graduation year. When the information is received, a
review committee will meet to determine if a waiver of absences for A+ status determination will be
granted. The review committee will be comprised of the following: HS principal, HS counselor, school
nurse, board member, two teachers, and A+ Coordinator.
If a waiver is granted, those days remain a part of a student’s A+ attendance record but those absences
accepted for waiver will not be calculated as part of the 95% attendance for A+ status.
The A+ Coordinator will notify the parents by letter of the decision.
Upon receiving written notice of the committee’s decision, the parent/student may file an appeal with
the superintendent of schools within fourteen calendar days of the postmark date of the notification
letter. Appeals after fourteen days will not be considered. Upon receiving the superintendent’s
decision, the parent may request to appeal within seven calendar days with the Diamond Board of
Attendance Expectations
Participants in the A+ Scholarship program are expected to attend school regularly. Students must
graduate with a minimum cumulative (grades 9-12) attendance rate of 95%.
The A+ Scholarship Program makes no distinction between excused and unexcused absences.
Attendance for the A+ Certification is determined by state guidelines, not the Diamond High School
Attendance is based on Monday through Friday when school is in regular session. Only days and times,
which are calculated for Average Daily Attendance (ADA), will be used to determine the 95%
attendance requirement. Summer school is considered a special session and cannot be used to
calculate ADA.
Rounding up of attendance percentage is NOT permitted.
It is the responsibility of each A+ participant to closely monitor his/her attendance. Semester updates
will be made available to A+ participants in the A+ Status Notification.
Students will be allowed one appeal for attendance prior to graduation. This appeal must be submitted no
later than April 1 of the year of graduation.
Attendance Waiver Guidelines
At the time an attendance appeal is filed, official documentation stating the reasons the student was absent
from school must be provided to the A+ Coordinator.
Any student submitting a request for an A+ attendance waiver of days missed shall provide the A+ Coordinator
with the following official documentation:
Chronic, ongoing health problems
Catastrophic Illness (long-term hospitalization)
Court Dates
Letter from physician with explanation of illness.
(Copies of bills or school excuses are not sufficient.)
Letter form physician.
Letter from physician.
Court letter.
Religious Holiday
Personal/Family Calamity (fire, flood, etc.)
Obituary/Memorial Pamphlet.
Letter from Clergyman.
Principal’s and/or Counselor’s Approval Letter
Attendance waivers will NOT be granted for the following (A+ Attendance requirements are determined by the
state and should not be confused with the general attendance requirements as printed in the Diamond High
School Handbook):
 Personal/Family Vacation
 Transportation
 Routine Dental or Doctor Appointment
 Work
 Other non-emergency situations
 Suspension from School for any Reason
 Truancy
Citizenship Requirements
Good citizenship, as established by the program, is a measure of the quality of conduct in school and away
from school. Diamond R-IV School District encourages values that exemplify good citizenship. These values
include respect, honesty/integrity, knowledge/learning, responsibility, and compassion/kindness. The intent
of this good citizenship standard is to encourage students to develop patterns of behaviors that will help them
become productive, successful citizens and reward those who demonstrate and exemplify positive attributes
of citizenship. Student behavior shall be in compliance with the Diamond Board of Education policies, the
Administrative Guidelines on Students Discipline, Safe Schools Act policies, the Student Handbook, the A+
Schools Guidelines, and federal, state, and local regulations and law.
As mandated by State Law 5 CSR 50-350.040, a student will forfeit the opportunity to earn the A+ schools
financial incentive for any drug or alcohol violation committed at any time throughout the four years the
student attends high school.
Disciplinary infractions may result in the student being considered out of compliance with the A+ Citizenship
Standard. “Out of Compliance” means that the student has shown a pattern of repeated disruptive behavior,
either through referrals, ISS, or OSS assignments. Once a student has been deemed out of compliance, it does
not automatically mean that he/she will be eliminated from participating in the A+ Program. The student may
regain good citizenship standing if a pattern of improvement in behavior is achieved.
Repeated Referrals: Student should be aware that a continuous pattern of repeated referrals may
lead to more serious consequences and may disqualify the student.
Suspensions: Repeated assignments to ISS/OSS would be evidence of a pattern of breach of Diamond
Schools’ values of respect, honesty, or responsibility.
Post-Graduation Violations: Students need to be aware that citizenship violations incurred after
graduation, but before the submission of qualifier to the state, may eliminate them from the A+
Violation of Safe Schools, federal, state, or local laws: Any student in violation of Safe Schools,
federal, state, or local laws will NOT be eligible for A+ financial incentives. Eligibility of students with
misdemeanor offenses will be determined by the Diamond Board of Education.
Citizenship Appeals Process
REVIEW: During the students’ senior year, all potential qualifiers’ files will be reviewed for A+ compliance of
standards. A determination will be made by the A+ Coordinator and the high school principal and/or high
school counselor regarding whether the student has satisfied the guidelines.
PROCESS: Seniors who are notified that they are out of compliance with district or state A+ standards may file
an appeal for review of their A+ status. The appeal form must be returned to the A+ Office within 10 days of
receiving the A+ Status Notification.
APPEALS: Appeals can be made only by seniors who have compliance issues. No appeals are allowed for
grade point average. All appeals must be finalized before June 30 of the senior’s year of gradation.
APPEAL TEAM: The appeal team is composed of the high school principal, high school counselor, board
member, two high school teachers, and the A+ Coordinator. The appeal team will review all pertinent
information and make a decision about this student’s status. Depending on the appeal team’s decision, the
student’s status could be reinstated or denied. The decision of the appeal team is final.
NOTIFICATION: The student will be notified of the appeal conference and will be invited to attend. A good
faith effort to invite parents/guardians to the appeal conference will also be made. Once a final decision is
made by the appeal team, a written notice of the decision will be mailed to the parent/guardian within 5 days.
Tutoring/Mentoring Requirement
An A+ Program Student is required to perform 50 hours of unpaid tutoring/mentoring. The following
guidelines have been established for A+ tutoring:
 Official tutoring log sheet must be kept by the student, signed by a school official sponsoring the
activity, and turned in to the A+ office.
 All tutoring/mentoring must be done on Diamond School District premises under the supervision of a
teacher (tutoring may not be done at an individuals home or at a school not within the Diamond School
 The A+ Program Coordinator or the sponsoring school may terminate the tutoring experience.
 The A+ Program Student is responsible for being present at the agreed upon day and time for the
tutoring/mentoring. If absent, it is the responsibility of the A+ Program Student to notify the adult in
charge of the A+ tutoring experience.
 All tutoring must be approved by the A+ Program Coordinator.
A+ Tutoring Opportunities
Cadet Teaching: Junior and/or Senior students can take this class for high school credit. The A+ Program
Student will be assigned an elementary or middle school classroom. The time counted towards tutoring must
be actual student contact.
A+ Tutoring Hour: Junior or Senior students can take this class for high school credit. The A+ Program Student
will be assigned an elementary, middle, or high school classroom to work with an individual or small group of
students. The time counted towards tutoring must be actual student contact.
Wildcat Time: At the high school level, teachers may ask an A+ Program Student to tutor another high school
student during Wildcat Time. Time counted must be actual student contact.
Summer School: The A+ Program Student will be assigned an elementary or middle school classroom. The
time counted towards tutoring must be actual student contact.
Good Faith Effort to Secure Funding
The A+ Schools Program requires students/parents to first make a good faith effort to secure all available
federal post secondary financial assistance funds that do not require repayment before A+ funding will be
 Complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA information
must be sent to the community college or public vocational/technical school that the student is
planning to attend.
 Information about the FAFSA application is available in the Diamond High School counseling office or
online at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
 Federal Pell Grant funds as determined by the FAFSA will be applied to student account balances first;
if any A+ eligible costs remain, they will be billed to A+. A student cannot receive A+ in addition to a
Pell Grant if the Pell Grant pays for all tuition and fees. However, the student may have access to their
A+ Scholarship for use in later semesters during which they might become Pell Grant ineligible. The
recognition of being an A+ graduate remains intact, and students can list A+ on resumes and
applications as an achievement they earned for a job well done in high school.
 Parents are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, but not before January 1 or after June 30 of the
year of the student’s graduation.
Selective Service Registration Requirement
Males are required by law to register for Selective Service. They must register or forfeit their eligibility for the
A+ Scholarship reimbursement. This may be completed online at http://www.sss.gov/.
A+ Program Student Files
A+ Program Student files will be kept in the A+ Program Office. A file will be kept on each student once the
student enters into an A+ Schools Agreement. In each file the following documentation will be kept:
 Signed A+ Schools Program Agreement
 Signed Good Citizenship Policy Form
 Signed Attendance Policy Form
 Signed Tutoring/Mentoring Confidentiality Agreement
 Completed tutoring log sheets
 Copies of correspondence with students and/or parents
 File Notes
A+ Status Notification
The A+ Program Coordinator will provide every parent/guardian with an update of the continued progress of
his/her student toward A+ certification.
A status notification report will be sent home with the A+ Program Student after the completion of each
semester of the school year.
Parents are encouraged to call the A+ Program Coordinator for status updates during the school year.
The status notification will have the following information:
 Student Name
 Grade Level
 Overall Compliance (Which will stay non compliant until ALL requirements are fulfilled.)
 Enrollment Date
 Cumulative Grade Point Average
 Cumulative Average Daily Attendance Percentage
 Community Service Hours (Logged Tutoring/Mentoring Hours)
 FAFSA Completed (Which will be non compliant until after January 1 or before June 30 the year of the
student’s graduation.)
 Selective Service (18 year old males only)
 Algebra I EOC Requirement
Eligible A+ Community Colleges and Vocational/Technical Schools
Arcadia Valley Career Technical Center
Boonslick Technical Education Center
Brookfield Area Career Center
Cape Girardeau Career & Technical Center
Career & Technical Center at Fort Osage
Carrollton Area Career Center
Carthage Technical Center
Cass Career Center
Clinton Technical School
Columbia Area Career Center
Crowder College
Current River Career Center
Dallas County Career Center
Davis H. Hart Career Center
East Central College
Eldon Career Center
Excelsior Springs Career Center
Four Rivers Career Center
Franklin Technology Center
Gibson Technical Center
Grand River Technical School
Hannibal Career & Technical Center
Herndon Career Center
Hillyard Technical Center
Kennett Career Center
Kirksville Area Technical Center
Jefferson College
Lake Career & Technical Center
Lamar Area Vocational-Technical School
Lebanon Technical & Career Center
Lewis & Clark Career Center
Lex La-Ray Technical Center
Linn State Technical College
Macon Area Vocational School
Metropolitan Community College
Mineral Area College
Missouri State University-West Plains
Moberly Area Community College
Moberly Area Technical Center
Nevada Regional Technical Center
New Madrid R-I Technical Skills Center
Nichols Career Center
North Central Career Center
North Central Missouri College
North Technical
Northland Career Center
Northwest Technical School
Ozark Mountain Technical Center
Ozarks Technical Community College
Pemiscot County Career & Technical Center
Perryville Area Career & Technical Center
Pike/Lincoln Technical Center
Poplar Bluff Technical Career Center
Ranken Technical College
Rolla Technical Institute
Saline County Career Center
Sikeston Career & Technical Center
South Central Career Center
South Technical
Southwest Area Career Center
St. Charles Community College
St. Louis Community College
State Fair Community College
Three Rivers Community College
Unitec Career Center
Warrensburg Area Career Center
Waynesville Technical Academy
Non A+ Colleges/Universities Offering A+ Incentives
The college and universities listed do not accept A+ funds directly from the State of Missouri. They are NOT
Missouri public 2-year community colleges or vocational/technical schools, therefore, they are not part of the
A+ Schools Program. However, several non-A+ colleges/universities in Missouri offer scholarships for certified
A+ Program Student Graduates.
If you are an A+ student who is not planning to attend a Missouri community college or post secondary
vocational/technical school, your A+ status can still earn you financial benefits if you attend one of the
colleges/universities offering A+ scholarships.
Many colleges and universities in Missouri also offer transfer scholarships to students who have used A+
benefits to attend community college for two years. Those students should check with the individual Missouri
college/university they are interested in attending after two years in community college.
Disclaimer: The Diamond High School A+ Schools Program makes no claims regarding the accuracy of the availability or
requirements of the listed scholarships. The scholarships listed below is not exhaustive nor is it regularly updated and therefore
may or may not be accurate at the time this document is distributed. The scholarships are listed only as a service to our A+
students and parents. Students and parents must check with the individual colleges and universities to verify scholarship
availability and requirements to students with A+ certification.
Avila University
11901 Wornall Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64145
(816) 942-8400 ext. 3500
Avila A+ Recognition Scholarship—Provides $4,000 annually for four years.
Awarded to full-time, first-year students who successfully complete the A+ Program.
Recipients must also have a 20 ACT Composite.
Recipients must maintain a 2.85 cumulative GPA for renewal.
May not be combined with other Avila academic scholarships.
Drury College
900 N. Benton Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
1280 Forum Drive
Rolla, MO 65401
531 W. Bland Road
Lebanon, MO 65536
Drury and OTC Sign Dual Admission Agreement for A+ Students.
A+ Students can now transfer seamlessly from OTC to Drury.
Missouri A+ Recognition Scholarship--$1,000 annual award
Open to Missouri students who complete the A+ program requirements.
Renewable with a 3.0 cumulative GPA
Final transcripts indicating proof of program completion DO NOT constitute application for the
Missouri A+ Recognition Scholarship. Students must submit the online application prior to the deadline
and complete the A+ program requirements prior to graduation.
How to apply:
Apply and be admitted to Drury University
Apply online at www.drury.edu/aplus prior to the January 10 deadline
Submit proof of completion of A+ program requirements via final high school transcript
Central Methodist College
411 Central Methodist Square
Fayette, MO 65248
A+ Program Scholarship--1/2 Tuition Scholarship
Any student who has completed the A+ program during high school will be eligible for a half-tuition
scholarship. A transfer student must have maintained A+ eligibility at a junior college or community college.
A+ scholarships need fulfillment documentation from high school
Missouri Southern State University
3950 E. Newman Road
Joplin, MO 64801-1595
A+ Leadership Scholarship--$1,000 per academic year; $500 per semester for a
maximum or eight semesters.
Available: A total of 100 per year on a first-come basis. Recipients will be selected based on the date the A+
Leadership Scholarship Application AND Application for Admission are received.
Value: $1,000 per academic year; $500 per semester for a maximum of eight semesters -Cannot be combined
with other academic institutional scholarships.
-Can be combined with performance awards, not to exceed full tuition and residence hall costs, if living
in the residence hall.
Criteria: Available to first-time freshmen only - from an accredited A+ Missouri High school.
-Must be admitted to Missouri Southern State University
-Must attend MSSU the first semester immediately following High School Graduation:
-Verification of A+ certification by High School Transcript
-Must enroll in at least 12 credit hours per semester.
-Must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Renewable: Up to eight consecutive semesters with enrollment in at least 12 credit hours per semester with a
2.5 GPA the first semester of the award and a 3.0 semester GPA each consecutive fall and spring semester
Northwest Missouri State
800 University Drive
Marysville, MO 64468
A+ Scholarship--$1,000 or $2, 000 scholarships for incoming freshmen
Dependent upon other scholarship awards.
May be renewed, dependent upon grades, for up to three more years.
Park University
8700 NW River Dr.
Parkville, MO 64152
(816) 942-8400 ext.3500
A-Plus Scholarship—50% tuition
Eligibility criteria:
Attend an A-Plus-eligible high school (must provide a letter of eligibility from
your high school counselor), and 3.25 cumulative high school GPA
24 ACT or 1650 SAT score
Renewal criteria:
Must maintain 3.25 GPA
Available for a maximum of four years
Must complete 24 credit hours each
Lindenwood College
209 S. Kingshighway
St. Charles, MO 63301
(636) 949-2000
ACT 25-29
Selection depends on recommendation, community service and residential student.
Missouri Western College
4525 Downs Drive
St. Joseph, MO 64507
(816) 271-4200
A Plus Program
This program provides financial assistance to A Plus eligible students who are enrolled in programs of study
leading to diplomas, certificates, or associate degrees approved by the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher
Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Students must enroll in a minimum
of 12 credit hours of approved A Plus classes and maintain a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. This award
pays for tuition and common fees. Missouri Western participates in the A Plus program in conjunction with
Hillyard Technical Center.
Stephens College
1200 E. Broadway
Columbia, MO 65215
A+ Scholarship--$1,000
Freshmen students who complete the A+ program and earn at least a 3.0 GPA, will be offered a $1,000 A+
Truman State University
100 E. Normal
Kirksville, MO 63501-4221
A+ Recognition Scholarship--$500 per academic year
Accepted applicants expected to successfully complete the A+ Program. Verification of A+ Certification
required on official final high school transcript.
Webster University
470 E. Lockwood Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63119-3194
(314) 968-6900
A+ Scholarship--$,1000-$2,000 (unlimited)
Awarded to first-time freshmen who A) graduate from an A+ high school, as certified by the state of Missouri,
B) have completed the requirements of the program, and C) are certified by their high school to receive the A+
Scholarship offered by the state of Missouri. The award level is based on the applicant's cumulative grade
point average, class rank, and ACT or SAT scores. In addition to the A+ certification, a minimum ACT of 21 or
SAT of 1500 is required. This is a Webster University award. The A+ award offered by the state of Missouri may
only be used at Missouri public community colleges.
William Woods University
One University Ave.
Fulton, MO 65251
A+ Award--$1,000
Automatically awarded upon receipt of certified transcripts from a Missouri A+ designated high school.
Southeast Missouri State University
One University Plaza
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Southeast A+ Scholarship: The Southeast A+ Scholarship is a University-sponsored scholarship. The
scholarship requirements and renewal criteria closely relate to those in place for the Missouri A+ Program. The
Southeast A+ Scholarship only covers eligible majors. Those majors include:
1. Associate of Applied Science/Computer Technology with options in:
a. Automated Manufacturing
b. Microcomputer Systems
c. Technical Computer Graphics
2. Associate of Applied Science/Child Care and Guidance
The Southeast A+ Scholarship covers:
Incidental and general fees for courses that are part of an eligible program.
Student is responsible for all other charges (textbooks, course fees, room and board, bookstore,
parking decal, etc.) and for making payments by the scheduled due dates.
By participating in the Southeast A+ Scholarship Program, the student relinquishes any other
University-based merit scholarship(s) intended for incidental and/or general fees.
The Southeast A+ Scholarship is authorized to cover incidental and general fees, less any Federal Pell
Grant award (including Academic Competitiveness Grants), Access Missouri Grant, and/or other
awards specifically denoted for incidental and/or general fees.