CHOLERA RESPONSE AND PREVENTION COMMUNCATION PLAN JANUARY 2013 – DECEMBER 2013 Background Cholera has become endemic in many parts of the country especially due to poor basic sanitation, high rates of open defecation (less than 10 per cent latrine coverage and use), and lack of public awareness in many areas. Children are often the most vulnerable due to exposure at school and play. There is an urgent need to address the situation before it deteriorates. In addition, there is a general lack of preparedness and capacity for effective response and lack of knowledge of the extent of the on-going epidemic by the general population. In many instances, the pattern of spread has been rather erratic, due to the general nature of the causative environmental issues. To that end, most high density urban areas, and areas with high transient populations, such as major commercial centres in rural areas are the most at risk. Delays in reporting of the early outbreak of cholera in the regions have led to high case fatality rates and the continued spread of cholera to new districts and across other borders – Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso have also increased the threat levels in 2012. Furthermore, the unexpectedly severe early outbreak of cholera across the West Africa sub-region last year caused a level two emergency for which the Government of Ghana was not prepared for in 2012. Between 1 January and 23 December 2012 (Week 51), Ghana recorded a total of 9,542 cases of cholera with 100 deaths (1.0 per cent case fatality rate). Several districts from nine regions including Greater Accra, Eastern, Brong Ahafo, Western, Volta, Ashanti, Northern and Upper East Regions were affected in 2012. Anecdotal reports since then indicate that most of the affected districts have had regular re-occurring cholera outbreaks due to factors such as poor supplies of potable water, poor household and environmental sanitation and floods leading to contamination of water sources with the associated poor hygiene behaviours and practices by the population. Affected communities therefore needed to be empowered with knowledge and skills so they will be encouraged to take appropriate actions for themselves to help prevent the regular outbreaks of cholera in their communities. According to information received from Ghana Health Service (GHS) of the Ministry of Health (MOH) the initial focal outbreaks of the disease which were reported in the Western and Brong Ahafo Regions, as well as the epidemic in Northern Region were practically over by September 2012. However, by October 2012, 62 new cases with one death wasagain reported in Tarkwa and Takoradi Metro of the Western Region and 32 new cases from the Northern Region. For this reason, the call to improve the overall risk perception and hygiene practices of communities living in cholera-prone areas through long term communication activities for sustained behavioural and social change using a mix of community based 1|P a g e participatory methods has become very important to halt the recurring outbreaks of the disease. This is due to the fact that social and cultural influences particularly amongst individuals with low levels of education and access to resources are strong challenges, posing a barrier to social and behavior change. In addition traditional beliefs, herbal remedies, spiritual associations to health and illness, and practices, based on age-old beliefs are also resistant to change. Again, illnesses such as diarrhea are perceived as common events that one must simply endure rather than as a potential danger. In response to the request from the Government of Ghana for support, and in close consultation with all stakeholders and partners (such as Environmental Health and Sanitation Division of the Ministry of Local Government, the Water Directorate of the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing, National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) Health Promotion Department of Ghana Health Service, Red Cross Society of Ghana, GIZ Disease Surveillance and Disease Control Departments of Ghana Health Service, Plan International, CHF International, WHO, UNDP, SHEP, AMA, Chairperson of Parliamentary Select Committee on Water Resources) UNICEF developed a communication plan to guide the implementation of targeted communication activities aimed at changinghygiene behaviour and practices for the prevention and control of cholera for the period of August 2012- end 2013. During the implementation of the plan in 2012, it was identified that the following actions would have to be taken in order to support the prevention and control activities being undertaken. These included the following: Advocate for nationally coordinated action to shift from the “fire fighting approach” used in Ghana to respond to the cholera outbreak to a more long term sustainable approach to achieve both social and behavior change using evidence based participatory methods to ensure that individuals, communities, organizations and policy makers are all active partners in achieving the change at the various levels. Advocate for the creation of a more enabling environment for the achievement of sustained changes in behaviours Strengthen capacity and skills of agencies and institutions responsible for cholera response and prevention Support the frontline health workers including other frontline partners at the district and regional levels with appropriate communication materials including audio visuals to enable them carry out targeted activities for sustained change in behaviours of individuals and communities. In addition to the above, the re-occurring nature of the disease presents the need for continued implementation of the targeted communication activities in order to achieve a 2|P a g e sustained change in behaviours for complete prevention of subsequent outbreaks. This plan was therefore developed to cover activities from January 2013 to December 2013. The plan will be implemented with the support and in consultation with many partners including the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), Health Promotion Department of the Ghana Health Service (HP/GHS), the Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, School Health Education Programme, National Food and Drugs Board as well as other government agencies, development partners, NGOs/CSOs and the private sector. Goal The main goal of this plan is to reduce the threat of an outbreak of cholera in the regions affected in 2012 by improving the hygiene behavior and practices of certainkey population groups. The aim is to increase the level of knowledge on the causes, symptoms and modes of prevention of the disease. Everybody in Ghana needs to be knowledgeable of the possible reoccurrence of an outbreak of cholera in 2013 in the country, and as such the total population in communities, are the crucial actors in responding to mitigate such an outbreak in 2013. The priority behaviours that would be promoted are: Washing hands with soap and plenty of water at key times After defecating, After cleaning a child’s stools Before preparing food before eating food or feeding children Practicing good food hygiene Washing fruit and vegetables thoroughly under running water Cooking food thoroughly and eating it hot, Covering left over food and protecting it from flies and dust Maintaining good personal and environmental hygiene Safe excreta disposal Use of latrines (stopopen defecation) Disposal of child’s faeces safely (in latrines) Drinking safe water Drink boiled, cooled water which is stored safely Drink treated water particularly during an outbreak(Household water treatment (HWT) by using chlorine tablets) 3|P a g e Clean environment Safe rubbish disposal – Maintain a clean environment – home and community Treatment of cholera during an outbreak Report to the nearest health facility when you have any signs of Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) – 3 or more watery stools in a day. Start rehydration immediately (and to be en route to health facility) Give ORS as routine practice for all cases of diarrhoea Continue to breastfeed babies (exclusively if under 6 months) Good hygiene in schools/funerals / weddings /durbars by the use of appropriate hand washing systems, serving only hot food and treated water. The main actors to be targeted as agents of change are: Households – All family members but particularly women and young people especially, girls Other contact/carers of cholera patients (who are normally left out of cholera education/ hygiene promotion activities) e.g. taxi drivers who transport the patients to the hospitals/health centres – Schools – pupils, Teachers, SHEP Coordinators and Circuit Supervisors Food vendors, restaurants, hoteliers and chop bar operators/cafeterias Market traders especially market women who sell food items both seaters and roamers Community leaders /chiefs and queen mothers /religious leaders /assembly men Community Based organisations Organisers of Funerals /weddings /durbars/out doorings/naming ceremonies. Public Toilet Operators District Assemblies – health services /environmental heath Water Vendors (where appropriate) Journalists – Ghana Network of WATSAN Journalist The Channels for the key messages are: Institutional channels: including recognized public and private bodies such as the Government Ministries with outreach workers (e.g. MLGRD/EHSD, Ghana Health Service, Ministry of Education/GES, National Disaster Management Organisation etc), networks of development workers, NGOs, etc., for the dissemination of correct and timely information on cholera towards a coordinated response including enforcement of regulations and by-laws. Mass Media channels: such as television, radio, printed press, bill boards Social media channels: such as the use of the Internet, SMS text messages etc. 4|P a g e Socio-traditional and socio-cultural channels: Opinion leaders (customary chiefs, queen mothers, religious leaders, notables, intellectuals, organized groups etc.) and other informal networks through the various forms and opportunities of traditional popular communication such as durbars, community/village meetings, collective work in the fields, vigils and wakes, talks, baptisms, markets, marriages, funerals, naming ceremonies, marriage ceremonies, journeys in public transports, churches and mosques etc. Commercial channels: The marketing circuits for common WASH related products such as supermarkets, other retail shops, bookshops, kiosks, pharmacy shops, etc. Inter personal communication (IPC) channels – through Community Based Volunteers, CSOs e.g. Ghana Red Cross (GRC), Mothers Clubs and Assembly Agents in workshops, Group discussions, Forum Theatre, Door to door outreach, Peer to Peer outreach etc. Proximity Media channels: such as Community Information Centres (CIC) - PA systems, Mobile Vans – videos and community outreach, Community Radio (Talk shows with phone-ins and Jingles, life presenter mentioning), Posters and wall paintings depicting key desirable hygiene behaviours. In addition an animated short film called “The Story of Cholera” was also used in IPC settings for the health workers to understand how cholera spreads and what actions can be taken and was later used in affected communities and places of gathering to increase awareness on cholera prevention mechanisms in 2012. However this will be adopted in 2013 to use a similar story line but launch it using the ‘Sara Communication Initiative’ as a platform for Entertainment Education. Communication Materials to be used for the campaign include: Flip Charts Fliers Posters Bill Boards / wall paintings Brochures (Q&A) PromotionalMaterials/stickers IPC Manual Audio (recorded messages, audio drama series, radio magazine shows and jingles) Videos (documentaries on cholera e.g. The Story of Cholera Video, audiovisual jingles, drama series on cholera, Sara video etc) 5|P a g e Monitoring of the activities Quarterly monitoring visits will be carried out in the districts where implementation is ongoing to assess the extent of progress of program implementation and whether beneficiaries are practicing the desired and recommended behaviours. In addition, an anthropological study to investigate human perception and behaviours in relation to cholera will also be done in 2013. 6|P a g e IMPLEMENTATION PLAN – COMMUNICATION FOR PREVENTION OF CHOLERA When Action/Activity J F M A M J J A S O N D Responsibility Budget $ (USD) Objective 1.: Advocate for a nationally coordinated action to shift from the “firefighting approach” used in Ghana to respond to the cholera outbreak to a more long term sustainable approach to achieve both social and behavior change by creating the enabling environment and using evid ence based participatory methods to ensure that individuals, communities, organizations and policy makers are all active partners in achieving the change at the various levels Hold separate meetings with a) Parliamentary Sub-Committees for Water Resources Works and Housing b) Parliamentary Committee on Health c) Parliamentary Committee on Education: and present to them the trend of the cholera outbreaks in Ghana over a period of 5 years, the risk factors and bottle necks, recommended solutions and share the communication plan with them for their buyin as well as discuss government’s support for a more proactive and sustained response to the cholera outbreaks to ensure total prevention Hold a second/follow up meeting to bring all the three sub-committees together to develop an action plan on roles each committee will play to ensure the sustained prevention of cholera outbreaks in Ghana (with lessons from the Program for the Eradication of Guinea Worm) Hold meetings with the key stakeholders and partners in WASH (one at the national level and two for each Regional every six months) for the dissemination of activities being carried out by the various stakeholders at the various levels to respond to and prevent cholera outbreaks in Ghana Regularize the WASH Sector Emergency Committee by spelling out exact mandate and roles of the committee, frequency of meetings etc Hold WASH Sector Emergency Response Committee meetings every other month to discuss issues on emergency response especially issues relating to cholera prevention x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x WHO and UNICEF in collaboration with the MWRWH, MLGRD, MoE and MOH $15,000.00 WHO and UNICEF in collaboration with the MWRWH, MLGRD, MoE and MOH UNICEF (C4D & WASH), EHSD, Water Directorate, NADMO, GHS Health Promotion Dept. (HP), NGO/ UNICEF (WASH & C4D), EHSD, Water Directorate, NADMO UNICEF (WASH & C4D), EHSD, Water Directorate, $5,000.00 7|P a g e $45,000.00 $2,000.00 $12,000.00 When Action/Activity J F M A M J J A S O N D Responsibility Budget $ (USD) NADMO Hold regular meetings for the Communication Sub-committee on Emergencies to discuss progress in the implementation of the communication plan, any lessons learnt during monitoring, what needs to be improved or changed, participatory methods to be adopted etc. x x x x x x HPD/GHS, NADMO, EHSD, UNICEF (C4D) Sub- total $6,000.00 $85,000.00 Objective 2. Strengthen capacity and skills of agencies and institutions responsible for cholera response and prevention Extend the 3 days training workshop in participatory community mobilization techniques for cholera response & prevention (– to include IPC methodology and use of Pre-prepared communication materials – e.g. UNICEF Cholera flipcharts, fliers, the Story of Cholera video etc) to other regions that have not been captured in the first plan (i.e. Western, Ashanti and Upper West regions i Identified potential ToT candidates from the frontline health workers in these 3 regions to conduct step down orientations for community volunteers and community groups to equip them with similar skills for a coordinated response and prevention of cholera Conduct one day training for at least 20 school children and school based SHEP coordinators and circuit supervisors selected from at least 10 schools from each of the affected districts of all the regions to act as WASH ambassadors to promote key cholera and hygiene behaviours in their schools and communities (20 school children x 10 schools per each affected district x 8 regions) Conduct a two days orientation for selected journalists/press men to improve their capacity on reporting on issues related to WASH especially cholera x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x UNICEF (C4D & WASH), EHSD/ GHS Health Promotion Dept. (HP), NADMO $22,500.00 UNICEF (C4D & WASH), EHSD/ GHS Health Promotion Dept. (HP), NADMO, MMDAs UNICEF (C4D & WASH), GHS/HPD, NADMO, MMDAs, MoE/SHEP UNICEF (C4D & WASH), GHS/HPD and identified media houses $15, 500.00 Sub-total $103,000.00 $55,000.00 $10,000.00 8|P a g e When Action/Activity J F M A M J J A S O N D Responsibility Budget $ (USD) Objective 3: Support the frontline health workers at the district and regional levels with appropriate communication materials including a udio visuals to enable them carry out targeted activities for sustained change in behaviours of individuals and communities Re-print about 1000 more copies of the IPC manual to be distributed to every frontline health worker who has been taken through the IPC training in all the regions (50 participants x 10 regions = 500) UNICEF (C4D for $30,000.00 the printing), x x HPD/GHS, x NADMO and EHSD for the distribution Re-print more copies of the cholera Flip chart and distribute to be used for group discussions in the communities in the Western, Ashanti and Upper West Regions UNICEF (C4D for x x x $15,000.00 the printing), GHS x and EHSD for the distribution Re-print 100,000 poster and 100,000 fliers on Cholera prevention and the use of Chlorine Tablets for household water treatment and distribute in the Western, Ashanti and Upper West Regions Produce a video documentary on cholera (its causes, prevention and treatment) using the concept of “The Story of Cholera” – for the urban and rural settings in the different local languages x x x x Make 5000 DVDs copies of the video documentary and distribute to all district offices of EHSD, NADMO, HPD/GHS, Information Services Department (ISD) CWSA, FDA etc to be used for group discussions in the communities x x x x x x x UNICEF (C4D for the printing), GHS and EHSD for the distribution UNICEF (C4D and Supply) , HPD/GHS, EHSD and NADMO UNICEF, EHSD, NADMO, HPD/GHS, ISD, CWSA, FDA Sub-total $20,000.00 $30,000.00 $15,000.00 110,000.00 Objective 4: By the end of the one year period communities will be mobilized around cholera prevention and response through a coordinated team of Community Agents equipped with IPC and community mobilization skills and materials as well as a common understanding of the symptoms of cholera and the need for rapid re-hydration and treatment, the causes of cholera & key hygiene behaviours to prevent it House to house visits by 10 trained community volunteers, CHNs and x x x x x x x x x x x x UNICEF (C4D & 9|P a g e $20,000.00 When Action/Activity J F M A M J J A S O N D EHOs from each of the districts of the affected Regions to distribute printed materials starting with cholera affected HHs and their neighbours as a priority (to promote HWT – boiling or other methods -distribute materials e.g. Aqua tabs & train in their use, promote HWWS and key hygiene behaviours, promote ORS for routine diarrhoea treatment, promote hygienic disposal of faecal and solid waste throughout period of implementation) Responsibility Budget $ (USD) WASH) GHS (HP), EHSD, MMDAs Subtotal $20,000.00 Objective 5. : Regularly Engage the support of community leaders & Radio stations in community mobilization to fight cholera Hold person to person meetings with metropolitan/municipal/district authorities, the most influential community leaders, religious leaders & Radio representatives in selected districts of the affected regions to involve them in cholera prevention activities, through discussion about the causes of cholera, and the roles they can play in mobilizing the community to protect itself - including possible by-laws (e.g. banning of flying toilets, compulsory provision of hand washing stations at restaurants and toilets) At least 4 Community leaders, other agents & invited ‘experts’ engaged as resource persons in 2 radio discussions per week for two months in the affected Regions on cholera, its causes, treatment and prevention and answer questions as well as discuss community based solutions Broadcast key messages on cholera prevention and hygiene promotion BCC messages through radio spots/Live Presenter Mentioning and jingles 2 prime times a day for 60 days on at least 2radio stations in selected districts of the affected regions x x x x x x x x x x x x UNICEF (C4D & WASH) /CHF, GHS/HP, CWSA, NADMO, EHSD and key trained community agents $16,000.00 UNICEF (C4D & $16,000.00 WASH) /CHF, x x x x x x x x x x x x EHSD/GHS/HP UNICEF x x x x x x x x x x x x $30,000.00 (C4D,WASH) EHSD/ GHS/HP Subtotal $62,000.00 Objective 6.: Engage the support of CSOs, community groups & clubs etc in the fight against cholera and develop a collaborative relationship between them and the EHOs Mobilize and conduct at least a monthly small group meeting with one Mothers' Club each in at least 4 districts each of the affected x x x x x x x x x x x x CHN/CHV, CWSA, City $ 10, 000.00 10 | P a g e When Action/Activity J F M A M J J A S O N D Regions to involve them in cholera prevention activities for 6 months Regularly hold small group meetings with food vendors, organized groups and market women to involve them in cholera prevention activities, through discussion about the causes of cholera, and train them good food hygiene, importance of HWWS, protecting food from flies etc Regularly hold small group meetings with water vendors to involve them in cholera prevention activities, through discussion about the causes of cholera, and train them in improving the safety of drinking water by water treatment and safe water handling and storage Regularly hold at least a monthly small group meeting with the public toilet operators, managers and staff in at least 4 district from each of the affected regions to involve them in cholera prevention activities through discussions about causes of cholera, their responsibilities to the public as operators of public latrine facilities (for which they charge) and find suitable ways of keeping toilets clean to make them attractive to the public in order to prevent open defecation as well as providing hand washing facilities Regularly hold small group meetings with at least 10 Organizers of Funeral and other public gathering to involve them in cholera prevention activities, through discussion about the causes of cholera & how it can be spread e.g. by handshaking, and the importance of providing HWWS facilities and keeping good food and drinking water hygiene at large gatherings (two meetings within the period of implementation in at least 4 districts each of the affected Regions) Intensify Inspections & visits to food vendors and market traders at their stalls to involve them in cholera prevention activities, through discussion about the causes of cholera, and the role that they have to play to protect themselves and the community from cholera – e.g. by using good food hygiene, HWWS & protecting food from flies Intensify Inspections & visits to public latrines to ensure compliance of x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Responsibility Budget $ (USD) Authorities, community WASH teams and EHOs CHN/CHV, CWSA, City Authorities, community WASH teams and EHOs CHN/CHV, CWSA, City Authorities, community WASH teams and EHOs CHN/CHV, CWSA, City Authorities, community WASH teams and EHOs $ 10, 000.00 CHN/CHV, CWSA, City Authorities, community WASH teams and EHOs x x x x x x x x x x x x City Authorities, community WASH teams and EHOs x x x x x x x x x x x x City Authorities, 11 | P a g e $10, 000.00 $ 10, 000.00 $10, 00000 - - When Action/Activity J F M A M J J A S O N D operators to by-laws e.i. provision of hand washing facilities, proper disposal of feaces, clean environment etc Responsibility Budget $ (USD) community WASH teams and EHOs Subtotal $50,000.00 Objective 7.: By the one year period messages about symptoms and treatment of cholera, handwashing with soap, the use of Aqua tabs, ending open defecation and proper disposal of refuse will be re-enforced Use Multimedia Mobile information Vans and community information Centres to educate the community about Cholera using the Community Information Centres & in Mosques and Churches and screen selected videos on Cholera and Hygiene e.g. ‘The Story of Cholera’ & ‘Choose Soap’ in markets / taxi parks, community parks/centres, funeral grounds, schools etc Install wall paintings & posters with key Cholera and Hygiene Promotion Images- taken from the Cholera Flip Chart on walls of public places (e.g. 10 Public Toilets and 2 Markets each in at least 4 districts from each of the affected regions) using identified artists from the communities Carry out cholera awareness creation campaigns on at least 3 TV stations of national coverage by playing the new TV documentary on Cholera two times a day for 10 days every month Engage experts from GHS, EHSD, NADMO and community resource in TV discussions on cholera in an interactive manner (allowing listeners to call in to ask questions) once a month for 3 consecutive months from Feb – April and 3 consecutive months from August to September Information Service, $5,500.00 City Authorities, x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x trained frontline health workers UNICEF (C4D & WASH) and City / District Authorities, UNICEF (C4D & x x x x x x x x x x x x $6000.00 $30,000.00 WASH) EHDA/ GHS/HP UNICEF (C4D & $10,000.00 WASH) EHSD/ x x x x x x MMDA/ GHS/HP. NADMO Subtotal 51,500.00 Objective 8.: Monitor and evaluate the activities Conduct quarterly monitoring implementation is ongoing visits to the districts where Conduct two rapid assessments on people’s knowledge on cholera, causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment in selected districts x x x x x x UNICEF (C4D & WASH) GHS/HP, EHSD, NADMO UNICEF (C4D & WASH) GHS/HP, 12 | P a g e UNICEF 1,500 When Action/Activity J F M A M J J A S O N D following year Budget $ (USD) EHSD, NADMO UNICEF (C4D & Evaluate the impact of the activities on reduction of cholera cases and prevention of further outbreaks and make recommendations for the Responsibility x WASH) GHS/HP, EHSD, NADMO Subtotal 1,500 GRAND TOTAL $482,500.00 i For more information please contact Surangani Abeyesekera, Communication for Development Specialist, UNCIEF Ghana. Email: Tel: +233(0)542117449 13 | P a g e