Study Guide: Animals, Habitats,

Study Guide: Animal Habitats/Living-Nonliving
Science SOLs 2.5a and 2.7
Students will need to know the following information for the test. Please help them study.
1. All animals need food, water, shelter, air, and a space to live in.
They depend on other living things and their nonliving surroundings for
2. Shelter may be living or nonliving.
3. Animals are dependent on their surroundings. An animal would be
greatly affected by the loss of its habitat.
4. Living things: eat, grow, and reproduce (plants and animals)
5. Habitats change from season to season. Habitats of living things, such
as forests, rivers, streams, grasslands, nd rain forests change due to many influences.
6. Fossils provide information about animals, plants, weather, and climate from long ago.
7. Living things in a forest would include: trees, plants and animals
8. Examples of forest animals: deer, squirrels, cardinals, and turkeys
9. The forest habitat has a variety of trees including: evergreen,
conifers, and deciduous
10. The forest habitat experiences all four seasons (spring, summer, fall
and winter)
11. Grasslands are found on all of the continents except Antarctica.
12. Prairies and Savannas are two main types of Grasslands.
13. Examples of prairie animals include: gray wolf, skunk, eastern
cottontail rabbit, buffalo, red fox, prairie dog, prairie rattlesnake.
14. Examples of savanna animals include: lion, zebra, cheetah,
hippopotamus, rhinoceros, African elephant.
15. Grasslands cover over 25% of the earth’s land surfaces.
16. Tropical rain forests can be found in Africa, Asia, and South America.
17. The tropical rain forests provide us with cacao beans used to make
18. Examples of animals in a rain forest: a sloth, toucans, spider
monkeys, poison-arrow frogs
19. The rain forests can receive up to thirty feet of rain in one year.
20. The tropical rain forests are near the equator.
21. Freshwater habitats include rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds
22. Examples of animals in a freshwater habitat: turtles, fish, craw fish, otters, and beavers
23. Freshwater habitats