2015 UHSDF Scholarship Audition Application

Audition #
Utah Dance Education Organization's
Utah High School Dance Festival
February 27, 2015 7:00-8:30pm at Weber State University
Complete form after reviewing list of all available Scholarships.
Student Name ____________________________________________________________
Home Address ___________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________ State __________ Zip ___________
Email: ______________________________ Phone _________________________
High School ______________________________________________________________
Grade __________ GPA __________ Recent SAT or ACT scores ___________________
Name of Teacher __________________________________________________
List the Colleges/Universities you are interested in attending in order of preference:
(see Participating Universities on page 3)
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
List your top 4 choices of scholarships or awards in order of preference:
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
Check here if you are only taking this as a MASTER CLASS
for experience and you are NOT AUDITIONING.
Complete info on next page
Describe your financial needs:
Briefly describe your goals in dance and indicate whether you plan to attend college:
Honors received (in dance and other):
Dance Training/Teachers/Styles/High School Dance Classes (List most recent and crucial only):
Student Signature _________________________________________________________
Parent /Guardian Signature _________________________________________________
(Signature gives permission to copy this information and to distribute to Festival recruiters, university professors, and
companies for recruitment purposes only).
Participating Universities/Colleges
The following Universities/Colleges will be in attendance, providing information, and/or scholarship offers at
the Festival.
Brigham Young University
Casper College
Dixie State University
Salt Lake Community College
Snow College
Southern Utah University
University of Utah
Utah Valley University
Weber State University
Westminster College
Western Wyoming Community College
UDE O 2 0 15 Hi gh S c hool Fes ti va l : S c hol a rs hi p/ Aw a rd O ffe ri ngs
BYU Con te mpora ry Da nc e I nte ns i ve *J uni ors O NLY
Brigham Young University
Award/Scholarship: Scholarship
Type: Workshop/Festival
Amount: Two $300 Scholarships
Tuition (Partial or Full): $300 partial tuition scholarship for the BYU Contemporary Dance Intensive
Room and Board: none
Other: none
The student is still responsible for: Tuition (approximately $350), room and board if staying on campus, additional fees.
Dates of Program: June 23-July 3, 2015
Curriculum includes: Daily classes in technique, creative process, jazz, etc. The intensive also includes a closing
Criteria: These scholarships will be awarded to a current JUNIOR in high school with advanced dance skills and an
expressed interest in attending BYU.
BYU Da nc e E duc ati on S c hol a rs hi p
Brigham Young University
Award/Scholarship: Scholarship
Type: University/College
Amount: $1250 Partial Tuition Scholarship
Tuition (Partial or Full): one-time $1250 partial tuition scholarship
Room and Board: none
Other: none
The student is still responsible for: Tuition, room and board, additional fees.
Dates of Program: Anticipated start date: Fall 2015
Curriculum includes: Coursework in dance technique, creative process, pedagogy, theory, etc.
Criteria: 1) Applicants must apply for and be accepted to Brigham Young University. 2) Applicants must demonstrate
proficiency in technique, creative process, and potential as a future dance educator. 3) Completed Guidelines and Personal
Statements document. Download here 2015 BYU Dance Education Scholarship Guidelines Statements 4) Submitted Teacher
Recommendation form. Download here 2015 BYU Dance Education Scholarship Teacher Recommendation Form
CC De pt of The a tre / Da nc e Ac ti vi ti e s S c hola rs hi p
Casper College
Award/Scholarship: Scholarship
Type: University/College
Amount: $1800
Tuition (Partial or Full): Full Tuition - 2 yrs, $1,800/yr
Room and Board:
The student is still responsible for: room, board, books
Dates of Program: 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 Academic Yrs.
Curriculum includes: Associates in Dance - Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Musical Theatre, Dance History, Composition,
Improvisation, and Performance Training
Criteria: Acceptance to Casper College
RDT Young Da nc e r W orks hop (J uniors / S e ni ors )
Repertory Dance Theatre
Award/Scholarship: Scholarship
Type: Workshop/Festival
Amount: $100
Tuition (Partial or Full): $100 partial tuition
Room and Board: none
Other: none
The student is still responsible for: $100
Dates of Program: July 13-17, 2015. Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm
Curriculum includes: Modern Dance Technique, Hip Hop, Ballroom, Composition, Repertory, Site Specific Improvisation,
and Partnering
Criteria: Ages 6 to 17, must have dance experience, intermediate level.
RW Young Da nc e W ork s hop (J uni ors or S e ni o rs )
Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company
Award/Scholarship: Scholarship
Type: Workshop/Festival
Amount: $200
Tuition (Partial or Full): Full Tuition for 6 day registration
Room and Board: none
Other: none
The student is still responsible for: none
Dates of Program: August 3-8, 2015
Curriculum includes: Modern dance technique, improvisation, folk forms, ballet, jazz, yoga, and repertory.
Criteria: Outstanding technical ability and excellent demonstration of creativity. High potential for further dance training.
Dancer's desire, commitment, and dedication to continue and develop his/her talent and skill.
S LCC Da nc e Compa n y S c hol a rs hi p
Salt Lake Community College
Award/Scholarship: Scholarship
Type: University/College
Amount: $500
Tuition (Partial or Full): Partial tuition only (no fees, books, or other college expenses)
Room and Board:
The student is still responsible for: depends on number of credits registered
Dates of Program: Fall semester, 2014 (could be renewed for Spring with positive academic review
Curriculum includes: Student must register and participate in the SLCC performing group: SLCC Dance Company
(DANC1800). Must also register for a technique class at SLCC during the semester receiving the scholarship
Criteria: Men & women are eligible. Intermediate level of technique is required, with performance experience, determined
by audition
W W CC Da nce Sc hol a rs hi p
Western Wyoming Community College
Award/Scholarship: Scholarship
Type: University/College
Amount: $2400
Tuition (Partial or Full): $2400 Full Tuition (subject to change, scholarship will cover 2015-16 tuition amount)
Room and Board: none
Other: none
The student is still responsible for: Room and board, additional fees.
Dates of Program: Anticipated start date: Fall 2015
Curriculum includes: Coursework in dance technique, creative process, pedagogy, theory, etc.
Criteria: Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in technique and creative process