MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF SEMEYnamed after SHAKARIM Document of SQM of 3rd level Edition №1from «25»02 2015 Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 A Laboratory Manualof discipline on of«Physical and Colloidal Chemistry»for lecturer Natural Science Department The chair of Chemistry and Geography A Laboratory Manualof discipline on «PHYSICAL AND COLLOIDAL CHEMISTRY» For the students of 3rd course For the specialty: 5B011200 – Chemistry Semey 2015 Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Preface 1 WORKED OUT Compiled by: ______________B.B.Bayakhmetova, Ph.D. in Chemistry, senior teacher of the Chemistry and Geography Department 2 DISCUSSED 2.1 At the meeting of Chemistry Department Protocol ___,January___, 2015 Head of the Department ____________ D.R.Ontagarova 2.2 At the meeting of Educational-Methodological Bureau of the Natural Science Department Protocol ___, January ___, 2015 Head of the Bureau____________ Z.V.Abdisheva Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from CONTENT 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Methodical recommendationsfor conductinglaboratory works Laboratory work# 1. Mollarrefraction Laboratorywork# 2. Calorimetric measurements Laboratory work# 3. Studying of homogeneous chemical reaction equilibrium in solutions 1.4. Laboratory work# 4. Construction of melting diagram of the binary system: phenol – naphthalene 1.5. Laboratory work# 5.Determination of the rate constant and activation energy of acetoneiodination reaction 1.6. Laboratory work# 6.Colloid particles. Preparation of iron(III) hydroxide colloidal solution 1.7. Laboratory work# 7.Adsorption at the liquid-solid interface. Investigation of adsorption of acetic acid on the activated charcoal 1.8. Laboratory work# 8.Coagulation of sols and studying of their properties 1.9. Laboratory work# 9.Polymers relative molecular masses from viscosity measurements 1.10.Laboratory work# 10.Isoelectric points 1.11.Laboratory work# 11.Synthesis of emulsion and investigation its properties Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Methodical recommendationsfor conductinglaboratory works Laboratory studiespromotesknowledge of thephysical methods ofchemical research,the studentdevelopsindependence andinstillsthe skillsof the experiment.In order towork in the laboratorytook placesuccessfully,you must firstexplorethe theoretical materialfrom textbooks, lecture notesand thebenefitsof chemicalworkshops. Thisproducesa conscious attitude tothe implementationof experimental techniques, the work itselfwill beunderstood,and, therefore,and understood.Working in thechemistry labshouldstrictly observe thesafety rulesand regulationsofthe chemicalutensils andappliances.We must learnto usechemical agents, chemical equipment,which are listedin the guidelinesfor the workon the chemicalworkshop. Guidelinesshould not bea straitjacket, and to depriveindependence,but ratherfollow the orders ofspeeds up, prevents possibledamage toequipment,glasswareand reagents.The success of theexperimental workdepends notonly on thecorrectness of the choiceof working methods,the sequenceof measurement, weight measurements, but also on the correctsystematic recording ofresults. By theimplementation ofthe laboratory workallowedstudents withadmissionafter verification ofa teacherof theoretical knowledgeon the subject, knowledge of laboratorymethodsof workand preparedto conductlab journalentrieson the topic.After completingthe laboratory workthe student mustbring order toyour workplaceand deliver themon dutyortechnician. After processing theresults in thelab bookthe student mustsubmit the reportteacher. Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Laboratory work#1 The molar refraction Objectives: An experimental study of refraction additivity. Equipment: refractometer, pycnometer, analytical balances, capillaries Reagents: toluene, acetone, benzene, hexane, chloroform, distilled water,alcohol Procedure: You must to find the density and refractive index of the test substances fordetermination the specific (molar) refraction. For determination of densitytest substances, pre-weighed empty pycnometerand filled with water (dist.),test liquid. Water level was adjusted to the mark in the pycnometer, excess water removed with filter paper. Next pycnometer weighed on an analytical balance. The same was done with test liquid. Liquid density (g / cm3) is found by the formula: g2 g0 H O (1.1) g1 g 0 2 whereg0 -the mass ofthe emptypycnometer(g); g1,g2-weight ofthe pycnometerwith water andtest 3 H 2O -density of waterat a temperature 25 °C (g / cm .); liquid (g); Density isthree timesorisparallel measurementsin severalpycnometerand takethe arithmetic mean ofup tothree decimal places. The refractive indexdeterminedusing a refractometer.Measure therefractive indexand the densityof the liquid atthe sametemperature.Substance is selectedas directed bythe teacher. The molar refraction is expressed as: Ïel RÌ n2 1 M (1.2); n2 2 Calculate themolarrefraction(experimental) andcompared with thevalues of R(theoretical),calculated according tothe additive rule(equation 1.3).Refractionof atoms and bondsare taken from thetable (see. ''Application''K.). RÌ Ratom. Rbond ( 1.3 ) Rat – the algebricamount ofrefractionatoms, Rbond – the algebricamount ofrefractionbonds These measurementsare enteredinTable 1 Mass The mass The mass Measure of the ofthe ofthe Indexofrefr Density, ment emptyp pycnomet pycnomete action ρ,g /cm3 ycnom erwith rwith (Rat) eter the liquid water RR Expe The rime oreti ntal cal Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Laboratory work#2 Calorimetric measurements Determination the solution’s heatof salt Objectives: Determination of the heat of solution of salt. Equipment: Bomb calorimeter, Beckman’sthermometer, tubes, glass, volume 400 cm3, weighing-machine. Reagents: salts- KCl, Na2CO3, CuSO4, CuSO4*5H2O, distilled water. Procedure: When salts dissolved in the liquid there are proceedstwo processes: the destruction of the crystal lattice - an endothermic process and ion solvation exothermic process. Depending on the ratio of the thermal effects (which is determined by the nature of the solute and solvent) heat of solution of salt can be both: positive H 0 and negative H 0 . Distinguished integral and differential (partial) heat of solution. The integral heat of solution - thermal effect dissolving 1 mole of a substance in a quantity of pure solvent. The differential heat of dissolution - heat effect dissolving 1 mole of a substance in an infinitely large number of solution. The concentration of the solution is increased by an infinitesimal amount, which is neglected. Calorimetric measurementsdetermined only integral heat of solution. Heatdifferential dissolution are calculated. The order of performance.For the experiment in the calorimetric glass 10 (see. Fig. 2.1) is poured into 400 cm3 of distilled water. Water accurately weighed (± 1 g) was determined from the difference of the masses filled and empty glass tube 10. 4 take a sample of dry, well-pulverized salt (± 0,01 g). Hinge for a volume of 400 cm3 is about 5 - 10 g Figure 2.1.Bomb calorimeter Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Page 2 from Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 1– mixer, 2 – heater, 3 – thermally insulatedcover, 4 – ampoule, 5 – Rubber muff, 6 – electric motor, 7 – holder, 8 –calorimeter glass, 9 – Beckman’s thermometer, 10 – calorimeter cell. After determination of the constant of the calorimeter temperature measurements carried out 10 "prior period". Then the tube 4 is removed quickly with salt and poured through a funnel into the calorimeter salt. The funnel is removed and the tube was again placed in the calorimeter lid 8. "main period" ends through experiment 1 - 3 minutes after salt precipitation. This is followed by 10 temperature measurements " final period." The measurement results are entered into a table 1. The time of experiment, min. prior period 0 … main period 10 11 … 14 final period 15 … 25 The Beckman’sthermo meter reading, 0С Stop the mixer and dismantle calorimeter. 4 tubes carefully wiped from the outside of the filter paper and weighed. Dissolved salts accurately weighed (± 0,001 g) is found by the mass difference before and after vials salt precipitation. According to the plotted tables of which are temperature changes in calorimetric experiment t x (Figure 2.2) Figure 2.2 Thegraph oftemperature change during thecalorimetric experiments. The specific heat of dissolution integral unknown salt r H 0 T calculated by the equation: r H T Kt x / m where m - the weight of dissolved salts, g Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Laboratory work#3 Studying of homogeneous chemical reaction equilibrium in solutions Objectives: Investigate the effect ofreactant’sconcentration on the chemical equilibrium. Equipment:Beaker 100 ml, thermostat, pipette, 4-100 ml Erlenmeyer flask, 4tubes, spoon. Reagents: Solutions of 0,3M FeCl3 , 0,6M KCNS, salts of KCl, distilled water, ice. Procedure: In four test tubes add 1 ml 0,3М of ferric chloride,FeCl3 solution and 1 ml 0,6M KCNSof a solution of potassium thiocyanate. Gentle shaking tubes stirred solution. All tubes were put stand, one tube with the solution as a control for comparison. In solution, there is a reversible reaction: FeCl3 3KCNS FeCNS 3 3KCl Three iron thiocyanate solution according red. In one of the tubes 1 ml0,3M FeCl3, 1 ml 0,6M KCNSof the other, the third 2-3 micro spatulasalts of KCl. Note the change in color intensity in each case, comparing the solutions with the solution of the control tube. The results are recorded in table form. № of tube 1 2 3 4 Addedsolution The direction Change the color of displacement intensity of the (weakening, equilibrium strengthening) (right, left) 1 ml0,3M FeCl3 1 ml 0,6M KCNS 2-3micro spatula salts of KCl - Explain the observed phenomena, and to draw conclusions on the basis of the principle of LeChatellier. Laboratory work#4 Construction of melting diagram of the binary system: phenol – naphthalene Objectives: Investigateof melting diagram of the binary system. Determination of the crystallization temperature, building crystallization curves and state diagrams. Equipment:Thermometer,stopwatch,hotplate, weighing-machine, beakerand tubes. Reagents: Phenol-naphthalene,or naphthalene-diphenylamine. Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Procedure: Organic substances have relatively low melting point. For such systems, thermal analysis can be performed using a conventional thermometer tubes. In the test tube is poured pure substance or mixture of substances, closed by a stopper through hole in which the thermometer is inserted. The tube was then heated in a spirit lamp so that the contents melted. The tube was then transferred to another, wider tube (air jacket), and every 30 seconds on the stopwatch note the thermometer. Data directly plotted the coordinate’s temperature - time and get the cooling curves. The temperature monitoring is stopped after the temperature stops. Cooling curves to build a scale of 1 degree- 1 mm, 30 mm s-1. Mixtures are prepared for performance of 10 g (100%) at various ratios of components. Table 1 Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 А 100 80 60 50 40 20 0 В 0 20 40 50 60 80 100 On the basis of experimental data, building the state diagram(melting diagram) in the coordinates: the crystallization temperature - composition by combining results characteristic points of the curve. Report form № sample Course of crystallization (characteristic points) Startofcrystallization, С Endofcrystallization, С 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Test questions 1. Concept phase component, the degree of freedom. 2. Gibbs phase rule. 3. Terms of thermodynamic equilibrium between the phases. 4. Curves cooling crystallization temperature. 5. Thermal analysis, types of fusion diagrams. Laboratory work#5Determination of the rate constant and activation energy of acetone Objectives: Tofamiliarize with methods ofsamplingin the study ofreaction kineticsto determine the averagerate constant, the activation energy ofthe Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from reactioniodinationof acetone.Study the dependence ofthe rate constant forthe initial concentration ofthe catalyst. Equipment: Thermostat, beaker 250 ml, 25 ml pipettes, burettes, holder of burettes, titrimetric flasks. Reagents:0,1 N I2 in4% solution of KI, solutions of 0,5 N,0,6N , 0,7N ,0,8N,0,9N HCl, 1,0Nacetone, 0,1N NaH𝐶𝑂3 , 0,01N 𝑁𝑎2 𝑆2 𝑂3 , starch solutions Iodination reaction Acetoneiodinationreactionproceeds according tothe equation: CH 3COCH 3 I 2 CH 3CJCH HJ The process proceedsautocatalyticallysoacceleratesonereaction products (hydrogen ions). Iodinationof acetoneoccurs in two steps; 1.Reversible reactionenolizationof acetone: CH 3COCH 3 CH 3COH CH 2 2. Interaction withiodineenolform: CH 3COH CH 2 J 2 CH 3COCH 2 J H J The first reactionis slow, and the second is rapidly and almostto the end. Therefore, theprocess speeddetermined by the speedenolizationof acetone, it is proportional tothe concentration of hydrogenions, but does not dependon the concentrationof iodine.As a result,the reactionproceeds according tosecondorder. Procedure::Is offered2 variants ofwork: The first variant: 1. Carry outthe kineticexperiments attwoT(25 to450C), but aconcentration ofHCI. 2.Calculatethe rate constantof the reaction. 3. Determine theactivation energy. The second variant: 1. Conduct athreekineticexperienceat constantT, but with different concentrations ofHCI. 2.Calculatethe rate constantof the reaction. 3.Plot theRNCfromthe initial concentration ofHCI. Volumetric flask of 250 ml was poured 25 ml of 0.1n iodine solution in 4% KJ, added 25 mL of 1n HCl (concentration or other directed by the teacher), added distilled water to make up to the mark was about 20-25 ml and placed in an incubator. Then simultaneously weighed on the scales measuring tube with a glass stopper with 10-15 ml of distilled water. Pour into a tube using a pipette 1.5 g of acetone (density 0.792). Again weighed in the balance and the tube is determined by the difference between the weights of the exact weight of acetone. Then the tube was placed with aqueous acetone in the same thermostat and allowed to stand for 10-15 min, after which the tube contents were poured into a volumetric flask, rinsed with one or two small portions of distilled water, which also was poured into a volumetric flask and the volume of the solution was adjusted to the mark and thoroughly stirred. This time point is considered to start the reaction. The first sample was taken for analysis immediately after the mixing and stirring of the reaction mixture, then after an hour the next sample is taken every 30 minutes. 3-4 Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Page 2 from Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 more times. Selected 25-ml sample is poured into a conical flask of 100 ml, were added thereto 25 ml of 0.1n NaНCO3 and titrated with 0.01M Na2S2O3, in the presence of starch. The reaction rate constant calculated by iodination acetone equation: K C0 H 3O C0 Cx 2.3 g , C0 CH 3O C0 C0H 3O Cx (5.1) Со-wherethe initial concentrationof С0 H O -The initial concentration ofhydronium ions; Схconcentrationof acetone, unreacted. acetone; 3 Weighed acetone 1000, Ì Ì acetone 250 N 25 С0Н О HCl (5.3) 250 V0 Vx N Na 2 S 2O3 (5.4) Cx 25 2 Ñ0 acetone 58,08 (5.2) 3 whereVo -the volume ofNa2S2O3,who had goneto thetitrationat the start ofthe reactionτ=0; Vr -volume ofNa2S2O3,who had goneto titrateto a time τ To calculate theactivation energyuseArrhenius equation: Е= 𝐾 2,3𝑅𝑇1 𝑇2 𝑙𝑔 2 𝐾1 (𝑇2 −𝑇1 ) R=8,31 J/mol*K Resultsissueas follows: The temperature ofexperience... The initial concentration of... Theweightedacetone... № Timefromstart The volume Сх,geq-1 of the ofNa2S2O3,ml experiment τ,min. 1 К, geq-1/ min-1 ΔΚ, geq-1/ min1 Test questions: 1. Why isthe reaction rateof iodinationof acetonedoes not dependon the concentration ofiodine? 2. Whyiodinationreactionof acetonecan be calledautocatalytic? 3. What is thereason for the increasedrate of reactionin the presence ofa catalyst? Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Laboratory work#6 Colloid particles. Preparation of iron(III) hydroxide colloidal solution Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Laboratory work#7 Adsorption at the liquid-solid interface. Investigation of adsorption of acetic acid on the activated charcoal Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Laboratory work#8 Coagulation of sols and studying of their properties Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Laboratory work#9 Isoelectric points Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Laboratory Polymer’srelativemolecularmassesfromviscositymeasurements Page 2 from work#10 Theory Rheologyisthescienceofflowanddeformationofbodyanddescribestheinterrelatio nbetweenforce,deformationandtime.Rheologyisapplicabletoallmaterials,fromgase stosolids.Viscosityisthemeasuredoftheinternalfrictionofafluid.Thisfrictionbecomes apparentwhenalayeroffluidismadetomoveinrelationtoanotherlayer.Thegreaterthefr iction,thegreatertheamountofforcerequiredtocausethismovement,whichiscalled“sh ear”. Shearingoccurswheneverthefluidisphysicallymovedordistributed,as in pouring,spreading,spraying,mixing,etc.Highlyviscousfluids,therefore,requiremore forcetomovethanlessviscous materials. Isaac Newtondefinedviscositybyconsidering themodel:two parallelplanesoffluidofequalarea“A”areseparatedbyadistance“dx”andaremovingin thesamedirectionatdifferentvelocities“v1”and“v2”.Newtonassumedthattheforcereq uiredmaintainingthisdifferenceinspeedwasproportionaltothedifferenceinspeedthro ughtheliquid,orvelocitygradient. Toexpressthis,Newton wrote: 𝐹 𝑑𝑣 =𝜂 𝐴 𝑑𝑦 where ηisaconstantforagivenmaterialandiscalledits“viscosity”.Thevelocitygradient,dv/dy ,isameasureofthespeedatwhichtheintermediatelayersmovewithrespecttoeachother.It describestheshearingtheliquidexperiencesandisthuscalled“shearrate”.Thiswillbesy mbolizedas“D”insubsequentdiscussions.Itsunitofmeasureiscalledthereciprocalseco nd,s1.ThetermF/Aindicatestheforceperunitarearequiredtoproducetheshearingaction.Itisr eferredtoas“shearstress”andwillbesymbolizedby“t”.ItsunitofmeasurementsisN/m2 (Newtonpersquaremeter).Using these simplifiedterms,viscositymaybe defined mathematicallyby this formula: 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝜏 𝜂 = 𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 = = 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐷 Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from ThefundamentalunitofviscositymeasurementisthePas,Pascal-seconds.A materialrequiringashearstressofoneNewtonpersquaremetertoproduceashearrateofonere ciprocalsecondhasaviscosityofonePas.(Youwillencounterviscositymeasurementsin“ce ntipoises”(cP),butthesearenotunitsoftheInternationalSystem,SI;onePascalsecondisequaltotenpoise;onemilli-Pascalsecondisequaltoonecentipoises.)Newtonassumedthatallmaterialshave,atagiventempera ture,aviscositythatisindependentoftheshearrate.Inotherwordstwicetheforcewouldmovet hefluidtwiceasfast. Viscositiesofdilutecolloidsolutions.Formostpureliquidsandformanysolutionsanddis persionsη isa well defined quantity for a giventemperatureand pressure which isindependentoftanddv/dx,providedthattheflowisstreamlined(i.e.laminar).Formanyothe rsolutionsanddispersions,especiallyifconcentratedand/oriftheparticlesareasymmetric,d eviationsfromNewtonianflowareobserved.ThemaincausesofnonNewtonianflowaretheformationofastructurethroughoutthesystemandorientationofasym metricparticles causedby the velocity gradient. Capillaryflow methods Themostfrequentlyemployedmethodsformeasuringviscositiesisbasedonflowthrough acapillarytube.Thepressureunderwhichtheliquidflowsfurnishestheshearingstress.There lativeviscositiesoftwoliquidscanbedeterminedbyusingasimpleOstwaldviscometer.(Fig ure1).10mLliquidisintroducedintotheviscometer.LiquidisthendrawnupintotherighthandlimbuntiltheliquidlevelsareaboveA.Theliquidisthenreleasedandthetime,t(s)forther ight-handmeniscustopassbetweenthemarksAandBismeasured.Forasolutionthe relative viscosity: 𝜂 𝑡 𝜂𝑟𝑒𝑙 = = 𝜂𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐 = 𝜂𝑟𝑒𝑙 − 1 (1) 𝜂0 𝑡0 wheretandt0theflowingtimeforsolutionandsolventinsecond,respectively,η 0 andη viscosityofpuresolventandsolution.Thespecificincreaseinrelativeviscosityorincrement: ηspec=ηrel-1.Thereducedviscosity(orviscositynumber):ηspec/c.Theintrinsicviscosity(or limiting viscosity number): [𝜂] = lim 𝑐−0 𝜂𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐 𝑐 lim 𝑐−0 𝑙𝑛𝜂𝑟𝑒𝑙 𝑐 (2) Fromexpressionsitcanbeseenthatthereducedviscositieshavetheunitofreciprocalconce ntration.Whenconsideringparticleshapeandsolvation,concentration isgenerallyexpressedintermsofthefractionoftheparticles(ml/mlorg/g)andthecorrespond ingreducedandintrinsicviscositiesare,therefore dimensionless. Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Sphericalparticles.Einsteinmadeahydrodynamiccalculationrelatingtothedisturba nceoftheflowlineswhenidentical,noninteracting,rigid,sphericalparticlesaredispersedina liquidmedium, andarrivedattheexpression:η=η0(1+2.5ϕ).Theeffectofsuch particlesontheviscosityofdispersiondepends,therefore,onlyonthevolumewhichtheyo ccupyandisindependentoftheirsize.Forinteracting,non-rigid,solvatedornonsphericalparticlestheEinsteinformisnotapplicablebecausetheviscositydependsonthes eparameters.Viscositymeasurementscannotbe usedtodistinguish between particles of different size but of thesameshapeanddegreeofsolvation.However,iftheshapeand/orsolvationfactoralters with particlesize,viscositymeasurementscanbeusedfordeterminationparticlesize(formolar mass).Theintrinsicviscosityofapolymersolutionis,inturn,proportionaltotheaverageso lvationfactorofthepolymercoils.Formostlinearhighpolymersinsolutionthechainsares omewhatmoreextendedthanrandom,andtherelationbetweenintrinsicviscosityandrelat ivemolecularmasscanbeexpressedbygeneralequationproposedbymarkandHouwink: 𝛼 [𝜂] = 𝐾 𝑀𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑐 (3) whereKandα arecharacteristicofthepolymer solventsystem.Alphadependsontheconfiguration(stiffness)ofpolymerchains.Inviewo fexperimentalsimplicityandaccuracy,viscositymeasurementsareextremelyusefulforr outinemolarmassdeterminationsonaparticularpolymersolventsystem.Kandalfaforthesystemaredeterminedbymeasuringtheintrinsicviscositi esofpolymerfractionsforwhichtherelativemolecularmasseshavebeendeterminedinde pendently,e.g.byosmoticpressure,sedimentationorlightscattering.Forpolydisperseds ystemsanaveragerelativemolarmassintermediatebetweennumberaverage(alpha=0) and mass average(alpha=1)usuallyresults: ∑ 𝑀𝛼+1 𝑑𝑁 𝑀𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑐 = [ ] ∑ 𝑀 𝑑𝑁 Equipment:Ostwald viscometer, beaker, volumetric flask, pipette Reagents: 0.5 g/mL aqueousstock solution of PVA. Experimentalprocedure Prepareconcentrationseriesofpoly-vinyl-alcohol:0,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05gcm3.Use1010mlfromeachsolventforthemeasurement,startwiththesolventandgoonfromthemostd ilutedtothemoreconcentratedsolutions.Determinetherelativeviscositiesofsolutions byusing Ostwaldviscometer. Tabularthedataandplotη spec/candlnηrel/cagainstconcentration.Determinetheintrinsi cviscositywithextrapolationofthecurvesasFigure2shows.CalculatethemolarmassbyE quation3,K=0.018anda=0.73forPVA. Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Figure 1.Ostwald viscometer. Determination of the limiting viscosity numberbyextrapolationc→0 of 𝜂 𝑡 reducedviscosity concentrationcurves𝜂𝑟𝑒𝑙 = = 𝜂𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐 = 𝜂𝑟𝑒𝑙 − 1 𝜂0 𝑡0 Calculationofresults c (gcm-3) 0 t(s) t(s) t(s) taverage(s) ηrel ηspec 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Reviewquestions Rheologicalclassification ofmaterials.The ideal chain mathematicmodelforlinearpolymer. ηspec/c (lnηrel)/c Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Laboratory work#11 Synthesis of emulsion and investigation its properties Objectives: Preparation and use of type dilute emulsions; phase inversion emulsion benzene - water. Equipment: Flasks 100 ml with the ground-in traffic jams, microscope, subject glass, pipettes, glasses. Reagents: 3% solution of oleate of sodium, benzene, the concentrated calcium chloride solution, dyes-Sudan-III and the methylene blue. Procedure: Take two 100 ml flask with ground glass stoppers, poured into 10 ml of a 3% - sodium oleatesaturatedsolution in water and 10 ml of benzene was stained by Sudan III. In the absence of Sudan III, using methylene blue, which change color ofwater.Into another flask was poured 19 ml of distilled water and 10 ml of benzene. Both the flask sealed and shaken vigorously until a homogenous emulsion. Then the two flasks are left alone for a while. In the first flask emulsion remains stable in the second there is a rapid separation of liquids (emulsion breaking). Give explanation of the different stability of the obtained emulsion. To determine the type of emulsion formed from the flask in which no separation was placed a drop on a glass slide (while avoiding foam) is determined under a microscope and it is colored. Type of emulsion can also be defined by the merger drops. To the residue in the same emulsion of the flask are poured several drops of a concentrated solution of calcium chloride. Flask thoroughly shaken and determine the type of emulsion under a microscope. The report schema structure is necessary to draw the obtained emulsions in both cases, showing the orientation of the molecules of the emulsifier at the interface between the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium. Test questions 1.What systemsare referred toMicro heterogeneous? What is common tothemwith colloidalsystems? 2. What is anemulsion? What is theirclassification? 3. What explains the instability ofthe emulsion? 4. What are the requirements to the emulsion? 5. Drawlayoutemulsifier dispersed dropletphase in theO / W emulsionandW / O. 6.What is theessence ofthe phenomenon ofphase inversionemulsion? 7. What are the methods for determining thetype of emulsion? Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from Ph. P 042-1.02-2015-02 Edition№1 from 25.02.2015 Page 2 from