Students’ Emotional Transfers in Online Environment Firat Sarsar Georgia State University United States Tarik Kisla Ege University Turkey Abstract:Emotion is a very important aspectof understanding of people’ feelings in both online and real life. This initial study is structured to investigate how people are flexible not only transferring their emotion but also receiving their friends’ emotions.This nonexperimental and descriptive research was conducted on 808 people during the years 20092010 in Turkey from universities. The questionnaires were submitted online and the data was collected online. The result shows that students are trying to understand others’ feelings, and they are willing to be understood in online environments. The data also showed that emoticons are one of the important indicators of not only transferring emotions but also receiving the emotional messages. The other results will be discussed during the presentation. Introduction Communication affects not only learning but also relationships between two students and between students and teachers. One of the main roles of teachers is to be a good communicator for understanding their students’ needs; however communication in online environments is not as easy or flexible as face to face environment. Online environments have some limitations on communication such as transferring emotions, reflecting the impressions, etc. Emotion is one of the important parts of communication, so it is directly related to learning. Emotions can be transferred in many ways such as using facial expressions and gestures, verbal impression( Marinetti, Moore, Lucas, & Parkinson, 2011),using meanings of the words (Farrell, 2012), using typing strategies (Dweck, Mangels, & Good, 2004) and using emoticons (Sarsar,2008). Students in learning environments are interacting with each other cognitively, socially, and emotionally (Spanoudis & Kyza, 2009). Emotions are important for learning (Schutz & Pekrun, 2007). The environmental changes may affect the nature of emotional transfer within online learning environments. One of the ways of transferring emotion in online environment is emoticons. People use emoticons to express both positive and negative feelings in social contexts more than task oriented context (Derks, Bos, & Grumbkow, 2007). Heeyoung and Johnson (2012) also stated that emotional ability is important to communication with students’ friends in online learning environments. This study is structured to investigate how people are flexible not only by transferring their emotion but also by receiving their friends’ emotions in online environment. Methodology In this initial study, we used a survey method adoptingnon-experimental and descriptive research method. Survey methodology is the field that studies the sampling of individuals from a population with a view towards making statistical inferences about the population using the sample. Participants and Data Collection Tool The initial study was conducted on 808 people during the years 2009-2010 in Turkey from universities. The questionnaires were submitted online and the data was collected online. The demographic characteristics of the participants were shown in Table 1. The data was analyzed by using SPSS 15.0 for Windows to reveal and summarize the data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe and summarize the properties of the mass of data collected from the respondents. In order to develop the questionnaire, an extensive literature research was done by the researchers. After preparing the set of items, this draft of the questionnaire that includes about 50 items was sent to seven experts in the field of instructional technology as well as communication and psychology, from different universities to determine its content validity. After this process, the final form of 5-likert type questionnaire was comprised with considerations of experts' views and their suggestions. The final version of the questionnaire consists of 2 parts. The first part includes 6 items for demographic characteristics and the last part of the questionnaire consists of 36 items for investigating the emotions transfer in online environments. N % Male 334 41.3 Female 474 58.7 18-20 226 28.0 21-23 278 34.4 24-26 168 20.8 27-29 73 9.0 30+ 63 7.8 591 73.1 Gender Age Education Level University Student University Graduated 217 26.9 Less than 1 hour 80 9.9 1-3 hours 326 40.4 3-6 hour 239 29.6 6-9 hour 94 11.6 More than 9 hours 69 8.5 808 100 The use of Internet Total Table1.Characteristics of the Participants Findings The result of the data analysis is detailed item by item below. One of the questions of the survey was: “I use emoticons for transferring my feelings in online environments”. The majority of the participants mentioned that they use emoticon for transferring their feelings (See Table 2). This result can be interpreted that emoticons are one of the important elements to reflect the emotions. N % Strongly Disagree 62 7,7 Disagree 78 9,7 Neutral 68 8,4 Agree 441 54,6 Strongly Agree 159 19,7 I use emoticons for transferring my feelings in online environments Table2. Using Emoticons The other question of the survey was “It is difficult to me to reflect my feelings in online environment”. Results in Table 3 were shown that the majority of participants think that they can easily reflect their feelings in online environment. The emoticons might be the one of the reasons to help them to reflect their emotion easily. N % Strongly Disagree 213 26,4 Disagree 293 36,3 Neutral 120 14,8 Agree 130 16,1 52 6,4 It is difficult to me to reflect my feelings in online environment Strongly Agree Table 3. Reflecting the Feelings The other question of the survey was: “I can understand the feelings of the person who I communicate with in online environment”. The result shows in Table 4that almost 40% of the participants agree with this statement, however the contributions of the data show that 50% of the participants are either neutral or disagree about the statement. The participant might think that their experiences of understanding people is not as easy as reflecting their feelings. I can understand the feelings of the person who I communicate with in N % 78 9,7 Disagree 108 13,4 Neutral 220 27,2 Agree 320 39,6 82 10,1 online environment Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Table 4. Understanding the Feelings “My current feelings affect when I communicate with somebody in online environment” was asked to participants as a part of survey. The majority of participants think that their feelings in real life can affect their communication in virtual life (See Table 5). This data shows that participantsact relatively the same way in online environments. My current feelings affect when I communicate with somebody in online N % Strongly Disagree 71 8,7 Disagree 94 11,5 Neutral 159 19,7 Agree 385 47,5 99 12,2 environment. Strongly Agree Table 5. Feelings in both real and online environments The other question of the survey was: “I pay attention to the feelings of the person who I communicate with in online environment.”. The huge portion of data in Table 6 shows the participants consider the feelings the people communicated with in online enviroment are important. I pay attention to the feelings of the person who I communicate with in online N % Strongly Disagree 72 8,9 Disagree 76 9,4 environment. Neutral 159 19,7 Agree 397 49,0 Strongly Agree 104 12,7 Table 6. Concerning other people’s feelings Discussion and Conclusion The majority of the participants indicated that they use emoticons for expressing their feelings. More than 50% of the participants stated that they can reflect their feelings in online environments. Furthermore, 50% of the participants reported that they can understand the feelings of people during communication in online environments. About 60% of the participants said that their current (real life) feelings affect their communication in online environments. Finally, over than 60% of participants indicated that they pay attention to the feelings of people in online environment. Emotion is very important to understand peoples’ feelings in both online and real life. In online classroom settings, teachers should pay attention to their students’ feelings to understand them better. As all results highlighted, people are trying to understand others’ feelings, and they are willing to be understood. The other important result is about using emoticons. Data shows that emoticons are one of the key tools for transferring emotion in online environment. Emotional messages in online learning environments might make messages more personalized. Personalized messages in education are also affected students’ motivation; therefore using emotions might increase motivation and make students feel better. The majority of students in this study mentioned that they use emoticons in online environment, so it should be a good idea to integrate emoticons into online teaching. References Derks, D., Bos, A. E. R., & Grumbkow, J. Von. (2007). Emoticons and social interaction on the Internet: the importance of social context. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(1), 842–849. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2004.11.013 Dweck, C.S., Mangels, J., & Good, C. (2004). Motivational effects on attention, cognition, and performance. In D.Y. Dai & R.J. Sternberg (Eds.), Motivation, emotion, and cognition: Integrated perspectives on intellectual functioning. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Farrell, M. (2012). The Effective Teacher’s Guide to Autism and Communication Difficulties Practical Strategies. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis. Retrieved from Heeyoung, H., & Johnson, S. D. (2012). Relationship between Students' Emotional Intelligence, Social Bond, and Interactions in Online Learning. 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