GUIDE TO SHAREPOINT SUBMISSIONS Sharepoint is now used to log all samples for Mass Spec analysis. HOW TO GET STARTED -You must register to become a user of the sharepoint system. To do this, please e-mail Lisa Haigh ( with the following information: Department Supervisor Cost Centre Activity Code (if this is a grant please provide the start date of the grant). -You will then be registered to use the system and sent a link to the online submission form. ACCOUNTING -When you are registered, you are registered to the Codes supplied above. If for any reason you change supervisor (or move from MSc (or any other status) to PhD (or other) status) you must inform me of the changes to allow for correct charging of the facility to PI’s. The facility will not be held responsible for incorrect charging in this case. LOGGING A SAMPLE -When you receive the link to the Sharepoint site please follow the instructions below. -Click on ‘Usage Records’ -Click ‘Make a booking’ -Complete the form that appears (Please see guidelines below). -Click ‘Submit form’ -Your sample then appears on the ‘Usage Records’ page for analysis. -Bring your clearly labelled sample over to Mass Spec (RCS1 Lab 112) and place the sample in the white trays under the surname of your supervisor. -If you fail to bring over a sample your booking will be deleted by the Manager after 2 weeks. -You are not able to delete a booking once made. If you do need to delete your booking please inform Lisa Haigh. Your booking will still appear on the system, but will not be run or the account charged. -Samples will be analysed and results emailed to the registered user. HOW TO COMPLETE THE FORM -Every individual sample must be logged even if you are using the Self-service (Open-access) option. -The date is completed for you. -Select your user name from the list of registered users. -Add a sample reference. This must be the same as the labelled vial submitted to the lab. -Technique. Please provide a preferred ionisation method. If none is selected, ES will be run as default and possible resubmission required. -Resubmission allowed? If this box is checked, it allows the facility manager to automatically resubmit your sample for a different technique. If the box is not checked the results will be sent to you (using the technique listed above) and the sample removed from the queue. It is then your responsibility to make a new booking and provide a new sample. -Return Sample? If checked, the sample will be placed in the return trays for you to collect. Samples not collected within 2 weeks of submission will be disposed of. If not checked, samples will be disposed of immediately (unless resubmitted for a different technique). -Accurate Mass? Please check if you require accurate mass analysis. -Service Type-Lab Service: The manager will run the sample on your behalf. Self-Service: If you have been trained to use equipment in the Lab you can select this and run your own samples. -Sample Structure: Please attach a file of the expected molecular ion. If no file is attached the manager cannot be held responsible for the techniques run on sample. Files can be attached in most formats (eg. .cdx, .doc, .PDF, .icl etc). -Molecular Weight: This information must be provided. - Formula: This information must be provided. Please note: If your sample is a salt, do not include the salt in your formula (eg M.HCl salt, do not include the HCl in your formula,. Similarly, if your molecule contains counter-ions do not include these in the formula (eg M+ Br-, or M+ PF6- do not include the Br- or PF6- in the formula). Please also state if the sample is already charged. If you do require the counter-ion data, please clearly specify this in the comments section. -Solvent: Please select a suitable solvent for dissolvation of your sample from the list. If your solvent is not listed then it is probably not suitable for Mass Spec analysis. If the solvent has a X next to it (eg Chloroform (ESX)) then that solvent is not acceptable for that ionisation technique and will not be used. In this case, chloroform is not suitable for ES analysis (chlorinated solvents can cause ion suppression). -Qty mg: Please provide accurate quantity of solid submitted. This is particularly important in ES analysis for accurate dilutions. -Qty mg/mL: If providing a solution, please ensure solvents used are LC grade, and again provide accurate concentrations for accurate dilutions. -Specify other solvent: You can specify an alternative solvent, but if not suitable for mass spec analysis it will not be used. -Hazards, please check as appropriate. -Other Comments: Please add here any other information you feel is important. Also, please put here if there are any buffers etc in your sample. SAMPLE PREPARATION Sample preparation can be very important in order for you to get the best analysis for your sample. -Clearly label your sample. -Make sure you have accurately specified the weight or concentration of your sample. This helps to get the dilutions accurate for specific techniques. -Always try to use the 2mL glass vials where possible. Vials with plastic lids can cause contamination ions to appear in the spectra. -If submitting a solution always use LC grade solvents. Non-LC grade solvents cause contamination peaks to appear in your spectrum and cause contamination to the instrument. -DO NOT use parafilm/nescofilm on your sample vials. This can cause contamination ions to appear in your spectrum. TURNAROUND Samples submitted to the facility will be run as soon as possible, below I have listed typical turnaround times (working days) for samples (please note these are only typical times and can vary depending on quantity of samples submitted). ES -1 day LC (ES) 2-3 days EI 5 days CI 5 days MALDI 5-6 days LSIMS Only run when enough samples have been submitted and varies greatly. GC (EI) Only run when enough samples have been submitted and varies greatly. You will be informed if there is any delay/problem with the service in general by e-mail, or please see the ‘service update’ section on the web page.