In the explore section, students observed the stages of cell division

In the explore section, students observed the stages of cell division in
mitosis under a microscope. My explore part of the lesson was based on small
collaborative groups. The students worked in groups of two. I picked the students
randomly to form pairs and avoided the students being with their friends. It could
have cause problems, such as talking while working. Since I did not know the
students very well, I asked my mentor teacher to help me with choosing the pairs.
Each person in the pair was assigned a responsibility so no one student in the pair
would do all of the work. I tried to use all the essential components of
cooperative learning from Johnson - Johnson. Working in groups can lead to
critical thinking from students by challenging intellect through discussions. All the
students in pairs were supposed to do their own work on the lab worksheet but
they could help each other and ask each other questions if they did not
understand something or want to make sure if they are on right track. That is one
of the main purposes of working in a group. Also, all students observed the
phases under the microscope and drew the different phases of mitosis as they
observed them under the microscope. Then, among the pairs, the students
compared and talked about the drawings of the phases they each drew.
What the Teacher Will Do
and Student
Time: Minutes 40 min
Probing/Eliciting Questions and
Student Responses
I will have students do a
microscope lab. First, I will
briefly formative assess
student regarding the
microscope to make sure of
they know microscope’s
parts and its function. I will
just ask questions.
How are we supposed to carry the
microscope? (one hand on base and
one hand on the handle) (O)
How are the cells dividing? (cell
division){process of mitosis}
What the Students Will Do
Students will be working in pairs
while doing lab. They will be
observing and identifying the
phases of mitosis of an onion
What are the magnifications of
root tip under the microscope.
objective lenses? {4X, 10X, 40X}
They are going to make 6
different sketches of the cells if
the phases that they are in.
What does condenser lens do?
Student will help each other in
{to focus the light onto the
After that, I will have
their groups to observe and
specimen} (C)
student divide in pairs for
identify the 6 different phases.
the lab part. I will monitor
Where are eye piece lenses located? Both students in pair will look in
and observe students while
{ the lens at the top that you look
microscope and draw the
they are doing their lab. I
through (O)
sketches. In pairs, students
will make sure students are
should agree on their 6 different
What do you see? (cells) {Cell
looking at the right spot of
sketches. After the sketches are
division, cells dividing}(O)
the slides of the onion root
drawn, students will predict in
to look for phases of mitosis.
What cells? (onion) {onion cells on what order each phase should be.
I’ll guide them to identify
root tip}(C)
the phases of mitosis.
Once, they have drawn 6
What is that region of onion root tip
different sketches, I will
cell, where the cell division is
have students predict in
taking place? {Meristematic
what order should each
phase be.
Can you describe the shape of the
cells? (rectangular)(C)
Students do not distinguish
between the cell cycle and
Students believe asexual
reproduction is restricted to
microorganisms only.
Students conceptualize all
What is the dark material in the
cells? (DNA){Chromosomes}(C)
How are chromosomes arranged in
the cells? (Some in the middle and
DNA as being X-shaped.
some on the sides) {Chromosomes
line the middle in the metaphase
and pulled apart, on sides, in
anaphase} (C)
Can you differentiate cells from
one another? (Yes) (R)
Show me in the microscope one
cell that is different from another
cell. How are both different from
each other? {answer depends on the
phases of the cell observed}(R)
Decision Point/Formative Assessment
I will make sure all students have drawn 6 different sketches of
they observe under microscope.
Student Outcomes
If students have drawn 6
different sketches of they
observe under microscope, then I
will move on. If they have not
drawn I will help them observe
different phases under the
microscope again and make
them draw the sketches.
Transition Statement
Now that you have viewed the stages of mitosis, we will put together the sketches you drew and
determine the order of phases of mitosis and what happens in each phase.