Closing Gaps — Strategies for Leaders and

Hello Autism Email Update List and Friends,
If you wish to be removed from this update email list, please reply to me and you will not
receive future updates or webinar invitations.
Happy Autism Awareness Month!
There are several conferences listed below for summer PD and many more are taking
proposals at this time for the fall.
If you quickly look at three things in this email please check out:
1) FREE Conference – Endless Possibilities Conference: Every Child a Reader
May 9, 2015, 8:30 to 3:15, Chula Vista WI Dells
This FREE conference will focus on reading & literacy outcomes for students with
IEPs. Topics include Literacy, Strategies to Support Learning at Home, Literacy
Standards, Statewide Assessments, Independent Education Evaluations, Specific
Learning Disabilities Eligibility, and much more! This event is open to families and
educators. You won’t want to miss this conference!
Register at:
2) Going to the ASW Pre-Conference? Check out DPI Updates afterwards.
Daniel Parker, Autism consultant at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will
provide some updates from DPI and other education related resources following the
pre-conference at ASW on Thursday April 30 from 4:45 to 6:00 at the Kalahari Resort,
WI Dells.
3) Opportunities for Youth with Disabilities
Summer 2015 Youth Leadership Summit Applications
Applications are being accepted now for Summer 2015 Youth Leadership Summit
(YLS). Presented by WI FACETS and Independence First, YLS is in its 11th year. YLS
is a FREE week-long leadership and self-advocacy event for high school students with
disabilities. The focus is on the importance of these skills in facing life with a disability
after high school. Sessions cover employment, college options, money management
and healthy relationships in a fun, interactive way.
Students may attend the YLS from June 15-19 at Independence First in Milwaukee OR
July 13-17 at the Mequon Nature Preserve. The YLS is held from 10-4
daily. Participants who complete the full week receive a $100 stipend. Breakfast, lunch
& afternoon snack are provided. Space is limited to 25 youth per Summit. For an
application: Matthew Zellmer, WI FACETS’ Transition Specialist, or 877-374-0511.
Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum Now Accepting Applications!!!
Come celebrate our 15th anniversary with us!!!
The WI YLF is a FREE, week-long leadership training and career awareness program
for high school students with disabilities. It will be held July 26-31, 2015 at the
Edgewood College campus in Madison, WI.
If you know a high school student with a disability who is active in their school and/or
community and would like to develop leadership and advocacy skills, learn more about
college and career options, and start making valuable connections with other young
leaders in our state, please forward them this information so they can apply today!
Applications and more information is available at:
Application Deadline: May 11, 2015
Please direct questions to John Shaw at WI BPDD – or
(608) 266-7707.
May 7, 6th Annual Opening Horizons Conference
UW Whitewater is hosting this free opportunity for students with disabilities to learn
about the transition to post secondary education.
You can learn more about the event and register for free at:
Take care,
Below you can Hyperlink to the Following Sections
1. Important Updates and Timelines
2. Shared Google Doc Folders (Updated)
3. Current Professional Development / Trainings
4. Ongoing Training Links
5. Opportunities and Information for Students, Families, Educators
6. New Resources and Information (Autism/General, DPI, Family Engagement)
7. Archived Resources to Check Up on and View Again (Daniel’s Top Picks)
Archived Sections Now Stored in Google Documents
8. Archived Resources (DPI / State / Dept of Ed)
9. Archived Resources (Classroom Instruction)
10. Archived Resources (Family Engagement)
11. Archived Resources (Informational Web Sites, Articles, Podcasts, Webinars and
12. Parent / Family Support Organizations
1) Important Updates and Timelines (back to top)
2014-15 Two Day Autism Training Registration 1 Training Left!
Reduced Price! 2 Day Trainings in 2014-15 now only $100!!!
NEW TRAINING! From Self Advocacy to Self Determination: June 23-24, 2015,
Green Bay
Kate McGinnity, Mary Graczyk-McMullen, and Judy Endow are Trainers.
For all trainings, Registration on the DPI autism web page:
DPI Autism Page Updated with 2015-16 Two Day Autism Training Flier
and Registration
Check out updated links to state and national resources as well as the new 2 day
autism training schedule for 2015-16.
Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
A Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan Toolkit has been
released and posted to the DPI website. This toolkit is designed to provide schools a
resource to guide effective practice in understanding a student’s pattern of behaviors,
designing proactive interventions to address those behaviors, and ensuring fidelity to
quality practice. The process of conducting a functional behavioral assessment and
developing a behavior intervention plan will be used to guide this work. This toolkit
draws from existing resources, and provides a comprehensive set of options for
assessing student behavior and supporting behavior change.
2) Shared Google Doc Folders (Updated) (back to top)
In an effort to reduce file attachments, I have put together 3 google document folders
which contain information on the following:
1) Shared Trainings and Professional Development for Students with Autism In
This folder will hold fliers for professional development around Wisconsin
2) Shared New Autism Resources:
This will be new information each time I send a new email update (about once every 1-3
3) Shared Archived Autism Resources:
Any documents I have shared in the past with email distribution lists and are still
relevant. This folder is broken into “autism resources”, “DPI and Dept of Education”,
“Family Engagement”, and “General Education Resources”
Some people have difficulty with Google Doc Technology. Here are a few tips.
1) Use Chrome or Firefox browser
2) Cut/paste or click on link to google doc
3) Depending on your browser, you may need to click around to open it up. Typically,
most browsers now show a "preview" page, but if you print this, it only prints part of the
document. To get the full document, find a button called "open" or "download" or
dropdown menu under file and then download or open.
3) Autism Related Professional Development Opportunities
(back to top)
April 20, Tourette Syndrome: It’s More than You Think
8:45 to 3:30 pm, CESA 2, 1221 Innovation Drive, Whitewater, WI
Susan Conners, M.Ed is presenter.
This is a free training but everyone must register.
For more information contact
April 22, 9:00 to 11:30am, Parents United Offering “Child and Adolescent
Country Springs Hotel, Waukesha
In google doc you will find the flyer for the April 22 Parents United offering. Dr. Michelle
Anderson from Cornerstone Counseling Services will present "Childhool & Adolescent
April 24, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. County Communities on Transition (CCoT) Retreat
Wilderness Glacier Canyon Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
Whether you are called a CCoT, TAC, or other unique name, join us to learn information
about your county, gain new and innovative ideas, and increase post school outcomes
for youth in your communities. This event is free. To register, go to
April 25, 6:00 dinner, 7:00 event. All Abilities Empowerment Event
Oak Creek, IL
This is a group for people with Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, or other disorders on the
spectrum (and those who love them) to get together, chat, build friendships, and support
each other.
April 29, Temple Grandin Free Event
6:30 pm, Southern Door Community Auditorium, 2073 County DK, Brussels WI
Sponsored by P.A.T.H, for more information contact (920) 559-6217.
April 30-May 2, Autism Society of Wisconsin Annual Conference
Kalahari, WI Dells
Conference Web site:
Autism Society of Wisconsin Pre-conference Workshop
Autism Society of Wisconsin Pre-conference Workshop: Literacy for All! Strategies to
Support Emerging Readers on the Autism Spectrum Thursday, April 30, 2015.
Presented by: Lynn Stansberry Brusnahan, Julie Arens, Barbara Christensen,
Rosemary Gardner, Mary McMullen, & Jessi Lowney
Participants will learn the basics for teaching students with autism spectrum disorders
(ASD) to read by providing comprehensive instruction, using evidence-based practices.
Case studies will be presented along with demonstrations of how to teach working with
words, guided reading, writing, and self-selected reading. As a result of this workshop,
participants will be able to state the core challenges students with ASD experience that
impact literacy and their ability to access curriculum and standards; learn how to write
meaningful standards-based IEP goals and objectives with examples that take into
account student challenges; and employ effective literacy strategies for struggling and
emerging readers with autism. For registration information go to:
April 30-May 1, Rehabilitation and Transition Conference
KI Convention Center, Green Bay
Conference web site:
April 30 – May 1, 2015, Circles of Life Conference
Holiday Inn Convention Center, Steven’s Point, WI
We are happy to announce that the Circles of Life 2015 Conference materials are now
available. Please visit the web site at: and share the
information with your networks.
 Benefit from the many workshop selections found in the Circles of Life
Conference brochure.
 Support youth with disabilities in skill-building and transition planning and
siblings to connect with other siblings.
 Share with your family, friends, colleagues, and community.
Click here to register online for Circles of Life Conference.
May 7, 6th Annual Opening Horizons Conference
UW Whitewater is hosting this free opportunity for students with disabilities to learn
about the transition to post secondary education.
You can learn more about the event and register for free at:
May 9, Saturday, 9:00am to 4:00 pm, Endless Possibilities Conference - Mission:
Every Student a Reader
Chula Vista, WI Dells
Sign up now for the 2015 Endless Possibilities Conference. This FREE conference is
will focus on reading & literacy outcomes for students with IEPs. Topics include
Literacy, Strategies to Support Learning at Home, Common Core State Standards,
Statewide Assessments, Independent Education Evaluations, Specific Learning
Disabilities Eligibility, and much more! This event is open to families and
educators. You won’t want to miss this conference!
Register at:
May 13th: WSEMS Parent Friendly IEP Webinar
We will have guests from WI FACETS and CESA 7 to discuss the new presentation on
parent friendly and productive IEP meetings. The purpose of this webinar is to review
the new powerpoint presentation resource and discuss how it can be used by anyone
interested in providing professional development to educators on how to conduct parent
friendly IEPs. Registration to this webinar will be sent out to the family engagement and
autism general update email list.
May 28, Tools for Transition: Learn them Early, Use them for Life
Madison College, Truax Campus
The Community of Practice on Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Developmental
Disabilities, Transition Improvement Grant, Madison College, and WI Community on
Transition is sponsoring this free meeting and PD event.
For more information:
June 15 and 16, Oconomowoc Area School District Autism Summer Institute
Oconomowoc High School
Presented by Kate McGinnity, members of Oconomowoc School District Autism
Resource Team, OASD Students and Keynote by Grace Keegan and Max McKeough.
Focus on Supporting New Behavior!
To Register Visit:
June 15 - 17, Walking the Four Directions: A Traditional View of Discipline
Bad River Convention Center, UW Highway 2, Odanah, WI
This is a 3 day workshop on using the medicine wheel to develop strength based
techniques when working with tribal youth.
More information and registration at:
June 23-24, 2015, From Self Advocacy to Self Determination
WDPI Two Day Autism Training
Radisson, Green Bay
Kate McGinnity, Mary Graczyk-McMullen, and Judy Endow are Trainers.
For all trainings, Registration on the DPI autism web page:
July 27-29, 2015, 22nd Annual Inclusion Institute
Westwood Conference Center, Wauasau
Michael Remus keynote July 28 and Katherine and Ben Perreth Keynote on July 29.
Flier in google folder.
Information & Registration is available at:
July 29 and 30th. Autism, Inclusion and Technology Institute
New Richmond High School is hosting Autism, Inclusion and Technology Institute
Presented by Kate McGinnity, Sharon Hammer, and Lisa Ladson
Contact Julie Klaeser, for more information
More information at:
August 5-6, Kettle Moraine Autism Summer Institute
Aurora Medical Center, Summit WI
Kate McGinnity and Max McKeough, (college freshman with autism), KMAST members
and students from KMHS Presenters.
Questions: Please contact Student Services at 262-968-6300, ext. 5342 or ext. 5343
Register online by going to
August 10-11, 2015, Save the Date for 2015 Intellectual Disabilities Conference
Madison at the Crowne Plaza Hotel
Topics include teaching literacy to students with intellectual disabilities, IEPs, assistive
technology, and family engagement.
Registration coming soon.
Contact Mare Schenk, or Molly Bever for more information.
October 12 and 13, 2015, Special Education Conference – Now Accepting
Submissions accepted through July 24, 2015
Presenters notified by August 7, 2015
Possible topics may include: Assistive Technology, transition, self-directed IEPs,
classroom management, facilitating IEP team meetings, functional behavioral
assessments, team teaching, collaborating with parents and common core standards.
Go to and click on the conference of your choice.
October 29 & 30, 2015, 2015 Wisconsin Statewide Transition Academy
Wilderness Glacier Canyon Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
New this year – the Transition Academy will be a TWO-DAY event and will be packed
with information relating to all areas of transition. This conference is perfect for all,
whether you are an agency member, teacher, paraprofessional, parent or student.
This event is free. More information and registration coming soon!
November 10-11, 2015, 25th Annual Children Come First Conference Save the
Glacier Canyon Lodge at Wilderness Resort, Wisconsin Dells
Sponsored by Wisconsin Family Ties, this year’s theme is “Include Me”
November 16 and 17, 2015, Technology Conference for Special Education – Now
Accepting Proposals
Submissions accepted through September 1, 2015
Presenters notified by September 18, 2015
Possible topics may include: using Google apps in the classroom, iPads and apps,
selecting and implementing the correct assistive technology, integrating technology into
the home, workplace and school environment, AT and the IEP, Augmentative and
Alternative Communication, social networking for educators and students and teaching
with iOS
Go to and click on the conference of your choice.
December 3-4, 2015, Across the Lifespan Conference (now accepting proposals)
More information at:
4) Ongoing Training Opportunity Links! (back to top)
Wisconsin Special Education Professional Development Calendar Now Live
This project was funded through the State Professional Development Grant and is also
funded and supported by WSPEI. We hope this calendar helps families and educators
find professional development and information through the calendar’s unique ability to
filter by topic, region, disability, and organization. The WI SPED PD Calendar also links
to Wisconsin’s Education Calendar at DPI.
Check out Recorded Webinars from Illinois’ Parent Training and Information
Center “Family Matters”
This group has several recorded webinars which may be of interest to families and
educators available for FREE on many topics to assist students. Topics include
“Creating Positive Behavioral Change”, “Teaching Teens and Adults how to Interact
Safely with Police”, “Using Technology to Access General Education Curriculum”,
“Being Your Child’s Reading Coach”, and “Drawing a Blank [evidence based strategies
to assist students with autism with reading comprehension]”
Family Matters recorded Webinar site:
Community of Practice on Autism and other Developmental Disabilities – Current
Trainings and Networking Opportunities
The CoP ASD/DD has 3 free meetings a year as well as posts several local, regional,
and statewide information on their web site.
For main page go to:
For list of upcoming PD / Networking / Resources go to:
Autism Society of Wisconsin Trainings: Check out Professional Development and
Support Groups at Autism Society of Wisconsin (ASW). ASW also has links to regional
Autism Society Chapters across Wisconsin which hold regional events, support groups,
and professional development opportunities.
Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin Trainings and Support: Check out
additional Parent and Educator Professional Development, Support Groups, and
Sibshop opportunities at Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin:
Early Childhood Seminar Series
Flier in google doc. Talks on a variety of Early Childhood topics including “Effects of
Autism on Family Routines (Feb 17)”, “Functional Assessment and Positive Support to
Address Challenging Behavior in Young Children (March 17)”, and “Social Influences on
Infants’ and Children’s Food Preferences and Eating (April 21)”.
For more information, contact : Joan Ershler, 262.4718 or
Carol Noddings Eichinger, 890-0144 or
Parents United Trainings in Pewaukee
Parents United is a consortium of school districts to provide high quality speakers on a
wide variety of educational topics. Open to parents and professionals, the programs are
offered both during the day and in the evening. Go to web site for participating districts.
WI FACETS Free Phone Workshops for Families and Educators and Other
Trainings (New Training Schedule Now Available for 2015! – in google folder)
Information and registration information at:
TIG (Transition Improvement Grant Trainings). The Transition Improvement Grant
website has a new feature: Request a Training. If your local educational agency, school,
or organization would like free high-quality professional development in the area of
postsecondary transition, visit the grant website: and click “Request
Training” at the top of the page and fill out and submit the request form. Use this URL to
view a description of available training opportunities:
FREE Transition Information Night for Families in CESAs Statewide – Your Child
Can Work!
WSPEI and TIG have partnered again this year to provide a free informational night on
the topic of Special Education Transition in each CESA in 2015. The “Your Child Can
Work” trainings will highlight representatives and information from the Division of
Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), the
Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI), and the Transition
Improvement Grant (TIG). Registration is available at the TIG web site calendar: Find the date on the attached calendar for your
CESA and click on the “Your Child Can Work” training. Please pass along this
opportunity to families and interested educators in your districts and schools.
RTI/PBIS Center trainings: Check out updated Wisconsin RTI/PBIS Center trainings
on topics such as Culturally Responsive Classroom Practices, Universal Reading and
Math Instruction, and Coaching Trainings.
Waisman Center Connections Selected Upcoming Events
This web site lists many additional training, workshop, and professional development
5) Opportunities and Information for Students, Families, and
Educators (back to top)
Anything stating “attached” will be found in the google documents.
Summer Camps for Students with Autism
iCan Bike Program - This June in Elkhorn and Cedarburg!
From June 15-19, iCan Shine's Bike program will be at Lakeland School in Elkorn to
teach individuals with disabilities how to ride a conventional bike and become a lifelong
independent rider. For information on the program as either a rider or volunteer, call the
office at 414-988-1260. Applications for both riders or volunteers, can be found
here: iCanShine-Elkhorn- rider or ICanShine- Elkhorn- volunteer
From June 22-26, iCan Shine's Bike program will be in Cedarburg at the Columbia St.
Mary's Center home of the Milwaukee Curling Club. The Cedarburg camp is cosponsored with the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin (DSAW). For information
on the program as either a rider or volunteer, you can find the forms by following these
links:.iCanShine-Cedarburg- rider or iCanShine- Cedarburg- volunteer
Special Olympics of Wisconsin
Easter Seals
Wisconsin Lions Camp
May 7, 6th Annual Opening Horizons Conference
UW Whitewater is hosting this free opportunity for students with disabilities to learn
about the transition to post secondary education.
You can learn more about the event and register for free at:
Exceptional Kids Yoga Project (Madison, WI)
Heather Hazelwood is a co-founders of Exceptional Kids Yoga Project. We are a local
Madison, WI start-up and offer yoga classes to children with developmental disabilities
and their families, free of charge. You can learn more about us at our facebook
page, and on our website, Also, this
video gives you a great sense of what our classes are like We are completely volunteer-run and hold fundraisers /
events to cover expenses and keep our classes free. We are a registered 501(c)(3)
Reading Programs for Children and Young Adults through Marquette University
College of Professional Studies. Programs from 4 year old through adults offered in
Appleton, Brookfield, Burlington, Glendale, Green Bay, Greendale, Kenosha, Madison,
Milwaukee, West Bend, and other locations throughout the area.
Call (800) 964-8888 for more information.
For more camp resources contact WI First Step:
Wisconsin Family Ties Seeking Parent Peer Specialists
Wisconsin Family Ties has two open positions for parent peer specialists – one in Beloit
and one in Green County (Monroe). Flier located in google folder. Contact WI Family
Ties for more information.
WI School Mental Health Project Applications
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and partners invite applications from
school districts to take part in a four year Wisconsin School Mental Health Project.
Applications are due May 11, 2015. Please see the attached (in google folders)
materials for more information.
This project is recruiting districts for both cohorts, one beginning late summer this year
(2015-16 school year), and one starting the following year (2016-17). If you have
attended one of my presentations in the last year about school mental health in
Wisconsin, you know I have been anxiously awaiting this announcement day. Please
review the materials and begin discussions at your school and in your district. Your
superintendent will have received this same information electronically today. If you
have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Summer 2015 Youth Leadership Summit Applications
Applications are being accepted now for Summer 2015 Youth Leadership Summit
(YLS). Presented by WI FACETS and IndependenceFirst, YLS is in its 11th year. YLS is
a FREE week-long leadership and self-advocacy event for high school students with
disabilities. The focus is on the importance of these skills in facing life with a disability
after high school. Sessions cover employment, college options, money management
and healthy relationships in a fun, interactive way.
Students may attend the YLS from June 15-19 at IndependenceFirst in Milwaukee OR
July 13-17 at the Mequon Nature Preserve. The YLS is held from 10-4
daily. Participants who complete the full week receive a $100 stipend. Breakfast, lunch
& afternoon snack are provided. Space is limited to 25 youth per Summit. For an
application: Matthew Zellmer, WI FACETS’ Transition Specialist, or 877-374-0511.
Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum Now Accepting Applications!!!
Come celebrate our 15th anniversary with us!!!
The WI YLF is a FREE, week-long leadership training and career awareness program
for high school students with disabilities. It will be held July 26-31, 2015 at the
Edgewood College campus in Madison, WI.
If you know a high school student with a disability who is active in their school and/or
community and would like to develop leadership and advocacy skills, learn more about
college and career options, and start making valuable connections with other young
leaders in our state, please forward them this information so they can apply today!
Applications and more information is available at:
Application Deadline: May 11, 2015
Please direct questions to John Shaw at WI BPDD – or
(608) 266-7707.
Wisconsin Promise
Wisconsin Promise is a new federal demonstration grant from the USDOE for youth
ages 14, 15 and 16 years old receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). All youth
and families who enroll will receive two $15 gift cards to Wal Mart, Pick n Save or
Target. Half of the youth will continue to receive services as usual (the services they
currently receive will not change). The other half of enrolled youth will receive access to
Wisconsin Promise Services and a computer tablet. Services include career exploration
and planning, job development and placement, on-the-job supports, work incentives
benefits counseling, financial training and coaching, social skills training, and self- and
family advocacy training.
Wisconsin Promise Services are provided through the Division of Vocational
Rehabilitation (DVR) to both the youth and their family members to help achieve their
employment and education goals. Under this grant, schools, mental health programs,
long term care programs, vocational rehabilitation programs, and child welfare programs
are all working together to support youth and families.
Because the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is a main PROMISE partner, the
DPI Special Education Team is highly involved and we strongly support the work of the
PROMISE program. We ask that you share information about Wisconsin Promise with
the youth who are 14, 15 or 16 years old who are receiving SSI and their families.
For youth and families, a one page Wisconsin Promise You Can Work flier
Enrollment materials are at If youth or family members
need help with enrollment materials or are unsure if they are eligible for Wisconsin
Promise they can contact Erin Johnson, the Promise Intake Attendant, toll free at 1-855480-5618 or by email at
University of Wisconsin Stout – Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder
UW Stout offers a certificate program on autism spectrum disorder.
Flier in google document. For more information contact Esther Gieschen, (715) 394-8529.
New College Course – Developing Sensitivity Towards Children with Autism
Jess Lawinger and Shannon Prosch are offering a 3 credit course through IGS and
Silver Lake College. The emphasis of this course will be placed on developing an
understanding and sensitivity towards children on the autism spectrum. This will assist
teachers in implementing simple adjustments throughout their classroom, and teaching,
to make it more autism friendly. A focus of this course will be to help teachers be more
confident by learning evidenced-based strategies and supports when working with
students on the autism spectrum in an inclusive classroom setting. The knowledge that
participants gain will be easily applied to all students' learning. This course will offer
perspectives from a variety of viewpoints including parents and/or a person diagnosed
with autism, teachers, and therapists. Along with guest speakers, information will be
provided through videos, internet modules, lectures, books, whole group discussions
and peer presentations. Course participants will leave with a variety of resources for
continual use and reference. There are 3 ways to enroll for this course: Website:, Email:, Call: Sherry Mills @ 1-877447-7895.
Here is the link to our Facebook Page:
Marquette PEERS 18-26 Year Olds
Adults with autism spectrum disorder, aged 18- 26 years old, who speak in full
sentences, are needed for a research study investigating how intervention affects the
brain. Adults will be assessed while receiving the Program for the Education and
Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) intervention at Marquette University. Intake
and follow-up assessments will include several behavioral tests, and non-invasive
measures of heart rate and brain activity (EEG: electroencephalogram). Sixteen
PEERS group therapy sessions will be held weekly at Marquette University. PEERS
sessions will be provided at no charge to eligible families, and families will be provided
with free parking. If you wish to participate or have any questions regarding the study,
please contact either Amy Vaughan Van Hecke, Ph.D., or Alana McVey at 414-2884438, or
6) NEW Resources and Information (back to top)
Anything stating “attached” will be found in the google documents.
Autism and General Resources (NEW)
(back to top)
New Autism Awareness Infographic from NCMEC
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) has a new Autism
Awareness Infographic to help communities increase awareness about the issues of
wandering in Children with Autism, enabling them to better address these issues in
For the graphic, please click:
Transition Age Youth Web Site Resource
This site provides information on transition to post secondary.
Universal Design for Learning Tip
Google Lit Trips are a great way to engage students in a text. They work in conjunction
with Google Earth to map out the journeys of characters from famous literature. Google
Lit Trips are designed to stimulate higher level thinking skills that connect the story’s
themes and messages to the issues of the real world in which students live. The “trips”
are highly interactive and contain relevant media, discussion starters, and links to
supplementary information. Check out available titles and sign up for a free educator
account at or read more about these
engaging literary experiences at
Universal Design for Learning Tip
GoNoodle is a website that provides short video based brain breaks that are free, fun,
and engaging. There are many different types of brain breaks to choose from including
yoga poses, breathing exercises, stress relievers, energizers, etc. They even have a
series of videos specifically designed to use during indoor recess which is very handy
this time of year! GoNoodle is great for students but can also be used during staff
meetings, professional development, or anytime you have groups of people sitting for
long periods of time. Go to and create a free account to get
Annual report of the new Wisconsin Office of Children’s Mental Health
This important and groundbreaking report provides data that has never been compiled
in once place, demonstrating the needs in our state. It is now posted on the DPI
Mental Health page at
Direct link to report:
Video: Program to Support Students with Autism in College
Mansfield Hall is an innovative college support program for students with diverse
learning needs, who with additional individualized support, have the academic potential
to be successful in college.
Mansfield Hall’s mission is to build a community that empowers and supports students
with diverse learning needs to earn a college degree, develop authentic living skills, and
create a meaningful life.
DPI Information and Resources (NEW)
(back to top)
Anything stating “attached” will be found in the google documents.
New Cognitive Disabilities / Intellectual Disabilities Consultant on DPI Special
Education Team
We welcome Molly Bever to our team.
New DTAN Grant Consultant: Vaunce Ashby (formerly an SLD Consultant on the
Special Education team 3 years ago) has returned to DPI to work alongside Courtney
Jenkins on the Disproportionality Technical Assistant Network grant (DTAN).
Academic and Career Planning Spotlight on Education
For the month of April, Academic and Career Planning (ACP) has a spotlight on special
education. ACP is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which students create and
cultivate their own unique and information-based visions for post-secondary success,
obtained through self-exploration, career exploration, and the development of career
management and planning skills. While not a replacement to the PTP, ACPs are closely
related and complementary to the transition plans that students receiving special
education services are federally required to incorporate into their individualized education
programs (IEPs) once they reach age 14. When implemented as a whole-school program,
ACPs are designed to engage all students in becoming career-ready by helping them
define the secondary and postsecondary plans that will help them achieve their selfdefined career goals. Join and follow our conversation on twitter (@WisDPI_ACP),
Parental Language Assistance Rights
A new guidance document for Providing Language Assistance to Parents was released.
It is intended to assist districts in meeting their obligations to parents with limited English
proficiency (LEP) or communications-related disabilities, who are parents of public
school students. Public schools have a general responsibility to provide meaningful
access to their programs and activities to students, parents, and other community
members, under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and
section 118.13 of the Wisconsin statutes.
Revised SLD Webpage
The SLD page ( has a new look. We hope that the
revisions you see will aid you in your essential work. On this page, please look for:
Revised organizational layout that presents categories of information. Click on
the category to find a list of documents related to the topic (e.g., laws, forms,
Updated “Required Documentation for Specific Learning Disability (SLD) – Initial
Evaluation” (ER-2A) form
Updated “Frequently Asked Questions About Making Specific Learning Disability
(SLD) Eligibility Decisions” (aka “FAQ”). The expanded FAQ is in response to
the questions you have been asking about implementation of the SLD rule.
Literacy Assessments & Student/School Learning Objectives (SLOs)
We have been busy at DPI creating new resources to help you lead literacy initiatives in
your schools and districts.
Our latest webinar is on Literacy Assessment and SLOs - this will be helpful both to
reflect on this year's SLO cycle, as well as to guide next year's SLO cycle. See this
webinar at Upcoming webinars include: Culturally Responsive Literacy Assessment and
Literacy Assessment and the SLD Eligibility Rule. See all webinars in the series at
We have also created a new professional learning collection centered on Speaking and
Listening - why are speaking and listening important? How can we go beyond the
standards? Like our other professional learning collections, it includes a scripted
PowerPoint (downloadable and customizable) and all supplementary resources. Find
this collection at
You may notice that our DPI websites have a slightly different look to them - we are in
the process of using a new platform and updating our pages - bear with us as we
engage in this process, and if you cannot find something you need, please reach out to
us at or
Closing Gaps — Strategies for Leaders and Teachers
Wisconsin educators describe school- and classroom-level strategies which closed
achievement gaps in their schools, in two new videos — each under three minutes:
The reason in-depth, peer-to-peer, instructional coaching is growing, Jill
Schmoldt thinks, is that it's more effective than many traditional professional
development methods.
Erin Hollman, a teacher at St. Marks Lutheran School in Milwaukee, said her
school focuses on providing a "safe, predictable, family atmosphere."
Schmoldt and Hollman served on the Promoting Excellence for All: State
Superintendent's Task Force on Wisconsin's Achievement Gap, a group representing
schools proven by data to be closing gaps among students. The strategies —
"Instructional Coaches” and “Classroom Culture” — are two of those provided by the
task force, in the School & Instructional Leadership and Student-Teacher Relationships
and categories, respectively, of the Promoting Excellence for All website.
More videos and other content are planned for the site in coming months. Because of
this, and because sustained effort is the best way to effect change, the DPI encourages
educators to return to Promoting Excellence for All periodically, as individuals or in
professional development sessions.
There are a number of ways offered to receive updates.
Video-on-Demand Children’s TV Programming Now Accessible for Thousands of
Students with Visual or Hearing Disabilities
The U.S. Department of Education recently announced the availability of free, video-ondemand children’s television programming for thousands of students who are blind,
visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing. For more information, please visit
New Guidance to Help Protect Student Privacy in Education Sites and Apps
When signing up for a new technology, digital service, or app, there’s a simple little
check box near the end that most of us don’t give much thought. But for schools and
districts, agreeing to a terms of service agreement could have big implications for
student privacy. The U.S. Department of Education released model terms of service
guidance to help schools identify which online educational services and apps have
strong privacy and data security policies to protect our students. Some terms of service
agreements are a tough read, even for lawyers, so the hope is that our new guidance
will help school officials decide what’s right for their school and students. Today’s
guidance helps officials look for provisions that would allow the service or company to
market to students or parents, provisions on how data is collected, used, shared,
transferred, and destroyed, and it also guides schools on making sure they’re satisfying
parental access requirements, as well as proper security controls.
Read the entire guidance and check out the training video at
DPI Dynamic Learning Map Webinar Trainings (free)
DLM trainings from DPI can be found at:
NEW Family Engagement
(back to top)
Anything stating “attached” will be found in the google documents.
Videos to Assist children Birth to 3
From the National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, This series of short videos
provides parents with activities they can do with children birth to three on the following
topics: Brain Wonders, Literacy Skills, Power of Play, and Temperament.
Wisconsin Family Engagement March Newsletter
The topic for this month’s newsletter is Traumatic Brain Injury.
Family Engagement Story: Preparation Pays Off.
There are now 2 ways to submit contribution forms for the newsletter. You can either
use the online form at or use the attached fillable PDF form for
contributing articles, events, and resources.
7) Archived Resources to Check Up on and View Again
(Daniel’s Top Picks)
(back to top)
Understanding Autism – A Guide for Secondary School Teachers
I have previously raved about the online videos from Organization for Autism Research
Now OAR has a guide for teachers which goes along with these videos.
Check out the new guide at:
Updated Next Steps Resource Guide
Next Steps: A Guide for Families New to Autism Spectrum Disorder created by Autism
Society of Wisconsin recently updated this guide (9th edition). Includes information
about autism and specific supports for Wisconsin families.
Direct Link to Guide:
Link to ASW Web site:
New NPDC-ASD and AIM Resources
 NPDC-ASD Identifies 3 NEW Evidence Based Practices
The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders
(NPDC-ASD) has added 3 new evidence based practices to their current list, making
27 total!
Additions included Exercise, Modeling, and Scripting.
To see the new report go to:
For a current list of evidence based practices go to:
Autism Internet Modules: Sign up for a free account on this web site to access
several videos of effective interventions for students with autism including several
modules designated as Evidence Based Practices from the National Professional
Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Several videos also include information
about autism.
Think College Web Site
Although this is not new, it is something I wanted to highlight and make sure everyone is
aware of this great web site and the Think College resources /information in Wisconsin.
Think College is a national effort to expand postsecondary educational opportunities for
students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Consider joining the Wisconsin Community of Practice on ASD/DD: This group of
family members, researchers, medical practitioners, educators, and other stakeholder
meet throughout the year on a variety of topics to promote best practice and work
towards solutions to improve the lives of people with ASD and other development
The next meeting on October 11th is on Post Secondary Options and ASD/DD.
More information can be found at:
Center on Secondary Education for Students with ASD (CSESA) Web Site and
Face book Page: CSESA is a research and development project funded by the U.S.
Department of Education that focused on developing, adapting, and studying a
comprehensive school- and community-based education program for high school
students on the autism spectrum. This project is a five-year project that brings together
experts in autism, secondary education, adolescence, and implementation to work in
collaboration with schools, families, adolescents with ASD, and community members.
Website: - Sign-up to stay connected on our website!
Face book page: - Look for weekly discussion
posts on the Face book page!
Autism at a Glance: Supporting Communication in High School
Autism at a Glance: Supporting Functional Communication in High School
Autism at a Glance: Depression in Adolescents with ASD
WISEDash Public Portal – A Great Source for Data on Wisconsin Schools
This portal will eventually be able to disaggregate statewide and district data by
disability status.
Launched in early October, the WISEdash Public Portal offers parents and citizens
enhanced technology to view and compare public school and district data in a webbased, dashboard format.
Additional information is available on the Department of Public Instruction newsroom
website Visit WISEdash directly
at - the basic how-to for WISEdash, 3 minutes long
Take care,
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