02/27/2015 of 4-3 / 177 On Approval of Rules of subsidizing increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 35 of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 4, 2008, subparagraph 41) of paragraph 1 of Article 6of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 8, 2005 "About state regulation of development of agriculture and rural areas" I ORDER: 1. To approve enclosed Rules of subsidizing increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses (hereinafter - the Rules). 2. Department of production and processing of plant products and phytosanitary security of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with legislation to ensure that: 1) the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the direction of its copies in the official publication of periodicals and legal information system "Adilet"; 3) placement of this order on the Internet site of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3. Control over execution of this order to assign to supervising Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 4. This order shall come into force from the date of state registration and is subject to official publication, except for the third sub-paragraph 1) of paragraph 8, and the third part of paragraph 10 of the Regulation, which entered into force on 1 January 2016. Acting Minister of Agriculture The Republic of Kazakhstan S. Omarov "Agreed" Minister of Finance Republic of Kazakhstan _______________ B. Sultanov "" 2015 2 "Agreed" Minister of National Economy Republic of Kazakhstan _______________ E. Dosayev "" 2015 Approved by Order of the Acting Minister of Agriculture Republic of Kazakhstan on February 27, 2015 № 4-3 / 177 rules subsidy increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses 1. General Provisions 1. These Regulations subsidy increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses ( further - Rules) are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 8, 2005 "On State Regulation of development of agriculture and rural areas" and determine the procedure for subsidy increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses. 2. To determine the list of agricultural producers for subsidies solution mayor of the city of republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance) created an inter-ministerial commission (hereinafter - the Commission). The Commission includes representatives of: 1) Mayor's Office of republican status, capital, area (city of regional significance), including departments or departments of agriculture and land relations of the city of republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance), Akim rural district; 2) territorial inspections of the authorized body in the field of agro-industrial complex; 3) regional chambers of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan; 4) scientific and public organizations of the agricultural profile (if available). The working body of the Commission is the department of agriculture of the city of republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance) (hereinafter - the Department). 3 3. Funding is based on the decision of akimat of the region and the city of republican status, capital within the funds provided by the regional budget, the city of republican significance, the capital of the relevant financial year. Akims of oblasts, in the case of an incomplete development of any region (city of regional significance) of the allocated funds can redistribute them among other areas (cities of regional significance) within the approved level of subsidization of the field. 4. The amount of subsidies on areas (depending on the target structure of sown areas of priority crops) established by a regulation of the regional akimat, and the city of republican significance, the capital - the decision of akimat of republican significance, the capital. 5. Resolution of the akimat of the region and the city of republican status, capital as agreed with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - Ministry) established a list of priority crops and subsidy rules (1 hectare and (or) 1 ton) to improve the yield and quality of crop production , reduction of the cost of fuels and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses (hereinafter - the rules of subsidies). This list of priority crops and subsidy rules submitted to the Ministry in coordination with scientific institutions of agrarian profile having accreditation in the field of scientific and technical activities, accompanied by cost estimates for each subsidized culture. 2. The recipients of subsidies 6. Subsidies to agricultural producers are allocated annually in accordance with the procedure established by this Regulation, to improve the yield and quality of crop production, reduction of (40%) of the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring sowing and harvesting works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses, including those acquired under a leasing agreement of seeds required for the spring field work. Conditions for obtaining grants 7. Subsidies are paid in priority to crops at 1 hectare and (or) 1 tonne subsidy standards established by the decision of akimat of the region, city of republican status, capital as agreed with the Ministry. 8. Payment of grants is carried out under the following conditions: 1) Grain and leguminous crops (except rice, corn) - 100% for the sowing of 1 hectare. Standards of subsidies for each type of grain and leguminous crops (except rice, corn) are set differently according to their priority in the regions. Agricultural producers engaged in cultivation of grain and leguminous crops (except rice, corn), subsidies are paid, provided sowing seeds of not less than a third of the reproduction of varieties included in the State register of breeding 3. 4 achievements permitted for use in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the list of promising varieties of agricultural plants, approved by order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 30, 2009 № 434 "On approval of the State register of breeding achievements permitted for use in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the list of promising varieties of crops" (registered in the Register of state registration of normative legal acts of the number 5759) (hereinafter - State Register and List); 2) oilseeds 100% for the sowing campaign 1 hectare, or (in accordance with the existing processing facilities) shall be paid: 50% - at the end of planting season on 1 hectare; 50% - to 1 ton of oilseeds, sold or handed over for recycling processing enterprises, or transferred for recycling their own processing structure; 3) rice, maize grain, maize silage, sunflower silage, vegetable and melon (except vegetable crops cultivated in a protected ground) feed, including perennial legumes first, second and third years of life and potatoes - 100% at the end of planting season on 1 hectare; Agricultural producers engaged in growing rice and having sown area of rice less than 200 hectares if they are not members of the rural consumer cooperative, a rural consumer cooperative water users, subsidies are paid in the amount of 50% of normal subsidies. Agricultural producers engaged in growing rice, subsidies paid under the condition of sowing seeds of not less than a third of the reproduction of varieties included in the State Register and the List; 4) Sugar beet (factory) 50% - at the end of planting season on 1 hectare; 50% - to 1 tonne of sugar beet, sold or donated for recycling at the sugar factory; 5) for cotton: 50% - at the end of planting season on 1 hectare; 50% - to 1 ton of seed cotton, sold or handed over for processing on cotton processing plant. Agricultural producers engaged in the cultivation of cotton and cotton acreage have less than 50 hectares, if they are not members of the rural consumer cooperative, a rural consumer cooperative water users, subsidies are paid in the amount of 50% of normal subsidies; 6) on vegetable crops cultivated in protected soil - differentially depending on the type of greenhouse and in accordance with the norms of expenses for the cultivation of vegetable crops, approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the authorized body, 50% separately for each crop rotation on the stipulated per hectare annual rate subsidies on the basis of the obtained shoots (at least 95% caught on seedlings per 1 square meter). As a whole, subsidized by no more than two of the cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses: the first - from 1 January to 15 June and the second - from 1 September 5 to 31 December this year (winter-spring and autumn-winter). The deviation from the set start and end dates crop rotation for 15 days. Greenhouses are divided by type of industrial greenhouses and farm greenhouse. Industrial greenhouses - a complex of buildings protected ground, with a total inventory area of at least 0.5 hectare of operating year-round, using mechanical means made in the form of premises with a translucent roof and side rails and systems including: heating (central or gas or standalone), climate control (including system automatic post-humidification, air), supplementary lighting, shading, drip irrigation. Farm greenhouses - buildings protected ground, made in the form of premises with translucent side rails and roof, heating system and drip irrigation systems designed for year-round or seasonal cultivation of vegetable crops, as well as their seedlings for planting in open ground and do not meet specifications, equipment equipment and technical means provided for industrial greenhouse complex; 7) on perennial grasses of the first, second and third years of life, seeded (including the fall of the previous year) for grassing and (or) a radical improvement in hay and (or) of rangelands (accounted for plowing only old-crop) - 100% per 1 hectare crops. 9. The rate of subsidy is increased in the following cases: 1) the cultivation of melons in the open field, oilseeds, corn, silage corn, potatoes, sugar beet and cotton with drip irrigation systems industrial design, sprinkler irrigation systems, industrial design. This drip irrigation system of the industrial design should include: a pumping station, a hydrocyclone (or filtering devices), gidropodkormschik, pressure regulator (manual or automatic type), water meter and piping system with droppers; 2) the cultivation on the irrigation of perennial and annual grasses, including perennial legumes first, second and third years of life, and perennial grasses sown for grassing and (or) a radical improvement in hay and (or) of rangelands (accounted for plowing only old-growth crops perennial grasses). 10. Grants are paid only on the area sown in the optimal timing of priority crops cultivated on arable land, and (or) on the area of perennial grasses sown for grassing and (or) a radical improvement in hay and (or) of rangelands. Deadline for submission of applications for grants to improve the yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses in the form in accordance with Annex 1 to this Regulation (hereinafter - application) for inclusion in the list of agricultural commodity producers of the city of republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance) for grants to improve the yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory values needed for spring-field and harvest works, the cost of crop production in greenhouses in the form according to Annex 2 to this Regulation, 6 (hereinafter - list agricultural producers for grants) and the optimum time of sowing are determined for each type of subsidized crops priority resolution of akimat of republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance) on the basis of the conclusions of the scientific organizations, taking into account the prevailing climatic conditions of the year. At the same time, subsidies are paid to agricultural producers who purchased the seeds below the first pictures and first-generation hybrids to the extent necessary to ensure the planned strain renovation in accordance with the approved regional akimat and the city of republican status, capital minimum standards purchase (use) seeds (This rule does not It applies to producers of original seeds, elite-seed farms, seed farms). 11. Agricultural producers no later than the dates specified in the department posted the announcement of the beginning and the end of the acceptance of applications, submit to the Department an application and a bank certificate of the second level or the national postal operator of a bank account with an indication of its number in a single copy. 12. elskohozyaystvennye producers engaged in the production of grain and leguminous crops (except rice, corn), submit to the department: copy of the map (scheme) placement of fields in the rotation (with certified elskohozyaystvennym manufacturers and coordinated the department) for the previous year; copy of the map (scheme) placement of fields in the rotation (with elskohozyaystvennym certified producers) for the current year. Copies of the documents mentioned in this paragraph of the Rules, a certified elskohozyaystvennym manufacturers and department stores, and in the department for three years. 13. In order to receive subsidies for 1 ton: sugar beet, cotton and oilseeds producers with elskohozyaystvennye indicate additional information regarding the application in the presence of: contracts of sale of sugar beet, cotton and oilseeds and (or) the provision of services on a tolling processing plant; the processing of oil seeds in their own mini-workshops - the act of reception and transmission of oil seeds between the departments of agricultural producers, signed by their leaders. 14. elskohozyaystvennye producers engaged in the production of vegetables in greenhouses, for inclusion in the list of agricultural producers for subsidies further specified in the application information concerning the availability of the technical passport of the authorized body of state registration of real estate on the availability and size of the working area of the greenhouses (buildings protected ground). 15. elskohozyaystvennye producers when purchasing seed crops on the basis of the leasing contract for inclusion in the list of agricultural producers for subsidies further specified in the application information concerning the availability of the lease agreement. 7 The procedure for calculating the subsidy 16. Grants are calculated from the agricultural producer declared areas of priority crops to be subsidies, subsidies and regulations approved by Resolution akimat of the region and the city of republican significance, the capital. 4. The procedure for the payment of subsidies 17. Department of places on the Internet site of Akimat of the city of republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance), and in the print media and the announcement of the beginning of the deadline, the order of the Commission. 18. Department within three working days of the receipt of applications and the documents referred to in paragraphs 11-14 of these Regulations (hereinafter documents), checks them for completeness and submits to the Commission. In the case of an agricultural producer incomplete set of documents, and the application documents are returned agricultural producers within five working days for completion. 19. The Commission, within three working days of the department considers the submitted documents, a list of agricultural producers for grants, applying for grants in areas subsidizing distributes brought the city of republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance) the volume of subsidies on priority crops. 20. In the event of excess applications of agricultural producers brought against the city of republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance) the volume of subsidies for priority crops, priority is given to the request of the members of the rural consumer cooperatives and rural consumer cooperatives of water users, and the remaining amount is distributed proportionally to the applicant. 21. To grant agricultural producers after the planting season in the optimum time of sowing, shall submit to the Department a written information on the completion of the sowing areas showing the actual and the sowing of crops species. 22. After the establishment of optimum time of sowing division in two weeks may arrange a visit of members of the Commission (in consultation) in the management of agricultural producers with the aim of a visual check for germination and crop rotation, indicated in the maps (schemes) placement of fields in the rotation. 23. As a result of inspections by the Commission (in consultation) within three working days of acceptance shall be drawn crop and landings of agricultural producers according to the Annex 3 to this Regulation (hereinafter - the act of acceptance), including winter crops (after wintering) and perennial grasses last of the year. The act of acceptance is made in three copies, one of which remains in a elskohozyaystvennogo producers, one - in the Commission and one - in the management of agriculture of the region (city of republican status, capital) (hereinafter - the Administration) and approved by the Governor of the city of 5. 8 republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance) within three working days. 24. The Commission on the basis of act of acceptance and presentation of agricultural producer in the department of documents within five working days after the last receipt of the list of crops and sends it for approval to the akim of the district, and in the cities of regional importance, the city of republican status, capital - the akim of the city. Akim of the city of republican status, capital, area (city of regional significance) within two working days of a list of claims. In the case of non-inclusion in the list of agricultural producers of agricultural producers for subsidies, within two working days after the inspection department issued a certificate corresponding to the agricultural commodity producers with the reason for the refusal. The reasons for refusal to grant subsidies are no seedlings and (or) noncompliance of sowing areas declared size. 25. Department within three working days is approved in the management of akim of the city of republican significance, the capital district (city of regional significance) the list of agricultural producers for grants, certificates of acceptance and help banks, the national postal operator of a bank account, indicating its numbers in a single copy for submission to the authorities of the Treasury. 26. The Office checks the submitted documents with the requirements established by this Regulation, and within five working days of statement forms for the payment of budget subsidies to agricultural producers according to the Annex 4 to this Regulation, and accounts payable. During the management of the payment is in the territorial division of the register of the Treasury accounts payable with accounts payable application in two copies in the case of on paper, while holding accounts payable by the information system, "Treasury-Client" registers invoices for payment are not submitted. Transfer due to subsidies on bank accounts of agricultural producers is carried out running until 15 September of the relevant year, except in cases specified in subparagraphs 2), 4), 5) and 6) of paragraph 8 of this Regulation, under which the transfer of promised subsidies to the bank accounts of agricultural producers is carried out running up to 15 December of the year. 6. Reporting on subsidies 27. The Office of the deadline until 5 July and 25 December of the year is the Ministry of the summary information on the use of subsidies. Summary of the development of budgetary funds allocated to subsidize the priority crops, according to the Annex 5 of this Regulation, placed on Internet resources akimats of regions (cities of republican status, capital) once a year, not later than December 31 of the respective year. Appendix 1 Regulation subsidies increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and 9 lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses Form Interdepartmental Commission ____________ District (city of regional significance, the city of republican status, capital Application for grants to improve the yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (agricultural producers) acting on the basis of: ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (founding document) represented the first head ______________________________________________________ (surname, first name, middle name (if any), position) _______________________________________________________________________________ hereby requests a subvention to the cheaper cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring sowing and harvesting for growing these types of crops on the area: _________ __________ ____________________ Ha ha ____________________ (area) (Culture) (area) (Culture) _________ __________ ____________________ Ha ha ____________________ ____________________ Ha ha ____________________ (area) (Culture) (area) (Culture) _________ __________ (area) (Culture) (area) (Culture) № p/ p 1 1. 2. Data source Required information Data 2 3 4 * The certificate or a certificate of registration number state registration (re-registration) date of registration - for legal entities name location date of state registration Issued Proof of identity - for individuals number, etc. DOCUMENT identity IIN Issued date of issue Certificate of state registration of location individual entrepreneur - for date of registration 10 individual Issued 3. Identification and (or) documents Room act of title to land cadastral number Square all, ha including arable land special purpose number and date of issuance of identification document, by whom issued Name the land user 4. Document confirming the varietal Title of the document and sowing quality of seeds. number The certificate or a certificate for seeds in the seed (in the case of date of issue purchase of seed), issued by the seed producer producers, and in the case of use for sowing seeds of its own grade production - the certificate of reproduction certified seeds 5. The contract of sale of sugar beet number (raw cotton, oilseeds) a name of the manufacturer processing plant (for subsidies for 1 tonne of sugar beet, cotton, Act of reconciliation oilseeds) the volume of sugar beet, cotton,oilseeds tonnes 6. Services Agreement tolling (for number subsidies for 1 tonne of name of the manufacturer sugar beet,cotton, oilseeds) Act of reconciliation the volume of sugar beet, cotton,oilseeds tonnes 7. The act of reception and number transmission of oil seeds between date of issue the departments of agricultural the volume of sugar beet, producers cotton,oilseeds tonnes 8. Technical passport of the address authorized body of state cadastral number registration of real estate on the availability and the working area inventory number of the greenhouses (for special purpose agricultural producers engaged in Fund category the production vegetables in greenhouses) 9. The leasing contract for the lessor purchase of seeds number and date of issue 10. Help rural consumer cooperative number and date of issue 11 or rural cooperatives of water the name of the cooperative users (if any) Note: * certificate of state (accounting) registration (re-registration) of the legal entity (branch, representative office), issued before the enactment of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 24, 2012 "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on state registration of legal entities and registration of branches and representative offices ", is valid until the termination of the legal entity. I confirm the accuracy of the information provided and is aware of the responsibility for providing false information under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Head ___________ ________________________________________ (signature) (surname, first name, middle name (if any) Locus sigilli "___" ____________ 20__ year Application accepted for consideration "___" ________ year 20__ ___________ ___________________________________________________ (signature) (surname, first name, middle name (if any)) of the responsible person, adopted a statement Annex 2 Regulation subsidies increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses Form "Approved" Akim ______________________________ (city of republican status, the capital district (city of regional significance ___________________________________ (name of region) ___________________________________ (surname, first name, middle name (if any) Signature stamp) "___" __________ 20__ List of agricultural producers ____________________ city of republican status, capital, area (city of regional significance) for grants to improve the yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring sowing and harvesting, the cost of crop production in greenhouses Number Name of The rate of The budget Name Sown area, agricultural subsidy 1 subsidy to p/p an act adopted priority be paid, producers gektar by the Crop tenge Commission (1 ton) tenge (column 4 × hectare (volume Count 5) of production in tonnes) 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 __________________________________________________________ Chairman of the Commission (signature, name, patronymic (if any)) _________________ ________________ District Department __________________________________ (signature, name, patronymic (if any)) Locus sigilli Members of the Commission: ________________________________ (signature, name, surname, patronymic (in the presence of)) ________________________________ (signature, name, surname, patronymic (in the presence of)) Appendix 3 Regulation subsidies increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses Form "Approved" Akim ____________ __________________ city of republican status, capital, area (city of regional significance) ___________________________________ (name of region) ___________________________________ (surname, first name, middle name (if any), signature, stamp) "___" __________ 20__ Act Acceptance crop and landings of agricultural producers from "___" ___________ __ 20 years number _____ We, the undersigned, President of the Commission: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (position, name, patronymic (if any)) members _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (position, name, patronymic (if any)) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (position (surname, first name, middle name (if any)) on the one hand and the head 13 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (name of the agricultural producers) on the other hand have made this act that a 20-year ___ received seedlings (planted) the following priority crops in the following areas: ______________________________________________________________________ _______ _______ ha ha _____________________ _________________________ _______ _______ ha ha _____________________ _________________________ _______ _______ ha ha _____________________ _________________________ Chairman of the Commission ___________________________________ __________ (position, name, patronymic (if any)) (signature) __________________________________________ __________ members (position, name, patronymic (if any)) (signature) __________________________________________ __________ (position, name, patronymic (if any)) (signature) __________________________________________ __________ (position, name, patronymic (if any)) (signature) Agricultural producers: ___________________________________ (surname, first name, middle name (if any), signature, stamp) Annex 4 Regulation subsidies increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of crop production in greenhouses Form "Approved" Head of Department _______________________________ Number p/p 1 (surname, first name, middle name (if any) signature, seal) "___" __________ 20__ Statement on payment of budget subsidies to agricultural producers Name Name Sown The rate The budget the priority area,adopted of subsidy to Agricultural producers of agricultural by an act of the subsidy be payable Commission on 1 crops in tenge hectare hectare (Box of 4 x (volume of (1 ton) Column 5) production in tenge tonnes) 2 3 4 5 Head of Finance Management ___________________________________________ (surname, first name, middle name (if any), signature) Head ______________________________________________________________ (surname, first name, middle name (if any), signature) 6 14 Appendix 5 Regulation subsidies increase yield and quality of crop production, the cost of fuel and lubricants, and other inventory items required for the spring-field and harvest works by subsidizing the production of priority crops and the cost of the cost of cultivation of agricultural kul tur in greenhouses Form "Approved" Head of Department _____________________________ (surname, first name, middle name (if any) signature, seal) "___" __________ 20__ Table 1 Summary of the development of budgetary funds allocated to subsidize the priority crops ___________ on the field at _____ year Number Priority culture Sowing Norm Volume Mastered, p/p area subsidies allocated thousands thousands of 1 hectare, subsidies tenge hectares tenge thousand tenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 In total table 2 Shareholder WIDE society Number of units Number of agricultural producers, received subsidies A limited Farms responsibility was Manufact stvennye cooperatives Other hozyayst vuyuschie subjects