Making Broadband and Class Changes in People First The following steps must be completed to make updates to positions in People First related to the statewide Broadband/Class changes being implemented as a result of modifications that were made to the federal Standard Occupational Classifications (SOC). Refer to the Division of Human Resource Management’s individual communications regarding the details on the SOC changes and the deadline for completing specific tasks. The Broadband and Class changes being implemented as part of the SOC changes are effective Jan. 2, 2015. All position updates and employee actions must be completed in People First by 5 p.m. Jan. 29, 2015. None of the SOC related changes can be completed in People First prior to Jan. 2, 2015. 1. Broadband Changes a. Broadband Title Change with no Change to Broadband Code or Class Code Required Action: Update the Object Relationships (Broadband) record for all impacted positions (whether vacant or filled). When a Broadband title is changed on the Broadband Crosswalk, the new Broadband title is automatically displayed on positions that are actively assigned to the Broadband. The new Broadband title will show on the active record until a new position record is created on the Object Relationships (Broadband) screen. Once a new position record is created, the new and historical records will reflect the applicable Broadband title (end date of a record determines which description displays on the record). The following step must be completed to update positions impacted by a Broadband title change: Step 1: Create a new Object Relationships (Broadband) record on the position (Org Management > Position Maintenance > Object Relationships) using the same Broadband Code with a new effective date. o o If the Broadband title was changed as part of the SOC changes, the effective date on the Object Relationships screen must be Jan. 2, 2015. Once the position is updated, the active record will display the new Broadband title and the historical record will display the old Broadband title. No employee action (PAR) is needed. The active Organizational Work Assignment screen (employee side) is automatically updated when the Broadband title is changed on the Broadband Crosswalk. In the future, when a new Organizational Work Assignment record is created, the new and historical records will reflect the applicable Broadband Description; (the end date of a record is used to determine which description displays on the record). 1 b. New Broadband Code with Current Class Code Required Actions: 1) Update the Object Relationships (Broadband) record for all impacted positions (whether vacant or filled). 2) After updating the position, complete an employee action to sync the employee and position; (this step is not required if the position is vacant). The following steps must be completed to update positions and employees impacted by a Broadband Code change: Step 1: Change the Broadband Code on the Object Relationships (Broadband) screen (Org Management > Position Maintenance > Object Relationships). o If the Broadband Code being assigned was created as part of the SOC changes, the effective date on the Object Relationships screen must be Jan. 2, 2015. Step 2: Complete an Employee Sync action (PAR > Employee Actions > Employee Sync) to sync the employee and position to reflect the update made to the Broadband Code (step is not required if position is vacant). o o The effective date must be the same date that was assigned on the Object Relationships (Broadband) screen. Once the Employee Sync PAR is processed, the active Organizational Work Assignment screen (employee side) will reflect the updated Broadband Code and Broadband Description. c. New Broadband Code with New Class Code Required Actions: 1) Update the Object Relationships (Broadband) record for all impacted positions (whether vacant or filled). 2) After updating the Broadband, update the Position Attributes (Class Code) record for all impacted positions (whether vacant or filled). 3) After updating the Class Code, update the Object Maintenance (Class Title/Working Title) record for all impacted positions (whether vacant or filled). 4) After updating the position, complete an employee action to sync the employee and position; (this step is not required if the position is vacant). The following steps must be completed to update positions and employees impacted by a Broadband Code and Class Code change: Step 1: Change the Broadband Code on the Object Relationships (Broadband) screen (Org Management > Position Maintenance > Object Relationships). 2 o If the Broadband Code being assigned was created as part of the SOC changes, the effective date on the Object Relationships screen must be Jan. 2, 2015. Step 2: Update the Position Attributes screen (Org Management > Position Maintenance > Position Attributes) to assign the new Class Code that is linked to the new Broadband Code; (refer to the Broadband Crosswalk for a list of valid Class Codes/Classes tied to Broadband Codes). o o The effective date must be the same date that was assigned on the Object Relationships (Broadband) screen. The New button must be used (not the Edit button) to create the Position Attributes record, as the options presented in the Class Code dropdown are based on the Broadband Code assigned to the position for the effective date used. Step 3: Update the Object Maintenance screen (Org Management > Position Maintenance > Object Maintenance) to reflect the new Class Title/Working Title. o The effective date must be the same date that was assigned on the Position Attributes screen. Step 4: Complete an Employee Sync action (PAR > Employee Actions > Employee Sync) to sync the employee and position to reflect the updates made to the Broadband Code, Class Code and Class Title/Working Title (step is not required if position is vacant). o o The effective date must be the same date that was assigned on the position screens. Once the Employee Sync PAR is processed, the active Organizational Work Assignment screen (employee record) will reflect the updated Broadband Code, Broadband Description, Class Code and Class Title/Working Title. 2. Mass Loads For agencies that have a large number of changes, the mass load process can be used to update positions and complete employee actions. The People First team will process one mass load that will include all agency updates (individual agency mass loads will not be processed). The mass load files are due Jan. 14, 2015 and will be loaded in to People First on Jan. 27, 2015. The following mass load templates are being provided to agencies as part of the Division of Human Resource Management’s (HRM) communications and can be used to update positions and complete employee actions related to the SOC changes. 1) Broadband Relationship template – updates the Broadband Code and/or Broadband Title (for those broadband codes in which only the title changed) 2) Position Attributes template – updates the Class Code 3) Object Maintenance template –updates the Class/Working Title 3 4) Employee Sync template – syncs the employee and position (updates the Organizational Work Assignment screen) Depending on the type of changes needed within an agency, not all templates will be used. Agencies that use the mass load process should follow the steps within the Broadband Code Changes section to determine which mass load templates should be completed. Instructions for completing a template can be found on a separate tab within the mass load template document. Agencies using the mass load process to make position updates and complete employee actions must complete the applicable template(s) and submit the completed template(s) to Melissa Vickery (DMS/People First team) at by Jan. 14, 2015. No position updates or employee actions should be made in People First to any of the positions or employees on the mass load file(s) once the mass load file is submitted to the People First team (Melissa Vickery) for processing (due Jan. 14, 2015). o If actions are completed on a position or employee contained on the mass load file(s), the record(s) will drop (not process) from the mass load and the agency will have to process the dropped record(s) manually. All dropped records must be processed in People First by Jan. 29, 2015. If you have HRM policy related questions, please contact Rick Pugh at 850-487-9508 or For People First system related questions, please contact Cheri Van Gundy at 850-410-3409 or 4