Era of Activism Quiz

An Era of Activism, 1960–1975
Results of the quiz.
1. One reason the 1960s youth generation had such an impact on society was
INCORRECT: its strong, collective political vision.
CORRECT: To gain compensation for losses suffered during their World War II internment.
3. In 1974, construction was begun on an 800-mile-long oil pipeline across which U.S. state?
CORRECT: Woodstock
5. Under which President's administration was the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established?
INCORRECT: Lyndon Johnson
INCORRECT: women are superior to men.
CORRECT: farm workers.
8. Which of the following were counterculture values?
INCORRECT: suits, ties, and corporate loyalty
INCORRECT: passage of the Clean Water Act.
INCORRECT: secure citizenship rights for Native Americans.
CORRECT: preferred traditional roles.
12. In the 1960s, drug use among the nation's youth
CORRECT: increased.
13. In Silent Spring, Rachel Carson warned Americans of the dangers of
CORRECT: its sheer size.
2. Which of the following was a goal of Japanese American activists?
4. Which of the following music festivals was a highlight of the 1960s counterculture movement?
CORRECT: Richard Nixon
6. The term feminism describes the theory that
CORRECT: women should have equality with men.
7. César Chávez fought to improve the lives of
CORRECT: youth, spontaneity, and individuality
9. The consumer movement of the 1960s began as a result of
CORRECT: Ralph Nader's campaign to improve auto safety.
10. The American Indian Movement worked to
CORRECT: regain traditional Native American lands.
11. Many women rejected the women's movement because they
CORRECT: chemical pesticides.
14. What was one result of Native American activism?
INCORRECT: Native Americans regained all their traditional lands.
INCORRECT: Native American rights
INCORRECT: American nuclear weapons production.
INCORRECT: It sold more advertising than its competitors.
INCORRECT: The Equal Rights Amendment became law.
INCORRECT: optical illusions and fluorescent colors.
CORRECT: Spanish.
CORRECT: Native Americans gained more control over schools in their communities.
15. The 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade legalized which of the following?
CORRECT: a woman's right to have an abortion
16. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, established in 1974, oversaw
CORRECT: the civilian use of nuclear materials, particularly in power plants.
17. Why did Ms. magazine succeed when it was introduced in the early 1970s?
CORRECT: It had a more feminist slant than other women's magazines.
18. Which of these was a result of the women's movement of the 1960s?
CORRECT: More women began entering law school and medical school.
19. The Pop Art movement of the 1960s featured
CORRECT: realistic images of artifacts of modern life.
20. The original language of the United States Latino population is