TJ Ministry Mtg Minutes 03-06-2014

Tijuana Ministry March 6, 2014
CORE Leadership Meeting | Agenda
Our Mission: We foster friendships and spiritual growth by reaching across
borders to bring God’s people together. By putting our faith into action, we build
lasting and vibrant communities in collaboration with San Eugenio Parish in Tijuana.
We provide opportunities for education, immersion, and commitment to promote
human dignity.
Agenda Item
Opening Prayer
Registration update
Teen Coordinator
Logistics of 85 plus
How do we accommodate the numbers?
What are the needs?
 Identify those who can navigate
or drive
 Carlos for errands and
Joan and Monica
Val Liberty is organizing
Sub-committee to est. schedule jobs,
program, code of conduct.
Still need on site person
Building committee
Children’s program
Spiritual program planning
Training updates
Site modifications
Garage Sale: Julies and OLG
Trip to TJ-What do we need to
check on and organize
Speaker on habitual poverty in
the Americas
Check to make sure OLG site is
recognized as valid
Route to OLG
Reina and Cesar
Bob Malone
Theresa Clark
Brian Fanger
Stan Taylor
Bob Malone
Brian Fanger
Dave Lipscomb
Ann Yadlowski
Monica and Bob
Youth Coordinator
● Responsible for all youth travelers for the duration of the trip
● Makes sure youth understand and comply with all travel, construction safety rules &
regulations, bedtimes, appropriate behavior, dress, etc.
● Facilitates youth reflection conversations.
● Coordinates pre-trip youth training sessions
Minutes March 6, 2014
Ann, Mike Y., Theresa
Present: Francesca, Monica, Rick, Frank, Michael, Kathy, Michelle, Joan, Stan, Bob,
REGISTRATION: 85 registered. It could be up to 95. We have more than 44 women so we know that we may
need to have alternative housing.
 Discussion around the feasibility of two locations. Perhaps some veterans at TI.
 Concerned about the separation factor - never quite a connected group last year. Ideas thrown out
for how this might work.
 People asked to filter ideas to Joan and Monica who will work on logistics.
 Consider hiring Carlos in TI to do transportation full time when we are there.
 Val Liberty and Monica discussed the teen coordinator position.
 Val not able to go to TJ this year, but she is willing to work on the front end logistics – see Monica’s list
of suggestions that they talked about.
 We need to find the teen coordinator for the week of.
 Pre meetings include tool trainings and code of conduct training.
 Idea is to have schedules for them, adult mentors at each of the sites.
 Frank suggested experienced teen could lead teams.
 Sub group meeting tomorrow night. Target is to have the sites organized in such a way that projects
will run smoothly.
 Tresses will be built in San Diego.
 Looking at starting with about 50 people in construction for 6 sites.
 Maybe an all women construction crew? Training will include buying materials for one of the houses,
less the tresses. We will build one house during training and then take it down and take it with us.
 Change is wood import requires that the wood be kiln dried or fumigated. We will be using kiln dried
wood which may mean that we will need to drill and screw rather than hammer and nails for the
 Everything to go to T1 site, we will take trailers that we can divide up materials to take to sites.
 Team will be working on costing materials – buying in TJ or transporting down.
 Folks need to be reminded to engrave their expensive tools
 Shade structure for in front of the kitchen needs to be completed.
TEEN DAY PROGRAM. Michelle has not started her planning yet but will keep the team informed. We will run
the teen program at both locatons.
 Theresa working on rotating 5 groups of 50 kids to different programs.
 She raised some needs about safety and provided a separate report with suggestions.
 Collaborating with Celina in TJ on coordinating the sports, catechetics and crafts.
 She will be coordinating some workgroups during the summer to prepare supplies.
REFLECTION COMPONENT. Stan will call a meeting of the sub committee. Would like to consider morning
prayer or other spiritual activity, lunch time reflection, a few evenings with sharing.
 We need to contact the people who signed up that said they aren’t with a parish.
 We need to call them and see how/who they are affiliated with.
 Everyone over 18 needs a fingerprint
 Yamili wants to be part of construction.
 Darcy will be asked to help with the paperwork.
 We will be advertising now BYOT….tent.
 Drivers should consider getting a GO PASS to expedite getting over the border in the fast lane –
 We should check on carnival date at San Enrique to see when it was scheduled
 Could we get a sponsorship from a tool company?
 Fr sign ups next year, can we have ages put in. It will help with planning
Next meeting is April 9th at 7 pm at St Martin of Tours.