Garbage Record Book - Environmental Protection Authority

Garbage Record Book
Garbage record book
Form 3 of Schedule 3 of the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental
Effects – Discharge and Dumping) Regulations 2015
How to use this form
The garbage record book must be in the working language of the crew and in English, carried on board the
installation at all times and be readily available for inspection by the EPA at all reasonable times. The owner of
the installation must keep this document for two years after the last entry is made in the record.
Every discharge of garbage, and each completed incineration of garbage, must be promptly recorded and
include date and time, position of the offshore installation, category of the garbage, and the estimated amount
incinerated or discharged.
An entry must also be made in the garbage record book of the location of, circumstances of and reasons for any
accidental discharge or loss of garbage, details of the items discharged or lost, and the reasonable precautions
taken to prevent or minimise such discharge or loss.
Each completed page of the garbage record book must be signed by the person on board who has overall
responsibility for the installation’s operations.
This form fulfils the requirements of regulation 30(1) of the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf
(Environmental Effects – Discharge and Dumping) Regulations 2015.
You can find and download all forms prescribed by the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf
(Environmental Effects – Discharge and Dumping) Regulations 2015, as well as suggested templates for
providing other information, on our website at or request them from us by contacting:
Environmental Protection Authority,
Private Bag 63002, Wellington 6140
Phone +64 4 916 2426
Fax +64 4 914 0433
Garbage Record Book (Form 3)
Name of offshore
Distinctive numbers
or letters:
1. Introduction
In accordance with Regulation 10 of Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78), the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental
Shelf (Environmental Effects – Discharge and Dumping) Regulations 2015 require every offshore installation to
keep a record of each discharge operation of garbage or completed incineration. This includes discharges at sea,
to reception facilities or to other ships, and must be recorded in the record of garbage discharge at the end of this
2. Garbage and garbage management
Garbage means any food waste, domestic waste, operational waste, plastic, incinerator ash or cooking oil that is
generated during the normal operation of the offshore installation and is liable to be disposed of continuously or
Garbage does not include any substance that is defined or listed in any annex to MARPOL, other than Annex V, or
fresh fish and parts of fresh fish generated as a result of fishing activity undertaken during a voyage, or aquaculture
activity that involves the transport of fish (including shellfish) for placement in an aquaculture facility or the transport
of harvested fish (including shellfish) from the facilities to shore for processing.
3. Entries in the garbage record book
Entries in the garbage record book must be made on each of the following occasions.
When garbage is discharged into the sea:
a) Amount of garbage discharged in cubic metres
b) Date and time of the discharge
c) Port or facility, or name of ship
d) Category of garbage discharged
e) Signature of officer in charge of the operation
October 2015 EPA0380
Garbage Record Book (Form 3)
When garbage is discharged to a reception facility ashore or to other ships:
a) Date and time of discharge
b) Port or facility, or name of ship
c) Category of garbage discharged
d) Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres
e) Signature of officer in charge of the operation
When garbage is incinerated:
a) Date and time of start and stop of incineration
b) Position of the offshore installation (latitude and longitude)
c) Estimated amount incinerated in cubic metres
d) Signature of officer in charge of the operation
Accidental or other exceptional discharges of garbage:
a) Date and time of occurrence
b) Position of the offshore installation at the time of occurrence (latitude and longitude)
c) Categories of garbage discharged or lost
d) Estimated amount for each category in cubic metres
e) Circumstances of disposal, escape or loss, the reason for it, and general remarks
f) Signature of officer with responsibility for the garbage
4. Description of the garbage
The garbage is to be grouped into the following categories for the purposes of the garbage record book as follows:
A Plastics
B Food wastes
C Domestic wastes (paper products, rags, glass, metal, bottles, crockery etc)
D Cooking oil
E Incinerator ashes
F Operational wastes
G Cargo residues
5. Receipts or certificates
The officer responsible for transferring garbage under 3.2 above should obtain from the master or officer in charge
of the ship or reception facility receiving the garbage a receipt or certificate specifying the amount of garbage
transferred. The receipts or certificates must be kept on board the offshore installation with the garbage record
book for two years.
October 2015 EPA0380
Garbage Record Book (Form 3)
6. Amount of garbage on board
The amount of garbage on board should be estimated in cubic metres, if possible separately by category. The
garbage record book contains many references to estimated amounts of garbage. The EPA recognises that the
accuracy of estimating amounts of garbage is left to interpretation. Volume estimates will differ before and after
processing. Some processing procedures may not allow for a usable estimate of volume, e.g. the continuous
processing of food waste. Such factors should be taken into consideration when making and interpreting entries
made in a record.
October 2015 EPA0380
Garbage Record Book (Form 3)
Record of garbage discharge
Garbage categories
Name of offshore installation:
A Plastics
Distinctive numbers or letters:
B Food wastes
C Domestic wastes (paper products, rags, glass, metal, bottles, crockery etc)
D Cooking oil
E Incinerator ashes
F Operational wastes
G Cargo residues
Date and time
Position of the offshore
installation / Remarks
(e.g. accidental loss)
Category of
Estimated amount
discharged or
incinerated (m3)
To sea
To reception
Offshore installation manager’s signature: .......................................................................................................................
October 2015 EPA0380
Certification / signature