Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia Information Questionnaire Name _________________________________ SS# ___________________ Date _____________ Referred by __________________ Street Address ________________________________ City _______________________State ________ Zip code _______________ Home Phone ____________________________ Work Phone ___________________________ Cell Phone _____________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________ What Country do you live in? ____________________________________ Allergies/ Sensitivities: _______________________________________________ Height ______________ Weight _______________ Please describe briefly (in one sentence) what your main problem(s) are (you will be able to describe things at length later-toward the end of the questionnaire): ______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please rate each of your symptoms that you have experienced in the past 30 days (average) both by frequency and severity using the scales below: Frequency Score Severity Score Rarely 1 Mild 1 Once/ Month 2 2 2x/ Month 3 3 3x/ Month 4 4 Once a Week 5 Daily/ 2-3 days/ Week 6 6 Daily/ 4-6 / Week 7 7 Multiple x/ Day 2-3 Days/ Week 8 8 Multiple x/ Day 4-6 Days/ Week 9 9 Multiple x/ Day 7 days/ Week 10 Symptom Frequency Score Moderate Severe Severity Score Muscle Pain Stiffness Unrefreshing Sleep Enter Score 1-10 My Energy Level 1=None 10=Significant ________ Insomnia Daytime Fatigue Headaches Gastrointestinal Disturbances Numbness Impaired Concentration Sore Throat Other Enter Score 1-10 1=Poor 10=Excellent My Sense of Well Being __________ 5 10 List them in order from MOST Important to LEAST Important. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 1) How long have you been fatigued: _________________________________________________________________________ 2) What was the approximate date or time of onset: _____________________________________________________________ 3) How much has fatigue decreased your ability to function in your daily life : Extreme ____,Significant ____, Mild____, none____ 4) How much has your fibromyalgia pain decreased your ability to function in your daily life: Extreme _____, Significant ____, Mild ____, None ____ Did symptoms begin: ____Suddenly or ____Gradually 5) 5B) Was onset related to: Major Stress Y N Surgery Y N Accident Y N Medication Y N Infection Y N Other ________ Y N 6) What stresses were occurring in your life when the disease began:_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7) How many children do you have: ______ 8) 9) Are you Married, Single, Separated, Divorced, Widowed. (circle one) How many hours were you working (including commute but not including taking care of your family) weekly at the onset of your illness: _____________; hours spent weekly on your children’s care at onset: __________________ 9B) How many hours now: Ages and Names AGE ____ ____ ____ ____ Work __________hrs/week NAME ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Children’s care ____________hrs/week 10) Occupation: __________________________________________________________________________________________ 11) Do you have any family members with Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: ____________________________________ If so, who and how old are they: __________________________________________________________________________ 12) How old are you: ________ Male or Female: _____________ 13) How many doctors have you seen for your symptoms: ____________ Check all that apply: ____ Rheumatologist ------------------------------------------------------____Internist ------------------------------------------------------------------____Family Physician (general practitioner) --------------------------____Gastroenterologist-----------------------------------------------------____Urologist/Proctologist-------------------------------------------------- NUMBER of visits In last 6 months _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ ____General or Orthopedic Surgeon-----------------------------------____Podiatrist (foot doctor)------------------------------------------------____Chiropractor------------------------------------------------------------____Physical or Occupational Therapist-------------------------------____OTHER-------------------------------------------------------------------Check any of these that you have or have had: ____ Stroke(s) ____Multiple Sclerosis ____Neuropathies- If so, what type ____________________ ____Glaucoma ____Cataracts ____Lupus ____Rheumatoid Arthritis ____Osteo Arthritis ____Scleroderma ____Other Rheumatoid Diseases List them: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Onset At: Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ Approx. year _________ ____Phlebitis and/ or Pulmonary Embolus (Blood Clots) Approx. year _________ If yes, did it go to your lungs ________ (i.e., Pulmonary Embolus) ____Angina (chest pain) or heart attack (Myocardial Infarction) Approx. year _________ ____Angina; ____Heart Attack; ____Both 1. Was this confirmed by____EKG and/or ____exercise stress test and/or ____ heart catheterization 2. Did you have ____Angioplasty and or ____Bypass If so, when __________ ____Mitral Valve Prolapse ____Heart Valve Disease- Which __________________________________________________________________ ____Are you on blood thinners ____yes ____no If yes, check which one and fill in dose ____Coumadin/Warfarin Dose _____mg a day ____Heparin Dose _____mg a day ____Aspirin Dose _____mg a day ____Other ________________ Dose _____mg a day ____ Diagnosis of abnormal heart rhythm(s) ____yes ____no If yes, what type ______________________ ____Cancer Type ________________________________ Date of diagnosis ____________________________ If yes, Metastatic/Non-metastatic ___________________ to where________________________________ Did you have (check all that apply): ____Surgery; ____Radiation; ____Chemotherapy; ____Other treatment what type _______________________________________________________ Is it active or without recurrence _________________________________________ ____Emphysema ____Hypertension-High Blood Pressure ____Asthma ____Stomach Ulcers ____Spastic Colon or Irritable Bowel Syndrome ____Crohns’ Disease or Ulcerative Colitis- If so, which ____________________________________ ____AIDS ____Polio ____Tuberculosis ____Other chronic infections Type _______________________________________________ ____Reflex Sympathies Dystrophy (RCPS) - Which extremity _______________________________ ____Recurrent Prostatitis- Has a bacterial culture ever been positive _________________________ ____Hepatitis (check all that apply): ____Viral ____Hepatitis A ____Hepatitis B ____Hepatitis C ____Without infectious Mono ____Any toxic chemical exposures: If yes, list what exposures and when:__________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____Lupus ____Alcoholic ____Other type of Hepatitis: __________________________________ ____Unknown cause Are you using herbs:________ List: _______________________________________________________________ ____Do you have Cirrhosis: _____Yes _____No _____Don’t know ____Have you had a liver biopsy: _____Yes _____No ____Have you had a blood test to check for high iron levels: _____Yes _____No ____Prostate enlargement ____Kidney Stones ____Active Disc Disease (e.g., Sciatica) ____Kidney failure ____Other kidney problems: Describe: ___________________________________________________________________________ ____Diabetes ____Juvenile onset ____Adult onset ____Pancreatitis If yes, from 16) ____Gallstones ____Alcohol ____Other known cause (list): ____________________________________________________________ ____Unknown cause Have you had any other operations? Please list them: Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ 17) Date of Diagnosis:______________________ Date of Diagnosis:______________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Have you had any other hospitalizations? Please list them: Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ Year (approx) ________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ Type of surgery _________________________________________________________ 18) What other diagnosis do you have: _______________________________________________________________________ 19) Allergic to anything else not listed at the top of page 1: ________________________________________________________ 20) Details of other Allergies: _______________________________________________________________________________ 20 B) Does your insurance pay for medications: _____Yes _____No 21) Please list any of treatments you are taking or have taken (RX means by prescription only): Please list current medications with dose: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list all medications taken in the past for fibromyalgia and/ or chronic fatigue (no longer taking): If you don’t know remember the exact name just list what you know about it. Medication Dose When was the medication discontinued? Did the medication help? Single main reason it was discontinued: ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive 22) Any injectables or intravenous treatments: _____Yes If yes, list all below: Treatment _____No How many total treatments? Did it help? ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps Reason stopped: ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive 23) Please list current nutritional supplements you are taking: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23B) Please list nutritional supplements taken in the past (not currently): Supplement Dose When was the supplement discontinues? Did the supplement help? ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps Single reason it was discontinued? ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ___ Helps ____Doesn’t help ____Don’t know if it helps ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive ____Side effects ____Didn’t work ____Too expensive Besides those already discussed: a) What things or treatments have you found helpful in the past: ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ b) What things or treatments have you tried without benefit: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ c) What things or treatments have made you feel worse in the past: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Complete the following as accurately as possible. Do not make any assumptions as to how this information will be evaluated. Each patient is assessed and treated individually with all information and findings utilized to obtain a complete and accurate picture for treatment plan development. SYMPTOM CHECKLIST CIRCLE ONEI. CFIDS Criteria 24) A: Yes No Do you have severe chronic fatigue of six months or longer duration with other known medical Conditions excluded by clinical diagnosis; AND B: Yes No concurrently have four or more of the following symptoms: substantial impairment in short-term Memory or concentration; sore throat; tender lymph nodes; muscle pain; multi-joint pain without Swelling or redness; headaches of a new type, pattern or severity; un-refreshing sleep; and post exertional malaise lasting more than 24 hours. The symptoms must have persisted or recurred during six or more consecutive months of illness and must not have predated the fatigue. _____A) Impairment in short-term memory or concentration severe enough to cause substantial reduction in Previous levels of personal activity? _____B) Sore throat? _____C) Tender neck or auxiliary (armpit) lymph nodes? _____D) Muscle pain? _____E) Multi-joint pain without joint swelling or redness? _____F) Headaches of a new type, pattern, or severity? _____G) Unrefreshing sleep? _____H) Post-exertional fatigue lasting more than 24 hours? Are you sensitive to any chemicals, foods or molds? (circle one) Yes No Please list all known substances that you are sensitive to:___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you allergic to any chemicals, food or molds? (circle one) Yes No Please list all known substances that you are allergic to:____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ CIRCLE ONE25) Yes No II. FIBROMYALGIA CRITERIA Have you had chronic widespread pain for more than three months in all four quadrants of the Body (i.e., above and below the waist and on both sides of the body) and also axial pain ( i.e., headache or pain around the spine or chest)? (These don’t all have to be at the same time.) 26) Please rate the following on a scale: (circle the number that applies): A) How is your energy? 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 (near dead) to 10 (excellent) 7 8 9 10 B) How is your sleep? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1=no sleep and 10= 8 hours of sleep a night without waking C) How is your mental clarity? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1=brain dead and 10= good clarity 8 9 10 D) How bad is your achiness? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1=very severe pain and 10= pain free 8 9 10 E) How is your overall sense of well being? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1=near dead and 10= excellent 27) Give a representative blood pressure: _______________________________ 28) What are your average temperatures (oral- 11 AM to 7 PM): __________degrees 8 9 10 SYMPTOM LIST Some of the symptoms are purposely repeated because different hormone deficiencies may result in similar symptoms. Please put a check mark next to the symptoms you have in each of the following categories: CX Checklist _____ 29. Hypoglycemia _____ 30. Shakiness relieved with eating _____ 31. Moodiness _____ 32. Recurrent infections that take a long time to go away _____ 33. Life was very stressful before symptoms began _____ 34. Low blood pressure _____ 35. Dizziness on first standing _____ 36. Sugar cravings _____ 37. Food sensitivity (if yes, please list foods): __________________________________________________ _____ 38. Have you been on Prednisone (Cortisone)? If yes, For how long? __________________ Did you feel better when you took it? ___________ If yes, did you take it ______ after your illness began ______before your illness began ______both What dose and form of Prednisone/Cortisone did you take? ______________________________ Do you have or feel the following symptoms: No symptom Never Poor tolerance to stress Anxiety with stress Low blood pressure Tired during the day Fatigue or mood improved w/sugar or sweets Salt cravings Nausea Inflammatory disease (arthritis, asthma, etc) Allergies to food or medications Brown spots or increased pigmentation Eczema, psoriasis or dandruff Sugar cravings Few or Sometimes Moderate or Regularly Much or often extreme Always ADL Checklist Do you have or feel the following symptoms: No symptom Never Few or Sometimes Moderate or Regularly Much or often extreme Always Much or often extreme Always Weak or tired when standing up Urinate often Low blood pressure _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45, 46. Weight gain? _________lbs or _________kg – over _________ years Low body temperature (under 98 degrees) Achiness High cholesterol Cold intolerance Dry skin Thin hair Female- Heavy periods Do you have or feel the following symptoms: No symptom Never Sensitive to cold Cold hands or feet Generalized fatigue Morning fatigue Fatigue unless exercising Sleepy during the day Distracted easily Poor motivation for required tasks Depression Headaches Water retention Constant swollen eyelids Swollen eyes in morning Swollen calves/ feet Difficulty losing weight despite dieting Constipation Bedwetting as child Slow heart palpitations Muscle cramps Carpal tunnel syndrome Stiff joints in morning Joint pain worsens with cold Hoarse voice in morning Dry skin (general/feet or elbows) Slow growing or brittle nails Hoarse voice (constant or in morning) Decreased hearing Coarse skin (rough skin) Few or Sometimes Moderate or Regularly GXX Checklist Do you have or feel the following symptoms: No symptom Never Thinning hair Thinning skin Longitudinal lines on nails Premature wrinkles on face Loose or sagging skin Thinning lips Overweight Decreased muscle strength or tone Flabby muscles (triceps of arms or other) Wrinkled hands Flabby drooping belly Often sick Easily Exhausted Difficult to do daily required tasks Poor motivation for required tasks Constant tiredness Difficult to stay up late Difficult to recover after staying up late Need for a lot of sleep ( over 10 hours) Low resistance to stress Difficult to recover from stressful situation Not assertive Very emotional Mood swings Anxiety Low self esteem Depression Thin muscle as child Tendency to isolate Tend to give sharp verbal retorts Few or Sometimes Moderate or Regularly Much or often extreme Always HEX Checklist Do you have or feel the following symptoms: No symptom Never Few or Sometimes Moderate or Regularly Much or often extreme Always Older looking than age Loss of attention to detail Bleeding gums or poor teeth Fatigue throughout day Poor recovery from physical exercise Depressed Poor memory Hot flashes Excessive sweating Dry eyes Dry vagina Pain during intercourse Pale skin Wrinkles around eyes/forehead/mouth or palms New body hair Drooping breasts Bladder infections Urinary incontinence First menstruation before 12 or after 15 years Depression before menstruation Day or Night sweats or hot flashes HPX Checklist Female Symptoms(Women Only to Complete) Do you have or ever had the following symptoms: No Few or Moderate or Much or symptom Sometimes Regularly often Never extreme Irritable before menstruation (PMS) Swollen breast or belly before menstruation Breast cysts Fibroids of uterus Endometriosis Menstruation with violent cramps General irritability Generalized Anxiety TEX Checklist Too emotional Too rigid Poor strength Low libido (sex drive) Difficulty achieving orgasm Poor muscle tone Excessive fat Cellulite Varicose veins Hemorrhoids Bruising easily Always TEX Checklist Male Symptoms (Men Only to Complete) Do you have or feel the following symptoms: No Few or Moderate or symptom Sometimes Regularly Never Older looking than age Loss of feeling of well-being Loss of attention to detail Poorly motivated Excess fat Fatigue Loss of muscle mass or strength Poor recovery from physical activity Poor endurance Poor motivation for required tasks Depression Passive Decreased memory Irritable Too emotional Rigid demeanor Hair loss Poor beard growth Scarce body hair Bleeding gums or poor teeth Dry eyes Pale skin Wrinkles on face or palm of hand Poor endurance Varicose veins Hemorrhoids Easy bruising Poor wound healing Poor muscle tone (triceps or others) Joint pain Intense sweating Urination problems Urinary incontinence Loss of urine after urination Swollen prostate Poor libido (sex drive) Difficulty achieving orgasm Decreased erections frequency or firmness Decreased ability to maintain erection OTHER HORMONES _____ 47. Any nipple discharge _____One breast Much or often extreme _____Both breasts _____ 48. FEMALES ONLY- Have you had: 1) A hysterectomy? _____ if yes, how long ago?__________ 2) Ovaries removed?_____ One _____Both; how long ago? _________ 3) A tubal ligation? _____ How long ago?__________ _____ 49. Are you symptoms worse the week before your period? (FEMALE ONLY) _____ 50. Decreased libido? Always Vasodepressor syncope (NMH) _____ 51. Disequilibrium _____ 52. Did you ever have a Tilt Table Test? If yes, was it ______positive ______negative _____ 53. Do you feel like you’ve been “hit by a truck” the day after exercise? Lyme _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 58 B. History of frequent tick bites? If so, how many? __________ Rash after tick bite? Rash that looked like a “bull’s eye”? Have you been treated for Lyme disease? Numbness or tingling in your fingers or feet? History of a positive Lyme Test? Prostatitis (males only) _____ 59. Burning on urination _____ 60. Groin aching _____ 61. Discharge from your penis (not with ejaculation) _____ 62. Urine urgency with a small volume Sinusitis/Nasal Congestion and Other Infections _____ 63. Chronic nasal congestion or post nasal drip _____ 64. Chronic yellow or green nasal discharge _____ 65. Chronic bad taste in your mouth or bad breath _____ 66. Headaches under or over eyes _____ 67. Scratchy or watery eyes _____ 68. Do you have chronic or intermittent low-grade fevers (over 99 degrees F/______C) If yes, 1) how high does your fever go? _____ 2) Did your illness begin with a fever?_____ 3) Do you have lung congestion?_____ 4) How often do you have the fever?_____ _____ 69. Has any antibiotic you’ve been on in the past even temporarily improved your Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia symptoms? If yes, which_____________________________________________ How long did you take it? __________________________________ Disordered Sleep SLEEP APNEA _____ 70. Trouble _____falling; _____and/or staying asleep? If yes, is it a _____mild, _____moderate, or _____ severe problem? _____ 71. How many hours of uninterrupted sleep do you get in a night? _____________________ _____ 72. Do you wake up during the night? If so, how often? ______________________________ _____ 73. Do you wake at night to urinate? _____ 74. Do your legs jump a lot or do you kick your spouse or kick your blankets off at night? _____ 75. Do you snore? If yes, _____ 1) Are you more than 20 lbs overweight? _____ 2) Do you have periods that you stop breathing (ask your bed partner)? _____ 3) Do you have high blood pressure? MEL Checklist Do you have or feel the following symptoms: No symptom Never Few or Sometimes Moderate or Regularly Much or often extreme Always Poor sleep Difficulty falling asleep Awakening at night Excessive pondering of problems at night Waking up tired (too little sleep) Yeast overgrowth _____ 76. Recurrent vaginal yeast infections (FEMALES) if so, how often?___________________________ _____ 77. Toenail or fingernail fungal changes _____ 78. Skin fungal infections (i.e., athlete’s foot, jock itch, rash under bra) _____ 79. Do you get in the mouth sores frequently (not on lips)? _____ 80. Do you get cold sores or Herpes attacks that seem to flare your symptoms? Or during symptom flares? _____ 81. Been on birth control pills? If yes, how did you feel on them? _____better; _____worse;_____ no change _____ 82. Small amount of alcohol aggravate symptoms? Parasites _____ 83. _____ 84. _____ 85. _____ 86. Vision/ Dental _____ 87. _____ 88. _____ 89. _____ 90. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 91. 92. 93. 93B. 93C. Did your problems begin with a diarrhea attack? Do you sometimes have diarrhea? If so, is it severe? ________ Do you sometimes have constipation? Do you have well water? Double vision Constantly changing eyeglass prescriptions Blurred vision or halos around lights at night? Have you had temporary vision loss in one eye? Which one? __________ How many times? __________ How long do they last? __________ Is your sedimentation (SED) rate blood test over 30?_______ Dry eyes Dry mouth Any evidence of dental infections? Metallic taste in mouth? Light sensitivity or trouble focusing at night? Other Problems and Questions _____ 94. Ringing in ears _____ 95. Hearing loss _____ 96. Do you drink non-diet sodas or other sweetened drinks? If so, how much? __________ ounces a day _____ 97. Do you drink coffee? If so, how many 8 oz (American)/240cc(Metric)cups a day? ____Regular ____Decaf _____ 98. Do you drink alcohol? If so, how many drinks per day on average? ______________________ _____ 99. Do you smoke cigarettes? How many packs a day? _______For how many years?____________ Chew tobacco? ________ _____ 100. How much do you exercise? ___________________________________________________________ _____ 101. Besides your illness, what other stresses are going on in your life? ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 102. Do you have frequent and persistent infections? If yes, what kind? ______________________________ _____ 103. A rash? What does it look like? __________________________________________________________ How long have you had it? _______________________ Does it _______itch, ______burn or _______sting? _____ 104. _____ 105. _____ 106. _____ 107. _____ 108. _____ _____ _____ _____ 109. 110. 111. 112. Chest pain How long have you had it? ____________________________________ Has it been _____getting better, _____getting worse, _____staying the same? With exercise, (e.g. walking steps) the pain _____increases, _____decreases, or _____stays the same? With exercise, do you have: _____Shortness of breath _____Chest tightness _____Pain radiating to your left arm _____Sweating Can you worsen the chest pain by pushing on your chest muscles?______________________ Are the chest pains _____sharp, _____dull, _____worse with position change or deep breath? During the chest pains, do you have (check all that apply): _____Feeling of being unable to take a deep enough breath? _____Numbness and/or tingling in hands and toes? _____Numbness and or tingling around the mouth? _____Spacey feelings? _____Feeling of panic or impending death? Did your father, mother, sister(s), brother(s) have angina? _______________________________ If yes, did they have it before age 65? ___________ Do you have high cholesterol?______ Approximately how high?______________ Do you have Diabetes?_______ Do you have high blood pressure?_______ Recurrent palpitations? _______ Palpitations last over 20 seconds? ______ Pulse _____regular or ____irregular? Pulse over 120/minute? ________ Get dizzy with palpitations? ______ Taking Thyroid hormones? ______ Shortness of breath? Comes and go suddenly (not with exercise)? _____ Wake up short of breath at night? _____ (If yes, answer the following) Do you have ankle swelling? _____ Do you get short of breath if you lay flat?_____ If yes, how many pillows do you sleep on? _____ Worse with exertion?______ How many flights of steps? __________ Transient weakness/paralysis in one arm and /or leg? _______________ Is it always on the same side of your body? _______ If yes, which side? ________ Does it occur in your arm when you’re sleeping on it and it goes away within 5 minutes of waking?_____ If no, how many times has it occurred? _________ How long does it last? _________________ Ankle Swelling Any unusual weight loss? If yes, ________lb/kg, over _____years, ________years ago Describe what happened: _______________________________________________________________ Numbness or tingling around your lips or mouth? Anxiety or Panic attacks? Sudden attacks of inability to take a deep enough breath or shortness of breath? Blood in your stool? Is it only bright red blood on your toilet tissue or on stool (not mixed in)? __________ If yes, do you have Hemorrhoids? _____ If no, answer the following: Is blood mixed in (not only on) your stool? _______ Do you have bloody mucus with stools? ________ How often? ____________________ Do you have painful bowel movements? ________ _____ 113. _____ 114. _____ 115. _____ 116. _____ 117. _____ 118. _____ 118B. _____ 119. _____ 120. _____ 120B. _____ 121. _____ 122. _____ 123. ____ 124. _____125. Has your doctor done: When Results/Diagnoses _____ a) Colonoscopy ________________________________________________________________ _____ b) Sigmoidoscopy _______________________________________________________________ _____ c) Barium Enema ________________________________________________________________ _____ None of these Have your bowel movements gotten thinner (e.g. pencil like)? _____ Have you had a lot of: _____constipation _____diarrhea _____both _____neither Abdominal pains? Describe______________________________________________________________ Cough up blood? How long has it been going on? ___________________________ Have you had a chest X-Ray since this began? ________ If yes, when? __________________What did it show? ________________________________________ Frequent cough up yellow mucus? Have you had a chest X-Ray since this began? _______ If yes, when? __________________What did it show? ________________________________________ Chronic cough? If yes, for how long? ________________________ Have you had a chest X-Ray since it began? __________________ When? _______________________What did it show? ________________________________________ Chronic burning when you urinate and urinary urgency even with small volumes? Have you had urine cultures checked? _______ If no, check urine cultures during symptoms. If yes, do they usually show infection? _______ If no, Male- Do you have discharge from your penis when you wake in the morning? _____ Female- Is this a severe problems?_____ Pain in your: ______Feet _____Hands Chronic anal/rectal pain? Redness and swelling in one or more joints in hands or feet? _____In one hand _____In one foot _____n both hands _____In both feet If yes, do you have a history of: _____Gout _____Rheumatoid Arthritis _____Other Arthritis, ____________________________ Any breast lump that you have had for more than 6 weeks? If yes, which breast?___________ Any nipple discharge? ______________ Are you breastfeeding? ________ If yes, skip to 128B Do you have any other lumps or bumps that are new or growing?________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Have you had problems with infertility? If yes, do you still want to have a (or another) child? ___________ If female-when was your last period? __________________ over 3 months ago; _________ days ago Does food often stick in your food pipe? How long has this been going on? ________________________ Is it worse for _______solids, ________liquids, _______the same for both? Do you have a history of drinking over 2 alcoholic drinks/day on average? ___________ Have you used tobacco for over 12 years? _______________ Does your tongue burn? a) Has your tongue become smooth with cracks/fissures? __________ b) Do you have a white coating throughout your mouth?____________ c) Do you have a white coating on your tongue?__________________ d) Do small taste buds sometimes become inflamed and painful? _______ Any history of psychiatric illness? Please describe: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 126. _____ 127. _____ 128. _____ 129. _____ 130. _____ 131. _____ 132. Any other symptom(s) or problem(s)?[ Please don’t be bashful, list them all!]_______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Are you married? If so, for how long? ________________Is he/she supportive? ____________________ What is your spouse’s name? ___________________ Occupation: ______________________________ Did you have/need to change jobs or decrease how much you work because of your illness? If so, please describe:__________________________________________________________________ Did your symptoms begin soon or immediately after: Pregnancy _________, Accident __________ If so, how soon? ______________________________________________________________________ If accident, give details: ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Since the accident, the symptoms have _____decreased, _____increased, _____stayed the same? What medical problems do or did your parents or siblings have? If they died, note the cause and approx. age at death. Mother_____________________________________________________________________________ Father_____________________________________________________________________________ Brothers:___________________________________________________________________________ Sisters:____________________________________________________________________________ Do you feel depressed (as opposed to frustrated over not being able to function)?__________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ YEAST QUESTIONAIRE The total score for Section A, B & C may give us the probability of yeast overgrowth being a significant factor in your case. SECTION A: YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY _____ Have you been treated for acne with tetracycline, erythromycin, or any other antibiotic for one month or longer? Point Score 50 _____ Have you ever taken antibiotics for any type f infections for more than two consecutive months, or shorter courses four or more times in a twelve month period? 50 _____ Have you ever taken an antibiotic- even for a single course? 6 _____ Have you ever had prostatitis, vaginitis, or another infection or problems with your reproductive organs for more than one month? 25 Have you ever been pregnant? _____ Two or more times? _____ Once 5 3 Have you ever taken birth control pills for: _____ More than two years? _____ Six months to two years? 15 8 Have you taken corticosteroids such as Prednisone, Cortef, or Medrol by mouth or inhaler for: _____ More than two weeks? _____ Two weeks or less? 15 6 When you are exposed to perfumes, insecticides, or other odors or chemicals, Do you develop wheezing, burning eyes, or any other distress? _____ Yes, the symptoms keep me from continuing my activities. _____ Yes, but the symptoms are mild and do not change my activities. 20 5 _____ Are your symptoms worse on damp or humid days or in moldy places? 20 Have you ever had a fungal infection, such as jock itch, athlete’s foot, or a nail or skin infection, that was difficult to treat and: _____ Lasted for more than two months? _____ Lasted less than two months? 20 10 _____ _____ _____ _____ Do you crave: Sugar? Breads? Alcoholic beverages? Does tobacco smoke cause you discomfort such as wheezing, burning eyes, or another problem? Section A Total Score 10 10 10 10 _______________ SECTION B: MAJOR SYMPTOMS For each symptom that is present, enter the appropriate number in the point score column: If a symptom is occasional or mild Score 3 points If a symptom is frequent and/or moderately severe Score 6 points If a symptom is severe and/or disabling Score 9 points Point Score 1. Fatigue or lethargy 2 .Feeling of being “drained” 3. Poor memory 4. Feeling “spacey” or “unreal” 5. Inability to make decisions 6. Numbness, burning, or tingling 7. Insomnia 8. Muscle aches 9. Muscle weakness or paralysis 10 . Pain and/or swelling in joints 11. Abdominal Pain 12. Constipation 13. Diarrhea 14. Bloating, belching or intestinal gas 15. Troublesome vaginal burning, itching, or discharge 16. Prostatitis 17. Impotence 18. Loss of sexual desire or feeling 19. Endometriosis or infertility 20. Cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities 21. Premenstrual tension 22. Attacks of anxiety and/or crying 23. Cold hands or feet and/or chilling 24. Shaking or irritable when hungry SECTION B TOTAL SCORE: SECTION C: OTHER SYMPTOMS For each symptom that is present, enter the appropriate figure in the point score column: If a symptom is occasional or mild Score 1 points If a symptom is frequent and/or moderately severe Score 2 points If a symptom is severe and/or persistent Score 3 points Point Score 1. Drowsiness 2. Irritability or jitteriness 3. Lack of coordination 4. Inability to concentrate 5. Frequent mood swings 6. Headaches 7. Dizziness, loss of balance 8. Pressure above ears, feeling of head swelling 9. Tendency to bruise easily 10. Chronic rashes or itching 11. Psoriasis or recurrent hive 12. Indigestion or heartburn 13. Food sensitivity or intolerance 14. Mucus in stool 15. Rectal itching 16. Dry mouth or throat 17. Rash or blisters in mouth 18. Bad breath 19. Foot, hair or body odor not relieved by washing 20. Nasal congestion or postnasal drip 21. Nasal itching 22. Sore throat 23. Laryngitis, loss of voice 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Cough or recurrent bronchitis Pain or tightness in chest Wheezing or shortness of breath Urinary frequency, urgency or incontinence Burning on urination Spots in front of eyes or erratic vision Burning or tearing of eyes Recurrent infections or fluid in ears Ear pain or deafness SECTION C TOTAL SCORE: GRAND TOTAL (SECTIONS A & B & C) ________________ Diet Analysis Please check the questions to which you would answer “yes” or fill in the ‘number of times’ you eat the particular food. 1. _____ Were you breast fed? ____________________________ 2. _____Was a significant percentage of your diet as a child high in fatty foods and sugar? ____________________________ 3. _____ Do you go out of your way to avoid foods containing preservatives or additives? ____________________________ 4. _____Do you avoid foods which contain sugar? ____________________________ 5. _____How many teaspoons of sugar do you add to food/drinks each day? ____________________________ 6. _____Do you use salt in your cooking? ____________________________ 7. _____Do you add salt to your food? ____________________________ 8. _____How many coffees do you drink each day? ____________________________ 9. _____How many cups of tea do you drink each day? ____________________________ 10. _____How many times a week do you have meals containing fried foods? ____________________________ 11. _____How many packet of ‘instant’ or fast foods do you eat each week? ____________________________ 12. _____How many times a week do you eat chocolate or confectionary sugar? ____________________________ 13. _____What percentage of your diet is RAW fruit and RAW vegetables? ____________________________ 14. _____Do you normally eat white rice or flour? ____________________________ 15. _____How many cans of food do you eat per week? ____________________________ 16. _____How many slices of bread or rolls do you eat each week? ____________________________ 17. _____How many pints of milk do you drink in a week? ____________________________ 18. _____How many times a week do you eat red meat? (beef, pork, lamb, game) ____________________________ 19. _____How many times a week do you eat white meat? (poultry, fish) ____________________________ 20. _____What is your usual alcoholic drink? ____________________________ 21. _____How many glasses do you drink a week? ____________________________ 22. _____How many times a week do you eat live yogurt? ____________________________ 23. _____DO you use a water filter or drink bottled water instead of tap water? ____________________________ 24. _____Do you frequently eat under stressful conditions or on the move? ____________________________ 25. _____Does your job involve eating out a lot? ____________________________ 26. _____How would you describe your appetite? 1. Poor 2. Average 3. Good ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAMPLE 48 HOUR DIET Write down all the foods and drinks consumed over the next two days, starting today. Please add as much information as possible including quantities eaten, brand names, and whether the food is fresh, packaged, refined or natural. Day 1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Breakfast _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lunch _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dinner _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Snacks/Drinks _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Day 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Breakfast _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lunch _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dinner _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Snacks/Drinks ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are these two days representative of your usual eating habits? If not, what is a more usual day? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Breakfast _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lunch _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dinner _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Snacks/Drinks _________________________________________________________________________________________________