ample Transportation Alterna

Sample Transportation Alternatives Program Competitive Grant Application
Table of Contents
1.1 ____________________________________________Program Overview
1.2 ____________________________________________Funding Availability
1.3 ____________________________________________Eligibility
1.4 ____________________________________________Review process and timeline
1.5 ____________________________________________Project Information
1.6 ____________________________________________Scoring Criteria
1.7 ____________________________________________Performance Measures
Sample Transportation Alternatives Program Competitive Grant Application
1.1 Program Overview
Purpose: The purpose of the _______________ program is to support community-based
transportation projects that advance our region’s objectives and goals (insert specific
objectives and/or goals.)
Projects: These projects should be developed through an inclusive community planning
effort and provide for a range of transportation choices.
1.2 Funding Availability
Application deadline:
Total available funding:
Grant minimum: (optional)
Grant maximum: (optional)
Local match: (federally required match of 20%)
[Note to MPOs: This program may be supplemented using additional local, regional
and/or state funds, as well as federal funds. Federal funds that may supplement include
SAFETEA-LU Transportation Enhancement funds to increase the funds available, funds
from the Surface Transportation Program, CMAQ and other.]
1.3 Project Eligibility for applicants and projects
Eligible project categories:
 Sidewalks
 Bicycle infrastructure
 Pedestrian and bicycle signals
 Traffic calming
 Lighting and other safety-related infrastructure
 Safe routes for non-drivers, including safe routes to transit
 Safe routes to school (infrastructure and non-infrastructure, including Safe
Routes to School coordinator)
 Conversion of abandoned railroad corridors to trails for non-motorized
transportation users
 Recreational trails
 Boulevard & main street projects that promote economic revitalization and follow
“complete streets” principles
 Historic preservation
[Transit-oriented development (TOD) infrastructure is also eligible and
encouraged, if it includes one of the above project categories.]
[Note: additional eligibilities are allowed under MAP-21. For more information, see]
Eligible project sponsors:
 local governments;
 regional transportation authorities;
 transit agencies;
 natural resource or public land agencies;
 school districts, local education agencies, or schools;
 tribal governments;
Sample Transportation Alternatives Program Competitive Grant Application
Nonprofits are eligible to partner with any eligible entity. Nonprofits are not
eligible as direct grant recipients.
1.4 Review process and timeline
Submittal due date:
Review process:
Grant awards:
1.5 Project Information
Project Name:
Local sponsor:
Sponsor Contact (name, title, email, phone):
Project type:
Project description:
1.6 Scoring Criteria
Project Impact – 40
Connectivity – 10
First/Last Mile connectivity: Is this project located within ¼ mile of a frequent bus stop or
within ½ mile of a rail station? If not, what is the proximity to transit? Strong preference
will be given to projects located within ¼ mile of a bus stop or ½ mile of a rail station.
Proximity to essential services: In the space below, indicate the neighborhood retail and
essential services located within a ½ mile radius of your project
Number of operational
Eligible under current
zoning (yes, no)
Child Care
Grocery Store/farmers
Laundry/dry cleaner
Place of worship
Police or fire station
Senior Care Facility
Sample Transportation Alternatives Program Competitive Grant Application
Describe the extent to which the project improves transportation choices. For example,
how does the project produce fewer vehicle trips/VMT, increase transit ridership, or
enhance walking or biking connections to transit and essential services.
[Weight additional project impact criterion according to applicability to local goals and
Accessibility/Equity – X
To what extent will the project improve mobility for disadvantaged populations, including
elderly, disabled, minority and low-income populations?
Suggested application questions: Is this project in proximity to affordable housing?
Describe the extent to which the project will improve low income access to transit,
regional jobs, local essential services, and education opportunities. Describe the extent
to which the project addresses needs of the elderly and disabled populations that go
beyond ADA requirements.
Economic Development – X
How will the project facilitate economic development?
What are the minimum Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) requirements for the
project area?
Will the project increase foot traffic and/or bicycling in commercial
Proximity to retail services (within ¼ mile or ½ mile):
Will the project improve property values?
Environment – X
Please describe how the project improves non-auto connectivity. Does the project
reduce VMT, particulate matter and/or greenhouse gas emissions in additional ways?
Health – X
Examples: How does the project improve public health and reduce health disparities?
To what degree does it increase physical activity? How much does it reduce air pollution
or the time it takes to travel to health care centers, grocery stores or other essential
Safety – X
Examples: How does the project improve safety for all road users? To what degree does
the project address a specific safety issue? This section should include bicycle and
pedestrian safety statistics supporting the project and show how overall project design
maximizes non-motorized safety, such as bulb outs, low miles per hour changes, etc.
Community Support – 20
Please describe how the local community has been involved in the planning process.
Include name of and link to applicable city and/or community planning process and
zoning for the neighborhood.
List key stakeholders that have participated in the planning process for the project.
List any opposition to the project and how it was overcome or negotiated.
Please attach any letters of support for the project at the end of this application.
Sample Transportation Alternatives Program Competitive Grant Application
Project Readiness – 20
Project Schedule:
Will this project be obligated by:
August, 31, 2014
August, 31, 2015
What level of design is currently in place for the project?
Local Planning: List all affected departments and contacts within the local jurisdiction,
transit agency, or other public agencies that have been involved in the development or
reviewed the project.
Environmental Approvals:
Is this project eligible for a categorical exclusion for “projects of limited federal
assistance” as defined under Sec. 1317 of MAP-21? (Will the project receive less
than $5,000,000 in Federal funds or is the total project cost less than
$30,000,000 with less than 15% of the total project cost comprised of Federal
When will your project complete NEPA?
Has right-of-way been studied and confirmed?
List any significant environmental issues that could delay the obligation of these
Lawsuits: List any pending lawsuits related to this project.
Preliminary Engineering and Technical Feasibility: Please identify the project
engineering stage and list any barriers to technical feasibility.
Financial Feasibility:
With the funds requested in this grant application, will the project be fully funded,
or a phase of the project fully funded?
If not, what is your funding gap?
Link to local and regional growth or sustainability plans - 20
Describe how the project is included in or consistent with local and regional growth or
sustainability plans:
1.7 Performance Measures
Describe the kinds of quantitative measures you will use to determine the success and
effectiveness of the project.
[This template application was created by Transportation for America with the input of an array
of stakeholders. Please direct questions to Georgia Gann, Deputy Director of Government
Affairs at Transportation for America. She can be reached at or
(202) 955-5543 X 203.]