Research Ethics and Integrity * When should the Ethics Assessment

Research Ethics and Integrity – When should the Ethics Assessment form be completed?
Research Ethics and Integrity – When should the Ethics Assessment Form be
The Ethics Assessment Form (and any supporting documents) should be completed
as soon as the grant funding has been secured (if applicable) and before the research
commences (in ALL cases). The form is organised around a series of questions, with
links to Guidance Notes that provide information about what is required (the
Guidance Notes are separate documents: one for Ethics Self Assessments and one
for Full Ethics Assessments). For instance, the guidance on human research describes
when informed consent is required and, outlines the information that consent forms
should include. Note that links to sample Consent Forms and Project Information
Sheets can be found on the ethics website. The section for biophysical research gives
guidance on what permissions are needed for work in SSIs and protocols to ensure
no un-due harm.
School of GeoSciences – Ethics Committee - 2013