Ebenezer Scrooge Obituary Assignment

Ebenezer Scrooge Obituary Assignment
You will work with a partner and each of you will write an obituary for Ebenezer Scrooge. Partner I will
write the obituary as if Scrooge had never changed. (The stingy, cold-hearted Scrooge) Partner II will
write the obituary after Scrooge made his change, to a kind and caring member of society. You can use
the date February 7th, 1843 for his date of death. You can make up the other details in the obituary.
What is an obituary?
An obituary is a published announcement of a death, often accompanied by a short biography of the dead
person. This information is published in the newspaper to announce the death and as tribute to the life of
the person who has passed away.
Main Components of an Obituary
ANNOUNCEMENT: The name and residence of the person who died. Time, place and cause
of death.
BIOGRAPHICAL BACKGROUND: Birthplace, family, education, religion, occupation, jobs,
positions, club memberships, medals and awards, military service, special pets, certificates,
charitable work, hobbies, interests, disappointments, marriage, kids, etc. of the deceased.
SURVIVORS: Names of family members who survived the deceased.
SERVICE DETAILS: Date, time, place where the funeral/interment/viewing services will be
held. Driving directions, of you have enough space. Information about vigils and other
memorial services, if any. Contact information (phone, email, web URL).
END: A humorous quotation or anecdote bringing live the character, life achievements, and
personality of the deceased. Suggestions for memorial donations. Thank you's to family
members, colleagues, organizations and any other pertinent third parties.
Words Method
Before writing anything else think about three words that would sum up the
deceased's life truthfully.
For example, can you say that the deceased was a PATRIARCH? Was he at the head of a
large family who depended on him in every way?
Was she a HAPPY person? Was she a CARING person?
Find those three words that summarize a life and then build your copy around
Real Example of an Obituary
Sister Nora Kelly | Educator, 80
Sister Nora Kelly, 80, an educator and administrator, died of heart failure Wed., Dec. 15,
at Holy Child Center, a retirement residence for the Sisters of the Holy Child in
Sister Nora graduated from West Philadelphia Catholic High School, where she took
business courses, worked as a typing aide in the school office, and was a member of
the chemistry club. She was an expert at the Irish jig, said Sister Joan McIntyre, a West
Catholic classmate who is also a Sister of the Holy Child.
Sister Nora entered the convent in 1951. She was known for years by her religious
name of Mother Mary Zita.
She earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Villanova University. She
taught at Holy Spirit School in Sharon Hill and St. Edward's and St. Lucy's Schools in
Philadelphia. Then, for seven years, she was on the staff of Holy Child Center.
For two years, Sister Nora assisted in the library at Rosemont College before joining the
staff of Catholic Social Services in 1984. She was secretary to the child care
department before retiring in 1997.
"She had a wonderful disposition and was always smiling," said Sister Joan.
Sister Nora is survived by a twin, James, and another brother, Dennis.
A viewing will be at 10 a.m. Monday, Dec. 20, followed by a Funeral Mass at 11, at New
Sharon Chapel, 1341 Montgomery Ave., Rosemont. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery,
West Conshohocken.