Workplace Literacy Funding Application Form

ACE in Communities open funding round for 2016 funding:
Part One – Organisation’s Administrative Information
Postal address
Physical address
EDUMIS (if known)1
Provider type - community organisation,
REAP provider, or registered private
training establishment (PTE)
A community organisation must attach (as an
appendix) documentation evidencing its status as
a legal entity.
Most recent external evaluation and
review (EER) category
To be completed by registered PTEs only.
Chief Executive/General Manager
Contact person/s
This person/s must have a good understanding of
the organisation and the proposed
courses/activities. This person, or another
contact person named, needs to be able to be
contacted by the TEC for a period of at least 8
weeks from the application’s submission date.
Role or position within the organisation
All recipients of government tertiary education funds must have an EDUMIS number. If your organisation does not have an
EDUMIS at the time of applying, you may defer obtaining this until the outcome of your application is known. This number can be
obtained by making an application to the Ministry of Education. Call 0800 422 599 or email
Part Two – Declaration and Authorisation
This part must be signed by the organisation’s Chief Executive/General Manager or a designated
authority on their behalf.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given in all sections of this application is
true and correct.
Role or position:
Part Three – Organisation’s Background and Contribution to
Government Priorities
For Yes / No / Not applicable answers, delete as required. For written answers, please provide your
answer in the space provided, which will expand accordingly. All answers should be clear, concise, and
to the point.
3.1 Overview of organisation
Provide an overview of the organisation, including a general description of its involvement in formal or
informal community education.
3.2 Current TEC funding
Yes / No
The organisation is being funded in 2015 by the TEC for ACE or other funds.
3.3 Previous TEC funding
Only organisations not currently funded by the TEC for ACE or other funds should answer this section.
If the organisation has been funded in previous years, list the fund/s and the year/s they were
If the organisation has not been funded in previous years, enter “TEC funding has not been
previously received”.
3.4 Financial viability
Evidence of financial viability has been provided as an appendix.
Yes / Not applicable
3.5 History of providing community education
Only organisations not currently ACE-funded by the TEC should answer this section, providing as much relevant detail as
Describe the organisation’s history of providing either formal or informal community education. Include
details such as:
Which specific years the organisation was/has been involved in community education
The types of courses/activities delivered
Who the targeted learners were.
3.6 Quality assurance process
Only community organisations and REAP providers should answer this section, providing as much relevant detail as possible.
Clearly describe the organisation’s quality assurance process and its use.
3.7 Student management system
Describe how the organisation will administer its student management system (SMS) to manage
enrolments and record-keeping.
3.8 Literacy and numeracy
Describe the organisation’s approach to meeting the literacy and numeracy needs of learners. For
example, this could include the use that will be made of the Learning Progressions.
Sections 3.9 to 3.11 relate to establishing the strength of the organisation’s knowledge of, and links with, its community.
Questions related to how the actual courses/activities proposed meet community needs are in Part 4 of this application form.
3.9 Links with other organisations
Describe how the organisation links with other regional organisations to:
Ensure that proposed courses/activities are complementary across organisations
Facilitate learners’ progression opportunities.
3.10 Use of links
Provide examples of when the organisation has linked with other organisations and what the outcomes
3.11 Identifying community needs
Describe how the organisation has identified the community needs (including those of named
communities that support Māori and Pasifika learners) which are relevant to the application. This could
include identifying community needs through the links referred to above.
3.12 Attracting, recruiting, and retaining eligible learners
3.12.1 Describe how the organisation will attract and recruit targeted eligible learners (including at-risk
young people, Māori and Pasifika learners, and those with low level literacy and numeracy skills).
3.12.2 Describe how the organisation will maximise retention of learners until they have completed the
3.13 Guidance and transitional support for learners
Describe how the organisation is equipped to provide:
Guidance to prospective learners about the range of alternative provision or support services in
the community when their needs cannot be met by the organisation, but can be met elsewhere
within the community
Transitional support to learners at the point of them completing the course/activity.
3.14 Following learners’ progress in the future
Describe systems for tracking learners’:
Future intentions at the point of completing the course/activity
Progress towards fulfilling their intentions after completing the course/activity.
Part Four – Courses/Activities Proposed for Funding
For Yes / No answers, delete as required. For written answers, please provide your answer in the space
provided, which will expand accordingly. All answers should be clear, concise, and to the point.
4.1 Name/s
If you are combining ‘like’ courses/activities here, they must
be listed in this section (4.1). Refer to the guidelines for
more information on combining courses/activities.
4.2 Description/s
Provide a meaningful description/s of what the
course/activity covers.
4.3 Community needs
The community need/s to be met by the course/activity and its extent within the community
How this has been measurably evidenced by the organisation
How the course/activity will meet and reduce the community need/s (measurably).
4.4 Course/activity type
Select the course/activity type from one of those below.
Yes / No
NZ Sign Language
Yes / No
Te Reo Māori
Yes / No
Yes / No
4.4.1 Literacy, digital literacy, and/or numeracy
If the course/activity is ‘Other’, select the primary focus of the course/activity from at least one of
those below:
Yes / No
Digital literacy
Yes / No
Yes / No
4.5 Eligible programmes
Sections 4.5.1 to 4.5.3 must be completed if course/activity type is ‘Other’. For ESOL, NZ Sign Language, and Te Reo Māori
complete these sections only where appropriate.
4.5.1 The course/activity will target learners whose previous learning was unsuccessful.
Yes / No
If yes, explain how the course/activity will target, connect with, and support learners whose previous
learning was unsuccessful.
4.5.2 The course/activity will raise foundation skills.
Yes / No
If yes, describe what foundation skills will be raised when learners participate in this course/activity.
4.5.3 The course/activity will enhance a learner’s ability to participate in society
(strengthening social cohesion).
Yes / No
If yes, give specific examples of how learners’ ability to participate in society will be enhanced.
4.6 Learner profile
Describe the target learner group in terms of learner characteristics or profile.
4.7 Outcomes/objectives/learning goals
Describe the outcomes/objectives/learning goals of the course/activity.
4.8 Measuring achievement
Describe how the organisation will measure the achievement of the outcomes/objectives/learning
goals of the course/activity.
4.9 Progression opportunities
Where applicable, describe the progression opportunities available for learners at the
course/activity’s completion.
4.10 Frequency of delivery (runs) and funding details for the proposed course/activity
4.10.1 Enter any comments here that will assist in clarifying your entries in the table below
Refer to the guidelines for examples of issues that could require some clarification.
If multiple locations are proposed, copy and paste the empty row below as many times as you require.
Duration of
Hours per
Total hours
Hourly price
of delivery
number of
per learner
rate (GST
(runs) of
learners (all
per week
excl) per
(GST excl)
hour per