Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Application for Vocational Rehabilitation Service Case #_ LAST NAME MIDDLE INI T IAL FIRST NAME PREVIOUS NAMES USED S O C IA L S E C UR IT Y # X X X - X X - __ __ __ __ C U RR ENT ST R EE T AD DR E SS CITY STATE ZIP CODE MAILING ADDRESS (I f D if fere nt From Current Address) CITY STATE ZIP CODE COUNTY DATE OF BIRTH EMAIL ADDRESS T ELE P HO NE # ( GENDER Apt # CELL# ) M A L E F E M A L E ( ) CONTACT PERSON’S NAME AND TELEPHONE NUMBER (SOMEONE WHOSE PHONE NUMBER IS DIFFERENT THAN Name: Relationship: YOURS WHO WOULD BE ABLE TO GIVE YOU A MESSAGE) Number: _( ) Number: _( ) Contact Person NOT Living in your home U.S. MILITARY VETERAN? YES NO Name: Relationship: Address:_ U.S. CITIZEN? YES NO If No: Do you have an Alien Registration Card? YES NO EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENT? YES NO RACE (CHECK ONE OR MORE) WHITE BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN ASIAN AMERICAN INDIAN / ALASKA NATIVE NATIVE HAWAIIAN/OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER ETHNICITY: HISPANIC/LATINO YES NO OTHER (SPECIFY) Who referred you? Check / Circle one: Social Security Administration or Disability Determination Services Law enforcement, Corrections, Court Job Connect, Workers’ Comp. University, College, or Vocational school Self-referral, Friend, Family Grade school or high school Veteran’s Administration Doctor, Hospital, Mental Health Rehabilitation program in your community Welfare or public assistance agency Other Please check one of the following which best describes your current living arrangement: Private residence (On your own, with family or roommate) Group home Rehabilitation facility Other Mental health facility Nursing home Jail/Adult correctional facility Substance abuse treatment center Halfway house Homeless/shelter Would you like to register to vote today Yes Please select one: Currently registered No Form# Not Eligible Not Interested MARITAL STATUS SINGLE MARRIED SEPARATED DIVORCED WIDOWED Household Information: Number in Family Number of Dependents Parents monthly income if under age 18 House hold members: Name: Age: Relationship: Occupation: Name: Age: Relationship: Occupation: Name: Age: Relationship: Occupation: Name: Age: Relationship: Occupation: What is your primary (largest) source of support? Monthly Amount $ Check one of the following: Your personal income (earnings, interest, dividends, rent) Your spouse’s income, or support from family and friends Public support such as SSDI, SSI, TANF, etc. Other sources such as insurance or charities DATE RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) Agency Representative : 1 of 7 P-VR Appl / Rev 9 –07/2014 IDENTIFICATION List A One (1) Item from List A OR One (1) Item from List B AND One (1) Item from List C List B List C Provide verification for the following identification: United States Passport Certificate of United States Citizenship Certificate of Naturalization Unexpired Foreign Passport w/Attached Employment Authorization Alien Registration Card w/Photograph What is your highest level of education? Check one: State issued Driver’s License or State I.D. Card w/Picture or Information (Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Height, W eight & Color of Eyes) U.S. Military I.D. Card AND Original Social Security Card to be Witnessed at Intake Birth Certificate Issued by State, County or Municipal Authority Unexpired INS Employment Authorization No formal schooling Some elementary school (grades 1-8) Some high school (grades 9-12) but no high school diploma Special education certificate of completion/attendance High school diploma GED (high school equivalency certificate) Name of High School_ Some college/voc-tech – No degree Present Grade Vocational/Technical Certificate Associates Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree or Higher College/Vo-Tech Schools : Name of School: Address of School:_ How can the Bureau be of assistance to you? What employment related services are you seeking: Are you working? If yes, where: If no, check one: H.S. Student Other Other Student Trainee/Intern/Volunteer Not Employed If you are employed, how many hours do you usually work per week? If you are employed, what are your current WEEKLY earnings? $ (gross wages, salaries, tips or commissions before payroll or tax deductions) Are you currently receiving any of the following? If yes, please list the MONTHLY amount. SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) Amount: $ SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Amount: $ TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) Amount: $ Workers’ compensation Amount: $ Do you have any of the following types of medical insurance coverage? Check one or more: Medicaid Medicare Workers’ Compensation Private insurance through employment Insurance Company No Medical Insurance Coverage Other Public Insurance Private insurance through other means (for example, insurance through your parents or spouse) COMMUNICATION ACCOMMODATIONS Regular print Braille Other language (specify) Large print What is your primary means of transportation? Personal Vehicle Public Transportation Other General Assistance (Public Assistance) Veterans’ disability benefits Any other public support Amount: $ Amount: $ Amount: $ (Please describe)_ To help us coordinate your services, please check any other services you are receiving. Check one or more if you are receiving the following: Temporary Assistance (TANF) $ General Assistance (GA) $ Food Stamps $_ Children and Family Services Foster Care Child Support Enforcement Child Care Adult Protective Services Low Income Energy Assistance Medicaid Working Healthy Other None While in school, did you ever have an Individualized Education Program or IEP (special education)? YES NO Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes Details: Probation Officer: Phone # 2 of 7 No P-VR Appl / Rev 9 –07/2014 Check here if no work history WORK HISTORY If currently working how many hours per week do you work? Hourly Wage: List current or last job first. If you run out of space you may continue on the back side of this sheet. Name of Employer: Address: Job Duties: Title of Position Held: Dates of Employment: From: To: Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Reason for leaving: Name of Employer: Address: Job Duties: Title of Position Held: Dates of Employment: From: To: Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Reason for leaving: Name of Employer: Address: Job Duties: Title of Position Held: Dates of Employment: From: To: Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Reason for leaving: Name of Employer: Address: Job Duties: Title of Position Held: Dates of Employment: From: To: Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Reason for leaving: Name of Employer: Address: Job Duties: Title of Position Held: Dates of Employment: From: To: Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Reason for leaving: Name of Employer: Address: Job Duties: Title of Position Held: Dates of Employment: From: To: Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Reason for leaving: 3 of 7 P-VR Appl / Rev 9 –07/2014 DISABILITY (Check all that apply) What is the primary medical condition, injury, physical/mental impairment or disability that limits your ability to work? When did these impairments/disabilities begin? Month / Year AIDS/HIVDeaf - Blind Alcohol or Other Drug Disorder Deaf or Hard of Hearing Post Paraplegia or Quadriplegic Amputation Depression Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Arthritis Diabetes Respiratory/Pulmonary/Allergies Attention Deficit Disorder Epilepsy Severe Arthritis Autism Fibromyalgia Specific Learning Disability Back Injury Heart Disease Spinal Cord Injury Blindness or Visual Impairment Hemophilia Stroke Brain Injury Hip/Knee, Other Joint Cancer Dysfunction Other Carpal Tunnel Kidney Failure (Repetitive Use Syndrome Mental Illness Cerebral Palsy (CP) Muscular Dystrophy Unknown Cognitive Disability Multiple Sclerosis Cystic Fibrosis Myofascial Disorder CURRENT PHYSICIAN / MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL 1. 2. 3. Name Type of Physician Address Phone/Fax Number Name Type of Physician Address Phone/Fax Number Name Type of Physician Address Phone/Fax Number If additional space is needed please enter information on the back of this page. HOSPITALIZATIONS Name of Hospital: Name of Hospital: Address: Address: Reason: Reason: LIST OF MEDICATIONS 4 of 7 P-VR Appl / Rev 9 –07/2014 CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL INFORMATION The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation is a state and federally funded agency that assists persons with disabilities in achieving or maintaining employment. I understand that it is necessary for the Bureau to collect personal information in connection with my rehabilitation program. I understand that such information will be collected, to the maximum extent practicable, from me. The Bureau may only use personal information for purposes directly connected with the provision of services and the administration of the program under which services are provided. I understand that information is available to me when requested in writing, except where the Bureau believes such information can reasonably be expected to cause physical or emotional harm. In this instance, the Bureau shall release such information through a qualified medical or psychological professional or to an authorized representative. Any information provided by me is subject to verification and review through the Social Security Administration. I understand that my eligibility and/or provision of services may be impacted if I refuse to provide personal information that is requested by the Bureau. I understand that my personal information will be held confidential by the Bureau and will not be disclosed to any other person or entity except as noted in the Information and Disclosure Form. Section 504(A) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998; Section 12c of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as Amended; 29USC711c and 721(a)(6)(A); 34CFR361.38; NRS 426.573, 426.610, 432B.220, 615.280, 615.290; 629.061 In making this application for vocational rehabilitation services, I acknowledge that: o Purpose of applying for services: I am applying for vocational rehabilitation services for the specific purpose of getting and/or keeping a job. o Choice to proceed with services: I understand I have the freedom to choose whether or not to enter into or remain in a rehabilitation counseling relationship and whether or not to participate in any rehabilitation assessment or service. My counselor will review with me potential consequences of choosing not to participate in any particular service. I may request case closure at any time. o Change of information: It is my responsibility to inform my counselor of any changes related to this application, such as changes in my address, income or employment. o Prior written approval: BVR/BSBVI will only pay for goods and services that have been pre-authorized by my counselor, as described in the agency's Information and Disclosure Sheet. Inclusion of a good or service on the IPE is not considered pre-authorization. I understand that I may have to pay for goods and services for which my counselor has not provided pre-authorization. o Previous Debt: I understand the agency will not pay any outstanding debt, including student loans I have incurred prior to this case being opened or any debt incurred during this case. o Financial Participation: I understand that I will be asked to furnish financial information and my financial needs will be considered in determining my participation in the cost of those vocational rehabilitation services which require the expenditure of case service dollars. Some services are exempt from the financial participant requirement. o Comparable Benefits: I understand that when applicable, I will be asked to apply for and secure comparable benefits that are available to help pay for the cost of my services. Comparable benefits may include but are not limited to health insurance, Pell Grant, Community Agencies such as Public Mental Health Agencies, etc. Some services are exempt from the comparable services requirement. 5 of 7 P-VR Appl / Rev 9 –07/2014 o Confidentiality: I have read and understand the agency's policies in regards to confidentiality of personal information as described on the Information and Disclosure Sheet. I understand the limits to confidentiality and when information may be disclosed without my written consent. o Risks of electronic communication: I understand the risks of electronic communication, including e-mail communication between the agency and me, and that confidentiality cannot be assured if I elect to communicate electronically. o Sharing Information with DETR and SSA: I expressly give my permission for information about me to be shared within the Department (DETR). Rehabilitation Services will also have access to Information in my Social Security, Disability Determination, SRS, and employment records. o Amending Inaccurate Information in my file: If I believe information in my record of services is inaccurate or misleading, I may request that the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation amend or remove the information. If the information is not amended or removed the request for an amendment must be documented in the record of services. o Liability of State for third party actions: The state of Nevada, Nevada Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation, the Rehabilitation Division and the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation and their officers, agents, employees and elected and appointed officials are not responsible in any manner for damages caused to a client by third parties, including, but not limited to vendors on an approved list maintained by the State of Nevada, Nevada Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation, the Rehabilitation Division and the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation and hereby specifically disclaim any liability therefore. In addition, the State of Nevada will not waive and intends to assert available NRS chapter 41 liability in all cases. o Auxiliary Aids and Services: I understand Auxiliary aids and services are available if required to receive equal access to services due to my disability. I will inform my VR counselor if auxiliary aids or services are needed. o Discrimination: No one will be discriminated against by Rehabilitation Services because of disability, race, religion, sex, color, national origin, length of residency in the state, or ancestry. o Violence, threats, harassment, intimidation and other acts of aggression and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in case closure and, when warranted, filing of criminal charges. Acts of aggression can include oral or written statements, gestures, or expressions that communicate a direct or indirect threat of physical or mental harm or, indirect acts such as damage to personal property. 6 of 7 P-VR Appl / Rev 9 –07/2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ACCEPTANCE Please place your initials beside each title of the document you have received. _____ I have been provided the agency’s Information and Disclosure Sheet and informed about the protection, use and release of personal information and the conditions under which my personal information may be released without my written consent. _____ I have been informed regarding the risks of electronic communication. I agree to the exchange of information regarding myself through the following methods (initial all that apply): _____ok to email _____do not communicate with me through e-mail _____telephone - OK to leave detailed message _____telephone - leave only message to return call _____telephone - do not leave a message _____OK to use facsimile to transmit information _____Only hand deliver or mail information regarding me _____Other _______________________________________________________________________ _____ I have been informed of my opportunity for review of decisions made by my Rehabilitation Counselor regarding my application, eligibility and the furnishing or denial of service if I do not agree with the decision. _____ I have been informed of the Client Assistance Program and have been provided a copy of the steps I need to take concerning communication and formal appeal. _____ I have been informed of and have been provided a copy of The Participant Bill of Rights. _____ I have been informed of the professional qualifications of VR Counselors. I agree to enter into a rehabilitation counseling relationship at this time. Applicant Signature_______________________________________________________Date________________ Parent/Guardian/Legal Rep Signature ________________________________________Date________________ Signature of Individual who filled out application if different from above ________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian/or Representative's Address ____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number______________ Email address__________________________________________________ 7 of 7 P-VR Appl / Rev 9 –07/2014