The Last Time - Writing Workshop blog

A story based off of A Fall of a City
Through the bitter freeze of the night’s chill, King Theodore bravely aimed his arrow
directly at the Duke of Anderson’s goofy face. Although he was feet away from The
Duke of Anderson, The King saw his evil grin that he had on his face. This war was for it
all. The night before, the Duke of Anderson had invaded Upalia and threatened to destroy
King Thedeor's kingdom. It was truly terrible, especially after King Theodore had always
peacefully and respectfully stayed in his respective kingdom and rarely caused any
trouble between any kingdom. However, there was no time for sympathy especially as
the Duke of Anderson was mid way of aiming his cannon at one of the few knights King
Theodore had.
The heavy armor that was hugging King Theodore's body let off drips of rain. The
howl of the wind was whipping against his face. His checks had been given a rosey red
but he wore a concerned look on the rest of his pale face. The poor King had been beaten
down so much, he had so little strength left. Thunder boomed and shock the grown’s
grass. The Duke of Anderson made a commandment to his many soldiers, who were all
lined up with their cannons in a line. All at once they fired, and the fire covered the entire
half of King Theodore’s field. The Rain furiously came and whirled the fire flames back.
The wind slowed up but if it hadn’t, the fire would have spread all over.
Through the storm, other cannons fired and half of King Theodore's men were on
the grown. Another crackle went and the world somehow seemed darker. As the Duke of
Anderson advanced on his strong horse who had been galloping around and dodging
bullets for the lazy Duke, and carried all of his shining swords and sharp bows, neatly by
it’s side. The King didn’t have such tools and methods, instead he stood with his two feet,
and old armor with a smaller sword that still had a point.
King Theodore usable confidence was lacking. He felt as if it were all against
him. He took a breath, and looked out at the battlefields that were littered with missed
arrows and sparks of fire that the rain had put out. With a gulp the King Theodore dodged
a flaming sword that struck a fallen tree branch behind him, and slowly crouched down
near the grass to correctly set his cannon. The rain put out the tree, so now King
Theodore could focus on his plan. He was planning on aiming The Duke of Anderson’s
horse whom had been moving him from place to place. It was smart, but certainly risky.
As soon as the cannon was shot and the fire was heard, the horse jumped and to the
King’s pleasure fell straight on the ground. To the King’s displeasure, this caused the
Duke of Anderson to come up close and personal. Outraged he ran through his set up and
too the line that separated Upalia and his village. “Theo, what do you think you're doing,
chasing after my pony like a little girl, I’m surprised you kingdom calls you the King, I
would call you a princess.” The Duke made a move to the left, with a arrow in his hand,
trying to hurt the king. Incredibly timely, the king managed to slide to the left, on the
mud that had been created by the puddles of water that throughout the fight had been
pouring down on them all.
The Duke of Anderson would not quite. He made a fist with his fingers he
was planning to get The King on right in the face. It was an odd scene especially when
they were in the middle of the battle field one on one. Eventually, the soldiers and knights
curiosity got the best of him and they stopped to look at their leaders go for one another.
King Theodore, was a kind men, and instead of hurting the Duke of Anderson back, used
whatever he could to defend himself while inflicting minimal pain on his heartless
opponent. Nearby, The Duke of Anderson picked up one of his many golden swords. The
rain was not letting up, and The King could barely see through his eyes enough to see a
the sword that he had dropped by one of his knights that was covered in mud. Together
them men fenced each other. King Theodore had the knowledge of an old champ but the
Duke of Anderson had the drive and determination to last him fighting through this whole
storm. At one point of another, the odds seemed to be tipped of the Duke of Anderson
winning, as he was not afraid to flick his sword closer to the King’s skin. The rain
continued to pour and pour by the round went on.
The round had lasted for a few more sharp flicks until the Duke of Anderson used
the tip of his sword to make a line down the mantle of King Theodore’s shield. The cut
filled with rain and King Theodore put his now useless shield on the grass. As the clouds
around them began to swirl the leaders merged closer into the center. Losing his balance,
King Theodore fell backwards, just as the Duke of Anderson fell forward. The ground
was shaking beneath them and the wind was swirling in sounds that sounded like sharp
cries. The rain came down in bunches, salty and hard. The King made a move to get the
Duke in his shield too, due to the fact that it was made of the richest gold and had lasted
through the roughest wars, it was totally undestroyable. King Theodore couldn’t afford
the time to be in a moment of doubt, his opponent was always looking for the chance to
make a move and finish him off. This didn't distract the men for a second. “I’m going to
finish you good Theodore.” The Duke laughed, “Or should I say, Princess Theo?”. He
laughed and raised the tip of his sword, but at that moment, the world did a 360. The
grass was starting the ripe into two pieces, that the sky completely fell apart. The Duke
was about to have his final laugh when everything stopped.
The world went silent. King Theodore could only hear only the distant sound of
cries. The cries were unlike the ones he had heard on the battlefield, but innocent tears.
Turning around the world was black, there were no faces or light or rain or mud. The
King felt the ground, that was now not beneath him, he was floating above nothing.
Confused, the King looked around, squinting through the darkness trying to find his
castle. He realized his sword had disappeared. There was noone around him. After more
thinking the King suddenly felt a sharp feeling in his chest. Right where the Duke of
Anderson’s sword had been. He felt a greater force than himself or even the Duke of
Anderson, tear him apart. It started at his heart and then quickly the King was in two. The
King didn’t know what to feel, but it turn out he didn’t need to. Before the King could
even think, he drifted down and fell upon the wood of a dusty attic.