- African Union for housing finance

The African Union for Housing Finance is pleased to announce its Annual Conference and AGM, to be
held at the FNB Conference Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 6-9 September 2011.
As a tool for building effective demand for housing, housing finance arises out of the
interplay between the housing market and the financial market. The housing market
includes the supply of housing (whether for ownership or rental) in both the primary and
resale markets, and this depends on the availability of land and infrastructure for housing
development, suitable urban housing policies, functioning property markets and, in the
case of mortgage markets specifically, a functioning deeds registry. The ability to
provide housing finance is determined by the financial market and how it operates within
the broader, macroeconomic framework of a country or region, the risk management
practices and requirements that prevail, various balance sheet constraints (influenced by
both national and international fiscal policy, as well as by bank strategy), functioning
property markets and foreclosure potential, investor interest and competing asset classes,
and market infrastructure (Walley, 2011). Together, these factors create the environment
in which housing finance can be offered, and this in turn creates the effective demand
for housing which itself drives the housing market and frames, in part, the housing interests
of the financial market.
Housing Market: housing supply, land
supply, infrastructure, housing and urban
policies, property markets, deeds registry
Interest rates / term / loan to value /
instalment to income
Financial Market: risk management, balance
sheet constraints, foreclosure potential,
competing asset classes, collateral value,
market infrastructure
Effective housing
demand: housing
affordability, loan
product design,
access to credit,
savings, borrower
As Africa sits poised for economic growth, how can the these ingredients be orchestrated
to facilitate growth in the housing finance market, and what can housing finance
practitioners do strengthen their position? These questions frame the agenda of the
annual conference of the African Union for Housing Finance. The AUHF Annual
Conference will bring together investors, banks, development finance institutions, pension
funds, housing development companies, and other housing sector practitioners to
consider the opportunities for housing finance markets in Africa. Taking place in Sandton,
South Africa, from 6-9 September 2011, the AUHF Conference will explore the ingredients
for growth in housing finance in Africa, and will identify opportunities for increased
participation by housing finance sector practitioners. The Conference will be followed by
the Annual General Meeting of the AUHF, where a focused programme of action will be
developed so that the body can represent its members’ interests in various policy and
other forums throughout the year.
The AUHF Annual Conference is open to the public. Register now!
AUHF Members (paid-up): R2200
Non-members: R2800
Ingredients for Growth: Growing African Housing Finance Markets in 2011 / AUHF Conference & AGM in Sandton, South Africa.
PRELIMINARY AGENDA: (1 September 2011)
The African Union for
Housing Finance was
established as a memberbased body of housing
lenders in 1984. Comprising
31 members from 15
countries in Africa, the
scope and objectives of the
AUHF encompass the
• To develop
the institutional capacity
of its members to enable
them to effectively
participate in addressing
housing finance
challenges on
the continent;
• Through the
member institutions, to
engage with their
• To position the AUHF as a
key point of reference in
housing finance matters
on the continent;
• To secure sustainable
resources to meet and
implement the objectives
and plans of the AUHF;
• To develop partnerships
with other
appropriate regional and
continental bodies on the
African continent.
The main event of the AUHF
is its annual Conference and
AGM, held in September of
each year in a different
country where one of the
members plays the
host. Throughout the course
of the year, members
receive a monthly
newsletter. In addition,
members are invited to
participate in local
conferences or workshops,
and courses. The AUHF also
commissions research - at
the moment we have a
collaboration with FinMark
Trust's Centre for Affordable
Housing Finance in Africa.
Membership fees for the
2011/12 Financial Year are
R17 160 (about US$2,500)
See www.auhf.co.za
For more information,
contact Kecia Rust on
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A R R I V A L – Monday, 5 September 2011
All day
16:00 – 19:00
Delegates Arrival and registration
Executive Committee Meeting
Welcome cocktail sponsored by First
National Bank, South Africa
EXCO members only
All. Liquid Lounge, FNB
Conference Centre.
DRAFT CONFERENCE AGENDA – DAY 1: Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Moderator: Reginald Motswaiso, Chairperson, AUHF
08:30 – 09:00
Welcome, introduction, conference overview &
objectives: ingredients for growth
Investment in Housing Finance in Africa
Reginald Motswaiso, AUHF Chairman
Housing finance as a key ingredient in the housing
delivery framework
Stimulating local financial investment in neighborhood
economies, infrastructure and home improvement--a
new multilateral approach
The Financial Market
South African Minister of Human
Settlements, Mr Tokyo Sexwale
Investment Climate: Panel discussion on key issues
facing investors in Africa. Panelists to include investors
and funders, rating agent
Financing Africa: Key issues for the housing finance
Prudential rules for Housing Finance in Africa
Pamela Lamoreaux, I H S;
Gerhard Engel, FMO;
Konrad Reuss, Standard & Poors
09:00 – 09:45
09:45 – 10:30
10:30 – 11:00
11:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:30
12:30 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:30
Bonnie Hewson, Chief Urban Finance
Branch, UN Habitat
Samuel Maimbo, Lead Financial
Sector Specialist - Africa, World Bank
Friedemann Roy, Senior Housing
Finance Specialist, World Bank
The Housing Market
14:30 – 15:15
Regulatory, policy and supply issues in housing finance
in Africa
Panel discussion: Opportunities for the supply of
affordable housing. Panel of developers operating in
15:15 – 15:45
15:45 – 17:15
Tea break
Developments in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique
17:15 – 17:30
Closure and thank you
Kecia Rust, FinMark Trust
Yusuf Patel, Basil Read;
Arnold Meyer, Renaissance Partners
Dr Alexander Tweneboa, TAMSUF;
Frank Ireri, Housing Finance Kenya;
Roland Igbinoba, Pison Housing
Nigeria, Reinaldo Machenguana,
Reginald Motswaiso, AUHF Chairman
Ingredients for Growth: Growing African Housing Finance Markets in 2011 / AUHF Conference & AGM in Sandton, South Africa.
PRELIMINARY AGENDA: (1 September 2011)
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DRAFT CONFERENCE AGENDA – DAY 2 : Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Moderator: Gijima Johannes Dladla, 2nd Vice Chairperson, AUHF
8:30 – 9:00
Welcome and overview of the day’s session / key issues
emerging from training session
Demand for housing finance
Gijima Johannes Dladla, AUHF 2nd
Vice Chairman
Access to housing finance in South Africa: a review of
the past five years
Defining access to housing finance in Malawi, Tanzania,
Botswana, Zambia
Borrower education: opportunities for a collaborative
Shelter Afrique: offering housing finance across Africa
New markets and innovative interventions
Illana Melzer, Eighty20
Infrastructure and housing: the implications of islands of
Michael Kihato, Consultant
Developments in Tanzania: the emergence and work of
the Tanzania Mortgage Refinance Company
Panel discussion: Housing microfinance: a growing
opportunity with unique partnerships to serve lower
down market
Tea break
Closing remarks: the prospective future for the AUHF
Rished Bade, CEO, Tanzania
Mortgage Refinance Company
Sean O’Sullivan, Select Africa;
Ezekiel Esipisu, Habitat for Humanity
Dinner sponsored by Banking Association South Africa,
Home Loan Guarantee Company, National Housing
Finance Corporation, and the Mpumalanga Economic
Growth Agency
All. Lekgotla, Nelson Mandela Square,
9:00 – 9:45
9:45 – 11:15
11:15 – 11:45
11:45 – 12:30
12:30 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:30
14:30 – 15:15
15:15 – 16:00
16:00 – 16:30
16:30 – 17:00
19:00 – 22:00
Illana Melzer, Eighty20
Rosemarie Sabatino, CHF International
Kahumbya K Bashige, Shelter-Afrique
Cas Coovadia, AUHF Vice Chairman
AUHF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING : Thursday, 8 September 2011
Moderator: Reginald Motswaiso, Chairperson, AUHF
9:00 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 16:00
16:00 – 16:30
Draft Agenda
AUHF Annual General Meeting
9:00 – 10:00 AUHF business
10:00 – 11:00 Small group (by region) discussions around draft statements:
Financial Markets
Housing Markets
Housing Policy
11:00 – 11:30 Tea
11:30 – 12:30 Plenary discussion on statements
12:30 – 13:00 Closure
EXCO Meeting
AUHF Members Only
SITE VISIT : Friday, 9 September 2011
Site Visits to be organized on request: Please contact Kecia Rust (auhf.kecia@iafrica.com)
9:00 – 12:00
Site Visit to housing projects in the Johannesburg area: Cosmo City, a
mixed income & tenure neighbourhood (subsidized and market housing,
rental and ownership) developed as a complete, new suburb, in northern
Ingredients for Growth: Growing African Housing Finance Markets in 2011 / AUHF Conference & AGM in Sandton, South Africa.
PRELIMINARY AGENDA: (1 September 2011)
To be organized on
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