
Curriculum Vitae
Sept 2012 – Dec 2013: Master of Arts in Development Studies
Major: Gender, Human Rights and Conflict Studies: Social Justice Perspectives
Name of the Institution: International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS), The
Hague (The Netherlands)
Relevant Coursework: Feminist Theorizing of Institutions and Actions; Human Rights, Law and
Society; Social Action in Communities, Markets and Policies; Contemporary Perspectives on Social
Justice; Violent Conflict, Media and the Politics of Representation; Development Histories, Theories
and Practices; Introduction to Economics; Politics, Power and Development; Ethnographic
Research and Reflexivity in Development Contexts; Discourse Analysis: Principles and Methods;
Research Paper
Master Thesis Topic: “What Does Gender Equality Mean? Deep Confusion within the Discourse of
the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela”
Sept 2006 – May 2010: Bachelor of Arts in International Studies/ in Psychology (double
Concentration: Latin American Studies (under International Studies)
Name of the Institution: Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Baltimore (USA)
Relevant Coursework: Economic Development; Classics of Political Thought; Introduction to
Comparative Politics; Introduction to International Law; John Locke; The Politics of Travel in the
Middle East; Protests, Politics and Democracy in Latin America; Society, Politics and Economics in
Latin America; Statistical Analysis; Analysis Psychology Data Laboratory; Theories and Methods of
Clinical Psychology; Law and Psychology; Psychology Research Internship
Jan 2007: Intersession Program Abroad Course in Ghana; History, Politics, Culture and
Name of Institution: University of Ghana, Accra (Ghana); Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Baltimore
Work Experience
Mar 1–May 31, 2014: Intern (3 months)
Name of Institution: Women Peacemakers Program, The Hague (Netherlands)
Feb–Mar 2014, June 2013, Aug 2012, June 2012, Sept–Dec 2011, July 2011, June 2011:
Text Processing Operator G2 (English Unit)
Name of Institution: International Labour Organization, Geneva (Switzerland)
Apr 2013 – Dec 2013: Volunteer
Name of Institution: Women Peacemakers Program, The Hague (Netherlands)
Jan 2012 – Feb 2012: Volunteer
Name of Institution: International Bridges to Justice
Main Duties: Interviewed human rights lawyers (IBJ Fellows) about their human rights projects. I
interviewed women in the women’s detention center of La Paz about their experience and knowledge
CV | Eliana Barragan
of human rights. I also attended and interviewed attendees of human rights workshops in the men’s
detention center of Cochabamba.
Aug 2010 – July 2011: Project Officer to the Latin American Fellows/Intern
Name of Institution: International Bridges to Justice, Geneva (Switzerland)
Oct 2012 – Dec 2013: ISS Committees
Editorial Committee | Secretary
Social Committee | Secretary
International Relations Committee | Member
Apr-May 2012: Assamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos | Volunteer
Jan 2007 – May 2010: JHU Alpha Phi Fraternity
Chapter Events | Manager
Jan 2009 – Dec 2009
Recruitment Team | Day Chair
Oct 2008 – Jan 2009
Executive Board | Director of Administration
Jan 2008 – Dec 2008
Sept 2008 – May 2009: JHU Model United Nations Conference | Committee Chair
Sept 2007- Dec 2009: JHU Tutorial Project | Tutor
Personal Skills and Competences
Languages: English (mother tongue), Spanish (mother tongue), French (fair/intermediate)
Computer: Proficient in PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Outlook and Internet research; Some experience
using WordPress
Interests: Running, Biking, Swimming, Nature Documentary Films, Photography, Painting,
Traveling, Cooking
CV | Eliana Barragan