1 Assessing uncertainties in a second-generation dynamic vegetation model due to 2 ecological scale limitations 3 4 Rosie Fisher1, Nate McDowell1, Drew Purves2, Paul Moorcroft3, Stephen Sitch4, Peter 5 Cox5,6, Chris Huntingford7, Patrick Meir8, F. Ian Woodward9. 6 7 1. 8 Alamos, New Mexico, USA. 9 2. Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom 10 3. Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 22 Divinity 11 Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 12 4. 13 5. 14 Exeter EX4 4QF, UK. 15 6. Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter EX1 3PB, UK . 16 7. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BB, UK 17 8. School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Drummond Street, Edinburgh, UK. 18 9. Department of Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S10 2TN, 19 UK Earth and Environmental Science Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Department of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. School of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, 20 21 22 23 Word Count of main text = 7050 24 25 1 26 ABSTRACT 27 Second generation Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) have recently been 28 developed that explicitly represent the ecological dynamics of disturbance, vertical 29 competition for light, and succession. Here we introduce a modified second-generation 30 DGVM and examine how the representation of demographic processes operating at two- 31 dimensional spatial scales not represented by these models can influence predicted 32 community structure, and responses of ecosystems to climate change. The key 33 demographic processes we investigated were seed advection, seed mixing, sapling 34 survival, competitive exclusion and plant mortality. We varied these parameters in the 35 context of a simulated Amazon rainforest ecosystem containing seven plant functional 36 types that varied along a trade-off surface between growth and the risk of starvation 37 induced mortality. Varying the five unconstrained parameters generated community 38 structures ranging from monocultures to equal co-dominance of the seven PFTs. When 39 exposed to a climate change scenario, the competing impacts of CO2 fertilization and 40 increasing plant mortality caused ecosystem biomass to diverge substantially between 41 simulations, with mid-21st century biomass predictions ranging from 1.5 to 27.0 kgC m-2. 42 Filtering the results using contemporary observation ranges of biomass, LAI, GPP and 43 NPP did not substantially constrain the potential outcomes. 44 demographic processes represent a large source of uncertainty in DGVM predictions. We conclude that 45 46 INTRODUCTION 47 The terrestrial biosphere plays a critical role in regulating the Earth’s carbon cycle 48 (Bonan 2008). There is concern that terrestrial ecosystems may be unable to maintain the 49 current uptake of ~33% of anthropogenic emissions (Rodenbeck et al. 2003; Zeng et al. 50 2005) because of the anticipated negative impact of heating and drying on photosynthesis 51 and survival (Cox et al. 2000; Friedlingstein et al. 2006). For this reason, Dynamic 52 Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs), are now recognized as a critical component of 53 climate change prediction. DGVM models simulate a suite of ecosystem properties from 54 half-hourly carbon and water exchange, through daily growth and tissue turnover, to 55 longer term processes of reproduction, competition, and mortality. These models have 56 become relatively advanced in their capability to simulate short-term surface gas and 2 57 energy exchanges and atmospheric CO2 (Sellers et al. 1986; Hickler et al. 2008; Purves 58 and Pacala 2008, Mercado et al. 2009; Randerson et al. 2009), but in contrast, DGVMs 59 contain relatively simple and poorly tested representations of the processes driving long- 60 term changes in vegetation composition – e.g. recruitment, competition and tree mortality 61 (Moorcroft et al. 2006). The large structural and parametric uncertainty concerning these 62 processes means that existing DGVMs produce a wide variety of predictions regarding 63 the future strength and direction of the climate carbon-cycle feedback (Friedlingstein et 64 al. 2006; Thornton et al. 2007; Sitch et al. 2008). For example, some models predict 65 catastrophic declines in the Amazon and Boreal forests, while others predict relatively 66 stable ecosystem composition and carbon storage, even with the same future climate 67 drivers (as illustrated by Sitch et al. 2008). Model biases introduced by these 68 uncertainties are not readily estimated because limited observations exist to constrain 69 demographic processes under rapidly altering climates (Purves and Pacala 2008; Allen et 70 al. 2010). 71 In an attempt to increase ecological realism in DGVMs, more sophisticated models 72 have recently been developed that explicitly represent the demographic processes of 73 disturbance, recruitment, competition between plant types for light, and tree mortality 74 (Friend et al, 2000; Moorcroft et al., 2001; Sato et al., 2007; Hickler et al., 2008; Scheiter 75 and Higgins, 2008). This ‘second generation’ approach has numerous perceived benefits 76 including the ability to 1) model re-growth after disturbance, 2) parameterise ecological 77 dynamics directly using tree and plot scale data, and 3) to facilitate the representation of 78 co-existence of different vegetation types by introducing different environmental niches, 79 either along a successional gradient of light availability or vertical strata in the canopy 80 (Smith et al. 2001; Moorcroft et al. 2001; Purves and Pacala 2008). The impact of this 81 third property – the ability to simulate competition and co-existence of multiple plant 82 types - is unclear. On one hand, successful co-existence of multiple plant functional 83 types (PFTs) might buffer responses to climate change by preventing sudden switches 84 between mono-dominant PFTs. On the other hand, relatively stable past climates might 85 discourage the survival of those plant types which invest more resources in the tolerance 86 of extreme climates, at the expense of PFTs with rapid growth rates, making ecosystems 87 in general more susceptible to the effects of climate shifts. 3 88 To resolve this issue, it is necessary to understand the processes that control 89 community structure in second-generation models. In this paper, we present 90 developments to a second-generation DGVM that facilitate the co-existence of plant 91 functional types. We then identify several poorly constrained processes that 92 fundamentally influence how community structure emerges from plant demography. 93 These include seed advection, seed mixing, sapling mortality, competitive exclusion and 94 stress-induced tree mortality. While representations of these ecological processes are 95 typically present in current DGVMs, they all depend upon two-dimensional spatial scales 96 not represented by these models. For example, rates of seed mixing and advection rates 97 are properties of landscape heterogeneity, while the stochasticity or determinism of 98 competitive exclusion and the rate of tree mortality under stress are both properties of 99 multi-scale environmental heterogeneity (Clark et al. 2007). DGVMs are spatially one- 100 dimensional, as they consider single points in space that do not interact with one-another. 101 Therefore, it is not possible to explicitly represent these processes in the current 102 modelling context, and instead their impact must be parameterised. In this paper, we 103 identify five demographic processes whose outcome depends on the sub-grid spatial 104 heterogeneity of a landscape, and investigate how the parameterisations affect the 105 outcome of a one-dimensional dynamic vegetation model. 106 In this paper, we use the Ecosystem Demography model (ED, Moorcroft et al. 107 2001), a size and age structured DGVM that occupies a mid-point on the continuum from 108 gap models (Sato et al. 2007; Hickler et al. 2008) that contain representations of 109 individual trees, to area-based DGVMs, which model the fate of a single average 110 individual for each PFT (Cox, 2001; Sitch et al. 2003, Bonan et al. 2003; Woodward and 111 Lomas 2004). Because of this, ED is perceived as a promising template for a second 112 generation of land surface models, appropriate for inclusion in large-scale climate 113 simulations (Meir et al. 2006; Moorcroft 2006; Prentice et al. 2007; Purves and Pacala 114 2008; Huntingford et al. 2008). 115 116 MODEL DESCRIPTION AND DEVELOPMENTS 117 Background 118 In order to provide a realistic context for our study, we situate our hypothetical 4 119 ecosystem in the eastern Amazon basin, and parameterise carbon fluxes and plant 120 allocation using recently compiled data from three intensively studied forest plots (Malhi 121 et al. 2009b). Further details are given in supplementary information and Table 2. A 122 majority of Global Climate Models, (GCMs) predict that dry season rainfall over 123 Amazonia will decline (Malhi et al. 2009a), and that temperatures will increase (Salazar 124 et al. 2007). This makes the Amazon an ideal place to investigate the impact of 125 alternative community structures on future vegetation structure and function. For a more 126 complete review on prognoses for the Amazon rainforest see Cox et al. (2004, 2008), 127 Huntingford et al. (2008), Malhi et al. (2008, 2009b), Meir et al. 2008, and Nepstad et al. 128 (2008). 129 130 ED model 131 ED is a size-and-age structural approximation of a gap model, the state structure of 132 which is a nested hierarchy of geographical grid cells, landscape age classes and cohorts 133 of trees of different sizes and plant functional types. The landscape age classes are 134 designed to capture horizontal biotic heterogeneity in canopy structure that arises from 135 various forms of disturbance. Biotic heterogeneity does not include physical aspects of 136 sub-grid heterogeneity such as variations in altitude, soils or aspect. These are not 137 accounted for in the model structure. At each daily time-step, canopy tree mortality 138 creates new areas of disturbed ground. To make the model computationally more 139 efficient, the spatial locations of the disturbed areas are not specified, and thus can be 140 tracked as a single landscape age class that represents the aggregation of canopy-gap 141 sized areas within each grid cell that were disturbed at a similar time in the past. To 142 minimize the proliferation of landscape age classes, the vertical structure and 143 composition of model land classes are continually compared to each other and merged if 144 they are sufficiently similar. 145 New juvenile individuals of each PFT are recruited on a daily timestep, based on 146 the reproductive output of existing individuals of the same PFT. Individuals located in the 147 same landscape age class, PFT and size, are tracked as ‘cohorts’. Each cohort is defined 148 by the number of individuals per unit area nc, and a single representative tree, defined by 149 its structural biomass (bs) that is a function of tree diameter D (cm), and live biomass (ba) 5 150 that consists of leaf (bl), fine root (br) and sapwood (bsw) (all in kg C individual-1 year-1). 151 As with the landscape age classes, cohorts are continually compared and subsequently 152 fused if they are in the same PFT, landscape age class and are close in size. Through this 153 procedure, the ED model explicitly tracks horizontal and vertical heterogeneity in canopy 154 structure. 155 In the next section, we discuss model representations of recruitment, competition 156 and mortality. Because these processes operate in two-dimensional spatial space, and 157 therefore have no analogue in a one-dimensional model, parameterization from field 158 observations is difficult. We introduce modifications to these processes, but unless 159 otherwise stated, the model is the same as EDv1.0, as described by Moorcroft et al. 160 (2001). Alterations made to the energy and gas exchange algorithms are described in the 161 supplementary information. 162 163 1. Modelling Sapling Recruitment 164 Sapling recruitment is the sum of plant reproduction from local (internal) and 165 non-local (external) sources. The smallest units considered by the model are 2.5m high 166 saplings, we do not model the germination of seeds and early seedling development, but 167 seed dispersal processes are nevertheless responsible for the location of the resultant 168 saplings. External recruitment represents the advection of seeds from other geographical 169 areas. Seed advection (As) from multiple directions, results in a point-specific sapling 170 establishment rate measured in individuals m-2 PFT-1 year-1. As the distribution of 171 different environmental conditions within a grid cell is not represented in the model, we 172 use the null assumption that PFT advection is constant through time and that the number 173 of saplings recruited per PFT is equal. For internal recruitment, a fixed fraction, frepro of 174 the carbon available for growth (Cg , Equation 7) is partitioned into reproduction. The 175 number of saplings per plant functional type is calculated from this carbon supply divided 176 by the biomass required to make each 2.5m sapling. The internally generated saplings are 177 distributed between landscape age classes. This requires an estimate of Xm: the 178 probability that a propagule generated in one landscape age class establishes in a different 179 landscape class from that of its parents. In other words, Xm represents how well mixed 180 seeds are across a landscape with respect to the landscape age class gradient. Low levels 6 181 of ‘seed mixing’ mean that seeds are likely to land near their parent tree, and vice-versa. 182 Subsequently, a ‘sapling mortality’ is applied (Ms) the value of which represents the 183 discrepancy between the maximum number of sapling and the number that are realised in 184 the model. The total number of new established saplings in each time-step, Nsapling is 185 therefore: 186 187 Nsapling 188 (1) = (As + Cg (1- Ms)/(freprob0)t 189 190 Where t is the length of each daily time-step, in years (1/365) and b0 is the sapling 191 biomass. 192 The parameters As and Xm both depend upon the spatial structure of the landscape 193 and the likelihood of ecosystems with different composition existing in close proximity. 194 In a two-dimensional spatial model of interconnected patches (e.g. Kneitel and Chase 195 2003; Leibold et al. 2006; Lischke et al. 2006) parameters representing the spatial 196 movement of propagules would not be necessary, as they would be modelled with 197 diffusion type equations, however, without this capacity, we must parameterise the 198 processes of seed dispersal within a grid cell. Here we investigate how the 199 parameterisation of seed advection and seed mixing affect community structure in a 200 sensitivity analysis. 201 202 2. Modelling canopy structure and co-existence. 203 In the original EDv1.0 model (Moorcroft et al. 2001) there were no explicit spatial 204 dimensions associated with each cohort, so the hypothetical leaf area of each tree 205 extended across the entire surface of the landscape age class, effectively creating a steep 206 vertical light profile that caused non-realistic levels of shade-induced competitive 207 exclusion and reduced the capacity to simulate co-existence of plants within a 208 successional age class. Resolving these issues requires representation of the physical 209 dimension of tree crowns. We adopted and modified the Perfect Plasticity Approximation 210 (PPA) of Purves et al., 2008. Based on the observation that tree crowns often occupy gaps 211 in the canopy that are spatially dislocated from the base of the tree, PPA assumes that the 7 212 horizontal plasticity of crown location and shape is infinite but that trees have realistic 213 relationships between crown area and height. The end result is that; (1) when the total 214 canopy area is greater than the total ground area, the canopy is considered to be ‘closed’ 215 and breaks into distinct layers, each consisting of those cohorts with heights within a 216 particular range, such that each cohort occurs in only one layer; (2) in a situation with 217 two layers, i.e. canopy and understory, the cohorts are assigned to the canopy or 218 understory according to their height relative to a mean canopy intersection height ‘z*’; (3) 219 trees within the same layer do not shade each other at all; (4) trees in a given layer are 220 uniformly shaded according to the total LAI above the top height of that layer. This 221 scheme means that a small increase in height of a cohort no longer confers a large 222 competitive advantage, except where cohorts cross z*. 223 The original version of the PPA model assumes that z* is spatially uniform within a 224 stand, however, canopy intersection heights vary spatially such that a tree of height ‘h’ 225 might sometimes be in the canopy and sometimes be in the understory, depending on it’s 226 circumstances. The assumption that z* is spatially uniform, exacerbated by the fact that 227 ED typically aggregates the canopy into far fewer cohorts than the original PPA method 228 of Purves et al. (2008), generates a highly deterministic model of competition, whereby a 229 single cohort with a small height advantage might come to quickly and un-realistically 230 dominate the entire canopy. It is therefore difficult to represent co-existence between 231 similar PFTs without including some potential for z* to be heterogeneous. Clark et al. 232 (2003, 2007) propose that deterministic models of co-existence often fail because they do 233 not properly account for unobserved life history trade-offs, neglected genetic variation or 234 spatial heterogeneity in topology, soil type, aspect and dispersal and recruitment 235 processes, they term these factors ‘random individual effects’. In the context of the PPA 236 model, this is analogous to the possibility that z* is spatially heterogenous. 237 We introduced the potential influence of ‘random individual effects’ on community 238 composition by aggregating all the processes that suppress the ability of the fastest 239 growing PFTs to monopolise resources into a single ‘competitive exclusion’ parameter 240 Ce.. Ce controls the probability that a tree of a given height will obtain a space in the 241 canopy of a closed forest. The forest canopy is considered as closed when the total 242 canopy area (Acanopy, m2), which is the sum of all the crown areas (Acrown, m2) 8 243 244 Acanopy =∑Acrown, (2) 245 246 exceeds the ground area of the age class in question (Ap). Under these circumstances, the 247 ‘extra’ crown area Aloss, (Acanopy - Ap) is moved into the under-storey. For each cohort 248 already in the canopy, we determine a fraction of trees that are lost from the canopy (Lc) 249 and moved to the under-storey. Lc is calculated as 250 251 Lc= Aloss wc/∑(wc) (3), 252 253 where wc is a weighting of each cohort determined by basal diameter D (cm) and the 254 competitive exclusion coefficient Ce 255 256 wc=DCe (4). 257 258 The higher the value of Ce, the greater the impact of tree diameter on the probability of a 259 given tree obtaining a position in the canopy layer. That is, for high Ce values, 260 competition is highly deterministic. Small average differences between cohorts are still 261 significant because there is little randomness at the scale of individual trees. Therefore 262 faster growing trees monopolise light resources more effectively, leading to competitive 263 exclusion of slower growing trees. In contrast, low values of Ce imply that the outcome of 264 competition is stochastic: small differences between cohorts do not matter very much, 265 because randomness at the scale of individual trees is such that all cohorts suffer 266 approximately equally from competition for canopy space. The smaller the value of Ce, 267 the greater the influence of random factors on the competitive exclusion process, and the 268 higher the probability that slower growing trees will get into the canopy. Appropriate 269 values of Ce are poorly constrained (Clark et al. 2003, 2007) thus we investigated the 270 impacts of a wide range Ce values on community structure and biomass predictions. 271 272 273 3. Modelling Plant Mortality Modelling community composition requires accurate simulation of the processes 9 274 controlling mortality of different plant types. Mechanistic prediction of plant mortality is 275 currently a developing field (e.g. McDowell et al. 2008) and the dominant mechanism of 276 death remains unclear. Two potential physiological mechanisms underlying plant 277 susceptibility to climate extremes and attack by biotic mortality agents include hydraulic 278 failure caused by excessive xylem embolism, and carbon starvation due to stomatal 279 closure and subsequent depletion of available carbohydrate reserves used for maintenance 280 and defence. Though not yet understood sufficiently well to model, metabolic limitations 281 induced by restrictions on phloem transport and tissue dehydration may exacerbate 282 carbon starvation (Korner, 2003; McDowell and Sevanto 2010, Sala et al., 2010). 283 Isohydric plants, which close their stomata during drought conditions, may be more likely 284 to suffer carbon starvation than hydraulic failure (McDowell et al. 2008). Fisher et al. 285 (2006) observed that leaf physiology was consistent with isohydric habit in Amazonian 286 rainforest trees and Metcalfe et al. (this issue) provide evidence suggesting that the 287 carbon budget and timing of death of artificially droughted rainforest trees is consistent 288 with death from carbon starvation. Therefore, in this paper, we concentrate on carbon 289 starvation as the likely mode of mortality. To simulate carbon starvation, we define a new 290 ‘stored carbon’ pool, bstore (kg C individual-1), and model allocation to this pool using the 291 widespread observation that relative partitioning of photosynthate to storage increases 292 during periods when photosynthesis is low (reviewed by McDowell and Sevanto 2010). 293 Allocation to the store is thus altered according to the size of the existing pool and a 294 ‘target’ quantity S*, multiplied by leaf biomass, bl. S* is an indicator of the generic 295 strategy plants undertake to avoid carbon starvation. The more carbon that is kept back 296 for storage, the more likely it is that a plant can survive periods of negative carbon 297 assimilation (McDowell et al. 2008). The carbon balance (Cb) available for storage, 298 growth and reproduction is determined as 299 300 Cb = NPP - md (5) 301 302 the balance of net primary productivity (NPP) and tissue turnover requirements (md, see 303 Supplementary Information), both in kgC individual-1 year-1). The balance of stored 304 carbon to target stored carbon fs: 10 305 306 fs = bstore /(S*bl) (6) 307 308 is used to predict the flux of carbon to the storage pool as a fraction of the carbon balance 309 (fstore) 310 311 fstore= e-4fs (7). 312 313 The form of the above function depicts a situation whereby carbon allocation approaches 314 1.0 when the store is low, and approaches zero when the store is higher than the target 315 quantity. Flux to and from the store is calculated as: 316 317 bstore = Cb. fstore 318 319 Thus if Cb is negative (if NPP is less than maintenance demands, such as in winter or 320 drought periods) carbon is removed from the store. Mortality increases as bstore declines 321 below a threshold (see below), so negative bstore is avoided by gradual cohort death. 322 Otherwise, the carbon remaining for growth and reproduction (Cg, kg C individual-1 year- 323 1 ) is what remains once allocation to the store has been removed. 324 325 Cg = Cb (1.0- fstore) (8). 326 327 Because each cohort in ED represents the hypothetical means of a set trees with broadly 328 similar but nonetheless variable genetic composition and environmental conditions, the 329 prediction of mortality based on a single threshold carbon storage value is inappropriate. 330 In this case, we model mortality rate M (fraction of trees dying per year) as a function of 331 the ratio of bstore to leaf biomass where bstore<bl 332 333 M=Bm+ Sm min(1.0,(bl-bstore)/bl (9). 334 11 335 Background mortality, Bm, (1.39% year-1, Chao et al. (2008) occurs irrespective of the 336 stress on the carbon store. Sm is the mortality rate (fraction year-1) of a single cohort when 337 mean cohort carbon storage is zero. The value of Sm is also affected by spatial 338 heterogeneity. In the hypothetical ‘average’ stand modelled by a DGVM, an ‘average’ 339 tree may die (making it’s observed mortality 100%) because it’s carbon reserves fall to 340 zero. In reality it is very unlikely that, across a whole grid cell, all of trees in of a given 341 PFT and size class will die simultaneously. Because we can neither parameterise 342 effectively nor simulate the sub-grid cell heterogeneities that lead to the discrepancy 343 between stand level and landscape level mortality, it is necessary to parameterise the 344 variable Sm as the impact of carbon deficit on mortality rates. 345 346 Plant Functional Types 347 Plant ecology models typically seek to explain the co-existence of species along 348 functional “trade-offs” (Pacala et al. 1996; Moorcroft et al 2001; Kneitel and Chase 2003; 349 Baraloto et al. 2005). These compromises in plant form and function mean that no species 350 is the best competitor in all environments. We use variation in S* to represent an 351 example of a growth vs. mortality risk trade-off surface (Hacke et al. 2006; Poorter et al. 352 2009). We constrain S* using measurements of carbon storage from a rainforest in 353 Panama (Würth et al. 2005), in which the average amount of carbon stored in trees was 354 approximately the same as that required to replace all of the leaf and fine root biomass. 355 Notably, variation between species was substantial. We calculated the range of carbon 356 stored between species using the data on % carbon storage in different tissues, and the 357 mean biomass of each tissue type (Würth et al. 2005) and found that carbon storage 358 varied by a factor of 2.4 (or 3.7, if one species with extremely high levels of stem 359 carbohydrate was taken into account). Reflecting this, we created an array of seven 360 tropical, evergreen plant functional types (PFTs) which differed in S* from 1.0 for PFT2, 361 to 2.5 for PFT7 (Table 1). The additional properties of these PFTs are described in Table 362 2. Each PFT represents a class of species that is broadleaf, evergreen and tropical, but 363 with a specific range of carbon storage behaviour. 364 12 365 366 METHODS 367 To develop a DGVM capable of predicting vegetation conditions under altered 368 climate and CO2, we coupled the adapted ED model to the Met Office Surface Exchange 369 Scheme (MOSES II, Essery et al. 2003), that has recently evolved into JULES (Mercado 370 et al. 2007). JULES calculates the land surface gas exchange and provides fluxes of 371 carbon to ED, which generates land surface and canopy structure to drive the land- 372 atmosphere interactions in return. We term the coupled model JULES-ED. 373 We drove JULES-ED using output from the IMOGEN analogue climate model 374 (Huntingford and Cox 2000). IMOGEN utilizes pattern output from the Hadley Centre 375 HADCM3-LC Global Circulation Model (Cox et al. 2000) to provide climatic anomalies 376 between a baseline climate and a given climate change scenario. In this instance, we use 377 the Climate Research Unit (CRU) 1900-1999 climatology as a baseline dataset onto 378 which we superimpose these anomalies. In order to use both the historical climatology 379 for spin-up, and the pattern output from the GCM to generate forward predictions, the 380 simulations are not site specific. Instead, we utilize data from Malhi et al. (2009b) who 381 synthesized observations of the carbon economy of three Amazonian sites (Manaus, 382 Caxiuanã and Tapajòs) to parameterise the ecophysiology of rainforest ecosystems (see 383 Supplementary Infomation). We use driving climatologies for a 3.25o x 2.5o grid cell, the 384 South West corner of which is located at 56.25oW and –2.5oS, encompassing all three 385 sites used by Malhi et al. (2009b). 386 387 Model Sensitivity Tests 388 To investigate how uncertainties in the parameterisation of demographic 389 processes affect the development of community structure, we conducted a global 390 sensitivity test to five parameters; seed advection As, seed mixing Xm, sapling mortality 391 Ms, competitive exclusion Ce and stress-induced adult mortality rate Sm. For each 392 parameter, we set high and low parameter boundaries and conducted a 200 member Latin 393 Hypercube exploration (Iman and Conover, 1982) of the five-dimensional parameter 394 space to identify how different combinations of these processes affect community 395 structure. The parameter ranges for Xm, Ce, and Sm were between zero and one because 13 396 these were the logical end points of these processes. For As the minimum input was 0 and 397 the maximum upper limit was 50 individual hectare-1 year-1. For Ms the maximum rate 398 was 1.0, while we set the minimum as 95%. The model results described later illustrate 399 that the output appears to be insensitive beyond these ranges for As and Ms. 400 For each ensemble member, we ran the model for 400 years, starting from bare 401 ground in 1700. For the baseline climatology we use 100 years of CRU data randomised 402 over these 400 years (except for the 20th century, where we use actual year numbers). To 403 this we add climate anomalies generated by the IMOGEN model driven CO2 404 concentrations from the HADCM3-LC coupled climate carbon-cycle model output (Cox 405 et al. 2000; Frieldingstein et al. 2006; Sitch et al. 2008). This climate change scenario is 406 among the most extreme for Amazonia (Malhi et al. 2009a), but appears consistent with 407 recent climate variability in Amazonia (Cox et al. 2004; Cox et al. 2008, Jupp et al., 408 2010). The annual CO2, precipitation and temperature components of the model drivers 409 are shown in Figure 1. 410 411 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 412 Impact of parameter variation on ecosystem biomass responses to climate change. 413 Altering the five demographic parameters that control unconstrained spatially 414 mediated demographic processes had a profound influence on the predicted response of 415 ecosystem biomass to future CO2 and climate (Figure 2a). Biomass estimates in 2005 416 ranged from 6.6 to 22.1 KgC m-2 y-1. By 2050, the competing effects of increasing 417 mortality and productivity in the future scenarios create an even wider divergence in 418 biomass (3.25 to 27.0 KgC m-2 y-1). Some ensemble members are able to benefit from 419 CO2 fertilisation, while others are more rapidly affected by the increasingly severe 420 drought events (Figure 1). Between 2059 and 2060, there is a large drought event that 421 depleted the carbon store and caused mortality in even the most conservative plant 422 functional types. By 2100, plant biomass is heavily depleted in most scenarios, with the 423 most resilient scenario supporting 9.6 KgC m-2. The response of LAI to changing climate 424 and CO2 is both less extreme and less different between runs as LAI recovers more 425 quickly after disturbance and is therefore less affected by variations in ecosystem 426 demography. We emphasize that, owing to the random selection of baseline climate, this 14 427 illustration is not meant to be proscriptive of the actual future climate or vegetation in 428 particular years. 429 430 Filtering unrealistic ensemble members. 431 The parameter space exploration generated wide variation in ecosystem properties 432 for the present day (Figure 2a), however, many of the ensemble members generated 433 unrealistic predictions for ecosystem properties that can be constrained by current 434 observations. We filtered those ensemble members whose biomass, gross or net primary 435 productivity (GPP, NPP) or leaf area index (LAI) fell outside observed ranges (Malhi et 436 al. 2009b, Fisher et al. 2007, Brando et al. 2008). To account for measurement error in 437 the upper and lower boundaries of the observations, we extended the ranges by 10% on 438 either side. After the filtering process, 14 ensemble members remained whose estimates 439 of all four variables were inside the observed ranges (Figure 2b). Whilst there are many 440 fewer simulations in the filtered set, the spread of predictions is not substantially reduced, 441 with biomass in y2050 still ranging from 2.6 to 27.0 KgC m-2 y-1. Filtering with this 442 particular set of model metrics did not allow us to constrain the different model futures or 443 rule out either the extremely sensitive or extremely resistant scenarios. Therefore, 444 satisfactory approximation of contemporary ecosystem observations is not necessarily an 445 indicator that a model will produce accurate future predictions. Current efforts to 446 ‘benchmark’ vegetation models with sets of basic ecosystem data, with the intention of 447 constraining the range of future predictions, should consider this possibility when 448 interpreting their results (e.g. Randerson et al. 2009). It is possible that additional filters 449 not used in this experiment, notably responses of forest to experimental drying (Fisher et 450 al. 2007, Brando et al. 2008) might provide more appropriate filtering data. These kinds 451 of plot-level observations are not yet considered in DGVM benchmarking exercises, 452 however, due to the difficulties involved in precisely replicating the experimental 453 conditions in DGVM models. 454 455 Community Structure and its relation to Ecosystem Biomass Predictions. 456 Figure 3 illustrates the different plant community structures found in the 14 runs 457 that met the filtering criteria. The panels are ordered according to their predicted 15 458 ecosystem biomass in 2050 (from low to high). Those runs where forest mortality events 459 were predicted to occur sooner and biomass in 2050 was consequentially lower (e.g. 460 Figure 3 - top two rows) were dominated by the fast growing plant functional type (PFT 461 #1, filled circles), while those runs where the ecosystem avoided biomass collapse for 462 longer tended to have a more equitable distribution of plant functional types (e.g. Figure 463 3 – bottom two rows). In this particular model scenario, prevailing conditions before 464 2000 typically favour the dominance of the fastest growing plant types. The persistence 465 of PFT1 as the dominant plant type in 2000 reflects the relatively benign climatic 466 conditions over the last century and is consistent with a small fitness cost associated with 467 low rates of carbon storage: NPP rarely falls enough to deplete stored carbon reserves 468 enough cause canopy tree mortality. In all cases, the fastest growing PFTs gain a slight 469 initial advantage via lower allocation to carbon storage. The eventual community 470 structure, however, depends upon the strength of processes that reinforce this initial 471 dominance, which is impacted substantially by varying the spatially mediated parameters 472 in this sensitivity test. 473 474 Impact of individual parameters on Community Structure and ecosystem properties. 475 Illustrating detailed ecosystem composition for every ensemble member was 476 impractical, so we reduced the dimensionality of the output by calculating a PFT range Rp 477 for each model run, as 478 479 Rp = Bf,1-Bf,7 (10) 480 481 where Bf,i is the fractional biomass of the i’th PFT in 2000. Fractional biomass is the total 482 of the total biomass accounted for by a given PFT. Values close to 1 indicate dominance 483 the fastest growing PFT and values close to zero indicate more equitable PFT 484 distribution. This metric of community structure provides a single value with which to 485 represent how much the community is dominated by fast growing plants. Figure 4 486 illustrates how this measure of community structure affects whole ecosystem properties 487 (GPP, NPP LAI, and biomass) used in the filtering process. Typically, those ecosystems 488 with a PFT range close to one had high values of GPP, NPP and LAI, that were often 16 489 outside the observational range. Ecosystem biomass was highest for mid-range 490 community composition. Those ensemble members with highly equitable PFT 491 distribution tended to have very low biomass, below the acceptable range. 492 Figures 5-7 illustrate how the five demographic parameters that we investigated 493 were related to PFT range index (equation 9, Figure 5),. biomass predictions at 2050 494 (Figure 6) and LAI in 2005 (Figure 7). The impact of the different parameters on NPP, 495 GPP and biomass in 2005 and biomass in 2100 are included in the Supplementary 496 Information (S1-S4). 497 Of the five varied parameters, sapling mortality (Ms) had the largest impact on 498 community structure and ecosystem properties. To illustrate the impact of varying this 499 parameter on the model output, we shaded the points in Figures 4 to 7 according to their 500 value of Ms. Ms mediates the positive feedback between fast growth and sapling 501 production. Those trees with fast growth rates produce large numbers of saplings that 502 grow quickly during situations of low sapling mortality, increasing the tendency of fast 503 growing PFTs to become dominant. Low values of Ms encourage this positive feedback, 504 leading to mono-dominance and high PFT range. Simulations with high values of Ms 505 suppress this feedback and tended to have a more equitable PFT distribution with more 506 slow growing PFTs (Figure 5, panel d). These PFTs are less susceptible to drought 507 induced mortality (in the model), so the runs with high Ms have higher biomass in 2050 508 (Figure 6, panel d). In addition, a combination of higher allocation to storage, and less to 509 leaves, as well as lower overall under-storey recruitment rates, means that those 510 communities with high values of Ms have lower LAI estimates (Figure 7 panel d). The 511 first order impact of lower sapling mortality on biomass (more seeds = more biomass) 512 was not present in 2005 (Figure S3, panel d). 513 The seed mixing parameter (Xm) had a large impact on community structure. 514 Initial seeding conditions are an important control on community structure after canopy 515 closure. When large numbers of seeds are distributed to other patches, and Xm is high, 516 PFT1’s dominance of one age class makes it a source of PFT1 seed for other age classes, 517 increasing its share of the seed bank and thus its increasing ability to dominate newly 518 disturbed areas. Where most seeds land in their parent patch, and Xm is low, PFT1 wastes 519 most of its seed increasing competition with itself. Therefore, high Xm promotes both 17 520 dominance of PFT1 (Figure 5, panel c) and the development of communities with fast- 521 growing PFTs. These fast growing PFTs are at greater risk of dying under future 522 droughted conditions due to their lower carbon reserves, so forest biomass in 2050 is 523 lower for high Xm simulations (Figure 6 panel c). However, higher Xm allows faster 524 colonisation of recently disturbed gaps, facilitating faster regeneration and higher 525 spatially averaged leaf area index (Figure 7, panel c). 526 Seed advection (As) has a relatively minor impact on community structure and on 527 biomass in 2050 (Figure 5 and Figure 6, panel e). Increasing seed rain modulates the 528 dominance of the fast growing PFT for sapling recruitment, but also accelerates the rate 529 of canopy closure, enhancing the dominance of the faster growing plants (results not 530 shown). 531 consistent response from emerging. As did have a notable impact on the biomass in 2100 532 (Figure S2, panel e), as higher seed rain presumably promotes more rapid ecosystem 533 recovery from mortality events (Figure 7, panel e). Also higher seed advection promotes 534 higher LAI; the number of saplings present in the under-storey increases on account of 535 the shift in the equilibrium between recruitment and mortality. 536 There was little consistent impact of competitive exclusion (Ce, panel a) or stress-induced 537 mortality (Sm, panel b) on either PFT composition or biomass in 2050 (Figure 5 and 538 Figure 6, panels a and b). In isolation, these parameters can exert substantial control over 539 community structure (results not shown), but in the global sensitivity analysis (i.e. 540 varying all parameters simultaneously) their impact may well have been overridden by 541 large variations in the forcing caused by the other parameters. LAI is highest for low 542 values of Sm, as greater mortality rates of carbon starved plants in shade or drought 543 results in a lower equilibrium LAI (Figure 7, panel b). The conflicting impact of these two mechanisms may well prevent any 544 545 Scale Limitations and Parameter Constraints. 546 Typically, vegetation modellers attempt to constrain model parameter values via 547 observations of the processes to which they apply. Unfortunately, the parameters we 548 investigate here are not amenable to observation because the scales at which they operate 549 are not represented in the spatially one-dimensional model environment. For example, the 18 550 rate of seed advection As of a given PFT is likely a function of (at least) the mean 551 distance in space to other areas of land containing that PFT. Landscape models that 552 include a two-dimensional spatial structure of inter-connected patches, with a 553 representation of both spatial arrangement and distance between patches, can simulate 554 this property, but not one-dimensional DGVM models (Neilson et al. 2005; Lischke et al. 555 2006). 556 Similar issues apply to the other three parameters. Seed mixing, Xm, most 557 obviously, is the result of the unknown length scale of disturbance processes and patches 558 of land that ED represents via statistical aggregation. The length scale of ecosystem 559 patches in reality is controlled by the size of disturbance events. If most disturbance 560 events result from the death of single trees, this generates a matrix with a small length 561 scale and a consequentially high rate of inter-age class seed mixing. If mortality is 562 spatially aggregated because of blowdown events, pathogen outbreaks or fires, then the 563 length scale will be larger and mixing less likely. No DGVM at present tracks the two- 564 dimensional sub-grid variation in disturbance history. Tracking disturbance history is 565 only made computationally possible in the ED model by removing the spatial dimension 566 and tracking all patches of a common disturbance history together. This property must 567 therefore at present be parameterized. Here we illustrate, for the first time in the context 568 of a DGVM modelling study, how the values of this property affect model outcome. 569 Future studies must focus on resolving this issue either using top-down observational 570 constraints, by leveraging output from spatially explicit studies into the one-dimensional 571 model, or by converting the model framework to a substantially more computationally 572 intensive fine-mesh structure. 573 The degree of determinism and stochasticity of competitive exclusion, Ce, depends 574 upon smaller-scale spatial interactions between the crowns of adjacent trees. Simulation 575 of this process would require at least a branch-scale canopy simulation model, (e.g. 576 Williams, 1996), in addition to improved understanding of the genetic heterogeneity 577 between plants represented by a single PFT and the micro-variation in abiotic conditions. 578 It might be possible to estimate locally appropriate values of Ce from community 579 composition data using inverse Bayesian methods (Clark et al. 2003; Etienne and Olff, 580 2005). 19 581 Sapling mortality, Ms, which is an aggregate of seed number, seed germination, and 582 death of the germinated seedlings, is poorly understood and very complex to model 583 mechanistically. Inverse estimates of seed mortality from forest inventories might be 584 possible, but existing forest databases typically only measure trees greater than 10cm 585 diameter (Baker et al. 2004). Thus estimates of Ms are confounded with unobserved 586 under-storey growth and mortality processes. Also, sapling mortality is thought to be 587 influenced by dispersal distance via the influence of species-specific herbivores or 588 pathogens (Janzen 1970, Connell 1971) and by potential positive interactions between 589 parent trees and saplings, the interactive consequences of which are explored by Murrell 590 (2009). 591 Stress-induced mortality rates (Sm) appropriate for landscape scale models or 592 DGVMs are also very difficult to parameterise. Allen et al. (2010) illustrate the difficulty 593 of quantifying rates of vegetation mortality with observations made at multiple spatial 594 scales. High rates of observed stand level mortality typically translate into much lower 595 landscape level mortality rates, due to spatial variation in landscape properties, biotic 596 agents, species and weather (Allen et al. 2010). For a DGVM models, that scale linearly 597 from plot level simulations to landscape level prediction, the appropriate scale of 598 measurement of plant mortality rates is therefore contentious. Landscape level estimates 599 of tree mortality are very rare (Allen et al., 2010) but may be facilitated by vegetation 600 monitoring networks (Philips et al. 2008) in the future. 601 602 Spatial interactions in existing studies 603 The concept that spatial interactions are important for community structure is in no 604 way novel (Silvertown and Law 1987) but is infrequently considered by the DGVM 605 community (Neilson et al. 2005; Midgley et al. 2007). At present, no DGVMs represent 606 the movement of propagules in two dimensions, and no first-generation DGVMs 607 represent plant competition for light in a vertical profile (see Arora and Boer 2005, for a 608 detailed review of first generation DGVM plant competition algorithms). Literature from 609 forest gap models discusses possible conditions necessary for simulating co-existence and 610 the impact of competitive exclusion and spatial processes on community structure 611 (Adams et al. 2007; Lischke and Löffler, 2006; Kohyama and Takada 2009) but the 20 612 emerging literature on second generation DGVMs as yet provides little discussion on 613 how plant co-existence is generated along axes of variation other than early-to-late 614 successional plant traits. 615 biodiversity and species co-existence can potentially inform us on how best to proceed 616 from this point (McGill et al. 2006), and it seems likely that the possible limits on these 617 parameters may potentially be informed by the outcomes of more spatially explicit 618 models at various scales (Kneital and Chase 2004). A vast literature on the assemblage of communities, 619 620 CONCLUSION 621 In this paper we introduce a series of modifications to the Ecosystem Demography 622 model that more readily allow the co-existence of plant types with similar growth rates. 623 We conclude that, despite major advances in dynamic global vegetation modelling, there 624 exist a number of processes pertaining to spatial plant ecology that are currently beyond 625 the capacity of even the most sophisticated dynamic global vegetation models to capture. 626 If we fail to appropriately represent or constrain the processes that control the emergence 627 of plant community structure in the new generation of global vegetation models, we risk 628 generating modelled communities of plants with erroneous responses to climatic and 629 atmospheric changes. 630 While we have endeavoured to create simulations that closely reflect the behaviour 631 of Amazonian rainforest ecosystems, we emphasize that our purpose was not to provide 632 definitive predictions of the future of the Amazon, but instead to illustrate the potential 633 importance of the representation of infrequently discussed plant demographic processes 634 of reproduction, competition, and mortality on the range of future predictions. We chose 635 to focus on one location to allow a detailed illustration of this high-dimension problem; 636 however it seems likely that the issues derived here may well be generically applicable, 637 in different modelling frameworks, and across multiple combinations of climate and 638 functional trade-off axes. 639 640 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 641 Funding was provided by the UK Natural Environment Research Council QUEST 642 ‘Quantifying Ecosystem’s Role in the Carbon Cycle’ project (QUERCC), the 21 643 LANL/LDRD program and DOE-Office of Science (BER) Program for Ecosystem 644 Research. 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(doi:101029/2004GB002273) 32 1096 1097 1098 TABLES 1099 1100 Table 1 Value of S*, the ‘target’ carbon storage criteria between plant functional types. 1101 S* is the quantity of carbon targeted by the allocation scheme, in multiples of the total 1102 leaf biomass (bl). The range of values chosen is based on observations by Würth et al. 1103 (2005). 1104 PFT number S* 1 1.0 2 1.25 3 1.5 4 1.75 5 2.0 6 2.25 7 2.5 1105 1106 33 1107 1108 Table 2. Model parameters obtained from literature sources. 1109 Parameter Explanation Units Mb Background Mortality % -3 Value Source 1.39 Chao et al. 2008 D Wood Density gC cm 0.7 Chao et al. 2008 aleaf Leaf Turnover year -1 0.69 Wright et al. 2004 aroot Fine root allocation year -1 0.69 Malhi et al. 2009b awood Coarse wood turnover (branches & year-1 0.01 Malhi et al. 2009b 87 Carswell et al. 2000 145 Carswell et al. 2000 0.50 Malhi et al. 2009b 0.63 Malhi et al. 2009b 0.17 Mercado et al. 2007 coarse roots) SLAc Specific Leaf area (canopy) cm2 g-1 2 -1 SLAu Specific Leaf area (understory) cm g rr Root respiration as a fraction of leaf fraction respiration rs Stem respiration as a fraction of leaf fraction respiration KN Exponent of change in nitrogen through canopy N0 Nitrogen Concentration at canopy top KgN KgC 0.046 Mercado et al. 2007 frepro Fraction of growth carbon to respiration fraction 0.37 Meir et unpublished 1110 34 al. 1111 FIGURE LEGENDS 1112 1113 Figure 1: Forcing data for model simulations; a) Carbon Dioxide concentrations, b) 1114 Temperature and c) Annual precipitation. 1115 1116 Figure 2: Response of the trajectory of total plant biomass to alterations in ecological 1117 parameterizations showing the last 150 years of the 400 year simulation. Panel a) 1118 includes all 200 members of the ensemble, and b) includes only those 14 ensemble 1119 members with acceptable biomass, LAI, GPP and NPP compared to observations. Grey 1120 shading on symbols indicates the sapling mortality (Ms) parameter for each run, and can 1121 be read from figure 5, panel d 1122 1123 Figure 3: Development of plant functional type community composition over 400 year 1124 model evaluation for each of 16 ensemble members with acceptable values of biomass, 1125 GPP, NPP and LAI. Panels are arranged according to the biomass predicted in 2050, to 1126 illustrate the impact of community composition on ecosystem prediction. Biomass in 1127 2050 for each run is shown in text on each figure. Symbols refer to different plant 1128 functional types as follows. Closed circles = PFT1, Open circles = PFT2, closed squares 1129 = PFT3, open squares = PFT4, closed triangles = PFT5, open triangles = PFT6, closed 1130 diamonds = PFT7, open diamonds = PFT8. 1131 1132 Figure 4: Relationship between a) GPP, b) NPP, c) LAI and d) Biomass in y2005, and 1133 ecosystem composition as expressed by the PFT range metric (equation 9). Shaded panel 1134 indicates the limits of observations. Grey shading on symbols indicates the sapling 1135 mortality parameter for each run, and can be read from Figure 5, panel d). 1136 1137 Figure 5: Response of modelled PFT range at y2005 to variation in a) competitive 1138 exclusion Ce, b) stress-induced adult mortality Sm, c) seed mixing Xm, d) sapling mortality 1139 Ms and e) seed advection As. Shaded area denotes limits of observations from Malhi et al. 1140 (2009). Square symbols denote members of the filtered ensemble with predictions of 1141 NPP, GPP, LAI and biomass within acceptable ranges. Grey shading on symbols 35 1142 indicates the sapling mortality parameter for each run, and can be read from panel d). 1143 1144 Figure 6: Response of predicted biomass at y2050 to variation in a) competitive exclusion 1145 Ce, b) stress-induced mortality Sm, c) seed mixing Xm, d) sapling mortality Ms and e) seed 1146 advection As. Square symbols denote members of the filtered ensemble with predictions 1147 of NPP, GPP, LAI and biomass within acceptable ranges. Grey shading on symbols 1148 indicates the sapling mortality parameter for each run, and can be read from panel d). 1149 1150 Figure 7: Response of modelled leaf area index at y2005 to variation in a) competitive 1151 exclusion Ce, b) stress-induced mortality Sm, c) seed mixing Xm, d) sapling mortality Ms 1152 and e) seed advection As. Shaded area denotes limits of observations from Brando et al. 1153 (2008) and Fisher et al. (2007). Square symbols denote members of the filtered ensemble 1154 with predictions of NPP, GPP, LAI and biomass within acceptable ranges. Grey shading 1155 on symbols indicates the sapling mortality parameter for each run, and can be read from 1156 panel d). 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 36 1162 1163 Figure 1 1164 1165 1166 1167 37 1168 Figure 2 1169 38 1170 Figure 3 1171 1172 39 1173 Figure 4 1174 1175 1176 40 1177 1178 Figure 5 1179 1180 41 1181 Figure 6 1182 1183 1184 1185 42 1186 1187 Figure 7 1188 1189 43 1190 1191 1192 1193 44 1194 1195 1196 Supplementary Information 1197 1. Fluxes of water and carbon 1198 Cohort carbon fluxes are calculated by the JULES/MOSES MOSES (Cox et al. 1199 1999; Essery et al 2003) surface exchange scheme present in the IMOGEN model, 1200 modified to represent the updated canopy structure modifications and sub-grid tiling 1201 assumptions. The representation of tiling in the model was altered to replace the pre- 1202 existing system, where each tile represents a single plant functional type, to one where 1203 each tile represents an age-class or ED patch. Thus, we removed the existing DGVM 1204 present in the MOSES model, TRIFFID (Cox 2001) and replaced it with the ED model. 1205 This does not represent a large change in the conceptual model coupling, as the DGVM 1206 passes back the same information; tile areas, canopy LAI and height, to the land surface 1207 scheme. For some properties (albedo, root infiltration) plant type has an impact on the 1208 land exchange, and for these we generate a dominant plant functional type – that with the 1209 most biomass – used to drive these calculations. In the current implementation, the 1210 reflectance and infiltration properties are the same for all tree plant functional types, but 1211 this may be revisited for global applications. 1212 The new canopy scheme provides NPP at the cohort level by calculating the rate of 1213 net assimilation for each leaf layer in the canopy, and then disaggregating this to the 1214 cohorts according to their tree leaf area profile. We generate a matrix of net assimilation 1215 (A) with the dimensions (P,Y,FT,Z) where P is the patch level, Y is the canopy layer, FT 1216 is the functional type and Z is the leaf layer within the tree canopy. 1217 assimilation, A is derived from the model described by Cox (2001) and Mercado et al. 1218 (2007) that simulates photosynthesis based on the leaf photosynthesis models of from 1219 Collatz et al. (1991) ) and Collatz et al. (1992). These simulate potential leaf 1220 photosynthesis as the minimum of three limiting processes; Rubisco limited 1221 carboxylation, light limited photon conversion and rate of transport of photosynthetic 1222 products. Leaf dark respiration (Rd ) is simulated as a fraction of the maximum rate of 1223 carboxylation (Vmax ), both in (µmol m2 s1 ). 1224 photosynthesis via the soil moisture availability factor ø, (Anet = Aø ) where ø is a unitless Leaf level Moisture stress impacts on net leaf 45 1225 factor based on soil moisture in the four-layer soil model. In this model realisation, 1226 photosynthetic parameters for all PFTs are the same as those described by Cox (2001) for 1227 broadleaf trees, with the exception that we alter the light assimilation parameter alpha 1228 from the default suggested by Cox et al (1998) of 0.8, to that fitted to Amazonian forest 1229 data by Harris et al. (2004) of 0.6. We do not use the other parameters optimised by 1230 Harris et al. (2004), as these pertained to aspects of the model fundamentally altered by 1231 inclusion of the multi-layer canopy scheme. We also alter the depth of the bottom soil 1232 layer and the root system such that there are 7m of soil depth. This is to reflect the now 1233 widespread view that Amazon rainforest soils and root systems are substantially deeper 1234 than the 3m more typically used in models (the default value in JULES) (Jipp et al. 1998; 1235 Nepstad et al., 1994, Hodnett et al.,1995; da Rocha et al., 2004; Fisher et al. 2007). 1236 Estimates of the depth of root profiles in Amazon forests typically extend as deep as 1237 observations are made, up to 10m and beyond, but root abundance is very low in deeper 1238 soils (Fisher et al. 2007). The absence of an explicit water transport scheme in JULES 1239 means that the impact of this low root density on the difficulty of extracting water is 1240 difficult to estimate mechanistically (e.g. Sperry et al. 1998), thus we use a value of 7m 1241 here as a compromise between these two conflicting factors. 1242 In the original version of MOSES (Cox et al. 1999), leaf level photosynthesis is 1243 scaled up to canopy level using a ‘big leaf approach’ (Sellers et al. 1992). Here, we 1244 introduced a multi-layer canopy model, whereby incoming light (I) declines 1245 exponentially through the canopy according to Beer’s Law (I = Ie-0.5L.). Light attenuation 1246 to the top leaf layer of each canopy layer (Z=1) is controlled by the leaf area index L 1247 averaged over the whole land surface in the canopy layers above (or 0, in the case of the 1248 top canopy layer). Leaf layers within canopies then exist under light condition attenuated 1249 by an LAI of 1.0 for each leaf layer. The cohort level photosynthesis is calculated using 1250 the Anet matrix. Each cohort has a value of P, FT and Y, and integrates photosynthesis 1251 over the different leaf layers according to its tree leaf area index, tlai, which is determined 1252 by the ratio of leaf area to ground area. 1253 1254 tlai=Aleaf/ Acanopy (s1) 1255 46 1256 Where Aleaf is the total leaf area of a single tree and Acrown is the ground area occupied by 1257 the crown. Tree leaf area index is different to the leaf area index averaged over the 1258 ground area, as the area occupied by trees might be less than the total ground area. 1259 Therefore, by implicitly including the leaf area of individual trees, we allow for the 1260 likelihood that leaf area occurs in clumps related to individual trees, and for the 1261 possibility that different cohorts maybe exhibit independently varying leaf area. Note that 1262 the JULES canopy radiation model has since been significantly upgraded to include a 1263 two-stream model and diffuse radiation effects (Mercado et al. 2007; Mercado et al. 1264 2009), but this version was not available for this study. 1265 1266 1267 1268 Maintenance Demands Once NPP (KgC individual-1 year-1) for each cohort is calculated, the cost of maintaining live tissues, md, is removed the give the remaining carbon balance Cb. 1269 1270 Cb=NPP-md (s11) 1271 1272 md is the sum of the requirements for leaf and root turnover. 1273 1274 md=braroot+blaleaf. (s12) 1275 1276 Because br is assumed to be the same as bl, and because Malhi et al. (2009b) determined 1277 that the total cost of leaf turnover to be similar to that of root turnover (once reproductive 1278 structures are removed from the fine litter estimates, Meir et al. (unpublished) for tropical 1279 forests, the turnover of roots is also assumed to be similar to that of leaves (determined as 1280 the mean of the average value for tropical forests in a leaf trait database, 0.68 (Reich et al. 1281 2001). From the carbon balance, the allocation of carbon to storage compounds is 1282 removed to give the carbon available for growth and reproduction. The fraction going to 1283 reproduction was calculated as 0.37, from estimates of reproductive structures collected 1284 in litter traps (Meir et al. unpublished) and estimate of wood biomass increment 1285 generated by Malhi et al. (2009b). 1286 47 1287 1288 1289 Control of Leaf Area Index Aleaf is calculated from leaf biomass bl (kgC individual-1) and specific leaf area (SLA, m2 kgC-1) 1290 1291 Aleaf = bl,SLA (s2) 1292 1293 For a given tree allometry, leaf biomass is determined from basal area using the function 1294 used by Moorcroft et al. (2001) where dw is wood density in g cm-3. 1295 1296 bl = 0.0419D1.56 dw0.55 (s3) 1297 1298 Crown area, Acrown, is defined as 1299 1300 Acrown = π(Cs Sc)1.56 (s4) 1301 1302 Here we follow the methodology of Purves et al., by specifying a ‘canopy spread’ scaling 1303 parameter ‘Sc’, the value of which is discussed in the ‘Control of Canopy Area’ section 1304 below. In contrast to Purves et al., we use an exponent, identical to that for leaf biomass, 1305 of 1.56, not 2.0, to maintain a constant LAI under changing diameter for mature trees. 1306 However, using this model, where leaf area and crown area are both fixed functions of 1307 diameter, then the leaf area index of the tree is the same, irrespective of the growth 1308 conditions. 1309 methodology for ‘trimming’ those leaves in the canopy that exist in negative carbon 1310 balance. That is, their total annual assimilation rate is insufficient to pay for the turnover 1311 and maintenance costs associated with their supportive root and stem tissue, plus the 1312 costs of growing the leaf. The tissue turnover maintenance cost per m2 of leaf is To allow greater plasticity in tree canopy structure, we implemented a 1313 1314 Lcost = md/( blSLA) (s5) 1315 1316 The net uptake Unet (taking into account stem and root respiration required to support that 1317 leaf as well) is 48 1318 1319 Unet = g-rd(1+rr+rs) (s6) 1320 1321 where g is the GPP of the bottom layer of leaves in each tree (KgC m-2 year-1), rd is the 1322 rate of leaf dark respiration (also KgC m-2 year-1), and rr and rs are the rates of root and 1323 shoot respiration, relative to leaf respiration. 1324 1325 We use an iterative scheme to define the cohort specific canopy trimming fraction Ctrim, on an annual time-step, where 1326 1327 bl = Ctrim0.0419D1.56 dw0.55 (s7) 1328 1329 1330 If the annual maintenance cost of the bottom layer of leaves (KgC m-2 year-1) is less than then the canopy is trimmed by an increment ‘i’ (0.01). 1331 1332 for Lcost > Unet ; Ctrim,t+1 = max(Ctrim,t-i,1.0) 1333 for Lcost < Unet ; Ctrim,t+1 = min(Ctrim,t+i,0.5) (s8) 1334 1335 We define an arbitrary minimum value on the scope of canopy trimming of 0.5. If plants 1336 are able simply to drop all of their canopy in times of stress, with no consequences, then 1337 tree mortality from carbon starvation is much less likely to occur because of the greatly 1338 reduced maintenance and turnover requirements. 1339 1340 Control of Canopy Area 1341 Using the scheme described above under good growth conditions (i.e. if Ctrim is 1342 equal to 1.0) the tree leaf area index will remain at it’s maximum theoretical value, again 1343 irrespective of conditions. Given that the ED model has the capacity to model open 1344 canopies, this model property means that, even if there is no competition between trees 1345 for light, some of the leaves will be in relatively deep shade, on account of the perceived 1346 spatial limitation in canopy space. In an open canopy, plants are able to position a larger 1347 fraction of their leaves in full sunlight, both because there are fewer spatial constraints 1348 mediated by neighbouring trees, and because light can enter the tree canopy from the side 49 1349 as well as from the top. We do not attempt to model the 3D light environment explicitly, 1350 but instead modulate the canopy spread co-efficient such that prior to canopy closure, the 1351 effective leaf are index is <1.0 and all the leaves are in full sunlight. To achieve this we 1352 determined the ‘spread’ of the canopy (Sc), iteratively each daily time-step as the canopy 1353 area relative to ground area changes. In an open canopy, Sc is equal to the maximum 1354 value Smax, is gradually decreased to the minimum value Smin as the canopy closes. This 1355 process starts once the total canopy area is above a nominal threshold where the trees 1356 interfere with each other (St=0.8). Should this occur, Sc is decremented, again by 1357 increment I 1358 1359 for Acanopy > ApSt ; Sc,t+1 = max(Sc,t-i,Smin) 1360 for Acanopy < ApSt ; Sc,t+1 = min(Sc,t+i,Smax) (s9) 1361 1362 This algorithm generates a circularity whereby the canopy area is a function of canopy 1363 spread, which is a function of canopy area. However, the iterative scheme converges on 1364 an equilibrium point where the canopy covered fraction area is just less than St, until the 1365 minimum canopy packing density is reached, and no more spatial condensing of canopy 1366 foliage is possible. The maximum tree leaf area is thus a function of the minimum crown 1367 aerial extent. In this case, the minimum parameter Smin =0.1 means that the maximum 1368 leaf area index of any canopy tree is 3.8. Any additional leaf area index exists in the 1369 understorey. 1370 1371 Gradients within the canopy. 1372 In a model that determines leaf area index based on the physiological principles 1373 outlined above (that the lowest leaf layer must pay for it’s own construction and 1374 maintenance costs) the variation in photosynthetic and growth parameters through the 1375 canopy has a critical impact on both gas exchange and the maximum achievable leaf area 1376 index. Firstly, leaf nitrogen concentrations are known to vary through the canopy, 1377 Mercado et al. (2007) define a nitrogen allocation coefficient, Kn, using data generated by 1378 Carswell et al. (2000) and we employ this value here to scale Nitrogen through the 1379 canopy in a manner which is not, as many ‘big leaf’ models of photosynthesis have 50 1380 assumed, proportional to light level. We employ this value of Kn (0.17) here to model the 1381 decline in photosynthetic capacity with canopy depth, 1382 1383 N=N0-Lkn (s10) 1384 1385 where N is leaf Nitrogen content, N0 is leaf Nitrogen content of the top leaf surface (also 1386 defined from observations by Mercado et al. 2007), L is integrated leaf area above the 1387 leaf in question. The optimal scaling of canopy properties with depth is discussed at 1388 length by Lloyd et al. (2009) who derive a model which demonstrates that, where there 1389 are genetic limits on the nitrogen content of leaves at the canopy top, and where the use 1390 of nitrogen incurs respiratory costs, a nitrogen profile which is shallower than the decline 1391 in light availability is in fact more optimal. 1392 Secondly, specific leaf area (SLA), typically defined as a constant, is known to 1393 change markedly through the canopy between sun and shade leaves. Carswell et al. 1394 (2000) observed an increase in SLA through the tree canopy at the Caxiuanã site from 87 1395 to 145 cm g-1 (8.7-14.5 m2 kg-1, or 115 –69 g m-2). Lloyd et al. (2009) report a similar 1396 increase in SLA through the canopy using information from 204 different vertical profiles 1397 within the Amazon. For the top of the canopy, these values of SLA are similar to the 1398 average for broadleaf evergreen trees of 79 cm2 g-1 reported by Reich et al. (2007). 1399 However, the values for the lower canopy are substantially higher (this is not surprising, 1400 as the data used by Wright et al. 2004 and Reich et al. 2007 used sun leaves wherever 1401 possible). Between plant types, decreases in SLA are typically partially offset by 1402 increases in leaf lifespan owing to changes in leaf toughness and resistance to herbivory 1403 and decay (Wright et al. 2004). 1404 However, this relationship does not necessarily persist when applied to variation of 1405 traits within a canopy. Selaya et al. (2008) found no correlation between leaf lifespan and 1406 specific leaf area in the Bolivian Amazon and several studies have shown that leaf 1407 lifespan is negatively correlated with irradiance within tropical canopies (Osada et al. 1408 2003; Hikosaka 2005). 1409 canopy, then the modelled leaf area index is low, compared to observations. One 1410 approach to rectifying this is to introduce a function varying SLA with canopy light If the cost of leaf area is assumed to be constant through the 51 1411 environment such that shading increases SLA according to observed behaviour. 1412 However, mathematically, the dependence of light environment on LAI and therefore 1413 SLA generates a circularity. Instead, we introduce a fixed variation in the SLA between 1414 the overstory (87 cm g-1) and the understory (145 cm g-1), such that trees in the upper 1415 canopy have thicker leaves than those in the understorey. There is some error induced 1416 here by not simultaneously changing the leaf lifespan, owing to a lack of information on 1417 how these properties scale to one another, but this will likely only have a large impact on 1418 LAI, as biomass and gas exchange fluxes are more heavily influenced by the properties 1419 of the top leaf layers. 1420 Gradients in transpiration demand with height are also likely due to changes in 1421 relative humidity from the canopy to the understory (an average change of 10% being 1422 observed by Fisher and Lobo do Vale, unpublished data, at Caxiuana) but are generally 1423 not represented in land surface models. In the JULES model, leaf temperature is also 1424 constant with canopy depth, so it is likely that impacts of drought stress will be 1425 asymmetric through the canopy, again affecting the cost-benefit analysis of leaves at 1426 different canopy layers. 1427 52 1428 1429 Supplementary Figures 1430 Figure S1. Response of predicted biomass at y2005 to variation in a) competitive 1431 exclusion Ce, b) stress-induced mortality Sm, c) seed mixing Xm, d) sapling mortality Ms 1432 and e) seed advection As. Shaded area denotes limits of observations from Malhi et al. 1433 (2009). Square symbols denote members of the filtered ensemble with predictions of 1434 NPP, GPP, LAI and biomass within acceptable ranges. Grey shading on symbols 1435 indicates the sapling mortality parameter for each run, and can be read from panel d). 1436 1437 Figure S2. Response of predicted biomass at y2100 to variation in a) competitive 1438 exclusion Ce, b) stress-induced mortality Sm, c) seed mixing Xm, d) sapling mortality Ms 1439 and e) seed advection As. Legend as for figure S1. 1440 1441 Figure S3. Response of predicted GPP at y2100 to variation in a) competitive exclusion 1442 Ce, b) stress-induced mortality Sm, c) seed mixing Xm, d) sapling mortality Ms and e) seed 1443 advection As. Legend as for figure S1. 1444 1445 Figure S4. Response of predicted NPP at y2100 to variation in a) competitive exclusion 1446 Ce, b) stress-induced mortality Sm, c) seed mixing Xm, d) sapling mortality Ms and e) seed 1447 advection As. Legend as for figure S1. 1448 53 1449 1450 1451 Figure S1 1452 1453 1454 1455 54 1456 1457 Figure S2 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 55 1463 1464 Figure S3 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 56 1471 1472 Figure S4 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 57