A prospective study on the influence of different Piétrain terminal sire lines on production results in a Dutch pig farm T. van Sprang ABSTRACT In Dutch pig farming the sperm from terminal sire lines is purchased at breeding companies. They provide numerous options when choosing a terminal sire line. This choice is complicated by the lack of information on differences between the different terminal sire lines. The aim of this study was to compare the four terminal sire lines, that are most frequently used in the Netherlands: TP, P426, P408 and HM on the important production characteristics, TB, BA, PWM, BW and SWW. The study was conducted on a Dutch sow farm counting 280 Topigs-20 sows. Results were collected between January and June 2012. A total of 287 litters consisting of 4012 piglets were analyzed. The results for both BW and SWW showed significant differences between sire lines. It seems that terminal sire line has a greater influence on weaning weight, than birth weight. INTRODUCTION In Dutch pig farming the sperm from terminal sire lines is purchased at breeding companies. The terminal sire lines are crossbred products with each unique genetic capacities, that are capable of inheriting good fattening qualities to their offspring. The technical results and slaughter qualities of this offspring, are partly defined by the chosen terminal sire line(1). The Dutch pig husbandry provides numerous options when choosing a terminal sire line. Breeding companies focus their breeding program on different inheritable characteristics, and a farmer needs to choose between these characteristics taking in consideration his own production goals, e.g. maximum numbers of piglets, and specific desires of his customers, e.g. growth potential or carcass quality. As some characteristics demonstrate a negative correlation, for example between growth potential and born alive piglets(2), a sire line with merely positive characteristics does not exist. 1 The pig farmer has to choose between these wishes. This choice is complicated by the lack of information on differences between the different terminal sire lines. Because of an increasing demand for pigs with high lean muscle percentages, the Piétrain terminal sire lines(3), have become frequently used. The user percentages of different terminal sire lines in the Netherlands are only partly known. Two important breeding companies, Topigs and PIC, state that in 2012 the following Piétrain terminal sires were mostly used: from Topigs, Top Pie (TP), from PIC, PIC408 (P408) and PIC426 (P426) and from Hypor, Maxter (HM). The most important indicators on sow farms regarding production qualities, are: total number of piglets born in a litter (total born, TB), number of piglets born alive (born alive, BA) and the pre-weaning mortality (PWM). The birth weight (BW) and weaning weight (WW) are also important because they influence the growth qualities of the finisher pig(4, 5). Because not all litters have the same lactation length, the weaning weight is difficult to compare between different litters. Calculation of the average daily weight gain (ADG) is a way of joining the two parameters BW and WW, together and eliminating the effect of no. of lactation days. ADG however doesn’t take into account that low BW piglets even with a high ADG, possibly have low weaning weights. Therefore, in this trial, a standardized weaning weight (SWW) is used. The SWW is calculated by multiplying the ADG by a standard lactation period of 23 days, and adding the birth weight. After weaning the sows are selected for the next round. Al sows are inseminated within one week from each other and sperm is ordered at a local semen supplier and stored on the farm for a maximum of three days before use. Within one group the sows are randomly inseminated with sperm from one of the four terminal sire lines. In every group 2-3 different terminal sire lines were used. For each sow was registered with which of the end sire lines she was inseminated. To prevent any conflict of interest the boars were anonymised. From this stage on, the boars were numbered B1B4. Although it is well documented that the piglets’ characteristics are partly influenced by the chosen terminal sire line(1, 6, 7), no field data are available on differences in influence of the four, in the Netherlands, most used, Piétrain, terminal sire lines, on piglet characteristics. During gestation the sows are housed in group housing with free access crates. The groups are kept together the entire gestation period and are never mixed with other groups. Al sows in the trial were fed according to the same feeding regime. The aim of this prospective study is to obtain such data by comparing the four terminal sire lines, that are most frequently used in the Netherlands: TP, P426, P408 and HM on the important production characteristics, TB, BA, PWM, BW and SWW. The results will support Dutch pig farmers in making an evidence based choice for a specific sire line. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was conducted on a Dutch sow farm counting 280 Topigs-20 sows. The Topigs-20 sow is a crossbreed between a Zline and a N-line. The z-line sows are bred from Yorkshire genetics, and the N-line sows are bred from Dutch landrace genetics. The farm works with a so-called 4-week rotational system. In this system every 4 weeks a new group of sows is inseminated. These groups exist of approximately 55 sows. In this study seven groups are used to assess the different terminal sire line result. 2 One week before parturition the sows are moved to the farrowing units. They are placed randomly in the pens. On the farm there are two types of farrowing pens. In the one type the sows are housed on a raised slated floor, the creep area is located at the front of the sow and has a concrete floor. The creep area is heated with a heating lamp. In this type of farrowing unit there is room for six sows. The other type of farrowing pen has a half concrete, half slatted floor. The creep area is located oblique next to the sow, and is heated with a heating lamp. In this type of farrowing unit there is room for ten sows. There are five type 1, and five type 2 units. At day of birth al viable piglets were weighed and individually tagged with an individual identification number (ID). The weighing took place in the farrowing unit. The equipment was cleaned and disinfected between every litter to minimize indirect contact between litters. In addition to the BW, parent ID’s were also recorded. Data on TB and BA were recorded per sow and later matched with the data of individual piglets based on their mothers ID. On the day before weaning al piglets were individually weighed again. The weaning weights were linked to the individual piglet ID. PWM mortality was recorded for every sow and by mother ID linked to the individual piglets. The results were analyzed using a mixed linear model(8). This model enabled correcting for the effect of any covariate’s. Figure 1 gives an overview of the possible covariate’s(9-13). Not all possible covariate’s were recorded in the trial. Recorded effects are listed in the recorded effect boxes. Most of the co-variants have an effect on the results in this trial by influencing the sow. To test the correlation between these factors and the sow, the different factors were tested using a bivariate correlation test. The factors that were assumed identical during the trial are presented in the boxes equal effects. Data on these factors were not recorded in this trial. To identify the effect of the recorded possible co-variations, their effect was tested using a linear regression test. There is also interaction between the characteristics in this trial. For example between TB an BW(14, 15). Because the aim of this study was to compare the effect of different boars on each individual, tested characteristics, it was decided not to correct the results for interference between different test characteristics. For analyzing the production characteristics, TB, BA and PWM, the litter of each individual sow was used as an experimental unit. In the analyses of BW and SWW the individual piglets were used as experimental unit. 3 Figure 1. Possible co-variants influencing test characteristics. Dotted lines represent sow influences. RESULTS In this study a total of 287 litters was born, 61 from a TP boar, 65 from P426, 84 from P408 and 77 from HM. Because only viable piglets were included in the trial, not all piglets born alive were included. From the 4012 piglets born alive, 3793 piglets were weighed at birth and 2843 piglets were also weighed at weaning. The difference in number of records for BW and WW is partly caused by the PWM of 2.39/litter This only accounts for 686 of the 950 missing entries. The other 264 missing entries were caused by unforeseen data-loss, due to software failure. The correlation between sow influencing cofactors was determined. There was a large correlation between sow and parity, 0,97. Because this concludes that the parity is responsible for the majority of the soweffect, it was decided to correct, if necessary, for parity instead of, for sow. B1 (14,52 sd 2.36), and B2 (14,32 sd 2,76) boars. The other 2 boars achieve lower results, B3 (13,9 sd 3,43) and B4 (13,34 sd 3,83). The results are presented in table 1. The linear regressions showed that season significantly influenced the results of BW and that parity, and season, significantly influenced SWW. Therefore also the corrected results for BW and SWW are presented. PRE-WEANING MORTALITY The PWM is highest in litters from B1 (2,77 sd 2,53). Litters from B3 (2,37 sd 2,25) and B2 (2,32 sd 2,07) achieve lower PWM’s . The lowest PWM is achieved with B4 (2,16 sd 2,44). The results for TB, BA and PWM are presented in figure 2. There was no significant difference in TB, BA and PWM between sire lines found in this trial (P>0,05). The un–corrected results for BW and SWW are presented in figure 3. The results for both BW and SWW showed significant differences between sire lines. BIRTH WEIGHT In the uncorrected results, there is no significant difference between the two boars achieving the highest BW, B4 (1.44 sd 0,37) and B3 (1,41 sd 0,42). The other two boars achieve significantly lower BW’s, B2 (1,34 sd 0,33) and B1 (1,32 sd 0,34). The results which are corrected for season, show that, the highest BW is achieved in litters from B1 (1,17). The other boars, B2 (1.15), B3 (1.12) and B4 (1.12), achieve lower results. The differences between these corrected results are not significant. TOTAL BORN The highest mean TB is achieved with B2 (15,7 sd 3,06). B2 (15,46 sd 2,88) and B3 (15,38 sd 3,68) score almost equal for TB. The lowest number TB is achieved with the B4 (14,49 sd 3,85). SWW BORN ALIVE In the uncorrected results, the Highest SWW is achieved with B4 (6,90 sd 1,34). The The highest scores for BA are achieved with Boar B1 B2 Parity B3 B4 F Sig. F Sig. # Litters 61 65 84 77 - - - - # BW piglets 839 869 1107 978 - - - - # SWW piglets 657 730 759 697 - - - - TB Mean 15,46a +/-2.88 15,77a +/- 3.06 15,38a +/-3.68 14,49a +/- 3.85 0.14 0.71 4.98 0.26 BA Mean 14,52a +/- 2.36 14,32a +/-2.76 13,90a +/- 3.43 13,34a +/- 3.83 0.07 0.79 4.77 0.30 PWM Mean 2,77a +/- 2.53 2,32a +/- 2.07 2,37a +/- 2.25 2,16a +/- 2.44 0.00 0.97 1.69 0.20 BW (kg) Mean 1,32a +/- 0.34 1,34a +/- 0.33 1,41b +/- 0.42 1,44b +/- 0.37 SWW (kg) Mean Corr Corr. 1.17a 6,39a +/- 1.50 6.30a 1.15a 6,56a +/- 1.47 6.38a 1.12a 6,54a +/- 1.50 6.42a 0.46 0.82 117.7 0.00 1.12a - - - - 6,90 +/- 1.34 17.56 0.00 17.12 0.00 6.75 - - - - Table 1. Numbers and results. ab means within rows with the same superscript are not significantly different 4 Season other boars achieve significantly less SWW. The highest of the rest is B2 (6,56 sd 1,47), B3 (6,54 sd 1,50) achieves almost the same results. B1 (6,39 sd 1,5) achieves the lowest SWW. has the significantly highest SWW. The other boars achieve lower SWW, B3 (6,42), B2 (6,38) and B1 (6,30). When the results are corrected for season, and parity, the means for SWW are lower, but the significance in differences, between the four boars, remains the same. B4 (6,75) Fig. 2. Means of TB and BA and PWM, achieved with Topigs-20 sows using four different terminal sire lines. Fig. 3. Means of BW and SWW achieved with Topigs-20 sows using four different terminal sire lines. 5 DISCUSSION MATERIALS & METHODS This trial was executed in the field. Because the trial couldn’t interfere too much with the normal operations on the farm some of the circumstances were not optimal for reliable results. Wherever possible extra measures were taken to minimize the influences but there are some factors left that could have influenced the results. Season. In this trial the first inseminations took place in the end of autumn, and the last in the end of the spring. Seasonal influences on reproductive performance are well described(16, 17). Possible effects are lower farrowing rates or reduced litter size. There are also seasonal effects described on subsequent performance of the piglets(18, 19). The seasonal influences in this trial could have been excluded by conducting the trial in one season. This however, would have limited the number of litters in the trial. Another option would have been to use every terminal sire line in every insemination group. In this trial it was decided not to do that because of practical reasons regarding ordering and storage of the sperm and administration. By not using every terminal sire line in every group it became questionable whether to correct the analyses for insemination group, i.e. season. It was not possible to conclude whether apparent seasonal differences were indeed caused by difference in season or rather by the influence of different boars. Seasonal influences are caused by the effect of changes in day length on the sow, and a negative effect of heat stress in summer on both piglets and sows(10, 19). The results of this trial were collected in the winter and spring. Therefore it is plausible to assume 6 that the season had no significant effect on the results in this trial, and no correction for seasonal influences has to be made. Another fact supporting the assumption that there was no significant seasonal effect in this trial is, that the piglets most likely to experience heat stress and therefore lower WW, were the ones in the latest insemination groups. These piglets achieved in this trial significantly higher SWW than the other piglets. Choice of terminal sire lines In this trial, the sperm of the used sire lines was ordered via normal supply chains. Because only the sire line was registered and not, the individual boar, it is theoretically possible that one unique boar was used more frequent and could thereby have a disproportional influence on the results. However the chance of one boar being used multiple times is less than 1.1E-. It was decided to neglect this possibility in the trial. Stratifying groups The choice of terminal sire line was randomly selected for each sow. It is possible that factors that could influence reproductive performance, for example parity(20, 21) or previous litter size and lactation length(22) were not equally distributed over the seven groups. It was not possible to stratify the groups. By using a linear regression model, it was possible to excluded a sow dependent influence on the results. Cross-fostering To maximize piglet survival, it is common practice to cross-foster some piglets from a sow with a large litter, to a sow with a relatively small litter. The cross-fostering of piglets can have negative effects on growth and development of mixed litters (21, 2325). And positive effects on survival of piglets in large litters. On this farm it was not possible to prohibit cross-fostering completely. Instead, a modified cross- fostering system was used to minimize the negative effects. Piglets were maximally once transferred to another sow and not more than two litters were mixed at one sow. Despite this adapted cross-fostering strategy it is possible that the cross fostering interfered with the results. The goal of cross fostering is to maximize survival in piglets. This results in better circumstances for small piglets. In this trial it could be assumed that the cross fostering improved the result of low BW piglets, and thereby decreased the significant differences in results. If there would have been no cross fostering the results would probably have shown greater significant differences. Housing Most of the housing for sows was identical. Only in the farrowing stable there were two different types of farrowing units. Because sows were randomly placed in the farrowing pens it is possible that the different type of farrowing pens were not equally distributed in the different groups. It is possible that differences in housing system influenced the production results. But most research shows that this possible influence, if there is an influence at all, is small(26-28). Correlated characteristics The characteristics that were tested in this trial are mostly correlated(13, 29-33). One characteristic cannot by analyzed without looking at the other characteristics. Nevertheless it was chosen not to correct for these correlated factors in the analyses. The aim of the study was to compare four different Piétrain terminal sire lines on some important production characteristics. By not correcting the results for mutual correlation a better representation of the individual characteristics is given. Of course in comparing the results and deciding what terminal sire line to use, all the different characteristics must be taken into account. 7 RESULTS The results show no significant results for TB, BA and PWM. Al these characteristics have a relatively large sd. Therefore it is less likely to achieve significant differences with relative small number of records. The results indicate that a higher TB doesn’t necessarily results in more BA. This is in contrast with most other research(34, 35), which reports an increased percentage of stillbirth but not an increased number. This results calls for more research to discover if there is a difference in the influence of different terminal sire lines on perinatal survival. The results show a significant difference in BW. These differences cannot be explained by a difference in TB, because these results show no significant difference on that characteristic and the lowest birth weight piglets are not the lowest TB piglets. This result is in contrast with most research (15, 36, 37) which states that a larger TB results in lower BW, and indicates that the terminal sire line has a larger influence on BW than the TB. In this study the results for WW were recalculated into SWW. The authors think that this is a good method to correct for different weaning ages and take both the ADG as the BW into account. But SWW is not a flawless characteristic. A factor that is not taken in to account, is the fact that the growth rate of a piglet increases as it gets older. Therefor piglets weaned at a later age automatically achieve a higher ADG. Correcting for this higher daily gain is difficult because data on piglets growth curves is not present. The goal in this study was to compare the different terminal sire lines, and this was achieved by using the SWW. The SWW shows significant results between different terminal sire lines. B4 achieves both highest BW and highest SWW. The fact that piglets from B3 have a higher mean BW than the litters form B2 and B1, but not a higher SWW supports the assumption of an influence of terminal sire line on BW and SWW. CONCLUSION In this trial there are significant differences between the four tested Piétrain terminal sire lines on the characteristics BW and SWW. By not using every terminal sire in every birth group the results couldn’t be corrected for season and therefor a seasonal influence cannot be excluded. There is need for further research into this subject to prove that the indications to the influence of terminal sires on these production characteristics can be repeated. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Conducting a trial of this size is an enormous task. I could have never done it on my own. I would like to thank PIC for making this trial possible. Without my colleague M.F. Hekman and the help of many students of the University of Utrecht the amount of fieldwork in this trial could not have been carried out. In analyzing the data and writing this report I got essential help from my teachers, Dr. S.J. van Beurden, Drs. E.A.W.S. Weerts, Drs. M. Derks and most important, B. Swildens. 8 References 1. McCann MEE, Beattie VE, Watt D, Moss BW. The effect of boar breed type on reproduction, production performance and carcass and meat quality in pigs. Ir J Agric Food Res. 2008;47(2):171-85. 2. Holm B, Bakken M, Klemetsdal G, Vangen O. Genetic correlations between reproduction and production traits in swine. J Anim Sci. 2004;82(12):3458-64. 3. Edwards DB, Bates RO, Osburn WN. Evaluation of duroc- vs. pietrain-sired pigs for carcass and meat quality measures. J Anim Sci. 2003;81(8):1895-9. 4. Quiniou N, Dagorn J, Gaudré D. 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