The {XXXX} Big Local story (2014) The things we do or fund to make a difference (activities) The differences we want to make (changes/results) 1. Activities that preserve or improve the appearance of our green spaces and our local heritage e.g. canals, alleyways, tree planting, engaging volunteers to help improve local park 2. Activities that preserve or improve the appearance of our open spaces – eg, notice boards, litter picks 3. Activities that promote community access/ enjoyment of our open spaces e.g. growing projects, allotments Our open spaces are (and look) better cared for Our open spaces are more accessible and welcoming More people are involved in activities that protect or improve our local environment and heritage More use of our parks and open spaces (that is, they are better used by all parts of the community) Local businesses are better promoted(?) More people are shopping locally/supporting local businesses 4. Activities to support and promote local businesses 5. Working with CDFI and credit union on financial literacy and lending issues 6. Support for new businesses and entrepreneurs e.g. UnLtd and loans People experiencing financial hardship are better informed about financial options/issues People with business and enterprise ideas have better access to the support they need to make them happen Long-term change (end goals) 1. An improved environment that is cared for and enjoyed by our community (our environment and heritage story – this is about making the best of what we have so all can enjoy it now and in the future) More local employment opportunities People make more wellinformed financial decisions Reduced levels of debt/financial hardship More local enterprises/small businesses are created 2. More thriving economy that local people can contribute to and benefit from (our economic well-being story) 7. Community events – organising, supporting and/or taking part in community events 8. Activities that raise awareness of and links between local groups 9. Activities by and for young people, families and older people 10. Creating opportunities for people to share skills/time e.g. child-minding, LETS schemes 11. Communications – eg, website, newsletter, facebook and notice boards 12. Working with partners to ensure local people have a say on the issues that affect them. 13. Activities that inspire and support local people to put their skills and talents to good use in the community 14. Giving people opportunities to speak out about issues that affect them People have more opportunities to come together, including across the community (e.g. families mixing with people of different ages) People will be more aware of the opportunities and services available locally (more aware of what’s going on in our area) More members of the community will be not just taking part in activities but setting them up and supporting them More people will be accessing existing groups and project and activities in the community Groups/organisations work better together to address local needs Local people have more say/influence on the plans and services that affect those who live, work in the area The resources available to us are used in more creative and resourceful ways to make a difference 15. Conducting research into issues, solutions and new ideas We will be better able to identify and act on local needs 16. Investing in our own learning and development as a partnership More people will be aware of Big Local 17. Ongoing and two-way communications e.g. newsletter, blog, social media More local people will be getting involved with Big Local More local people make an active contribution to community activities We will have increased our skills and confidence in making a difference We will be making a difference to the needs we’ve prioritised 3. A community where people feel connected and able to take part in what’s going on (our coming together or community spirit story) 4. Local people have more influence on the things that affect local quality of life (our story about having a voice and influence, a story about collective ‘agency’) 5. Lasting and sustainable change (our story about making things last longer-term) Note: This was simply the evaluation team’s attempt to capture in one place the area’s most important activities and changes. It is only intended for the area to use if it seems a useful way to summarise its main activities and the main differences it wants to make. The idea is that any activity you do (anything that appears in the first column) should contribute to at least one of the area’s important changes, that is, it should be relevant to the long-term goals for the area and changes that matter to this Big Local. We appreciate that some activities contribute to different stories but we felt it useful and simpler for this exercise to place the activities next to the story they most contributed to rather than repeat them in the table.