1 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS (N.S.-II) JAWAHARLAL NEHRU CUSTOM HOUSE, NHAVA SHEVA TAL: URAN, DIST-RAIGAD, MAHARASTRA-400707. F. No. S/12-Gen-40/2014-15 AM(X) Date: 07.04.2015 MINUTES OF PTFC MEETING (EXPORT) HELD ON 26.03.2015 The monthly meeting of Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee (PTFC) (Export) was held on 26.03.2015 at 11.30 AM in the Conference Hall at the 7th floor of the Custom House. The meeting was conducted by Shri S.H. Hasan, Commissioner of Customs (N.S. - II & Gen), JNCH. The following members of trade attended the meeting: Sr. No. 01 Name and Designation Name and Designation Ms Shyamali Banarjee, FIEO. Sr. No 08 02 Shri Victor Fernandes, MANSA 09 Shri Nimesh Desai, WISA. 03 Shri Sbhash Rajkumar, MANSA 10 Shri D.L.Thakkar, BCHAA 04 Shri Manish Kumar, MANSA 11 Shri R. Rajasekhar 05 Shri Atul Jahagirdar(GTI) 12 Shri Suresh Dalvi, BCHAA 06 Shri H.M. Thakkar 13 Shri Vinayak B. 07 Shri Hiren Ruparel, BCHAA 14 Shri Mohan Nihlani 2. The following officers of the Department attended the meeting:- Sr. No. 01 Name and Designation 02 Shri A. J. Verma, Addl. Commissioner of Customs. Dr. Ashir Tyagi, Addl. Commissioner of Customs. 03 Shri Paresh C. Shah, BCHAA Shri Subhash Agrawal, Commissioner of Customs (N.S.-IV). Sr. No. 04 Name and Designation 05 Shri Alok Agarwal, Joint Commissioner of Customs. Shri O. P. N. Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Customs. 06 Shri A.K. Goel, Joint Commissioner of Customs. 3. The Commissioner welcomed all the members and the meeting commenced with taking up the pending issues. 4. The following old points pertaining to the last PTFC meeting held on 29.01.2015 &24.02.2015 were taken up for discussion:Point 4.1: Shri Nimish Desai, Western India Shippers’ Association (WISA), raised the issue of amendment in IGM with regard to SEZ clearance without involving shipping Lines. He said that the points be reconsidered. Reply: He was requested to take-up the issue with Import Noting section. The DC in-charge of Import Noting section is directed to examine the proposal taking into account the views of Shipping Agents who are the stake holder in this case. (Action-DC Import Noting Section) 2 (Point kept open) Point 4.2: Shri Paresh Shah, Hon. Jt. Secretary, BCHAA, during the meeting, raised an issue regarding grant of LEO for direct gated in factory stuffed export containers at JN Customs in addition to various CFSs which is done at present. It was opined that the facility would reduce the time taken for processing of export shipments and provide better control over administration for timely LEO of export goods. Reply: Hon’ble Commissioner informed that the facility of LEO has been started from the premises of JNCH. In this regard a Facility Notice No.12/2015 dated 09.02.2015 has already been issued. (Point closed) Point 4.3: A member of PTFC raised an issue regarding monitoring of finalisation of provisionally assessed export shipping bills. Reply: In the matter a Standing Order No. 10/2011 dated 12.02.2011 has been issued by the then Commissioner of Customs (Export), JNCH. All concerned AC/DC of Export Docks have been directed to ensure strict compliance of the said S/O No. 10/2011 dated 12.02.2011. Instructions have also been issued to AC/DC of Export Docks to maintain a register to closely monitor the finalisation of provisionally assessed Shipping Bills and to submit a monthly abstract to the Commissioner through the Addl. /Jt. Commissioner, Docks on a monthly basis. (Action- ACs/DCs, Export Docks) (Point closed) 5. The following fresh points came up for discussion in the present PTFC meeting: Point 5.1: Assistant Commissioner of Customs, DEEC Monitoring Cell has raised an issue regarding non-submission of EODC for cancellation of pending LUT/Bonds for Advance Licences for the period 1997-2005. He has requested to bring the issue to the attention of the members of Trade attending the PTFC meeting. Reply: The PTFC members/representatives have been requested to convey the trade regarding pendency of LUT/Bonds submitted to the DEEC Section. The list of such exporters in CD form is being provided to the members of PTFC. They are requested to inform exporters to submit the EODC and all relevant documents required for cancellation of the LUT. (Action- Group 7D & Trade representatives) (Point Closed) Point 5.1: With regards to implementation of “Document Management System” (scanning of dockets/papers) Members of the PTFC, Trade Community, and all other Stake Holders have been informed that the proposed “Document Management System” (DMS) for storage of documents in digital as well as physical /hard form is in final stage for being commissioned at Nhava Sheva-(I, II, III, IV, V) Commissionerates, Mumbai Customs Zone-II. As informed earlier the system is being developed by M/s. Newgen Software Technology Ltd., who has installed a similar system in Cochin, Bangalore, ICD Tughlakabad, and Chennai. The draft Public Notice, Draft Contract & 3 Non Disclosure Agreement have been circulated to the members/representative of PTFC for information. The same will be issued shortly after working out the modalities and on approval of the competent authority. Reply: The Hon’ble Commissioner discussed the issue in detail and updated the members about the related development. The members expressed their appreciation towards the initiative. (Point Closed) Point 5.2: Deputy Commissioner of Customs, Drawback Section vide his letter dated 25.03.2015 has raised the issue of non-submission of Negative statement/ BRC by the exporters. It is noticed that large a number of exporters have not submitted the evidence in respect of realization of export proceeds. It was informed that in case the exporters are not coming forward for submission of evidence in respect of realization of export proceeds, the recovery proceeding shall be initiated under the provisions of the Customs, Central Excise Duties and Service Tax Drawback Rules, 1995. Reply: The Hon’ble Commissioner discussed the issue in detail & the members of the PTFC meeting have been requested to bring the issue to the attention of the Trade. The list of pending BRCs & Negative Statement in CD form is being put up on the website of JNCH. The Exporters/ Trade are requested to submit the Negative Statement/ BRC at the earliest. (Point closed) 6. The next PTFC meeting is scheduled to be held on Thursday, 23.04.2015 at 11.30 AM in Conference Hall, 7th Floor, JNCH. The PTFC members/trade representatives are requested to forward their agenda points, if any, well in advance on Fax No. 022-27243245 or by E-mail to Appraising Main (Export) Section on amx24082012nhavasheva@gmail.com for taking up the issue in the upcoming PTFC meeting. 7. The meeting ended with thanks to the Chair. 8. This issues with the approval of Commissioner of Customs (N.S.-II & Gen), JNCH. Sd/07/04/2015 (ALOK AGARWAL) Joint Commissioner of Customs Appraising Main (Export), JNCH To, All the Members of PTFC by e-mail Copy to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH, Sheva. The Commissioner of Customs (N.S.-Gen, II & IV), JNCH, Sheva All ADC/JC, DC/AC of Customs (N.S.-Gen, II & IV), JNCH, Sheva. AC/EDI for uploading on JNCH website. Office Copy.