REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST Project Title: Indiana and Northern Long-eared Bat Population Survey at Naval Support Activity Mid-South Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) will be used to identify potential investigators for a project to be funded by the Department of the Navy (DoN) which provides professional and technical support for its Endangered Species Programs in order to facilitate successful implementation of Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans (INRMP) in support of the military mission. The authority for this Cooperative Agreement is 16 USC §670c-1 (Sikes Act). Background: The proposed research represents work designed to determine presence/probable absence of the federally endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis soladis) and the federally proposed endangered Northern long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Mid-South in Millington, Tennessee. Data collected during field surveys will be incorporated into the environmental planning process for future projects and actions at NSA Mid-South and the INRMP. Data will support the development of Categorical Exclusions (CATEXs) or Environmental Assessments (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for planned projects at NSA MidSouth. Brief Description of Anticipated Work: Government Government will participate in field surveys, identification of survey locations, facilitating access to base, and review of data and report. The Government will provide the cooperator access to necessary geospatial data (via file geodatabase), reports, schematics, or other pertinent information as described in the SOW. Cooperator Task 1: Mist Netting Mist netting will be conducted at a minimum of 8 sites within the 206 acres of forested areas on the south side of the property. Net nights for all sites should total a minimum of 72 nights (8 sites x 3 nets x 3 nights). Other combinations may be considered if recommended by survey team and approved by Base Representative. Three or 4 additional sites will be surveyed at appropriate locations on base that may include the golf course area (or other surveyor or Base Representative recommended locations). These nets should be operated for a minimum of 3 nights each. Mist netting will be conducted at sites based upon past sampling results, habitat quality and areas targeted for future project development at NSA Mid-South. These general sites will be pre-approved by the Base Representative. Each mist net location habitat will be documented using the Summer Habitat Assessment Form in Appendix A of the 2015 Indiana Bat Summer Survey Guidelines. Per current USFWS survey guidelines, each mist net site will be sampled for 9 net nights (three nets per location each night for three calendar nights) beginning at sunset and lasting for at least five hours. If three locations are not available, then field team may use less (preferably two) if necessary. No more than three nets should be operated at one time if only two biologists are available to monitor. The surveys shall be conducted in weather conditions that satisfy the recommended USFWS guidelines, including air temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius, little to no precipitation, and light winds for the majority of the survey night. During the surveys, nets shall be checked at least once every 10 minutes. Captured bats shall be identified to species by the permitted bat biologist, and the sex, age, reproductive status, mass, and forearm length of each bat shall also be documented. Photographs shall be taken of all target species, plus the first 10 little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) captured at each survey site as little brown bats can be easily confused with Indiana bats. To alleviate possible transmission of white nose syndrome (WNS), equipment such as bags that held bats, nets, and all surfaces (measuring equipment, gloves, etc.) that come in contact with a bat shall be decontaminated following the most current USFWS protocols. If an Indiana bat and northern-long eared bat are captured prior to completing 9 net nights of survey effort, then sampling may stop at that particular site and proceed to the next site. The goal would be to sample as many areas of potential habitat as possible while remaining within budget for the project. Two mist net locations maybe be operated concurrently with two field teams. Each location is required to have at least one federally permitted biologist on-site during operating periods. Task 2: Report and GIS Preparation Prior to survey work, a summary work plan will be submitted in draft (for comments) and in final to the NTR, USFWS and the Base Representative. All data collected during this project will be compiled and presented in a draft and final summary reports. The draft and final reports will include maps and habitat descriptions of all sites sampled. Report will be concise (approximately 20-30 pages). Reports will include the following sections: Executive Summary Introduction Background (Brief) Focal Species Information (Brief) Methods Survey and Radio-tracking Results Discussion & Recommendations References Appendix o Location Maps o Raw Data o Photos GIS coordinates for Indiana or Northern long-eared bat captures shall be provided in electronic and CD/DVD formats. See Appendix A for GIS requirements. Draft version of report and GIS will be delivered to NTR for review. Once edits are received from government then they will be incorporated into final report and GIS for delivery. Any significant deviation must be reported to the NTR as soon as it becomes evident, as delay beyond the agreement period will require extension of the agreement task order. Any changes must be mutually agreed upon by both the cooperator, the NTR and the Base Representative. Required report information for report: All capture sites will be shown on maps. Depending on sampling results, the likelihood of Indiana or Northern-long eared bats being present or absent at NSA Mid-South should be discussed. If they are determined to be present, then recommendations regarding future consultations under the Endangered Species Act should be made. Data retention requirements shall follow 32 CFR section 32.53 requirements Period of Performance: The period of performance for this Cooperative Agreement will be from agreement award date through 30 November 2016. Materials Requested for Statement of Interest: (Maximum length: 7 pages, single-spaced 12 pt. font) 1. Name, CESU affiliation and contact information 2. Statement of credentials/qualifications of key personnel 3. Project proposal to include timelines, roles and responsibilities of personnel, specific tasks to be conducted, and deliverables. Please be as specific as possible. 4. Cost estimate of the proposed work to include labor, materials and travel. (Note: labor shall include labor category, hourly labor rate and number of hours; materials shall include an itemized breakdown of material, quantity and unit cost and travel shall include number of persons traveling, airfare or privately owned vehicle mileage, rental car and lodging.) 5. Narrative of safety practices/procedures. Review of Statements Received: Proposals will be evaluated based on the factors listed below and cost to include the credentials of key personnel, scientific approach, reasonableness of the cost and work plan. Evaluation factors are co-equal to each other. Factor 1 - Credentials of Key Personnel Project Manager. This individual must have: a minimum of a Master’s degree in Wildlife Biology or related science disciplines; and all Federal and State of Tennessee permits for conducting research on Endangered Species Act listed and candidate bat species; and a minimum of 7 years experience in a responsible position providing oversight of, support to or directly involved in bat conservation and management; and experience within the last 3 years with and/or oversight responsibility of applied bat conservation and management practices Technical Staff. Technical Staff must have: a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology or related science disciplines; and all Federal and State of Tennessee permits for conducting research on listed bats; and a minimum of three years experience in a responsible position providing oversight of, support to or directly involved in bat conservation and management; and experience within the last two years with and/or oversight responsibility of applied bat conservation and management practices The Offeror shall include a brief Statement of Qualifications (including): a. Biographical Sketch, b. Relevant past projects and clients with brief descriptions of these projects, c. Staff, faculty or students available to work on this project and their areas of expertise, d. Any brief description of capabilities to successfully complete the project you may wish to add (e.g. equipment, laboratory facilities, field facilities, etc.). Factor 2 – Scientific Approach – The Offeror shall develop a proposal addressing the proposed population monitoring of bats on NSA Mid-South. The Offeror shall discuss their proposed approach and techniques to accomplish the objective. Offeror’s proposals will be evaluated by a team of technical and contracting personnel from NAVFAC Atlantic and NAVFAC SE. Proposals will be evaluated based on the use of standardized methods and procedures established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s 2015 Indiana bat survey guidance, use of technology (including Global Positioning System [GPS] and Geographical Information System [GIS]), the potential for results to be applied in similar circumstances for other non-Federal projects, and the soundness of the overall approach to accomplish the anticipated work’s stated objectives. Factor 3 – Reasonableness of Cost –The Offeror’s proposals shall be analyzed to determine whether they are balanced with respect to prices or separately priced items, and for fair and reasonable pricing. Evaluations will include an analysis to determine the Offeror’s comprehension of the requirements of the solicitation as well as to assess the validity of the Offeror’s approach. Factor 4 – Technical Approach to Safety - The Offeror shall provide a narrative of describing how safety practices/procedures will be implemented to complete the proposed work. Proposals shall be analyzed to determine how the Offeror will implement safety practices/procedures and determine the degree to which innovations are being proposed that may enhance safety on this procurement. The Government is seeking to determine that the Offeror has demonstrated a commitment to safety and that the Offeror plans to properly manage and implement safety procedures for all participating in the survey. Please send responses or direct questions to: Charlotte Ange Contract Specialist NAVFAC Atlantic Environmental Contracts Branch Phone: (757) 322-8261 E-mail: Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest: We request that Statements of Interest be submitted by 2 September 2015 by 4pm EST. This Request for Statements of Interest will remain open until that time.